[personal profile]naivette


Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Multi
Fandom: Pumpkin Scissors
Relationship: Oreldo/Lili Stekkin, Oreldo/Marches
Character: Oreldo (Pumpkin Scissors), Machs (Pumpkin Scissors), Martis (Pumpkin Scissors), Marches (Pumpkin Scissors), Lili Stekkin
Additional Tags: Pre-OT3, OT3, This OT3 could be platonic or romantic your call, Drinking, Stecchin is old enough to drink in this one
Language: English
Series: Part 4 of Signs of Love (Oreldo/Marches)
Published: 2022-06-25
Words: 1367

Set after Volume 21, Oreldo promised to keep his two most important people safe. Marches and Stecchin provide some much needed support.

The three officers of Section 3 sat in the warehouse, shocked and surprised by what they were hearing over the telegram. Corporal Oland had finally confessed his true feelings, not only of love, but devotion to the Lieutenant.
But what came next made them freeze. It was their duty to reign in Lieutenant Alice L. Malvin? Marches glanced at Oreldo, with doubt. Would it be possible for them to do that? Given their track record, that hardly seemed possible.
Oreldo clutched the two to his side, both Stecchin and Marches. When Alice and Randel announced the name of their unit, he couldn’t have been prouder of them. He promised, in his heart, that whatever happened, he would always protect these two.
“What was that all about?” Marches asked, shortly after the broadcast had stopped. Stecchin chimed in as well.
“Yeah! Oreldo-san, why did you hug us so suddenly?” She said, curious and clearly clueless.
Oreldo sighed. “Once this is all over, I’ll tell you.”
Surprisingly, after all the destruction from the terrorist attacks, their building at the Intelligence Headquarters had survived. Other units weren’t as lucky, and had been squished together to compensate for the lack of space while the rebuilding occurred.
There were a few people from the General Affairs department using the same office space, a thin cardboard divider separating the two. Although their heroic efforts had certainly caught the hearts of the people, it hadn’t earned them enough resources to resist the change.
Either way, this was supposedly temporary, so there wasn’t much to be done. The desks from Section 3 were all moved together to form two lines, almost like they were in school. Oreldo and Marches, who usually sat across from each other, were now sitting side by side, with Stecchin sitting next to Hunks at her desk. Alice’s desk was on the other side of Hunks’, and Oland’s desk was next to Oreldo’s.
It was ridiculously cramped, especially when all of them were in the office. At the very least, they could open the windows to let in a little breeze.

Hunks found working in their office rather stifling, so he often barged into Connery’s private office, on the pretense of cross-unit cooperation.

The Lieutenant and the Corporal had become somewhat local celebrities since the event, so they often went out on field missions alone. Most of the work was local anyways, so their units had split up into the two groups fairly often.
Oreldo stretched. “Damn, my hands are about to fall off! If I knew it was going to be like this, I wish they had destroyed this building too.” He mused.
Marches turned to glare at him, before continuing on with their paperwork. The terror attack had given Section 3 a ridiculous amount of paperwork to complete and sort through, logging damages and providing reports on estimates of necessary repairs. They really didn’t have enough time for complaints.
“Keep moving your hands. If you foist that stuff on me, I’m definitely not going out with you next time.” Marches said.
Stecchin heard the two of them and laughed. “Aww you two!” She had already finished her damage estimates, courtesy of her data analysis skills. She slid out from behind her desk with a smug grin, and was making her way towards the coffee maker when Oreldo got up and put the junior officer into a noogie.
“Don’t worry pipsqueak, you’re coming with us too! Your birthday was just the other day wasn’t it? Alright, we’ll go out and celebrate tonight!”
“Owwwiee, stop Oreldo-san!” She yelped, though in reality she was exaggerating. “That hurts, and you’re messing up my hair!”
Oreldo stopped, and patted her gently this time. “Don’t worry, it’ll be our treat!”
Marches smiled at the two of them.
Just as promised, the three went out drinking together after work. While they were walking to the bar, they chatted.
“Where are we going? This isn’t the direction of the usual bar.” Marches said.
“Well yeah, I’m not taking Stecchin to a low-brow place like that! We’re going somewhere nice for a change.” Oreldo replied.
Marches had to agree that it was a good idea. But were there any nice places left?
“I would have been okay with the usual place!” Stecchin replied cheerfully. Marches was doubtful of that.
Their usual place was rowdy on a good day. There weren’t many women who came to that specific bar, and someone so small and barely legal-drinking-age like Stecchin would have caused quite a stir and unwanted attention. They were trying to relax, after all.
They arrived at a nice looking cafe with wide windows and plenty of greenery, and Oreldo walked in confidently. After pausing to study the place, the other two also followed.
The inside was no different, looking like an elegant restaurant that served tea and sandwiches for upper class patrons. Oreldo waved at the owner, who gave a polite smile and nod, motioning towards a door at the back.
They walked through another door, and arrived at an equally luxurious bar in the back, slightly smaller than the cafe front. Unlike the cafe, this place was bustling, though the tables were spaced far enough from each other and dimly lit. It had an intimate, comfortable atmosphere.
They chose to sit at an open table next to the wall that had four seats. Stecchin and Marches sat on one side, while Oreldo sat on the other.
Just looking around, one could tell that this was clearly a date spot, where well-off couples came to enjoy each other’s company in privacy. The three of them were out of place, wearing their regular uniforms.
“So this place is part of your playbook?” Marches said, giving Oreldo a knowing look.
Stecchin glanced between the two of them, before asking, “Have you two not come here together before?”
Marches shook his head. “I’m guessing this is where Oreldo takes his girls while they’re out on a date.” He wrinkled his nose.
Oreldo, cool as ever, kept an acquiescing smile on his face. “Sure, I don’t care if we call this a date.”
Marches sat there, eyes wide and speechless, while Stecchin blushed.
“D..does that include me too?” She said sheepishly.
“Of course! We’re here to celebrate you after all.”
Stecchin beamed.
While they were talking, the owner walked by, dropping off two menus: a drinks menu listing all the cocktails and assorted alcohols, and a restaurant menu detailing their accompanying snacks and meals.
Stecchin grabbed the drinks menu, looking through the options.
Marches, face blushed red, locked eyes with Oreldo “Idiot, don’t joke around like that-”
“I mean it.” Oreldo said, not a hint of amusement on his face. “Remember what happened during the Nebulo Union Terrorist Attacks? It’s been on my mind since then.”
Oreldo sighed, breaking eye contact with two people in front of him, but he kept talking. “I haven’t had the chance to say this, but thank you. For being in my life. Back then, I couldn’t bear the thought of losing either of you, so I vowed to keep you safe. I just wanted to feel proof that you were alive.”
Marches kept looking at his friend, eyes slightly watery. They hadn’t really thought about what they had been through, what they could have lost. In fact, they had probably tried really hard not to think about it at all.
Stecchin gently reached for both Oreldo’s and Marches hands, clasping each of their bigger hands in her tiny ones. She then brought the other two hands closer together, so they were all in contact.
Oreldo’s hands were slightly cold and clammy, while both Stecchin’s and Marches’ were dry and warm. She stroked Oreldo’s hand gently.
“Thank you for telling us Oreldo-san!” She said. “Our connection hasn’t been broken, and we aren’t going anywhere.” She stroked his hand reassuringly, before letting go.
Marches squeezed Oreldo’s hand firmly once, before releasing his grip as well. His tears had receded, but so had his sadness at what could have been.
They were all lucky to have each other.
“Hmn.. I think I wanna try this raspberry martini!” Stecchin announced cheerfully.
They were in for a long, joyous night.
End Notes
This is the last of my prompts (currently) for this series! I am working on another secret story for the Pumpkin Parade doujin event in October, so look forward to that.
Thank you for reading my work :)