[personal profile]naivette

Roses and Delphinia

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Pumpkin Scissors
Relationship: Oreldo/Marches
Character: Oreldo (Pumpkin Scissors), Marches (Pumpkin Scissors), Martis (Pumpkin Scissors), Machs (Pumpkin Scissors), Lili Stekkin
Additional Tags: Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Marks
Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Signs of Love (Oreldo/Marches)
Published: 2022-06-06
Completed: 2022-06-12
Chapters: 3/3
Words: 4218

In a world with soulmarks, it was easy to know if someone was another person’s “soulmate”. The marks started out small, appearing in childhood. They appeared as thin black lines, gradually appearing and revealing their design. They didn’t start gaining color until the person had either met their soulmate, or properly fallen in love with them. Marches wondered what that felt like.

Chapter 1

Chapter Notes
Any Pumpkin Scissors fans should go follow her twitter to see more amazing stuff like this (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
by Kiyama (@kkknekko)
by Kiyama (@kkknekko)

In a world with soulmarks, it was easy to know if someone was another person’s “soulmate”. It was a delightful and joyous occasion to see two lovers walking down the street, with colorful marks in full view, bright from young, newly discovered romance. Likewise, seeing an older couple with faded designs that had grown to cover their arms or upper torso, proudly proclaiming the strength of their love, was a heartwarming sight to see.
The marks started out small, appearing in childhood. They appeared as thin black lines, gradually appearing and revealing their design. The designs were varied but similar to tattoos: however, flowers, natural landscapes and even animals were common themes. Couples often had matching themes, but there were so many people out there with flower designs, it was impossible to guess who was a pair just from that.
Most importantly, the soulmarks didn’t start gaining color until the person had either met their soulmate, or properly fallen in love with them, depending on the type of person. The process of someone’s mark changing into its final form was, while not overly painful, carried a noticeable sensation. Some people claimed that it burned, while others felt a sting. Many also claimed that it was a numb, aching, or chill sensation. If one was lucky to find their soulmate, the marks’ designs grew in splendor over time.
Marches wondered what that felt like. Even before he had joined Section III, he hadn’t known many people who had actually found their soulmates. It wasn’t a red string of fate, and there was no guarantee one would run into their intended. Even his own parents weren’t soulmates, happy as they were.
So he never thought too deeply about the subject, though it was always the topic of the girls’ gossip he would sometimes overhear while walking through the halls. The women in the military office always seemed to hope that they would run into their beloved, surrounded by so many people of marriageable age.
Well, even if they didn’t find their soulmate , finding their “soulmate” was good enough anyways, in these times. Happiness was hard to come by for most people.
And of course, the most famously eligible bachelor at the Army Intelligence Unit was Oreldo. It was a common sight, to see his soulmark proudly displayed over his heart, when he was too lazy to button up his shirt all the way.
By the time that Marches had joined Section III, Oreldo’s rose outline had already been filled in with a dark, passionate red. A burgundy rose (undying love).
Every single one of his girlfriends at the time had desperately tried spending time with him, waiting to see if their own soulmark would fully develop. Sadly, none of theirs ever did.
Once, when Oreldo was being particularly egregious about not buttoning up his shirt (before 2nd Lieutenant had arrived that morning) Stecchin had attempted to ask about it.
“Oreldo-san, have you ever tried to talk to your soulmate?” She questioned him innocently.
Oreldo quirked his eyebrows. “Peanut, what are you talking about? Of course I have!”
“Then why do you spend so much time chasing other women? You guys are destined for eachother! You have to chase her down!” She spoke, waving her arms dramatically.
Oreldo chuckled, but didn’t say a word. Marches turned to watch him with curiosity. Honestly, he had wondered that same question too.
“Why haven’t you? I can’t imagine she would turn you down.”
“Well it’s not like I haven’t spent time with my soulmate, but their mark hasn’t developed.” He said, with a neutral expression on his face. “There’s no point in forcing the issue, really.”
Stecchin pouted. “Well it’ll be unrequited if you keep up with your philanthropic ways!”
Marches tried not to laugh, but a giggle burst out. “I think you mean ‘philandering’ Lili”.
“Hmph!” she faced down at her desk, and continued to sort paperwork. Her soulmark was an undeveloped little hummingbird on her left ankle, befitting of her personality.
At that moment, Lieutenant and Oland had walked in. In Section III, it wasn’t just Oreldo who had appeared to be at a crossroads when it came to love.
Neither the Lieutenant’s, nor Corporal Oland’s soulmarks were visible when they were in full uniform; But Oland’s clothes had been destroyed often enough that everyone had seen it. A proud lioness on his upper right arm with no color.
As a noble, Lieutenant Alice L. Malvin had her mark on her upper left arm covered with a special skin-colored bandage, meant to keep it a secret. Nobles had no need for romance and soulmates when their marriages were always political anyways. It was an exceedingly rare occasion to see anyone noble with their soulmarks bright and full of love. Alice’s sisters, Elis and Solis, were a rare exception. Elis had blooming white daisies (purity and innocence) and while Solis had white daffodils (rebirth and hope) on each of their arms, proof of their earnest feelings. Their husbands had corresponding soulmarks on their arms too.
But Alice had nothing to hide, she had freely shown her coworkers when Stecchin had asked; It was a many-antlered buck head, branching out into intricate fractals. Once the team had seen Oland’s soulmark while he was in the hospital, it had become painfully obvious. The Lioness mark was Alice’s, and the buck was meant to represent Randel. In the future, when they finally came to terms with their feelings, the colors would appear on their marks, with the fervor of the eternally burning sun.
Not that those two would come to such an easy conclusion, Marches smiled at himself. They still had a long way to go.
What about his own soulmark? He hadn’t felt even the slightest sensation. He had met many people who had made his heart skip (like Lieutenant Webner, or Princess Septieme), but his mark hadn’t so much as even itched a little.
Not that he minded. He had once looked up the meaning of the flowers crawling up his right arm.
Delphinium. A flower that meant ardent love, trust, cheerfulness, and an open heart. The meanings varied depending on the color, and for obvious reasons, Marches didn’t know what color flower he had on his arm.
It didn’t bother him; even if he never found out the color, he would fall in love eventually. Even if they weren’t his soulmate. Plus, he was happy now, spending time with his friends and working in Section III. Discussing news with Hunks, making coffee with Lili, getting dragged around by Alice, getting bitten by Mercury, playing chess with Randel, and even going bar-hopping with Oreldo. He wouldn’t want to change what he has now, in some misplaced panicked search for a person he may never run into.
Unbeknownst to Marches, small splotches of color started appearing in his mark, without any sensation at all.

Chapter 2

Chapter Notes
If you had asked Oreldo when he was younger, ‘What kind of person do you think your soulmate would be?’, he would have gotten it all wrong. He would have guessed that his future partner would be a woman, for one. Probably someone who was his type, pretty or sexy or some combination of the two. Definitely someone with a fierce personality.
Well… Marches was definitely someone with a fierce personality at least, especially when he was mad.
They had been best friends since childhood, playing and getting into trouble like all boys did around that age. They must have been around ten years old when their marks started appearing. Oreldo’s rose mark had appeared first. Just a single, intricate flower, the petals clearly defined with black outlines. He remembered how disappointed he was that his mark was so boring. Why couldn’t he get something cool, like a wolf or something!
Then Marches’ mark appeared not long after. The day that Marches’ had shown him, it was a clear afternoon, perfect for skipping chores. Oreldo had convinced the other boy that the day was too nice to sit around in the shop reading watch manuals. The blond haired boy dragged the other out of the store, grabbing his arm tightly.
Marches’ dad had seen the commotion, but simply waved the boys off with a smile before proceeding with his work.
Without much to actually do, they both decided to visit the local river. It was already autumn, so there weren’t any other kids there, since the water was too cold to swim in. But it was perfect for skipping stones. So they sat there on a riverbank, skipping stones lazily and chatting until the sun started to set.
Eventually, they got into a bit of a competition to see who could throw the stones the furthest, with the most skips.
Oreldo stood up and walked around, picking the smoothest rock he could find. When he finally found a good rock, he waved to Marches.
Marches walked over to him, with a similarly smooth rock in hand. “I’ll definitely beat you this time!”
“Haha, yeah right.”
Both Marches and Oreldo rolled up their sleeves.
The two boys threw the rocks. Oreldo used brute force, and the rock skipped 7 times before sinking into the river. Marches used a wrist flick while throwing the rock, and managed to get a smooth throw, the rock skipping 12 times in quick succession before finally sinking. The rock had also traveled quite a bit farther.
“Seriously!” Oreldo exclaimed.
Marches cheered, bouncing up and down. He pumped his right fist into the air in a victory pose that Oreldo couldn’t help but laugh at. But the victory was well earned. While watching Marches’ silly dance, Oreldo noticed the dark lines on his right arm.
“Marches, what’s that on your arm?”
“Huh?” The glasses-wearing boy glanced down at the inside of his right arm, near his wrist. Little, pretty flowers all bunched up together had appeared on his arm, climbing all the way up to the inside of his elbow. He couldn’t tell what it was the day before, just a random collection of black lines all over his arm in an unknown pattern.
Oreldo leaned in to take a closer look, reaching out for Marches hand. Marches acquiesced, holding his hand out, palm side up so that they could both study the design.
“Woah, it’s a lot of tiny flowers!” Oreldo said.
Marches frowned. “Isn’t this too girly?”
Oreldo hummed. “Well, sometimes the marks represent your partner? I have a rose too.”
“Well I don’t think roses are girly! When boys give girls flowers, it’s always roses!” Marches sighed. “Well, maybe girls will like whatever these are too.”
Oreldo grinned. “I’m sure they will. C’mon, I’m hungry! It’s time for dinner.”
The conversation was left at that, and the two boys returned to Marches’ house.
Oreldo hadn’t thought much of the soulmarks after that. Truthfully, he didn’t care if he ever found his soulmate; he didn’t know his parents that well, but he had been told by other people in the neighborhood that they were soulmates. He didn’t have many memories of them, but what he did recall, times weren’t great. His parents had fought a lot, and eventually left him, one after the other.
He had done his best, stealing scraps from behind restaurants and bakeries to survive. One day, he was running away from an angry store owner who had caught him rummaging through the leftovers when he ran into Marches’ mom in the back alley behind their watch store. Shocked at his appearance, the woman had quickly ushered him inside their backroom and then shut the door without another word.
The man ran around the corner, and spotted the woman. “Mrs. Marches! Did you see a little rascal run this way? He’s been stealing bread from the store!”
The woman looked at the man with an innocent look, accentuated by bottle glasses that only served to make her eyes look more childlike.
“Why sir, I don’t have any clue! I might have seen someone run in that direction, but I was too busy to see who they really were.” She replied.
“Alright, thanks ma'am! Have a good day.” He said curtly, before running off in the same direction.
The woman sighed, and then opened the door. She flashed a kind smile at the boy. “You look like you’ve had a rough day, let’s get you cleaned up!”
It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that Mr. and Mrs. Marches had shown Oreldo what it felt like to have a kind and loving family. Although he never tried to impose on them for longer than necessary, they had always welcomed him for dinner.
When he got older, Oreldo had hoped that whoever he fell in love with, he could have created a family like that, with someone just as kind.
When Oreldo got old enough to work, he decided to join the army. The war had been ongoing, and he wanted to earn his own keep. The easiest way to feed himself was entering the military service; Although he was independent and had been doing odd jobs here and there ever since he was thirteen, it wasn’t stable. He didn’t want to cause worry for the Marches family, so he decided to enter the army as soon as possible.
Being accepted into the Army Academy wasn’t easy, especially since he didn’t have any family who could confirm his moral character, but Mr. and Mrs. Marches had helped him even then. With their approval and assistance, he was able to enroll and enter basic training.
One year later, when the new recruits were introduced to the academy, Oreldo was shocked to see that Marches had also joined the army.
After the entrance ceremony had ended, Oreldo made eye contact with Marches, indicating for the other to follow him.
Marches nodded, following him into a relatively quiet hallway. It had been a year since he had seen the glasses-wearing dork, and he couldn't help but feel conflicted.
Oreldo smiled ruefully. “Oi, idiot, what do you think you’re doing here? Weren’t you going to help run your family’s shop?”
Marches, who up till now had a pleasant expression on his face, began to frown. “My older brother is already taking over the whole store, they don’t need me there.”
“That doesn’t mean that you had to join the army! You could have gotten a job somewhere else!” Oreldo frowned. Why had he gone out of his way to put himself in danger?
Marches furrowed his brows, and looked like had some choice curses to yell at Oreldo, but he caught himself and sighed. Obviously, it’s because of you!
“Anything you can do, I can do better.”
“Wha- no way your scrawny ass can survive in basic training!”
“Just watch me then.” Marches scoffed and then walked away.
Oreldo almost wanted to laugh at how ridiculous his reasoning was. Marches joined the army just to one-up him? It was beyond stupid. He was definitely hiding something.
He didn’t know what it was exactly, but Oreldo decided to let that be a worry for a different day. He felt a warm, bubbly sensation gracing his chest, right where his mark was. It wasn’t strong enough to immediately draw attention to itself, but Oreldo briefly scratched at his chest unknowingly. A deep red began to fill in his rose.
Chapter End Notes
I just had to make Marches say that famous line: "Anything you can do, I can do better" from this famous movie clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UB1YAsPD6U
I feel like this routine is so them lol

Chapter 3

Chapter Notes
The next morning, Oreldo went about his normal routine, getting ready for the regular daily exercises when he spotted his soulmark in the mirror. Red splotches had nearly filled the rose already, and he almost panicked.
Who did he run into yesterday that could have triggered it to develop? He pulled his shirt on quickly.
He didn’t remember running into any of the girls he had been flirting with recently… but he had seen Marches. “No fucking way.” he couldn’t help but utter to himself.
Of all the people in the world, his soulmate was Marches?! Unbelievable! First of all, he didn’t even swing that way. He wasn’t interested in men. And even if he was, he would like to think that he had better taste-
No… that wasn’t correct. A hidden memory that he had repressed had floated to the surface. When he first met Marches as a kid, the other boy had slightly longer hair, and long eyelashes accentuating his cute round eyes. Oreldo remembered that he had marveled at how anybody could be that adorable, so small and innocent looking with blushy cheeks. Definitely someone to be protected. Oreldo had turned bright red, just meeting him.
He had mistaken Marches as a girl, until Mrs. Marches had shoved the two of them into a bath together, and he realized to his horror that the girl he had been admiring had really been a boy. Oreldo had subsequently buried the memory deep inside, mortified about his mistake.
His soulmark turned hot as he thought about his childhood friend. So it really was him. Oreldo started to chuckle before progressing into a heartier, uncontrollable laugh.
His heart was filled with joy, but also dread at the thought of explaining it to Marches. No, it was probably better to wait, until the other man’s mark developed too. He would wait as long as he needed.
Oreldo covered up his soulmark with bandages during his time at the academy, and continued to do so even when they had officially received their job assignments at the army. However, one day he had gotten careless while flirting with a girl from the records department, and his sticky bandage fell off of his chest. The girl had shrieked, shocked to see the soulmark. She quickly checked her own mark on her left hand. Still just black lines.
“Oreldo-san! You already had a soulmate?” She said tearfully. Oreldo gave her a placid smile, stroking her hair as she continued to complain into his arms.
“It doesn’t change anything between us.” He said, a little sad.
Word quickly spread of Oreldo’s developed soulmark.
Marches went to the cafeteria to have dinner after work, and Oreldo followed him. Even when the Lieutenant and Randel had come back, it was only to inform them that Section III’s assignments had to wait until tomorrow anyways, so they were free to go home for the night.
For some reason, the others had other things they wanted to work on, so it was just the two of them for today, which wasn’t anything unusual or out of the ordinary. They took their food and sat down at one of the smaller empty tables towards the edge of the room. The two sat across from each other; Marches proceeded to roll up his sleeves, which is when Oreldo noticed it.
On Marches' right arm, his flowers showed splashes of color everywhere. The colors hadn’t yet filled in the design, but it was distributed evenly, leaving almost purposeful blank spaces akin to watercolor. Soft, beautiful pastel reds, blues, and purples interspersed with white. Oreldo gasped, dropping his spoon, eyes wide.
Marches had a fork in his right hand, but Oreldo grabbed his arm immediately, causing the other man to drop the utensil.
“-Hey! Why are you-” Marches was stunned, seeing what had happened to his soulmark. They both knew what this meant.
“Did you… did you meet anyone else recently?” Oreldo asked, uncertain if he wanted to hear the answer to that question.
Marches wasn’t able to say anything, but he shook his head. He gave Oreldo a pointed look, before jerking away his arm from Oreldo’s grip. The blonde man’s heart was about to shatter to pieces, before Marches smiled coyly.
“Just eat, we’ll talk about this later.” he said. Oreldo agreed, this wasn’t the time or place to discuss this.
They ate in relative silence. Oreldo ate nervously, glancing at Marches before looking away. Marches ate comfortably, studying the soulmark on his arm.
It was unusual for two men to be soulmates, but not unheard of. So his mark had multiple colors huh? He didn’t understand why, but he felt that it was too cute for him.
Marches would like to say that he was shocked, but he spent too much time with the man to really say that it was a surprise.
After they finished their meals, they went to a bench that was adjacent to the building’s garden, a quiet place that very few people would go near considering how late it was. They both sat on the same bench, as far apart as possible, unsure of how to start the conversation.
Marches went first. “When did your mark really develop?”
“Huh? Why are you asking that now?”
“Alright fine, you have a point.” Oreldo sighed. “It was right after you joined the military academy.”
“I see.”
“What about yours? It happened today?” said Oreldo leaving out his real question. Why? Why now?
Marches crossed his arms, forming a thinking pose. “I definitely didn’t see any changes yesterday, so yes, it had to have happened today.”
A beat passed.
“But-” Oreldo started.
“Well-” Marches said at the same time.
Oreldo stayed quiet again, motioning for Marches to continue.
“This is just a theory, but what if your mark is actually mine?” Marches said. He looked at Oreldo before glancing away, staring out into the garden. “I have always thought that roses were cool.” the man said, a slight blush on his cheeks.
Oreldo however, turned bright red, and stuttered his next sentence. “B-but then… that’s not possible! Aren’t the soulmarks supposed to develop when our own feelings are ready?”
Marches looked back at the man next to him, and sent him a knowing smile. “And when do you think my feelings were ready? It wasn’t today. That rose represents my feelings for you.”
It was Oreldo’s turn to look away. He got up from the bench quickly, and started pacing. “Then your mark… today was…” he stood still and faced Marches directly. “Why would your.. I guess mine? Why would my mark wait till now?”
At this, Marches laughed. “Idiot. Just like I can’t lie to you, you can’t lie to me.”
He held out his arm once more, beckoning the other man to come closer. Oreldo sat down on the bench again, this time directly next to Marches, their sides and thighs in contact. Marches rolled up his sleeves further, and showed him the soulmark. Oreldo grabbed his arm, holding on to his hand.
Oreldo looked at the design again, but in the dim light of the garden, he couldn’t really see anything other than the filled in delphinium flowers.
“What am I looking for here?” said Oreldo.
Marches grinned. He pointed at some of the lines closer to his elbow. To someone just glancing at the design, it looked like the regular black lines one would expect. However, now that he looked closer, Oreldo could see that the lines were smudged, blending with the colors of the flower mark.
“The lines of this section are actually purple. The color started appearing a long while ago. Probably not long after the design appeared itself.” said Marches.
Oreldo facepalmed. “And what does that mean again, in the flower language?”
Marches squeezed Oreldo’s hand. “It means first love.”
Marches laughed. “I’ll tell you about the other colors too. Red, Blue, and White. The red means pure love, obviously,”
“Obviously.” Oreldo rolled his eyes.
“Blue stands for peace and serenity.”
“And the white indicates protection.”
Oreldo’s face was bright red, but he struggled not to look away in embarrassment. To think that his innocent childhood mistake would catch up to him now!
“Do you wanna explain to me why this mark is so girly?” Marches said. His expression didn’t match his question at all though. The bastard looked like he already knew the truth.
“I’m only gonna say this once.” Oreldo said.
Marches smiled. “Go ahead.”
“When we first met…I had a stupid crush on you… but I thought you were a girl!”
Marches let go of Oreldo’s hand to laugh, and kept laughing, for a long while.
“I guess… the great Oreldo got his girl after all!” Marches said, after he managed to calm down. Oreldo huffed, sitting with his arms crossed. But he had a smile on his face too.
His heart felt light, like he had wings and could lift off from the ground at any moment now.
Marches looked at Oreldo once more, full of mirth. He gently cupped Oreldo’s face, bringing him closer.
“But I’ll have you know, I’m 100% a man.”
“Yeah and?-”
Marches forcefully grabbed Oreldo, and kissed him greedily. Oreldo was no stranger to an exciting kiss, but he hadn’t been expecting such ferocity from Marches in that moment. He returned the heated kisses passionately, trading off their push and pull, back and forth.
Oreldo grabbed Marches by the waist, and lifted the smaller man on top of him so that he was straddling his legs. They continued to kiss, when Marches pulled away, looking thoroughly debauched.
“We should move.”
The two of them showed up to work the next, both of them looking suspiciously well put-together. Even Oreldo had his uniform on properly, and they had both showed up to work on time.
Stecchin took one look at them, and giggled. “Congratulations!”
Chapter End Notes
I hope you don't mind the liberties I took with Oreldo's back story, and that you enjoyed this story! This was a first for me, using the soulmate trope, and it was super fun to write!
It always seemed strange to me, that Oreldo was a street urchin, but Marches and he have been together since they were both 7 years old. Knowing that the Marches family are kind people, I figured they would have tried to help Oreldo!

[personal profile]naivette


Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Multi
Fandom: Pumpkin Scissors
Relationship: Oreldo/Lili Stekkin, Oreldo/Marches
Character: Oreldo (Pumpkin Scissors), Machs (Pumpkin Scissors), Martis (Pumpkin Scissors), Marches (Pumpkin Scissors), Lili Stekkin
Additional Tags: Pre-OT3, OT3, This OT3 could be platonic or romantic your call, Drinking, Stecchin is old enough to drink in this one
Language: English
Series: Part 4 of Signs of Love (Oreldo/Marches)
Published: 2022-06-25
Words: 1367

Set after Volume 21, Oreldo promised to keep his two most important people safe. Marches and Stecchin provide some much needed support.

The three officers of Section 3 sat in the warehouse, shocked and surprised by what they were hearing over the telegram. Corporal Oland had finally confessed his true feelings, not only of love, but devotion to the Lieutenant.
But what came next made them freeze. It was their duty to reign in Lieutenant Alice L. Malvin? Marches glanced at Oreldo, with doubt. Would it be possible for them to do that? Given their track record, that hardly seemed possible.
Oreldo clutched the two to his side, both Stecchin and Marches. When Alice and Randel announced the name of their unit, he couldn’t have been prouder of them. He promised, in his heart, that whatever happened, he would always protect these two.
“What was that all about?” Marches asked, shortly after the broadcast had stopped. Stecchin chimed in as well.
“Yeah! Oreldo-san, why did you hug us so suddenly?” She said, curious and clearly clueless.
Oreldo sighed. “Once this is all over, I’ll tell you.”
Surprisingly, after all the destruction from the terrorist attacks, their building at the Intelligence Headquarters had survived. Other units weren’t as lucky, and had been squished together to compensate for the lack of space while the rebuilding occurred.
There were a few people from the General Affairs department using the same office space, a thin cardboard divider separating the two. Although their heroic efforts had certainly caught the hearts of the people, it hadn’t earned them enough resources to resist the change.
Either way, this was supposedly temporary, so there wasn’t much to be done. The desks from Section 3 were all moved together to form two lines, almost like they were in school. Oreldo and Marches, who usually sat across from each other, were now sitting side by side, with Stecchin sitting next to Hunks at her desk. Alice’s desk was on the other side of Hunks’, and Oland’s desk was next to Oreldo’s.
It was ridiculously cramped, especially when all of them were in the office. At the very least, they could open the windows to let in a little breeze.

Hunks found working in their office rather stifling, so he often barged into Connery’s private office, on the pretense of cross-unit cooperation.

The Lieutenant and the Corporal had become somewhat local celebrities since the event, so they often went out on field missions alone. Most of the work was local anyways, so their units had split up into the two groups fairly often.
Oreldo stretched. “Damn, my hands are about to fall off! If I knew it was going to be like this, I wish they had destroyed this building too.” He mused.
Marches turned to glare at him, before continuing on with their paperwork. The terror attack had given Section 3 a ridiculous amount of paperwork to complete and sort through, logging damages and providing reports on estimates of necessary repairs. They really didn’t have enough time for complaints.
“Keep moving your hands. If you foist that stuff on me, I’m definitely not going out with you next time.” Marches said.
Stecchin heard the two of them and laughed. “Aww you two!” She had already finished her damage estimates, courtesy of her data analysis skills. She slid out from behind her desk with a smug grin, and was making her way towards the coffee maker when Oreldo got up and put the junior officer into a noogie.
“Don’t worry pipsqueak, you’re coming with us too! Your birthday was just the other day wasn’t it? Alright, we’ll go out and celebrate tonight!”
“Owwwiee, stop Oreldo-san!” She yelped, though in reality she was exaggerating. “That hurts, and you’re messing up my hair!”
Oreldo stopped, and patted her gently this time. “Don’t worry, it’ll be our treat!”
Marches smiled at the two of them.
Just as promised, the three went out drinking together after work. While they were walking to the bar, they chatted.
“Where are we going? This isn’t the direction of the usual bar.” Marches said.
“Well yeah, I’m not taking Stecchin to a low-brow place like that! We’re going somewhere nice for a change.” Oreldo replied.
Marches had to agree that it was a good idea. But were there any nice places left?
“I would have been okay with the usual place!” Stecchin replied cheerfully. Marches was doubtful of that.
Their usual place was rowdy on a good day. There weren’t many women who came to that specific bar, and someone so small and barely legal-drinking-age like Stecchin would have caused quite a stir and unwanted attention. They were trying to relax, after all.
They arrived at a nice looking cafe with wide windows and plenty of greenery, and Oreldo walked in confidently. After pausing to study the place, the other two also followed.
The inside was no different, looking like an elegant restaurant that served tea and sandwiches for upper class patrons. Oreldo waved at the owner, who gave a polite smile and nod, motioning towards a door at the back.
They walked through another door, and arrived at an equally luxurious bar in the back, slightly smaller than the cafe front. Unlike the cafe, this place was bustling, though the tables were spaced far enough from each other and dimly lit. It had an intimate, comfortable atmosphere.
They chose to sit at an open table next to the wall that had four seats. Stecchin and Marches sat on one side, while Oreldo sat on the other.
Just looking around, one could tell that this was clearly a date spot, where well-off couples came to enjoy each other’s company in privacy. The three of them were out of place, wearing their regular uniforms.
“So this place is part of your playbook?” Marches said, giving Oreldo a knowing look.
Stecchin glanced between the two of them, before asking, “Have you two not come here together before?”
Marches shook his head. “I’m guessing this is where Oreldo takes his girls while they’re out on a date.” He wrinkled his nose.
Oreldo, cool as ever, kept an acquiescing smile on his face. “Sure, I don’t care if we call this a date.”
Marches sat there, eyes wide and speechless, while Stecchin blushed.
“D..does that include me too?” She said sheepishly.
“Of course! We’re here to celebrate you after all.”
Stecchin beamed.
While they were talking, the owner walked by, dropping off two menus: a drinks menu listing all the cocktails and assorted alcohols, and a restaurant menu detailing their accompanying snacks and meals.
Stecchin grabbed the drinks menu, looking through the options.
Marches, face blushed red, locked eyes with Oreldo “Idiot, don’t joke around like that-”
“I mean it.” Oreldo said, not a hint of amusement on his face. “Remember what happened during the Nebulo Union Terrorist Attacks? It’s been on my mind since then.”
Oreldo sighed, breaking eye contact with two people in front of him, but he kept talking. “I haven’t had the chance to say this, but thank you. For being in my life. Back then, I couldn’t bear the thought of losing either of you, so I vowed to keep you safe. I just wanted to feel proof that you were alive.”
Marches kept looking at his friend, eyes slightly watery. They hadn’t really thought about what they had been through, what they could have lost. In fact, they had probably tried really hard not to think about it at all.
Stecchin gently reached for both Oreldo’s and Marches hands, clasping each of their bigger hands in her tiny ones. She then brought the other two hands closer together, so they were all in contact.
Oreldo’s hands were slightly cold and clammy, while both Stecchin’s and Marches’ were dry and warm. She stroked Oreldo’s hand gently.
“Thank you for telling us Oreldo-san!” She said. “Our connection hasn’t been broken, and we aren’t going anywhere.” She stroked his hand reassuringly, before letting go.
Marches squeezed Oreldo’s hand firmly once, before releasing his grip as well. His tears had receded, but so had his sadness at what could have been.
They were all lucky to have each other.
“Hmn.. I think I wanna try this raspberry martini!” Stecchin announced cheerfully.
They were in for a long, joyous night.
End Notes
This is the last of my prompts (currently) for this series! I am working on another secret story for the Pumpkin Parade doujin event in October, so look forward to that.
Thank you for reading my work :)

Fanfiction Master List

Oct. 19, 2022 12:41 PM
[personal profile]naivette
Fandom Ships Fanfics
  Sappho [Avatar: Legend of Korra][Korra/Asami Sato]
  A NonDreary Rainy Day [Covenant] [Caleb/Reid]
    Unconditional [Death Note] [L/Light]
  Patsuan's Birthday [Gintama][Gintoki/Shinpachi]
  Stubbies by Bʌ́di [Haikyuu!!] [SugaTana][DaiTana]
    A New Day [Katekyo Hitman Reborn]
  Sweater Curse [Kekkai Sensen][Klaus/Leo]
  Hungry Hungry Vampire [Kyuuketsuki Sugu Shinu] [RonaDora] [NSFW]

Why not Both? [LOGH][Yang/Schenkopp]
Don't Die Until I Kill You [LOGH] [Bittenfeld/Oberstein]
And Then There Were Four [One Piece] [Mugiwara Quadcouple]
Here Lies [One Piece]
  Family [Pumpkin Scissors] [OreMar+Lili]
Roses and Delphinia [Pumpkin Scissors] [OreMar]
Snowstorm Embrace [Pumpkin Scissors] [OreMar]
Second Guessing [Pumpkin Scissors][OreMar]
Wedding Day [Pumpkin Scissors][OreMar]

Oreldo ½ [Pumpkin Scissors][Gen]

Slice of Sweetness [Saiyuki][Sanzo/Goku, Gojyo/Hakkai]
Shingeki no Kyojin   A Night to Remember [Shingeki no Kyojin][Jean/Connie]

Tadomaki Christmas [Yowapeda] [Tadomaki]
Apple Pie [Yowapeda][FukuKin]
Oakley [Yowapeda][FukuKin]
Sempiternal Basorexia [yowapeda][T2]

Pumpkin Parade Requests Page

Oct. 21, 2022 10:17 PM
[personal profile]naivette

I prepared this page for the Pumpkin Parade event, so that fans of Pumpkin Scissors can send me requests to write! I'll take any requests during the event (for free!), though it will take some time to complete writing them.

Rules for Allowed Requests:
  • any ships/pairing
  • any genre
  • any rating (G -> R18/E)
  • must be pumpkin scissors related

You can submit your requests here as a comment, or to my tumblr askbox or twitter account. Either way, I'll post any filled requests down in the comments of this post.

[personal profile]naivette

Wedding Day

Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Pumpkin Scissors
Relationship: Oreldo/Marches
Character: Oreldo (Pumpkin Scissors), Marches (Pumpkin Scissors), Martis (Pumpkin Scissors), Machs (Pumpkin Scissors)
Additional Tags: Wedding Fluff, Weddings
Language: English
Series: Part 5 of Signs of Love (Oreldo/Marches)
Published: 2022-12-09
Words: 1712


Oreldo and Marches celebrate their special day.

Written for the Pumpkin Parade event held on Oct 30, 2022.



So between Alice’s meddling, and the general interest from the Army Intelligence division, what was supposed to be a small gathering celebrating the union between Oreldo and Marches had turned into a huge occasion. When people had heard that their wedding was taking place at THE Malvin estate, it was obvious that there would be many curious acquaintances who were just begging to be invited. In the end, the guest list was left to the whims of the wedding planner, and Stecchin, who had been assigned to it as an official assignment by one of their crafty superiors (this time it wasnt Hunks). 

Marches got up and walked to the window, looking down at the garden where the ceremony would be taking place. 

There were many superior officers from the Intelligence Division, as well as other parts of the military in attendance. He recognized most of the personnel from his own division obviously, but there were plenty of others he didn’t. At least they were easily identifiable, given that many of the guests from the military had chosen to wear their formal military uniforms. 

People were milling about, getting the last decorations in place. Marches easily recognized Corporal Oland, timidly fixing a flower arrangement that had fallen out of place. 

Guests were starting to get seated, and Marches couldn’t help but look for his partner. He knew that Oreldo was probably sequestered in another spare room, ensuring that neither of them saw their final outfits for the wedding. It was honestly ridiculous that they were keeping that tradition, given the fact that neither of them were exactly “brides”.

Marches started to pace back and forth within the room. He would be lying if he said he wasn’t excited about getting married to the love of his life, but he couldn’t help feeling anxious today. 

There was a polite knock on the door before the person opened, clearly feeling that there was no need to wait for a response. Marches startled, before seeing who it was. 

HIs older brother walked in, and shut the door behind him.

How are you holding up?” He asked, with a smirk on his face. The answer was visually apparent, the younger Marches brother looked ready to bolt. 

Terrible. Can you bring me a drink?”

His brother laughed. It was then that he noticed the wine bag that he was holding. The other man brought out a bottle and grabbed some champagne flutes waiting on one of the tables. 

I just wanted to celebrate a little before your big moment, but I guess this is why the bridal party drinks before the real event huh?” He poured them both a modest amount of champagne, and handed one of the flutes to Marches, before sitting on one of the sofas in the room.

They clinked their glasses; Marches began draining his glass rapidly.

Hey! Savor it, it’s good champagne.” His brother said. After a moment, he began to drink from his own flute. “I never thought your wedding would become a national event, honestly. Or that you would get married so young.” 

Neither did I honestly.” Marches said, before giving a pointed look towards his brother. 

Mom always knew it was going to be Oreldo though.” said the other man. Marches smiled at that. 

Oreldo had entered their family almost like fate, so many years ago. He always had been, and always would be, true family. 

The two chatted and laughed, sharing nostalgic stories about their childhood. 


Just like Marches, Oreldo was waiting in a different spare room, totally bored out of his mind. He was leisurely sitting next to the window, watching all the guests. He made a game of trying to identify who all the important-looking army

officers were, though he could really only be sure of half of their names at most. 

He was humming a random tune when Stecchin burst through the doors without even knocking. 

Oreldo-san! It’s time for you to get into position!” 

The blonde looked at the younger officer, wearing a nice dress instead of her normal uniform. He grinned. 

Hey Stecchin! Do you know where Marches is?” 

Stecchin looked ready to answer, before covering her mouth with one of her hands. She spoke, muffled, “No! I was sent to bring you to the waiting area for the ceremony, so come with me…”

Oreldo chuckled a bit before following “orders”.

Alright then, lead the way”. 


It’s time to go, little brother.” 

Marches nodded, straightening his suit nervously. The two left the room, leaving two empty champagne glasses. 


Since they were both men, Oreldo and Marches decided during the planning stage that it would only be fair that the two of them should both walk down the aisle. 

Once Stecchin brought Oreldo to a waiting area right before the patio door inside the house, she waved goodbye with a smile, and seated herself next to Alice in the front row. On her other side, Oland was seated towards the far end of the row, in order to not obstruct the view for anyone behind him. 

Oreldo was joined by Marches’ father, who was wearing a similarly nice suit for the occasion. 

Hello sir!” Oreldo spoke casually.

The older man grunted a hello at his soon to be son-in-law, but his eyes were smiling. The wedding planner gave them the signal to start getting ready for the walk down the aisle. The band had already started playing the music for the entrance. 

Oreldo.” said Marches’ father.

Yes sir?” Oreldo replied hesitantly. 

Thank you for everything you’ve done so far for my son. I hope you’ll continue to make him happy in the future. And I’m proud to have you as another son.” 

Oreldo wanted to say something, anything in response, but was unable to speak the words. He could feel the tears coming, but they would inevitably ruin his outfit, so he tried his hardest to

hold them back. He could only smile, his eyebrows and eyelids twitching.

After another moment, he managed to breathe a deep sigh, before replying. “Of course. Thank you for everything up until now.”

Another staff member, part of the wedding planner’s company,  noticed Oreldo’s expression, and handed him a few tissues. 

Oreldo declined. “Nah, I don’t need them.” 

The staff member shook their head. “Trust me, it's better to have these, just in case.” 

The musical cue for them to start walking began, and the two men started making their way out into the garden. 

As they walked through the aisles, some of Oreldo’s old academy friends started waving excitedly. Oreldo waved back with the same enthusiasm. 

Once they got to the front altar, Marches’ father went to sit in a designated front aisle seat for the family. 

Oreldo situated himself facing out towards the crowd and aisle, excitedly anticipating his future husband.

The music continued to swell, as the whole crowd looked towards the garden’s arched entrance. After another minute, Marches and his mother appeared, walking ceremoniously. She

was wearing a beautiful cream dress with a shawl, while Marches was wearing a white tuxedo with black accents.

Randel took a picture of Oreldo’s face, right as the Marches appeared. 

As Marches walked closer, Oreldo’s smile grew bigger. 

When Marches got to the front, he placed his hands in his lover’s. 

It hadn’t been that long since they had seen each other, but Oreldo’s eyes lit up as if he were seeing Marches for the first time. 

Marches blushed, averting his eyes, though he squeezed the other man’s hand. 

The ceremony began.


Oreldo ended up needing the tissues. He just couldn’t contain himself during his vows, but Marches wiped his tears away, just as he would continue to do from here onwards. 


Long after the formalities and dinner were concluded, the staff passed out cake while the band played lively, jaunty music meant to energize the crowd. Many of the guests had chosen to

go home after dinner, satisfied with their appearance at the event. 

Oreldo and Marches were sitting next to each other at the head table for newlyweds; after scarfing down his cake, Oreldo grabbed Marches’ hand. 

Let’s go!” 

W-wait! I still haven’t finished mine!” Marches responded, putting down his fork 

Oreldo grinned. “You can eat afterwards, come on!” 

He rushed into the area designated for dancing, Marches in tow. Other guests had taken their cue, and also started making their way onto the dance floor. 

Webner approached Stecchin and asked if she wanted to dance. “Yes, of course!” Stecchin said brightly. 

Lieutenant Alice L Malvin looked over towards Corporal Randel Oland, sitting at the same table, a few seats away. 


Yes?” Oland responded. 

I’m ordering you to dance with me.” 

Huh!?” He didn’t have time to say anything else before Alice dragged him up out of his chair, and towards the dance floor. 

Elsewhere, Elis and Solis were doing the same, not even giving their husbands a chance to remark before pulling them to dance, as Malvin women are known for doing. 

Notably, nobody was dancing in the prim, proper “ballroom” way of dancing that one would expect of the nobles present. 

Following the lead of the main couple, the band was playing lively “commoner” music, and everybody joined, dancing to the same rhythms that people among the empire were accustomed to dancing everywhere. 

Oreldo twirled Marches before catching him again, and Marches laughed, his head feeling light from all the alcohol they had drunk during dinner. 

By the way, which one of us is going to be changing our last names?” Oreldo asked, arms around Marches waist.

Marches arms were around Oreldo’s neck, but he leaned closer even still, so that the other man could hear him. “Neither of us, obviously.” 

The two shared a look, before devolving into giggles. 

Their soul marks grew a lot more colorful and vibrant that day. 

[personal profile]naivette
Slice of Sweetness (2799 words)

Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Saiyuki (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Genjo Sanzo/Son Goku, Cho Hakkai/Sha Gojyo, Cho Hakkai & Son Goku
Additional Tags: slight Hakkai/Goku hints, Valentine's Day, Valentine's Day Fluff, Minekura Valentine's Gift Exchange 2023
Summary: A sweet, fluffy piece for the Minekura Valentine's Day exchange.

Hakkai learns about Valentine's Day customs from Hazel, and decides that he wants to make sweet treats for the other guys in the group. The others respond in kind to his earnest feelings.

 Hakkai spotted the calendar in the restaurant they were eating and smiled. It was already that time of year, wasn’t it? There were only two weeks till Valentine’s Day. He had first learned of the odd holiday from Hazel, but grew fond of the custom once he had learned of it. A day to show your appreciation for others, both family and friends, and also romantic interests. It seemed quaint, but he wanted to have some fun with his cooking. Plus, Goku likes sweets, so even if the others didn’t want any, his effort was guaranteed not to go to waste. He reminded himself that he would pick up some supplies before they left town.

 The next morning, after they had breakfast, Hakkai told the others that he had some additional grocery shopping to do and got up to leave.

 “Hakkai, can I come along too??” Goku looked at him eagerly, with a bright smile on face. He knew that the chance of scoring some extra snacks was extra high if he helped Hakkai with the groceries. Hakkai hesitated for a moment, which piqued both Sanzo and Gojyo’s interest. Normally the other man was happy for the company and the help, and the other two were happy to have Goku out of their hair for a little while. They’d never seen Hakkai consider turning Goku down when he asked for something, especially when he begged so cutely like he was doing now.

 “Um.. sure! I guess I wouldn’t hurt to have someone help carry everything. Are you ready to go now?” Hakkai asked, after gaining his bearings again. It was unlikely that Goku would realize what he was buying stuff for, considering that Valentine’s Day wasn’t even that well known here. It was even possible that the market didn’t have any of the necessary ingredients. If they didn’t, he would probably improvise and make other types of sweets.

 Goku nodded, and walked out the door first. “We’ll see you guys later!” He said cheerfully.

 Sanzo snorted. “Make sure to get me another pack of cigarettes too.” he said, as he tossed his credit card to Hakkai.

 “Okay~” The other man said in a sing-song voice, as he followed Goku outside.

 Sanzo looked at Gojyo with a puzzled look. “He’s definitely up to something, isn’t he?”

 Gojyo shrugged. “Yeah probably. But the monkey is with him, so how bad could it possibly be?”


 After picking up their usual groceries (and Goku’s reward for helping out), Hakkai strolled through the markets, looking for something particular.

 “Whatcha looking for, Hakkai?”

 “I wanted to try making some new sweets, but they require some rare ingredients, unfortunately. Hazel gave me some new recipes.”

 Goku’s eyes started shining brightly, as a wide grin spread across his face. “Maybe I can help look too! That sounds super tasty!”

 Hakkai chuckled. “Okay, we’re looking for this specific type of fruit, it’s probably being sold by a merchant from….” Hakkai explained what a cacao fruit looked like, and who was likely to be selling one.

 “Okay! Let’s do another loop and check all the stalls!”

 They diligently checked all the produce selling stalls and merchants. Goku went up to each seller, and asked them the same question. “Do you guys sell cacao fruits here?”

 Most of the merchants and produce sellers looked puzzled, but the last merchant had a look of recognition. “Oh! One of my buddies in the stall next to me has that cacao-something! But I don’t think it was a fruit.”

 Goku sighed dejectedly, but Hakkai intervened. “We’d be quite interested in purchasing it if it’s the correct product.”

 The merchant called his friend over, a darker skinned man with black hair and black eyes. “These two are looking for something called “cacao”, didn’t you say you had a hard time selling something like that?” the first merchant said.

 The second merchant smiled. “Yes, I do! Let me go grab it now.”

 He returned with a bag of brown powder. “You two are quite discerning customers! This is such a rare and valuable product, but nobody in this area seems to be interested in this! It’s powder made from the cacao fruit.”

 Hakkai flashed Sanzo’s signature golden credit card. “We’ll take it.”


 Hakkai and Goku returned, with groceries and supplies in tow.

 “We’re back!” Goku said loudly, instantly annoying Sanzo as usual.

 Gojyo sighed. “Ah… our precious few minutes of quiet…gone…”

 “Shut up Gojyo!” The two of them began their regular bickering, while Hakkai returned Sanzo’s credit card.

 “You guys were gone longer than usual.” said Sanzo, not looking up from his book.

 Hakkai gave a slight chuckle. “I thought I would give you guys a little more time to relax.”  He began sorting the groceries into groups, some to be packed away with Hakuryuu, and others to be used sooner. Mysteriously, there was an extra set of supplies set aside.

 Sanzo wanted to ask what those items were for, but Hakkai cleared everything away before he could muster up the curiosity to ask.      Whatever, we’ll probably find out later anyways.  


 They were stuck at that particular town until the blockage at the mountain pass leading to their next destination was cleared. It was one of their rare breathers during their hectic journey.

 Hakkai had asked the inn’s owner if they wouldn’t mind him using the kitchen to cook, since they were stuck there anyways, and it was a little cumbersome to eat out for every single meal. The owner and their family agreed, since it was a rare chance to experience a different cuisine.

 One week passed without any significant demon attacks or occurrences, leaving plenty of time for Hakkai to experiment with the cacao powder in different sweets.

 After coming up with a couple different variations of chocolates, cookies, and cake, Hakkai felt satisfied that he had come up with something that everyone in the group would like. One night, while he was cleaning up after his most recent test batch, Sanzo knocked on the wall next to the entrance, letting him know that he was there.

 “So this is what you’ve been holed up all day working on? Are you planning on opening a bakery or something?” the blonde man asked. “It smells disgustingly sweet.”  

 It wasn’t exactly a secret, but Hakkai was hoping that he could keep it a surprise. But, well, there was no helping it, considering how close the four men were.

 “Ahaha~ Can’t keep anything from you, right Sanzo? I’m actually working on something for an upcoming… celebration? Hazel told me about these sweets from his country.”

 Sanzo raised his eyebrows at the mention of Hazel. As far as he knew, neither Hazel nor Hakkai had really had the chance to have a civil conversation. But maybe he was wrong.

 “What, like someone’s birthday?” Sanzo paused for a few seconds. “I’m pretty sure none of us were born in February.”

 Hakkai couldn’t help but laugh. Maybe he should just include Sanzo as part of his preparations.

 “You see, Sanzo, it seems like there’s this thing called Valentine’s Day where Hazel is from….”

 Afterwards, both Hakkai and Sanzo spent time in the kitchen, cooking up who knows what.

 A couple days later, Gojyo came back from a local bar, only to see that the room they were used to hanging out in was pretty empty, sans Goku playing with a wooden kendama toy he had found laying around.

 “Hey Monkey, where’s the shitty priest and Hakkai?” Gojyo said.

 Goku looked up, and the ball fell to the side, rather than the point that Goku was aiming for. It fell onto the floor, making a rattling sound.

 “Uh, I know Hakkai is in the kitchen, but I dunno about Sanzo. Maybe he went for a walk?” Goku answered nonchalantly. It would be problematic if the man they were supposed to protect suddenly got himself killed wandering around, but neither of the men could imagine that anything that dramatic would happen in such a peaceful town. Plus, even if something did happen, the sound of gunshots would have alerted them to the trouble anyways.

 Goku shrugged, and went back to playing with the Kendama. Gojyo laid down on the bed, allowing a pleasant feeling of drunkenness to wash over him. First Hakkai, now Sanzo? What were those two up to?

 As Gojyo started to drift off to sleep, he heard a faraway sound of the door opening and closing, and smelled a strong, richly-sweet scent entering the room.


 The next day was February 14th. Unknown to Gojyo and Goku, it was Valentine’s Day. The day began normally, like any other. The four men washed up, got dressed, and then proceeded downstairs to the dining area. It was a little late for breakfast, so they decided to go ahead and eat lunch directly.

 After finishing lunch, Hakkai took their plates back to the kitchen, and appeared once again with a tray.

 On it, was a chocolate cake, and three little cloth bags, bound with different colored ribbons. Sanzo snorted.

 Goku saw the cake, and started beaming. “Oh my god! Hakkai, is that our dessert!!?” The younger man was sitting at the table, but seemed to be bouncing with joy. “Is this the super special treat that you’ve been working on?”

 Hakkai set down the tray, and distributed some smaller plates. He ruffled Goku’s hair while patting his head.

 “It’s part of it! I told Sanzo about this before, but today is actually a festival called ‘Valentine’s Day’ where Hazel is from. I thought it was a nice thing to celebrate, so I’ve been working on the customary sweets made from chocolate that people normally use to celebrate.”

 Hakkai then handed an appropriately colored bag to each man, and then cut each of them a slice of cake as well.

 They all received their presents, and then dug into the cake.

 Goku’s reaction was the most obvious. He took a big bite, and then squealed. “This is so good! This is seriously delicious! Thank you so much, Hakkai!!” He said, gobbling upt he rest of the cake as fast as possible.

 Gojyo and Sanzo took much smaller bites, but smiled after they tasted the result.

 “Wow, what’s the occasion for such luxurious sweets? What kind of festival is Valentine’s Day?” Gojyo asked.

 Hakkai ate his own slice, satisfied with the positive reactions. “I’m told it’s a holiday where friends and lovers give each other chocolate as a symbol of their affections.”

 Gojyo looked at Hakkai with a raised eyebrow.

 Goku, meanwhile, looked at him innocently, before asking the first question that came to his mind. “Hakkai, does that mean you love us?”

 Both Sanzo and Gojyo sputtered, almost choking on their cake. Hakkai smiled.

 “Of course I do, Goku. I made these sweets as a symbol of my feelings towards you all.”

 Goku smiled back, beaming as he opened his present. His bag contained an assortment of milk and white chocolates in cute heart shapes. He ate one, and loudly proclaimed how delicious the chocolate was too.

 “The dessert was amazing! Thanks a lot Hakkai!” exclaimed Goku. After a pause, he continued. “I love all of you guys too! I’m glad we’re traveling together!” Before running off outside in a rush.

 Hakkai blushed slightly, before composing himself. He picked up the rest of the dirty dishes, and went back into the kitchen to clean up after themselves.

 Gojyo sat unmoving, stunned at what had just occurred. He then looked at Sanzo, who casually opened his bag, revealing some dark-chocolate-dipped biscuits.

 Sanzo proceeded to pour himself a cup of hot tea, and then relaxed, eating his biscuits. The priest returned Gojyo’s confused look.

 “You bastard, did you already know what Hakkai was doing?!” Gojyo said.

 Sanzo smirked. “Unlike you, I don’t go gallivanting off to the bar.”

 “And the holiday is romantic?!” Gojyo exclaimed.

 Sanzo nodded, but also interjected. “It can also be platonic. But I did make some sweets for Goku myself.” The priest then pointed towards the bag that was next to Gojyo. “You should open yours too.”

 Gojyo opened his bag, revealing similar heart shaped chocolates. When he ate one, he realized that the filling was made with alcohol, giving it an interesting taste. He popped another one in his mouth, and then stood up from the table.

 “Um, I have errands to take care of. I’ll be back later probably, bye!” Gojyo said, taking his chocolates with him.

 “Tch, amateurs.” Sanzo muttered. Goku had run off before Sanzo had the chance to give him      his     gift, but that could wait until later. They were sharing a room anyways.

 Hakkai came out of the kitchen again, and sat across from Sanzo. He poured himself a cup of tea, and sipped it leisurely.

 “You know it’s unfair to surprise them like this, right?” Sanzo said.

 Hakkai smirked slightly. “I just thought it would be cute to see their reactions.”


 Goku came back after wandering around a bit, and then deciding on his next course of action. He wanted to do something nice for everyone too!

 He couldn’t make chocolate things like Hakkai, but he figured other sweets were probably okay. There was a stall selling sweet red-bean buns, and he thought those would be perfect! They all liked those, and fought over them when they ordered them in a restaurant.

 Goku returned to their room in the late afternoon, and found Sanzo doing a crossword in today’s newspaper, while Hakkai was reading a book.

 “Um, hey guys! I wanted to do something nice for today too, so Happy Valentine’s Day!” said Goku.

 Hakkai smiled, while Sanzo’s usual grumpy expression lightened up to one of mild amusement.

 “Aw, thanks Goku. Happy Valentine’s Day to you too.” Hakkai said. They all ate the buns, but in a strong show of self-restraint, Goku left some for Gojyo too. They continued to chat, and Gojyo returned some time later, closer to sunset.

 “Hey Hakkai, got a moment? I need to talk to you alone.” said the red-haired man as soon as he got back.

 Hakkai nodded, and followed Gojyo out to the room that they were sharing.

 Sanzo saw his chance, and grabbed another decorated bag from his things. “Hey monkey, catch!”

 The blonde threw his present at Goku, who caught it easily despite not anticipating it. “What’s this for?” he asked.

 “Happy Valentine’s Day. That’s your present from me.” replied Sanzo.

 Goku opened the bag swiftly, revealing what looked like chocolate sugar cookies. He took a bite from one of the cookies, and grinned. “These are really good too! Did you make them, Sanzo?”

 Sanzo huffed. “I can do at least that much.”

 Goku walked over to the table that Sanzo was sitting at, and then leaned down. He quickly gave Sanzo a chaste kiss on the cheek.

 “Thanks for the cookies!”

 Sanzo grabbed Goku before he could straighten up again, forcing him to lose balance, and fall into his lap.

 Goku twisted and maneuvered himself into a sitting position where he could look at Sanzo, who was holding him by the waist.

 “Where’s my gift?” Sanzo asked innocently.

 “Pervert priest.” Goku joked.

 Sanzo stroked Goku’s face gently before leaning in. “Shut up, idiot monkey.”


 Gojyo and Hakkai returned to their room; Hakkai didn’t even need to ask what Gojyo wanted to talk about, because he already knew.

 After they reached their room, Gojyo grabbed some flowers and a bottle of wine that he had bought in town, and presented them to Hakkai, a faint blush revealing itself on his face.

 “Sanzo told me that Valentine’s Day is considered a romantic thing too, so I wanted to show you how      I     felt.”

 Hakkai laughed. “You didn’t have to go out of your way to-”

 “Of course I did! You’re the kind of idiot who always does things for others, but never expects anything in return!”

 Hakkai joyfully took the flowers and bottle, accepting the present. He set the flowers down on the table in their room, and internally reminded himself that he needed to dry some, to save as a memento.

 “Should we open this now?” Hakkai asked teasingly. Gojyo presented him with two glasses, not exactly for drinking wine, but they would do.

 They poured themselves a drink, and sat on one of the beds together.

 Hakkai finished his drink after some time, and then set it down on the floor.

 “Done already?” Gojyo asked, surprised. The man could usually hold his liquor quite well, and this wasn’t a particularly strong alcohol to begin with.

 Hakkai looked at the red-head with a pointed look, before reaching for an embrace. Gojyo wrapped his arm around the other man.

  “I was just thirsty for something else.”

 “Hah, that’s a request I can answer!” Gojyo smirked.

Original Works Master List

Feb. 19, 2023 9:52 PM
[personal profile]naivette

The Empty Codex

V01 - That Time I Entered an Occult Bookstore and Ended Up With Magical Powers!

A young woman by the name of Iyla happens upon a magical codex that accidentally becomes registered to her, marking her as a new magus, and giving her the Sight, an ability to see the unseen and hidden parts of her world that is normally undisclosed to outsiders without a need to know. Bewildered by her new powers, she learns to use them and interacts with creatures and peoples straight out of her favorite stories!

[personal profile]naivette

I just wanted to do a write up of my setup on my steam deck, since I had to look up sources in various places, but not one place documented the problems I ran into lol.

I used these two guides:



Emulation: Retrodeck

So for retro emulation, I used Retrodeck (since I didn’t want all the emulated games showing up among the main steam games, and it kept things simple). 

I went into Desktop mode and then opened the “Discovery” app which is an appstore (or flatpack?) for the Linux OS, and looked up Retrodeck under “Emulators” or “Emulation”. I mainly wanted to run PS1 games.

I then used Warpinator (on the deck) and Winpinator (on my PC) to transfer the roms and bios files needed from my computer to the Steam Deck. For the BIOS folder, it’s important to put the bios files under the main folder rather than separating the files in sub-folder (i.e. PS1 bios, etc.). Unless there’s already a sub-folder that was created for it, like the Switch emulator.

After I made sure the bios files and roms were in the correct folders, just booting up Retrodeck from the Steam Library will load into the frontend, where you can access all your retro games.

Non-Linux/Steam Games

I have a ton of itch.io games from one of their charity bundles, and although you can download the official itch.io app, it only lets you download Linux games.

Since the Steam Deck runs all windows games through a Proton translation layer, Windows OS games should work as long as they’re launched through steam.

One method is to manually download itch.io games from the browser, and then manually add them to steam (like on PC).

Another way is to use the Alfae launcher for Linux. Once you download and install Alfae, you can log into itch (and other stores like Epic or GOG), and then use Alfae to download the games and push them to steam using the SteamExporter function of the launcher. It also has the nice function of using your SteamGridDB account to add artwork (albeit cropped) to steam. You can then go from “Desktop Mode” to “Gaming Mode” and the games should show up under non-steam games in your library.

One issue I ran into while using this program is that sometimes it doesn’t unzip the game files it downloads, so while it looks like the game should work, Alfae isn’t mapped to the right .exe game file since the whole folder is still zipped. When this happens, I usually go back into desktop mode, unzip the files, find the game.exe file, and then add that to the Steam library manually. It’s a pain in the ass, but you can then use SteamGridDB’s Boop function to add any art for the games that’s missing. This won’t mess with any of the previously added games.

I’m totally new to linux stuff, but this setup wasn’t too hard! Hopefully this write-up is helpful to someone else too.

About Printed Fanfiction

Dec. 4, 2023 8:25 PM
[personal profile]naivette

This isn’t really a rant per se, but I just wanted to get my thoughts out there since I’ve been seeing a lot of this kind of discourse on my dashboard and timelines recently while doing research into printing fanfics.

I think a lot of the negativity towards fanfiction writers who want to have a physical representation of their work, and maybe sell at a marginal cost (i.e. cost getting something printed and shipped, plus like a dollar or two extra for their efforts), is unwarranted.

Yes, AO3 is correct, people should not be monetizing their fics, and doing that so openly on a site that is the last bastion of legal defense against copyright holders is not good! (Do not mention or link to donations/payments/stores on AO3). According to copyright law, it is illegal to violate the intellectual property rights of registered works. The Fair Use defense only works if a work is transformative, and for non-commercial purposes.

But there are thousands of zines and doujinshi created by fanartists, that sell for real money! Again, most of it is for marginal costs, to cover the cost of printing and distributing, plus a little extra for the artists. Those zines/doujinshi are violating the same laws that a fanfic zine would. Those artists are making profit! Some of those fanart zines have print runs up to 1000 copies.

Yet people go out of their way to harass any fanfic writers that dare sell their works on the down-low (again, not on AO3) wanting the same thing. These are works that are selling maybe 5-20 physical copies maximum!!

I really think Japanese doujinshi culture is correct on this point. Both fanartists and fanfiction writers are selling their works in low quantities, and sites like Pixiv Factory make it really easy to set up your work for print on-demand. Obviously, if rights-holders object, it gets taken down. But guess what? There’s very few chances of them objecting, if you keep it small.

The older zine culture from back in the Star Trek slash days understood this. Some people made some money, but 99% of it was within hobby levels.

I just want the same thing! I wanna see my works in a physical form!


Above is a collection of Pumpkin Scissors doujinshi, along with my own fanfic doujin at the bottom right.

Guess how many copies I sold of my doujin? Three! One of which is my own. I hardly even made enough money to cover the cost of my own copy, never mind shipping from Japan. Which is fine! I appreciated people liking it enough to order it to begin with.

Fanfic writers shouldn’t be harassed about wanting to get their doujins/zines printed. Rather than forcing readers to format the book themselves, and go through the tedious process of bookbinding each individual book, it would be better if the author could just offer the formatted file, or an actual copy, for sale. Fanbinding is super cool, but it’s too high of a bar (and cost prohibitive) for someone who just wants a nice, printed copy of their stuff.

I might follow up this post with a “How to” on getting works printed through pixiv factory. I learned a lot during my process, and would be happy to share the information.
[personal profile]naivette
This is a repost of a guide I created for tumblr about formatting fan novels for on-demand printers. It's partially outdated due to the closure of Lulu Xpress, but the information is still good


This guide is written with the intention of helping people set up their *original written works* 😉 into book formatting for print-on-demand! It won’t get into all the finer details, but it will contain enough for people to get started. This guide will be geared toward those who want to use Pixiv Factory, or Lulu Xpress, though some of the details should be universally applicable.

There is also another excellent guide by the bookbinding community here for formatting and binding your own book by hand! It’s an excellent reference.

Formatting Inner Material

In Book-making terms, inner material is basically all the pages that go on the inside of the book. You don’t need any fancy tools to format your writing, regular microsoft word or libreoffice writer will do.


Page Size

The first step in creating the inner material document is to pick the size of the book.

Pixiv Factory Sizes

Lulu Xpress Sizes


8.27 x 11.69in


8.27 x 11.69in


5.83 x 8.27in


5.83 x 8.27in


4.13 x 5.83in


5.5 x 8.5in

B5 (these aren’t exact)

6.9 × 9.8in

US Trade

6 x 9in

B6 (these aren’t exact)

4.9 × 6.9 in

Pocket Book

4.25 x 6.875in


Comic Book

6.63 x 10.25in



5 x 8 in


Etc. (lulu has a lot more sizes, see here)


This is really simple, just make sure to change the page size BEFORE you start pasting in text and manipulating it.

In Libre Office, this is how you change the page size. Note that there’s an option under size that you can select A and B sizes, as well as common U.S. paper sizes as well.

In Word, this is how you change the page size. You can select common page sizes here as well.


Paste in the Content

The next steps are to copy content from wherever it’s posted, into the document. If you’re writing in a google doc, then you can use AO3 to remove the the extra spaces really easily

How to remove extra spaces:

  1. Copy google doc text
  2. Paste in AO3’s rich text editor
  3. Switch AO3 editor to HTML
  4. Copy all the html stuff INTO wordpad
  5. Highlight <p>&nbsp;</p>
  6. Click the “replace” option
  7. Don’t enter anything into the “with” field
  8. Hit okay
  9. Copy the html back into AO3’s html editor
  10. Switch back to Rich Text
  11. Copy the final text wherever you need it.



Margins will depend on the font size and page size. In general, you want the inside margins of the book pages to be wider than the outside of the page, since the spine’s binding will obscure some of the page.

I normally set the top, bottom, and outside margins to be .50, and the inside margin between .50 to .80 depending on what I need. Depending on the size of the book, bigger margins may be necessary, but this can be checked during the proofing process.


Make sure the line spacing is set to SINGLE. If the lines still look far apart (damn you google docs), check the paragraph and spacing options to make sure that the “Above Paragraph Spacing” and “Below Paragraph Spacing” numbers are set to 0.00.

First Line Indents

The easiest way to get a nice first line indent is to go into the paragraph formatting options, and look for the Indents and Spacing options, and then look for “First Line Indents”. Pick any number that looks pleasing on the page. If the indent is too big, decrease the number.

Headers/Footers/Page Numbers

Make sure to add these in too! Page numbers are incredibly important since the printer won’t know what order the pages are supposed to go in if you don’t. Most printers refuse to print things if you don’t have page numbers.

End Material for Pixiv Factory

Pixiv Factory also requires that you include certain information in a colophon, such as:

Date of issue


Printing company name (pixivFACTORY)

Publication date: The date when the book was completed and handed over to the public.

Printing company name: Please write "pixivFACTORY".

Contact information: Enter your e-mail address or website address.

The field names need to be in Japanese (see link above) but the actual text (your name and details) can be in english.

Export to PDF

Once everything is formatted all nicely, the last step is to export to PDF. Both LibreOffice and Word have a method of doing this directly.



Upload to Printer

Now that the inner material is all formatted, the next step is to upload to the website! The process is a little different for each one.


Pixiv Factory

I used chrome to auto translate all the text in this section.



  1. Go to https://factory.pixiv.net/books
  1. If you don’t have a pixiv account, make one (english one works fine), and then use that to register for pixiv factory.
  1. Click on “Upload Manuscript” or go to https://factory.pixiv.net/books/books/new?single_lot=1


  1. Select your book specifications (size, number of pages, monochrome or color, and binding direction (left will be like western books, right for japanese books)

  1. Next, you can drag and drop or upload your manuscript/inner material.
  1. The page count needs to EVEN, and also add 4 to your actual number.
  2. Example: If your book is 23 pages long, go back into the document and add an extra page to make it 24 pages even.
  3. THEN select 28 pages.
  1. The reason for this is that Pixiv Factory is counting the cover as 2, and 2 extra for padding the cover.
  1. At this point, you can download the cover template, make a cover, and upload it on this same screen. (see Cover Design Section below)
  2. Enter in your book title, check each box, and then hit preview.
  3. After the preview finishes loading (it takes a long while), you can view your proof
  4. Check to make sure everything looks okay, then you can hit “submit manuscript”
  5. You’re done uploading to the printer!
  6. You should arrive at a page that kind of looks like this (more on this later)



Lulu Xpress

Uploading is a lot simpler on Lulu Xpress since everything is in english. Just upload your file, and it should automatically detect what size your book is, and how many pages it has. You can then make your specifications as to what you want the book to be.


Cover Design

This section depends on which printer you’re going with.


Pixiv Factory

For Pixiv Factory, you need to make sure things are sized correctly. The easiest way is to download their PSD templates from HERE and then overlay your images on top in your art program of choice, like Photoshop, Krita, or Clip Studio Paint.


The nice thing about this template is that the inner lines tell you how big the spine is going to be, depending on the amount of pages. This means that if you want to add a title to the spine, following these guidelines will easily get your title centered properly, even with a thin book.


Lulu Xpress

Lulu has the option to either upload an image and just type in the information you need, or download a template that is automatically sized to your book, and then add your own art and text.




Buying your Book

Pixiv Factory

This is where things can get complicated. Pixiv Factory doesn’t allow international shipping, but Pixiv Booth does! Otherwise, If you have a Tenso/proxy forwarding service account, you can order your own copy from this screen:

Tenso/Forwarding Service Path


Click the “Go to Order” button


Click “order a print”


Select your paper types in the dropdown, then click checkout


Enter your Tenso/forwarding service address and credit card details, and finish paying!



If you don’t have a Tenso address, or other forwarding/proxy service:

Buyee/Booth.pm route

You need to set up a booth.pm shop. You should already have a pixiv account, so just set up a booth shop using the same login. Make sure to setup payout settings to your own paypal account.


Then, starting from this page (or go to https://factory.pixiv.net/books/books if you clicked off by accident):


Click “Selling at the Online Shop”


And you’ll arrive at this page. Click “Sold at Booth”, and you’ll arrive at this popup:


Chose your paper types and cover gloss option, then click “proceed to product registration”



Click “To information edit screen”

You’ll be taken to the booth.pm item screen for your store. Enter in some metadata (title, description, etc.). Make sure to select “Accepted” for “Sell out of Japan” to enable Buyee ordering. You can set your margin to whatever you want, but since you’re ordering it yourself, just set it to zero for now.


Publish the item for sale! Then go to your own booth store page, go to your item, click “Add to cart”. On the cart page, there will be an option to “checkout via buyee”.



Fill out your payment details with buyee, and you’re done! Buyee will order your book, and then charge you another fee to ship it to you after they receive it, like any other proxy/forwarding service.


Lulu Xpress

After you’ve finished uploading and checking the proof of the cover and inner material, you can directly click “Add to Cart”, and purchase your book. Congratulations!!


[personal profile]naivette

One thing that has really annoyed me about Anilist (and maybe MAL?) by extension is the fact that they have such strict requirements on what is deemed a “light novel”.

Manga can be published online, in magazines, or self-published as a doujin, and it’s considered manga as long as it’s Japanese (or Chinese/Korean and follow the same style).

But God forbid a Japanese novel has anime art on the front, and is licensed by U.S. LN publishers. If the JP publisher doesn’t call it a light novel, it isn’t considered one!! And they specifically call out JP publishers that aren’t allowed to be considered as LN publishers.

Nevermind that those same books are already marketed as LNs in the U.S., and some even have anime!! By that same vein, why the hell is Legend of Galactic Heroes, and Twelve Kingdoms considered a Light Novel, but Otherside Picnic isn’t?? They all got anime!!

I’m just really annoyed cause that means my Anilist is incomplete, and I have to use Storygraph to actually track how many JP “light” novels I’ve actually read.

Light Novel is really just mostly a marketing term, it really blows my mind that those sites couldn’t at least take the stance that “marketed using anime art next to LNs = LN” or “received an anime/manga adaptation, should be included in the database for posterity”. I don’t actually care if it’s officially a “light novel”, if I watched Moribito and then read the novel, I wanna be able to track it in the same damn place.

2023/05/06 Edit: I created an activity thread on anilist as a stopgap to this issue. It’s not a real solution, but at least it’s on the same profile. I still have storygraph too, which I’ve been using to track my novel reading.

Maybe one day I’ll get fed up with having all my lists separated, and build my own tracking website, not that I have the technical expertise to do that currently…
[personal profile]naivette

I’ve been researching more light novels to read, and I discovered “Dawn of the Mapmaker: The Surveyor Girl and the Forbidden Knowledge” which is published by Cross Infinite World.
It’s published directly from Syosetsu, meaning that it hasn’t been published in Japan, but was translated and published into English directly.
Instead of using light novel tropes, it’s more like a western type fantasy. I really enjoyed the fact that the main character, Unen’s only power is her ability to make maps! (Except for her mysterious magic sensitivity, think of the whispers Frodo heard while wearing the ring). It’s not often that you get a main character who really isn’t able to fight with the rest of her party. The first book is mainly an introduction to the other characters, including Gruff Knight Ori, his Sassy Mage friend Mouru, and the main character’s female friend, Irena, who is also a badass guard.
Dawn of the Mapmaker – English Light Novels

The first book sets up how Unen gets dragged into a journey across the land, even though it’s her dream too. The little quirks in the way magic works in this world (mostly sorcery, not really wizardry, with math involved) was an interesting twist, and I definitely laughed at Mouru’s hijinks more than once.
It’s a comfy, quick read, and it looks like there’s enough material from the web novel for 4 books. I hope this book does well enough so I can find out what happens next!!
[personal profile]naivette

I recently finished reading Volumes 1 and 2 of Onmyoji and Tengu Eyes, published by Cross Infinite Worlds.

The story is about Misato Miyazawa (long black hair), an independent onmyoji (occult expert) who leaves his elite family in order to live on his own after an attempt on his life. He gets a job at the local Town Hall at the “Abnormal Disaster Unit”, a department dedicated to dealing with occult and spiritual issues. He ends up living with Ryouji Karino (blonde), an outgoing guy with who works as a freelance buddhist monk.

I generally enjoy “procedural” series that deal with the lives of people trying to do their job in a hyper specialized field, and this one was no different. If I had to compare it to something else, I’d recommend it to fans of Ghost Hunt, Midnight Occult Civil Servants , or The Night Beyond the Tricornered Window but it’s definitely more on the somber/serious side. 

Both of them have secrets and painful pasts that they’d rather not dredge up, but end up having to deal with them together. The two male leads are both interesting in their own right, but as the two open up, their interactions become quite heartwarming when they learn to trust each other and learn about the others’ quirks. There’s definitely a little bit of ship tease between the two, since they start living together at the start of Volume 1, and already have an “old married couple” vibe. It’s not BL though (damn) but it’s still a fun read!

There’s also a manga adaptation that’s ongoing, so I think both the novel and manga series are unfinished for now. Since the novels are episodic, I’m not sure what’s in store for the next book but I’m interested in finding out!
[personal profile]naivette

I’ve been reading this adorable series recently! It’s called Expedition Cooking with the Enoch Royal Knights. It’s a slice of life fantasy series about a female elf, Mell Risurisu, who leaves her village to work in the capital city of their country with other humans. She decides to work as a knight since there aren’t any jobs who would hire an unknown elf with no magic powers, where elves are usually known for being quite magically inclined.


Even though she’s part of the knights, she’s more of a combat medic and cook. The knight squadron she joins is full of eccentric characters that I would love to see animated one day. They truly are a found family.

This series is quite similar to Campfire Cooking in Another World with My Absurd Skill in that the main focus is really the fun cast and the cute moments where everybody gets to relax and eat. Reading this series will definitely make you hungry!


Because they’re knights, they get assigned to all sorts of adventures like taking out mobs of enemies, saving a noble who ran away to the mountains with their lover, or going undercover to bust an organized human trafficking ring.

And there’s even a really cute romance starting to bloom between Mell and one of the other knights. I recommend this series since it’s such a feel good story!

[personal profile]naivette

I’m super excited to talk about this book! I normally like to wait to check out books from the library to see if I actually like them, but I just knew from the premise that this one was going to be something I’d love.

The premise is as follows: Bertine, the woman pictured on the front, a noble daughter of a Marquess from the island Kingdom of Luenne and, is sold off by her country as part of a negotiation for reparations in a war between the continental Empire (who Luenne was supporting), and a southern country called “The Federation”. She is forced to go to the Federation and is offered as a bride to winning side’s king, a man named Cecilio. Except, the Federation needs money for war damages, not a random noble bride!

After facing some harsh treatment at the King’s estate (when Cecilio isn’t there), she decides to leave and make a living and life on her own, with the help of her attendant and some friends she meets along the way.

First and foremost, although this is supposedly a romance series, this is mostly a book about a woman finding a way to establish herself in a new country as an independent merchant through connections and wit.


I thought the negative relationship between Cecilio (her primary love interest), and Bertine would drag on through the entire book complicating her goals, but I was pleasantly surprised that Cecilio apologizes right away for how his staff initially treated Bertine. From there on out, Bertine and Cecilio are a team, working to uplift the Federation.

The first book is mostly about establishing Bertine as a merchant, and is quite similar in tone and feel to the first three books of the Ascendance of a Bookworm series. I read this book entirely in one sitting!

I absolutely love the art style, and the story is such a cozy read.

The seeds of a future romance between the two leads have already been planted, and I assume we’ll get more development on the romance front in the 2nd (and last book) which comes out on March 29, 2024.

I’ll be awaiting it eagerly!

Oreldo ½ [Pumpkin Scissors][Gen]

Dec. 19, 2023 10:41 PM
[personal profile]naivette

Oreldo ½

Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Fandom: Pumpkin Scissors
Characters: Martis (Pumpkin Scissors), Oreldo (Pumpkin Scissors), Hunks (Pumpkin Scissors), Lili Stekkin, Alice L. Malvin
Language: English
Published: 2023-12-20
Words: 864
Chapters: 1/1

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at http://archiveofourown.org/works/52391200.


A Ranma 1/2 parody fic written for the Pumpkin Parade 2 Anthology!



Oreldo and Marches were walking from their apartment to the Section 3 office one morning, when a high pitched screech was heard, along with the sound of gushing water. Before either of them could turn around, a wild garden hose that had wrenched itself from the hands of a local gardener had instead turned its full force onto the two young men. 

“Yikes!” Oreldo exclaimed, and this was the last that Marches had heard from him. Both men were sopping wet. 

The gardener ran over to the two to apologize. 

“I’m so terribly sorry! It seems like I’ve completely drenched you and your dog.” She spoke kindly. The woman held out a towel for the two.

“No, it’s fine! We’ll just get changed into our backup uniforms at work.” Marches replied, though he did take the towel to dry off his head. He turned to look at his friend, when he noticed that the man he knew as Oreldo wasn’t around. In his place stood a quite wet blonde German shepard, looking quite confused. 

“Oreldo!??” Marches gasped. 


Alice was pacing back and forth. Most of Section 3 had made it to work on time today, but Oreldo and Marches were missing. She expected this kind of behavior from Oreldo, but was shocked that Marches was breaking the rules as well. Alice was thinking of appropriate corporal punishments for the two when she heard someone running down the hall, with another set of odd footsteps as well.

She turned toward the door, only to see a panicked Marches.

“Marches! I hope you’re ready to explain why you’re late! Where’s Oreldo!” said Alice. 

Marches was nearly out of breath, and behind him, a suspiciously familiar looking dog entered the room. 

Mercury went up to Dog Oreldo and wagged his tail. Oreldo hid behind Marches. 

Panting, Marches finally spoke. “Haaah…you guys…Oreldo…got…turned…into…a dog!” 

Hunks, Oland, and Stecchin got up from their seats to get a better look. Certainly, the dog was a similar shade of blonde to their colleague. 

“No way!” Stecchin waved her arms. “Oreldo turned into such a cute pupper!” She raced over to Marches and reached out her hand to pet him.

Oreldo looked annoyed, but let Stecchin pet him anyway. His tail was gently wagging. 

“Okay, disregarding the fact that this is clearly impossible, what even happened to get you into this situation?” Hunks asked smoothly. Marches explained the earlier mishap with the gardener. 

All members of Section 3 stood there, unable to decide what to do. Despite being a dog, Oreldo successfully jumped up onto his chair, and laid his front paws on his desk, appearing to be lying down, ready to take a nap. 

Noticing this, Alice interjected. “Oreldo! I don’t care if you’re a dog, we have work to do! You hate paperwork anyways, so we’re going to do some fieldwork!” She grabbed an extra collar and leash that was kept around the office for Mercury, and tied it to Oreldo.

The german shepherd yowled, but was dragged away by Alice, determined to accomplish some work today. Oland followed behind sheepishly.

Marches laughed. “Maybe he’s better off like this…” 

Hunks chuckled and Stecchin smiled. “He’s definitely cuter!”


Oreldo got dragged around all day, forcefully by his Lieutenant, and more gently when Corporal Oland was holding the leash. Unsurprisingly, his improved sense of smell had led them to some surprising leads regarding the smuggling of illicit goods. Oland had convinced Lieutenant that it would be more successful if they raided such places after gaining more information, so they simply recorded the suspicious places for future investigation.

After a long, hard day’s work, Oreldo wondered when he would gain his human body back. He was hungry, but he didn’t dare ask for food, since he wouldn’t put it past Stecchin to innocently offer up dog food in his current form. Sharing dinner with Mercury? No way!

Oland, Alice, and Oreldo returned back to the office at the end of the day. Marches was finishing up on paperwork, and Stecchin was preparing tea for them, as usual. 

She had several cups on her tray, and passed them out to Marches, Alice, and Oland before realizing she had made one too many. “I guess you don’t need this, Oreldo!”

She was about to put it away, when she tripped on nothing, and the cups on the tray went flying towards Oreldo, leaving no time to dodge them. The cups of hot, piping tea fell on the blonde dog. 

“OOOOOUUUCCHHHHH!!” The blonde man screamed. 

He was sitting on the ground. Not wearing any clothes. 

This time, it was Stecchin’s turn to scream. 


After some serious commotion between the Lieutenant and Stecchin, Oland took off his jacket and covered Oreldo, preserving his dignity while Marches rushed off to procure another set of clothes stashed in the man’s locker. The clothes from this morning were finally dry, but they were too dirty to wear out and needed to be washed.

After finally getting dressed (with Alice and Lili turning around so they wouldn’t see him), Oreldo finally explained. 

“Captain, have you heard of something called “Spring of the Drowned Dog?”

Hunks grinned. 



The Empty Codex v01

Jan. 24, 2024 12:22 AM
[personal profile]naivette
Book 1 - That Time I Entered an Occult Bookstore and Ended Up With Magical Powers!

Arc Navigation: 


001. Introduction 1

Iyla sat at her computer, bored with her work. She had been working since the morning, typing up a feature design document, but had hit a roadblock. She needed more information to continue, but someone else needed to send her more reference material for it first. She got up from the desk and stretched. It was 11:30 AM, so just a little too early for lunch. She paced her living room, which was also where her desk was located. The living room contained her desk, which faced the window, a three-seat couch, and a TV. There was also a large bookshelf, separating the space from the dining area and the door to her bedroom. After pacing for a bit, she stared at her books and knick-knacks on her bookshelf, wondering if she should pick up a book to read since she had the free time anyways.

But her stomach grumbled. Even though it was early, her muffin from the morning just wasn't enough to keep her going. Sighing, she decided to just take an early lunch and go out for some food.


* * *

Iyla grabbed her bag and walked out, making sure to lock her front door. After exiting the building, she wondered which way she should go for lunch this time.

Sun City was a bustling, metropolitan city on the west coast of the Republic of California. The neighborhood Iyla lived in had plenty restaurants and cafes, servicing a few big company buildings in the area. At this time of day, you could spot office workers filing out of their buildings like ants in search of food to bring back to their nests. Iyla was the same, though since she worked from home, she didn't feel the need to dress the part.

I wonder if I should just get something from the deli? But I kind of want something else!

She pondered for a bit, before coming across a sign in front of a cafe that she liked, but hadn't been to for some time. They were advertising new Cuban sandwiches on the menu.

It was a quiet place, not on the main street. On top of that, there was an alley right across from it, so it didn't make for the most scenic view for lunch. Due to that fact, only regulars really ate here, and many of the customers took their food to-go.

She didn't come here often enough to consider herself a regular, but the cashier recognized her anyways.

"Hey, Iyla! I haven't seen you in a while. How's it going?" asked the college-aged girl. She worked here part-time, and the outgoing girl had struck up a conversation with her last time when she recognized the anime t-shirt she was wearing.

"I'm fine! I just got stuck with work, so I figured I'd take my lunch break early. How about you?"

"Ugh, I wish I could do the same! Luckily it hasn't been too busy, so I've been sneaking some assigned reading in between." She held up a novel sheepishly.

Iyla smiled. She ordered one of the Cuban sandwiches and then sat down at a small green tables outside. Although it wasn't particularly a nice view, she couldn't help but enjoy the warm sunlight and clear day. Plus, she liked to people watch, since she spent most of her time inside.

She sat down and looked around. Just like her, many of the other customers had chosen to enjoy the nice weather and sit in the cafe's patio area. If you looked high into the sky, you could see a line of air taxis following predetermined paths, ferrying their passengers to their destinations.

A young woman walked out into the alleyway across from the cafe. Iyla turned, and made brief eye contact. She turned around quickly, and hurried off in the opposite direction.

Huh? Was there always a store there?

Not long after that strange occurrence, the cashier brought her sandwich and juice to the table. Iyla dug into her lunch heartily, suddenly feeling much more hungry than expected.




* * *

After finishing lunch, Iyla checked the time on her wristwatch. Her lunch hour wasn't quite over yet, plus since had taken her break early, it was unlikely that her coworkers would have answered her email even when she got back. She had time to kill.

She was curious about the store open towards the alley. Normally, a business would have had some kind of signage to let people know about their existence, but she only noticed the neon sign saying "open" after walking up to the entrance. It only lit up brightly when she walked up close to the store, blinking on from a previously unlit state.

Is it motion-sensing?

There were some various odds and ends in the window display. The store looked to be a retro antique store, carrying various analogue goods from long ago. She recognized one of the items as an old dial-operated telephone.

Curious, but most importantly, bored and free, she entered the store.




002. Introduction 2

Iyla opened the door, and immediately noticed how incredibly packed it was with stuff. There were some rough groupings of items such as music storage devices like CDs, vinyls, cassettes, and most outdated of all, MP3 players. At least with the first three, it was possible to find both vintage and newer devices designed for retro music. But MP3 players were like a roulette wheel of outdated hardware, software, and batteries. Most people just used their implants to access the radio or other music streaming services.

Other than the old tech, there were piles of random books, vintage toys, and old house decorations. Honestly, it was a great place to waste time in, just admiring possessions that were once loved. She scanned over the store, already planning on coming back for a proper scavenge to see what treasures she could unearth.

Sitting behind the front desk (it was another antique table with a laptop on it) was an Asian man who didn't seem much older than her. He had spiky black hair, a mostly black outfit, and a mildly annoyed look on his face. He generally exuded "punk" vibes, and Iyla guessed that he was probably the kind of person who had tattoos too.

"Um…excuse me, the store is open right? I saw the sign lit up outside…" she said politely. Maybe she had intruded on his lunch break?

"Yeah, it's open." He sighed, schooling his face to be more neutral. "Go ahead and shop."

It wasn't her fault that it wasn't locked up properly, or that there wasn't proper signage. She held in her own annoyance and gave a forced smile.

"O~kay! Thank you!"


* * *

Iyla glanced around, looking for anything of interest. Other than the old electronics, there were also some old furniture pieces, a cabinet full of knives, daggers, and guns (the kind put up in a room for show), and a table with various glassware.

She headed to the back of the store to see if she could find anything else that might be of interest. There was a large bookshelf there, with various old reference tomes and classics piled up haphazardly. Not all of them were in English or Spanish though, there were also books in German, French, Russian, Japanese, Chinese, Arabic, and Hindi. She used the translator on her implant to read the titles and summary, but they were simply foreign novels. The reference books had old maps, and some were ancient textbooks. Maybe these books had been consigned or pawned off, and there weren't enough buyers who could read them to clear this stock. Iyla picked a few of them up from the middle shelf, and flipped through the pages. None of them particularly caught her eye.

She squatted, and began perusing the books on the bottom shelf when she spotted something glint at the back. It was dark enough that she could only barely make out the corner of the book, but it stood out against all the other leather and cloth-bound tomes. She reached for it without being able to see it at her current angle, and instantly felt a static shock. Yikes!!

She almost fell backwards from her squat out of surprise, but quickly grabbed onto the shelf to keep herself upright.

What in the world was that?

Determined, she reached for the book again. This time, her fingers managed to touch the front, and she felt its unusually scaly texture. After moving the books in front of it out the way, she managed to finally pull out her find.

It was a beautifully bound tome, with radiant holographic scales on both the back and front. Just running her hand over it felt pleasingly cool to the touch. Iyla stood up from her position, and examined the book further.

There wasn't anything stamped or foiled on either the front, back, or spine. When she opened it up, it revealed nothing but blank pages.

I guess it's a diary? Or maybe a sketchbook?

Either way, it was too beautiful to pass up!



* * *

She checked the time again. She had already overstayed by thirty minutes, so it was best that she head back. Iyla headed to the front desk with the pretty, scaled book and set it down on the table.

"This didn't have a price tag on it, how much does it cost?" she asked.

The shopkeeper looked away from his laptop and grabbed his scanner nonchalantly. "Oh, let me check." He then made eye contact with the book in question, and suddenly stiffened.

"You…how did you manage to pick up this book?" he asked warily.

"What do you mean? Oh, you're talking about the static shock right! Yeah it shocked me pretty well the first time, but it was fine afterwards." She said.

"I see… Yeah usually people don't bother after the first time." He used his item scanner, and then looked at the computer screen. "It's 35 bucks."

That's…kind of expensive for a journal but… She felt that if she left it here in the store, someone else would probably buy it. She had only found it by pure luck.

"Okay, I'll take it!"

She paid for it with her card. The shopkeeper put it in a nice sturdy shopping bag with the name "The Corvus". Just as she was about to leave, the shopkeeper spoke up.

"If you have any issues, or if you'd like to return your purchase, please feel free to come back!" He spoke with practiced ease. This must be something standard he said to every customer. It was a pretty generous store policy.

"Yeah, thanks!"

With that, she left, walking back home with excitement, thinking of what she would use the book for.



003. Introduction 3

Iyla hurried back to her apartment. After she got home, she left her purchase on the coffee table, and got to work.

Once work had finally finished, she got up from her desk and threw herself onto the couch. It wasn't a particularly stressful day, but she felt weirdly exhausted, for some reason. Laying on her couch, she saw the shopping bag that she had left there earlier.

She started pondering what she could use it for. Honestly, she had just bought it because the binding had been beautiful. But she couldn't bring herself to just use it for normal notes or diary entries. It felt like the book deserved to have some more meaningful contents written inside.

She grabbed the book out of the bag, and looked it over again. Blank, as expected.

There were no great ideas that came to her, so she set it back down on the table and got up to prepare dinner.

After her evening routine of dinner, TV, and some light reading in bed, she fell asleep, hoping to feel better tomorrow.

Iyla woke up the next day, not feeling any better than the day before. A great fatigue had set in to her body, causing it to feel sluggish.

However, although she had been expecting to find out that she had a mild fever, the thermometer had only shown normal results.

Maybe she just wasn't fully sick yet! Not wanting to take the day off, she persevered and logged in to work. In the rush of her morning, she hadn't noticed that the book she had bought from "The Corvus" wasn't where she had left it last night, but was instead sitting on her bedside table, nonchalantly without a care in the world.

She might have noticed if she had a reason to use it, but currently it was just a decorative piece, blending into the background of her everyday life. That would soon change.

Iyla started work that day, unaware of the changes that were taking place in her body, and her life.



* * *

Working until lunch time, Iyla craved sugar. She was feeling so shitty that she felt she deserved the treat, so she popped down to the boba cafe downstairs. It was within the same building, so it was quite convenient.

After receiving her drink, she sat down at the table outside, intending to people-watch a bit. It was a sunny day, but a large shadow passed overhead. She looked up at the sky, and noticed a huge shadow of a bird passing overhead.

It was huge, the size of a large airplane passing low to the ground. But it was unmistakably a bird, with feathery, eagle-like wings and a long, colorful tail with electricity sparking down its length. She barely saw it for a second before it accelerated, leaving only the faint ghost image burned into her eyes.

The contrast from the shadow to the bright electric afterimage blinded her temporarily. Iyla closed and rubbed her eyes, and then looked around at ground level.

A veil had been burned off by the presence of something outside her comprehension, and now, she could truly see.

Among the normal crowds out and about today, she noticed that some people looked just a little off. Horns here, scales there, some a little more transparent when you looked closely. It was like everyone was dressed for Halloween, except that the skill level for the costuming was off the charts. And beyond the odd looking humans, there were other creatures mingling amongst the masses. A fairy, small enough to fit into the palm of one's hand, was flying above carrying a bouquet flowers.

Am I…. going insane?

She wondered if she had somehow developed schizophrenia, and this was merely the result of her delusions, but then she saw a vampire walking what looked to be a small dragon on a leash. (It was flying, but it didn't have any wings!)

There was no way she could have imagined that!

She grabbed her drink and ran back to her apartment. She thought about calling one of her friends for moral support, but there was no way that they would believe her. At best, they might think that she was trying to play a prank on them by "pretending to be crazy".

She ran back to the computer and started searching for any mention of that giant bird in the news. Nothing had come up.

The next thing she tried was "exorcists in my area", hoping to find some weirdo that could maybe say a couple of Latin phrases and scare whatever demon was causing her to hallucinate like this. Funnily enough, The Corvus showed up in the results. Their website claimed that they specialized in "occult consultations".

Remembering what the shopkeeper from The Corvus had said, she decided to go back to that curious little store.



004. Introduction 4

After grabbing her keys, Iyla hurried back to the alleyway where the store was. She tried not to stare too long at the new exciting creatures that she was seeing, but couldn't help but admire them. Above, pegasus’ were flying, some even with passengers. On the sidewalk over there, a man whose upper body was furry, and whose face was like a tiger's, was standing by the crosswalk while chatting away on his phone.

It was like she had been transported straight to a fantasy land where everything was possible. But because it was so unbelievable, she felt more certain that it had to be some kind of dream.

Not too long after leaving her apartment, she arrived at The Corvus. This time, the neon open sign was obnoxiously bright, to the point where she wondered how she had missed it previously, even sitting at the cafe.

She waited a moment to catch her breath, and then entered the store.

The store was same as usual, only this time, there was a hallway leading off into the distance, as well as multiple doors. The same shopkeeper was sitting at the front desk

"Um… excuse me?" Iyla said. He looked up, somewhat startled, and then set down a calligraphy pen. In front of him were a stack of rectangular pieces of paper, some with writing on them.

"Oh…you're back." The man said idly. He got up from his seat, and stretched his arms and neck. "Come with me."

With little explanation, he started walking towards the back of the store, and Iyla reluctantly followed. They entered the uncannily long hallway, and walked past quite a few doors before arriving at a Japanese style sliding door. The man in black slid the door open and walked inside, leaving his shoes at the entrance. Iyla did the same, and stepped up into the room.

It was a small room with wood floors, and a low table with cushions around it. He motioned for her to sit, while he disappeared off into another room, probably the kitchen. She heard the familiar, calming sounds of an electric kettle boiling and the clinking of tea cups. In just a few minutes, he returned with the tea and set it down on the table.

Iyla gently touched the cup with her hands, warming them up. She didn't realize how cold they were until this moment. However, she made no motion of picking it up to drink.

"It's not poisoned, I promise." He said wryly.

She cracked a smile. "I'm just waiting for it to cool down."

He sighed, and then picked up his own cup, taking a sip.

"My name is Jin, by the way." He said. "I assume you're here to consult me about something?"

"Yes!" Iyla took a deep breath, before starting. "I think that book I bought yesterday is haunted!" She explained how she had started seeing creatures that were straight out of a fantasy novel. As soon as she had finished her explanation, she realized that she hadn't even introduced herself. "Oh! And my name is Iyla".

She started drinking her own tea, taking bigger gulps.

Jin rubbed his chin with his right hand, staring at the woman sitting across from him. "You've never seen this stuff before?"

Iyla shook her head.

"Did you bring the book with you?"

"Uh, no? If it's haunted, then I really don't wanna touch it!"

"Hmnn…. okay. Alright, I want you to try one thing." Jin grabbed a scrap piece of paper out of his pocket and scribbled a note onto it, placing it in front of Iyla.

He then held out his hand palm-side up. "Can you hold your hand up like this and say what I've written?"

Iyla copied the movement and glanced down at the note.

"Grimoire of Heaven, Tome of the Earth, Codex of the Unknown, heed my call!"

Just as she finished speaking her command, a bright magical circle appeared on her palms. The circle glowed a violent blue, and then began spinning into the shape of a sphere. Words from an unknown language started circling the sphere, like the rings of Saturn. A second later, the same iridescent book with scaled leather that she had purchased the day before appeared within the sphere, and gently deposited onto her hands.

Jin grinned.

Iyla turned the book around in her hands. It was definitely a physical object, not a hologram.

"What the… how did I do that!?"

"Congratulations. You're now the registered owner of that book, and are now a magus." Jin replied.

Iyla narrowed her eyes at him. "A… magus? Like a witch or a wizard? Someone who can use magic?"

"Yeah, exactly."

"Then…" questions started running through Iyla's head wildly. Why did the codex register to her? Does this mean everyone in the world could use magic? Who was Jin, and why was this shop so much bigger on the inside than the outside?

"Jin…does this mean that I can quit my day-job!?"


[personal profile]naivette

The Alchemist Who Survived Now Dreams of a Quiet City Life Volumes 1 and 2 by Usata Nonohara, Illustrations by OX. Published by Yen On (Yen Press).

I was excited enough by this series that I wanted to write up my impressions after I finished the first volume, but I wanted to read the 2nd volume first to get an idea of the direction of the story before I wrote up my post.
This series is about a teenage alchemist named Mariela, who lives on her own after being tutored by her master, an experienced Alchemist. She makes a living near the Kingdom of Endalsia, selling alchemic potions to brothels for much less than they’re worth. She doesn’t have much in the way of connections or resources other than the knowledge her master taught her, as well as the house in the forest she left her with (she disappeared off somewhere). In this setting, a great horde of monsters goes berserk and starts rampaging, returning the town to from human territory into monster territory. Mariela escapes this fate by using a spell that basically holds her in a cold(dead) sleep, which is supposed to awaken her when the danger is over. However, she accidentally messes up her preparations, and ends up sleeping for over 200 years.

The books are about how she establishes a new life in the city that was built from the remains of the old kingdom.
The books don’t shy away from the unsavory elements of fantasy. While Mariela has a happy-go-lucky point of view and is very charmingly positive, it’s clear that the other characters take solace in her attitude because the world they live in is not very forgiving. People can die from simple monster attacks (a king slime ends up disintegrating someone alive), and people are barely kept alive during dungeon expeditions with potions. Slavery exists as a punishment for debt and crime. Every scene that doesn’t have Mariela in it shows how brutal people’s lives really are in this world. Which is why her potions and healing spirit are seen as such a boon. She’s the last alchemist with a connection to the local leyline, and they can’t train up other alchemists because the area is considered monster territory.

Despite all this, the tone of the series is fairly light. Mariela has an extremely rare skill, but she has a grounded attitude. She just wants to make enough money to live a decent life, surrounded by people she loves. She’s willing to help others, and trades her skills for appropriate compensation.

I really appreciated the setting and world building put into this series. The author does use tropes from other alchemist fantasy series (I’m only really familiar with the Atelier Ryza games and The Saint’s Magic Power is Omnipotent), but I can tell that the common building blocks were used well. A lot of focus is put into the process of making potions, and the practicality of their uses. The sequences of Mariela getting materials, and going through all the steps of making potions are definitely detailed, though they do get a little old towards the end of the first book. Luckily, more emphasis is placed on other parts of the story in the second book.

I don’t have too much experience with light novels yet, (I’m still learning), but I have noticed that this series is definitely on the longer side for light novels. Each book is roughly 90k words. Not to say that I don’t enjoy it, since it’s a cozy read despite the dark themes.

This series is only 6 books long, though there is an ongoing manga adaptation. I’m curious to see how the story develops further, and maybe I’ll do another write-up about my thoughts after finishing the rest of the books.

[personal profile]naivette

A Young Lady Finds Her True Calling Living with the Enemy Volume 2 by Syuu, Illustrations by Fujigasaki. Published by Cross Infinite World.

Because this is the second half of the story, this impression will contain spoilers. If you want my general impressions, please read my post about Volume 1!

The second and final volume of this series follows the story-line from volume 1. Japan does this a lot, but these volumes are better thought of as the first and second half of the same story. Now that Bertine is secure in her position, she continues to do business, make profits, and plot the downfall of her home country’s current monarchy, with the help of Cecilio and her friends from the Empire.

This book also includes Bertine successfully achieving her dream of building a hotel, and setting up the infrastructure for people to travel and experience the Federation for themselves. I really enjoyed these kind of “country-building” projects, and I’m glad that the series takes this into account.

I won’t go into specifics as to how the book ends, but I was looking forward to seeing how the romance between Bertine and Cecilio develops from the first book. It was obvious that Cecilio was in love with her, but I wanted to see more adorable interactions. While the rest of the book was quite engaging, I have to say that it was a little disappointing from that angle. For plot reasons, their relationship isn’t addressed until the end, so readers don’t get much time to read about their actual relationship.

Neither of the main couple are particularly romantic, so I do have to admit that it’s pretty realistic how they get together. At the very least, there is a quite funny side story of their romantic picnic devolving into chaos when an unexpected visitor shows up (LOL).

Overall, I really enjoyed this series, and it was refreshing to see a female-centered series that doesn’t overly focus on the romantic drama.

I’m definitely interested in more of Syuu’s books, and luckily, two of their book series were just recently licensed, Victoria of Many Faces by Yen Press, and Soup Forest by Cross Infinite World.