Wedding Day [Pumpkin Scissors][Oreldo/Marches]
Dec. 8, 2022 10:10 PM
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So between Alice’s meddling, and the general interest from the Army Intelligence division, what was supposed to be a small gathering celebrating the union between Oreldo and Marches had turned into a huge occasion. When people had heard that their wedding was taking place at THE Malvin estate, it was obvious that there would be many curious acquaintances who were just begging to be invited. In the end, the guest list was left to the whims of the wedding planner, and Stecchin, who had been assigned to it as an official assignment by one of their crafty superiors (this time it wasnt Hunks).
Marches got up and walked to the window, looking down at the garden where the ceremony would be taking place.
There were many superior officers from the Intelligence Division, as well as other parts of the military in attendance. He recognized most of the personnel from his own division obviously, but there were plenty of others he didn’t. At least they were easily identifiable, given that many of the guests from the military had chosen to wear their formal military uniforms.
People were milling about, getting the last decorations in place. Marches easily recognized Corporal Oland, timidly fixing a flower arrangement that had fallen out of place.
Guests were starting to get seated, and Marches couldn’t help but look for his partner. He knew that Oreldo was probably sequestered in another spare room, ensuring that neither of them saw their final outfits for the wedding. It was honestly ridiculous that they were keeping that tradition, given the fact that neither of them were exactly “brides”.
Marches started to pace back and forth within the room. He would be lying if he said he wasn’t excited about getting married to the love of his life, but he couldn’t help feeling anxious today.
There was a polite knock on the door before the person opened, clearly feeling that there was no need to wait for a response. Marches startled, before seeing who it was.
HIs older brother walked in, and shut the door behind him.
“How are you holding up?” He asked, with a smirk on his face. The answer was visually apparent, the younger Marches brother looked ready to bolt.
“Terrible. Can you bring me a drink?”
His brother laughed. It was then that he noticed the wine bag that he was holding. The other man brought out a bottle and grabbed some champagne flutes waiting on one of the tables.
“I just wanted to celebrate a little before your big moment, but I guess this is why the bridal party drinks before the real event huh?” He poured them both a modest amount of champagne, and handed one of the flutes to Marches, before sitting on one of the sofas in the room.
They clinked their glasses; Marches began draining his glass rapidly.
“Hey! Savor it, it’s good champagne.” His brother said. After a moment, he began to drink from his own flute. “I never thought your wedding would become a national event, honestly. Or that you would get married so young.”
“Neither did I honestly.” Marches said, before giving a pointed look towards his brother.
“Mom always knew it was going to be Oreldo though.” said the other man. Marches smiled at that.
Oreldo had entered their family almost like fate, so many years ago. He always had been, and always would be, true family.
The two chatted and laughed, sharing nostalgic stories about their childhood.
Just like Marches, Oreldo was waiting in a different spare room, totally bored out of his mind. He was leisurely sitting next to the window, watching all the guests. He made a game of trying to identify who all the important-looking army
officers were, though he could really only be sure of half of their names at most.
He was humming a random tune when Stecchin burst through the doors without even knocking.
“Oreldo-san! It’s time for you to get into position!”
The blonde looked at the younger officer, wearing a nice dress instead of her normal uniform. He grinned.
“Hey Stecchin! Do you know where Marches is?”
Stecchin looked ready to answer, before covering her mouth with one of her hands. She spoke, muffled, “No! I was sent to bring you to the waiting area for the ceremony, so come with me…”
Oreldo chuckled a bit before following “orders”.
“Alright then, lead the way”.
“It’s time to go, little brother.”
Marches nodded, straightening his suit nervously. The two left the room, leaving two empty champagne glasses.
Since they were both men, Oreldo and Marches decided during the planning stage that it would only be fair that the two of them should both walk down the aisle.
Once Stecchin brought Oreldo to a waiting area right before the patio door inside the house, she waved goodbye with a smile, and seated herself next to Alice in the front row. On her other side, Oland was seated towards the far end of the row, in order to not obstruct the view for anyone behind him.
Oreldo was joined by Marches’ father, who was wearing a similarly nice suit for the occasion.
“Hello sir!” Oreldo spoke casually.
The older man grunted a hello at his soon to be son-in-law, but his eyes were smiling. The wedding planner gave them the signal to start getting ready for the walk down the aisle. The band had already started playing the music for the entrance.
“Oreldo.” said Marches’ father.
“Yes sir?” Oreldo replied hesitantly.
“Thank you for everything you’ve done so far for my son. I hope you’ll continue to make him happy in the future. And I’m proud to have you as another son.”
Oreldo wanted to say something, anything in response, but was unable to speak the words. He could feel the tears coming, but they would inevitably ruin his outfit, so he tried his hardest to
hold them back. He could only smile, his eyebrows and eyelids twitching.
After another moment, he managed to breathe a deep sigh, before replying. “Of course. Thank you for everything up until now.”
Another staff member, part of the wedding planner’s company, noticed Oreldo’s expression, and handed him a few tissues.
Oreldo declined. “Nah, I don’t need them.”
The staff member shook their head. “Trust me, it's better to have these, just in case.”
The musical cue for them to start walking began, and the two men started making their way out into the garden.
As they walked through the aisles, some of Oreldo’s old academy friends started waving excitedly. Oreldo waved back with the same enthusiasm.
Once they got to the front altar, Marches’ father went to sit in a designated front aisle seat for the family.
Oreldo situated himself facing out towards the crowd and aisle, excitedly anticipating his future husband.
The music continued to swell, as the whole crowd looked towards the garden’s arched entrance. After another minute, Marches and his mother appeared, walking ceremoniously. She
was wearing a beautiful cream dress with a shawl, while Marches was wearing a white tuxedo with black accents.
Randel took a picture of Oreldo’s face, right as the Marches appeared.
As Marches walked closer, Oreldo’s smile grew bigger.
When Marches got to the front, he placed his hands in his lover’s.
It hadn’t been that long since they had seen each other, but Oreldo’s eyes lit up as if he were seeing Marches for the first time.
Marches blushed, averting his eyes, though he squeezed the other man’s hand.
The ceremony began.
Oreldo ended up needing the tissues. He just couldn’t contain himself during his vows, but Marches wiped his tears away, just as he would continue to do from here onwards.
Long after the formalities and dinner were concluded, the staff passed out cake while the band played lively, jaunty music meant to energize the crowd. Many of the guests had chosen to
go home after dinner, satisfied with their appearance at the event.
Oreldo and Marches were sitting next to each other at the head table for newlyweds; after scarfing down his cake, Oreldo grabbed Marches’ hand.
“Let’s go!”
“W-wait! I still haven’t finished mine!” Marches responded, putting down his fork
Oreldo grinned. “You can eat afterwards, come on!”
He rushed into the area designated for dancing, Marches in tow. Other guests had taken their cue, and also started making their way onto the dance floor.
Webner approached Stecchin and asked if she wanted to dance. “Yes, of course!” Stecchin said brightly.
Lieutenant Alice L Malvin looked over towards Corporal Randel Oland, sitting at the same table, a few seats away.
“Yes?” Oland responded.
“I’m ordering you to dance with me.”
“Huh!?” He didn’t have time to say anything else before Alice dragged him up out of his chair, and towards the dance floor.
Elsewhere, Elis and Solis were doing the same, not even giving their husbands a chance to remark before pulling them to dance, as Malvin women are known for doing.
Notably, nobody was dancing in the prim, proper “ballroom” way of dancing that one would expect of the nobles present.
Following the lead of the main couple, the band was playing lively “commoner” music, and everybody joined, dancing to the same rhythms that people among the empire were accustomed to dancing everywhere.
Oreldo twirled Marches before catching him again, and Marches laughed, his head feeling light from all the alcohol they had drunk during dinner.
“By the way, which one of us is going to be changing our last names?” Oreldo asked, arms around Marches waist.
Marches arms were around Oreldo’s neck, but he leaned closer even still, so that the other man could hear him. “Neither of us, obviously.”
The two shared a look, before devolving into giggles.
Their soul marks grew a lot more colorful and vibrant that day.