
Oct. 4, 2022 11:41 AM
[personal profile]naivette

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[personal profile]naivette

A NonDreary Rainy Day, a covenant fanfic


A Non-Dreary Rainy Day

Title: A Non-Dreary Rainy Day
Character(s) or Pairing(s): Caleb Danvers/Reid Garwin
Rating: T for kissing, and some sexual references.
Warnings: SLASH
Summary: Reid Garwin hated rainy days. However, THIS rainy day would be different.


Chapter 1

Caleb Danvers was hot. Everyday, this undeniable truth went through Reid Garwin's mind as he thought about Caleb. It was the first thought anybody would have. The man was very attractive. He was literally photoshopped and perfect and kind and ohmygodhissmile.

It had been just after another swim practice when everyone was in the locker rooms. Reid had just finished showering when Caleb had walked in. Water droplets slid down his abs as he shook his hair. Caleb smirked at Reid as he sauntered over to a shower stall. That was the first time IT had happened.

The second time had been at Nicky's. Reid swindled more chumps out of their money, and bought another beer. It had been another lucky day for the blonde. The light was low and everybody was dancing, except for Danvers. Reid walked over to tease him.

"Hey pretty boy, where's your girl?"

"She's right here!" Caleb grinned. What in the world did he mean? Caleb grabbed Reid's arm and pulled him in to dance. Surprised, Reid followed. Not wanting to look awkward, the both of them danced as if they were a natural couple. Reid even held Caleb's hand as he was pulled through a cheesy spin. In the middle of the song, Caleb's hand brushed up against Reid's hip and he felt it again. What in the world? Warmth pooled at the pit of his stomach, and Reid Garwin couldn't help grinning like an idiot.

That night, Reid relaxed in his bed at the dorms as he thought. It had happened twice, that warm feeling in the pit of his stomach, that unexplainable happiness. Butterflies, warmth, anxiety, excitement, arousement, this feeling could be attributed to so many things. All Reid knew was that whenever Caleb smiled at him, it felt as if the world had shrunk and nothing mattered except for the fact that they were alive and together. He wanted to be enveloped in this sensation.

All of the sudden, he realized. What the hell, he was such an idiot. That last thought had made it obvious. AROUSEMENT. He was turned on by one of his best friends, Caleb Danvers. His body, his smile, his good looks, Reid Garwin wanted all of him. He especially wanted it for himself. He smiled into the pillow as he wondered how Caleb might taste, if maybe he would be a good kisser? That would be pretty awesome.

In class the next morning, Reid came to another realization. One, that he was incredibly slow (why hadn't he realized this earlier!). Two, that liking men meant that he was gay. Three, that Caleb wouldn't exactly take well the fact that his best buddy wanted to rape him. Reid ignored the teacher as he considered all these new facts (not that he payed attention in class anyways). He had never actually bought the bullshit that gays were sinners and all that crap, though he had often called the other guys faggots on occasion (no offense to actual gay people). Out of all the people in the world, why did it have to be Caleb?

At noon, the guys always had lunch in the courtyard. On a good day, the sun would shine beautifully, and make the courtyard seem like a haven from the the classes that took place inside the ominous building. However, today was a rainy day. Fucking rainy days. Reid hated the cold and wetness. It always chilled to the bone and made you shiver pathetically. Instead of eating outside, everyone ate in the claustrophobic cafeteria. The guys picked a table towards the back of the small dining hall and started to chow down.

When Tyler was telling an incredibly ironic story about a horse and a mule, Reid failed to deliver the needed punchline. Tyler ended up delivering, but he looked over to Reid. The blonde hadn't touched his food, merely playing with it; he stared off into space, being quiet for the most part. Tyler nudged Reid with his elbow as Pogue and Caleb looked on, concerned as well for their best friend.

"Dude what the heck! You forgot to say the punchline!" Tyler admonished. Caleb nodded as Pogue added jokingly,

"What's wrong, some hot broad reject your offer? Must have been one smart girl!" Pogue started to laugh. Reid glared at Pogue, but chose not to reply to the bait.


Nearly a week passed by, and Reid's new taciturn nature did not go unnoticed. Every woman, man, and dog knew that something was going on in the young man's life. Yet the jokes nor the threats from his friends could break Reid's spell. He was in cruise mode 24/7. One day, after the swim practice, Reid decided to high-tail it out of the locker rooms before Caleb had made it in. He even decided to walk to the dorms instead of the usual "hitch a ride" with a some poor sap. The cold air, dark sky, and wind did not make for a pleasant walk, but Reid was not in the mood for pleasantries. He wanted to wake up from this awkward dream. Wake up to find that no, he did not want, had never wanted, was NEVER in LOVE with his best friend. Half way there, the clouds dropped their load and it started raining heavily. Reid was possibly the most miserable man on the face of the planet when Caleb drove up in his Ford Mustang.

"Hey Reid! Need a ride?" Caleb said. It was really more of a statement than an offer. Reid hurried into the passenger seat of the car. He shivered horribly, and tried to strip off his outer jacket.


Chapter 2

Caleb glanced over at his best friend as he drove. The blonde had been quiet of the late. Reid Garwin had always been the joking trickster type. Rules had never held any sort authority over him, even when he was younger. Caleb remembered when they were thirteen, and the first time he had ever fallen in love with him.

It had been his first taste of the power, such unbelievable sweetness coursed through him as he started levitating random things in the woods behind his backyard. Caleb had been undoubtedly showing off to his pals, when he accidentally lost control. The explosion had nearly killed them and took the life of a young rabbit.

Something about the blood and guts splattered on the ground stuck in his mind. Weeks after, Caleb was still shaken up about the power. But Reid made it better. One dreary day, Caleb couldn't help but sulk over the grave they had made for the dead bunny. His father was suffering from the power, was this really even a good thing? Consumed by his own anxiety, Caleb didn't notice Reid stalking up. Reid pounced on Caleb, laughing his head off.

"Hey man! You're not still sad about some dead rabbit are you?" He earnestly asked such an obvious question. Caleb's answered with silence.

Reid frowned. "You can't be serious? It wasn't your fault! You didn't know it would be so awesome."

"What about all of us! We could have died! The explosion could have made mincemeat out of Tyler, you, Pogue and me!

"Nah, that wouldn't have happened. I trust you more than that."

This was the first time Reid had shown such a sappy side of himself. Caleb couldn't help but smile at that. They walked back home together that day, and Caleb hadn't ever felt more happy. As the years went on, and both of them got pulled in deeper by the power, Reid was still always there when they needed him. No matter what curses or tough guy act he had on the outside, he was still the kind, all-around nice guy on the inside.

Reid mumbled something while Caleb was drifting in his thoughts.


"Huh, what?" he replied back.

"What the hell, I've been trying to get your attention for 5 minutes!" Reid stared daggers while Caleb grinned sheepishly.

"Haha, sorry. I guess I spaced."

"No kidding. You drove past the dorms while you were in la-la land. Are you sure you aren't high?" Caleb finally got a bearing on his surroundings and made a U-turn back towards the dorms (this time not spacing out or acting high).

The air was thick with tension, and both of them were itching for a conversation that neither had enough balls to start. Eventually, they arrived in front of the dorms. It was literally pouring buckets outside, and Reid couldn't help but feel thankful that he didn't have to walk home in this horrible weather. Finally, Caleb broke the silence.

"I.. I guess you weren't the only one who couldn't understand what this is"

After another awkward silence, Reid replied condescendingly. "What pretty boy? What exactly do you think this is?" The jaded reply surprised Caleb, but he handled it as subtly as he could.

Caleb leaned forward, cupped Reid's chin, and pulled him into a kiss.


Chapter 3

At first, all Reid could do was accept. He couldn't pull away from Caleb, nor did he want to. Caleb's kiss was warm, and hot, and oh so sweet. He must have had practice with the many girls he went through.

Thinking of all the other girls that Caleb had before made Reid's heart ache a bit. He soon returned the kiss. Caleb rested his hand at the back of Reid's head, and ran his fingers through his hair. It felt just as perfect as he had imagined, had been imagining for years.

Reid couldn't believe that this was happening to him. If this was a dream, he didn't want to wake up. Oh~... when did Caleb learn to do that with his tongue! They fought for dominance, and Caleb nearly won, except Reid decided that enough was enough. He bit down on Caleb's tongue firmly and pushed him away, panting heavily.

"Reid! Are you insane?" His blonde best friend just seemed to be chocked full of surprises today.

"Hey Mister Eager-to-get-into-my-pants, how about buying me dinner first? What happened to your gentlemanly manners?" The both of them laughed readily, defusing the tension that was there only moments ago.

Caleb reached out to Reid's face, and Reid let him. He cupped Reid's face and pulled him close, hoping that his own body heat would warm his friend's shivers (when had he started shivering so violently?). Reid rested his head on Caleb's shoulders.

"Sooo are we a thing now?" Reid asked.

"Well...do you wanna be?" Caleb countered. It hadn't felt weird like he thought it would be. Kissing and touching and feeling Reid was the most natural thing in the world. Reid grinned into Caleb's shoulder, which answered that question. They parted ways, and both guys left feeling as if they had just lucked out in the lottery.

As Reid entered the dorms, he passed by many of the girls who had been lusting after him. They saw his happy demeanor and were stunned by the sudden change in mood. Today would be the day that Reid Garwin was no longer single or available. He was taken and nothing could be better.

Maybe it was because Caleb and Reid had always acted like they had something for each other, or because Tyler and Pogue were such cool guys, but neither even blinked when they saw Reid and Caleb eating face at Nicky's. In fact, Nick even offered them free beers to congratulate them on finally getting their shit together and breaking the sexual tension.

Of course there would always be those girls that always made disgusted faces at seeing this new development between the two hottest guys in school, but Reid didn't care. Hell, Caleb didn't deserve those stuck-up bitches anyways.

They had just gotten out for winter break when Caleb invited Reid to stay at his house for the vacation.

"So what do you think? My house, Christmas Eve, spending the night with this?" Caleb gestured vaguely to himself in a slightly rude, but mostly funny manner. Reid ignored him as they walked out the main entrance, towards Caleb's car.

Reid mumbled a noncommittal "Maybe?" before stalking off towards the pool. Caleb followed.

The pool was nearly deserted, probably because most everyone on the swim team had went back home, or were flying off to wherever their rich parents spent Christmas and New Years. Without the warmth of all the masses, the large building emitted a creepiness only possible during the cold winter months. Sunlight didn't shine through the windows, and the pool had to be lit by floodlights. However, with the over head lights shut off, the water made beautiful ripples that reflected on the ceiling above. Reid really loved this sort of atmosphere when he was swimming; he hated when he had to practice along with the rest of the team, it felt suffocating.

Caleb marveled at how empty it was, every foot step echoed across the hall. Reid disappeared into the locker rooms, and emerged in their trademark skin tight, navy trunks. Caleb couldn't help but smile at how sexy they looked on the blonde. Reid proceeded to dive into the frigid waters (they had forgotten to turn on the heater) and swim warm-up laps. Caleb just set his stuff down and sat at the edge of the pool, watching. He would have joined in, but he didn't want to miss such a rare treat.

Reid Garwin was in his element in the water. Nothing else mattered except his breathing, the strokes, the kicks, the way his body slid through the water. He swam 5 laps before resting near Caleb at the end of the pool.

"Pervert, stop ogling my nice ass." Reid said, flashing a devilish smile. Caleb raised his hands in surrender, laughing all the same.

"I can't help it, your fault for treating a bro to such a nice show!" Caleb teased, splashing some of the water with his foot in Reid's direction.

It happened faster than Caleb could comprehend, but he was suddenly pulled into the pool, the cold water shocking his senses. His mind blurred as he struggled to open his eyes, and when he did, he could swear Reid had a look of accomplishment.



Chapter 4

Caleb resurfaced on the water, and dragged himself out of the pool. He glared back at Reid and started to cough.

"Dude, what the hell was that for!" Reid still had his mischievous smile. He was definitely planning something. Definitely. He sat down at the edge of the pool with Caleb and reached over for Caleb's blazer without any indication.

"You're going to catch a cold if you stay in those clothes..." Reid said as he stripped Caleb of his clothing. Caleb was confused to some extent, but understood after he saw Reid's lusty look. The wet clothes were a hassle to take off, but they were definitely worth it. Every inch of Caleb's body was defined, and his growing problem would need a solution soon.

Caleb pushed Reid over and took control with his powers. He tied his arms in a feat of magic, leaving Reid vulnerable. He started kissing down Reid's neck.

"You.. jackass..that's not fair!" Reid couldn't articulate, Caleb was too distracting. Pleasure spread throughout his body from just being touched by Caleb. Reid was unable to do anything, and just let himself be ravished by his lover.

Caleb bit down at the nape Reid's neck, eliciting a moan. "You sick pervert!" Ignoring the insults, Caleb moved down his body, and palmed his erection. Reid groaned and struggled at his bonds. Oh GOD yes! Feeling a bit more than frisky, Caleb quickly removed the trunks, leaving them to land in a place unspecified. Reid's moans echoed throughout the pool room, but there wasn't another soul to hear them.

Caleb gasped at Reid's member. It wasn't like he had seen it before, but he had never seen it up. It was bigger than he had assumed, but that was fine with him. Very fine. He tentatively licked the tip, and Reid shivered at the contact. That felt so much better when somebody you loved did that. The taste of it was... interesting to say in the least, but Caleb got used to it.

He licked everywhere, at the tip, under the head, up and down the sides, it left Reid an unintelligible ball of pleasure. He moaned to no end, Caleb was surprised that nobody had found them yet. However, Reid's moans were a drug to Caleb, it only made him want more of him. Caleb took Reid's erection into his mouth, and the heat of it was too much for Reid.

He thrusted his hips upward into Caleb's mouth, and this took Caleb by surprise. He nearly gagged, blinking the tears away. "Ca.. Caleb, I'm.. so.. close" Reid panted. He was right too, he didn't think he could take anymore. Caleb bobbed his head up and down, giving Reid the friction he needed.

"..Aah!..." Reid came in Caleb's mouth, to his horror. Caleb swallowed slowly, amused at Reid's "stamina". He let go of Reid's hands, and he relaxed on the floor next to his hot boyfriend.

Reid Garwin was not amused at all, however.

"I.. er.." Reid blushed sheepishly, turning his flushed face even more red. "I didn't mean to come in your mouth!" Caleb laughed.

"Really, it's okay. It's cool, and that was hot." Caleb smirked at him. Reid returned the smirk, and sat up on Caleb.

"Well then, now it's your turn."

That day, Reid remembered it as one of the few non-dreary rainy days he had ever seen.


A/N: Sorry mon amie, I couldn't bring myself to write a whole scene. I hope this still satisfies you though 3.

[personal profile]naivette



Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Death Note
Relationship: L/Light
Character: Yagami Light, L
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2010-04-03
Words: 5315


When L stumbles across a yaoi doujinshi involving him and Light, he shows Light. One thing leads to another, and they learn how truly unconditional love is. LxLight

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at http://archiveofourown.org/works/77571.


A door shut and Light walked into the office where L was.

"Hello," he greeted.

"Hello, Light. I believe you have something to tell me." The world's top detective, L, looked up at the brunette as he walked into the office.

"What are you talking about?"

L held up a doujinshi and replied, "This."

"What is that?!" Light exclaimed, walking towards L, staring in disbelief.

"I believe this is yaoi...of US."

Light rolled his eyes. "I knew that much."

"Know, what surprises me the most?" L asked, pointing to the foreword. "Foreword by Light 'I'm a Gay' Yagami. Light-kun, you never told me you were gay. I thought we were friends?"

Light twitched with anger. "You know, I detest that name."

"So, yes, would you mind explaining?" L rebutted. "You wrote a foreword to a gay book and never even told me?"

"That wasn't me!" Light protested.

"Sounds just like you," L responded. "Don't deny it."

"Do you really believe I can draw that crap?!" Light screamed at L, not believing that the raven haired man was actually accusing him of something like this.

"There is a 99.9% chance that you wrote this foreword. No, I do not believe you drew it. That would be the work of someone else..."

"I did not write it."

"Let me read an excerpt from this," L replied. He cleared his throat, and then began. "I am Yagami Raito, and I'm thoroughly pleased with the outcome of this doujinshi. Thank you for buying! When the author of this doujin emailed me with a ludicrous request of a foreword, my first reaction was to delete it. However, I simply couldn't tear myself from the project because it included things about Detective, L. After looking over this, I am excited to present to you, Moonlight Sonata. Kudos to CLAMP for drawing this! ~Yagami Raito." L stared at Light, waiting for an answer.

"I. Did. Not. Write. That…" Light said, exasperated.

"No need to deny it; I won't betray you, Light-kun. I would just like a reason on what this foreword means. Obviously, I know what this entails."

"I DIDN'T WRITE IT, GOD DAMN IT." Light scowled.

"But I would like to hear it from you.... My intuition never fails. I'm simply asking for an answer," L continued, seemingly not hearing Light's interjection.

Light remained quiet for a moment, seeming thoughtful, before he made a decision. He pounced on the genius detective, pinning him to the ground. "What do you think it means? Surely, the world's greatest detective would be able to figure such a simple thing out?" Light said.

L remained passive, and answered. "Light-kun, if you will just get off of me, I'm sure we could get you a capable therapist so you can sort out your problems, preferably while I'm not around."

Light laughed. "You really are socially retarded."

L and Light did a barrel roll, and L ended up on top.

"You know, it could be that I'm shy. I'm rather upset that I was the uke in this doujin, it would never happen in real life," L replied. Light blushed slightly and flipped them over again so that he was on top of L.

"Really, now? A social retard, such as yourself? YOU think that you could be seme? Cut the shyness crap."

L, for the first time in a long period of time, maybe even decades, blushed such a shade of red that it must have been at least dark red. He looked like he was dying under there. Maybe the reason he wanted to be on top was because Light was so much more massive.

Just as he was about to try again to roll over and put Light on the bottom, Matsuda walked in. He saw the two men struggling on the floor, fighting as always, only a little closer this time. "Uh… Ryuuzaki-san?"

For what seemed to be the longest time, Light stared at the blushing raven haired genius below him. Hearing footsteps Light looked up to find Matsuda and blushed almost as furiously as L. "Well this is awkward..."

Matsuda couldn't help but have obscene thoughts as he inched into the room, trying to avoid the awkwardness. "Um... I just came in to work on the investigation. If you two were fighting, stop, please? We need you for the investigation! It's not like I'm a genius here!" Matsuda laughed awkwardly as he sat at a desk, his back to the two blushing men on the floor.

L started to get up. Blushing furiously, Light scrambled to get off L and spare himself, and L, more embarrassment. As soon as he was on his feet, he backed away from the detective and stared at Matsuda.

As Light finally got up, L had many things running through his mind. Normally, the genius detective had a clear mind, but thoughts were zooming through his mind faster than the speed of light, creating odd sensations that he hadn't felt before. At first, it was just strange. With his discovery of 3 things: that Light was Kira, that Light was gay, and that Light was apparently in love with him, what was a guy to do? L blinked and got up slowly, as if any sudden movements would suddenly put the building in structural danger.

"Is there something going on between you two?" Matsuda asked, his face flushing slightly at the obscene thoughts running through his mind.

"No. Everything's fine," Light muttered, refusing to look at L. He sat down at his desk and tried to ignore the detective. What he would do to forget the incident that just occurred...

L suddenly hatched an idea. It was right. It would work. The execution of this plan could potentially get him laid. L walked over to Matsuda in his slumped, odd manner, and got unbelievably close to him, looking over his shoulder to see the screen. Matsuda tried to stay still for a while. L, while he may be a genius, didn't exhibit a lot of grace when interacting with another person. Poor guy. After quite a while, L decided to test something. Instead of just looking over the shoulder (unbelievably closely), he did something even more drastic. Switching from his position, he literally hugged Matsuda from behind. Obviously, L would usually never attempt such an odd display of affection.... especially not for Matsuda.

"Wha—Ryuuzaki-kun! What are you doing!?" Matsuda said, stunned.

Trying not to pay attention to L, Light continued to stare at his computer monitor, but he couldn't help but turn when L hugged—yes, hugged—Matsuda. How could someone as socially inept as L show affection to someone like Matsuda?! Light stared in bewilderment, gaping as L continued to hug a fidgeting Matsuda. Light cleared his throat and recomposed himself.

"L, we're working on the Kira case. I don't believe that Matsuda appreciates being hugged and distracted while working."

"It's not as if Matsuda adds much to the Kira case anyway, Light-kun. He's somewhat of a mascot around here." L replied curtly. Matsuda gaped at what L had just said. A mascot! As if!

"And, if I recall correctly, mascots are often hugged, aren't they?" L asked.

"You really don't take other's emotions into account, do you? I'm sure that Matsuda doesn't appreciate being called a mascot either!" Light stood up.

"Er... Light-kun..." Matsuda tried to keep his impulse to punch L under control. He might get fired for doing so! He couldn't do that to him, he was too innocent for someone his age.

"L, release him," Light commanded, putting forth as much effort as he could to remain impassive.

"No." L simply stayed. He was glad that Matsuda didn't actually smell half-bad. Was it some sort of new cologne to attract Misa?

"Also, Light-kun, we can't help what we are, and Matsuda here is a mascot. I am 100% sure of it."

"Umm, L...Can you please get off of me now?" Matsuda asked, fearful for his job. Despite that, however, Matsuda could not stand being called a mascot. "And if you really don't think that I'm important to this investigation, then I shouldn't be here if I'm just a mascot."

"Now Matsuda, I didn't say you were only a mascot around here. The work that everyone does is important. I just feel that researching is not something you should do, because it's not the best use of your time." Matsuda remained silent for a moment before he spoke again.

"Who's the other mascot? And get the hell off me!" L was awestruck at how simple Matsuda was sometimes.

"Matsuda, I did not say you were the only mascot, I said that you are MORE than JUST a mascot here. You serve a purpose too. Everyone does."

L got off of Matsuda, but exhibited a sad puppy face, one powerful enough to get him sweets with Watari and avoid the dentist. He sat down, close to Matsuda, at the adjacent computer, still far away from Light. Matsuda nodded and continued working, but obviously flushed and confused by the odd way L was acting.

Light grunted and sat back down at his computer, annoyed at L. "What the fuck's gotten into you? And you might want to close that doujinshi that you were reading earlier, L. I think is probably the least amount of work that you've done in a day since we started the investigation," Light added.

"I was simply reading this because you were involved." L said. "Or have you forgotten what happened earlier?" L stood up, and marched over to Light and stared him down, with his emotionless eyes. Light's face flushed a bit, but he did not back down. He turned to face L with a hard gaze.

"I'm not fucking Kira, got it?" Light replied angrily. Matsuda turned to look at Light and L, but then realizing that the tension was mounting, decided to tastefully leave the room and let the two work things out. He tripped on the way out. Light ignored the thump he heard behind him, assuming it was, as usual, Matsuda being clumsy.

L couldn't help but notice how Light's hair looked like he spent forever doing it. How much time did he spend on it in the morning? According to how neat it was, Light spent approximately 45 minutes, at least.... oh no. He shouldn't... this wasn't right... L shouldn't just give in.

"So, what was it about being naive as to not know your intentions?" L said.

"You know what, just drop it. We have work to do." Light turned away to look back at his computer screen, typing away.

L was usually patient. Then again, L wasn't usually the object of a man's affection. He leaned down, grabbed Light's chin, and kissed him very softly, seeing how he has never actually kissed anyone. Light froze as he felt L's lips met his, timidly. His brain had begun calculating L's possible motives.

'Is he doing this to test that if I'm Kira, again? But...He feels shy and...' Light blushed and slowly returned the gesture, barely applying more pressure with his own lips. As much as he didn't want to admit it, he was nervous.

L shivered. Was... Light actually kissing him back? L felt Light return the kiss, and he couldn't help but feel some sort of odd elated emotion in his heart. L ended up putting his arms around Light's neck, and he pushed himself up against the younger man.

Light could have sworn that his heart skipped a beat when he felt L's arms around his neck. He was surprised that his mind was shutting down on him. Hell, he was surprised that L was kissing him, and he was kissing him back. Light's hand found itself weaving through L's hair as L pushed his body closer to his own. Light timidly licked L's bottom lip.

L's face was a crimson color, both from the lack of air and the implications of the situation. He could only melt into the kiss, as neither of them was overly-passionate about the kiss. It was more like the first kiss lovers share, secretly wanting more. In fact, L and Light did want more. Any bystander could tell, what with all their wanting to get closer, and practically attacking each other now, wanting dominance. By accident, L pushed it too far....Both men tumbled out of the computer chair and fell, L on Light. Back to square one, they were face to face, blushing, shy, and wanting so much more, as men often did.

Light looked away, blushing even harder than he was before. "S-sorry..." He muttered, barely audible.

L didn't answer Light's apology, but simply nodded his head in acknowledgment. He laid his head down on Light's chest to hear his heartbeat, which was apparently very high. As the silence set in, it became apparent that neither of them were in a comfortable position. L smiled inwardly at how fast Light's heart was, practically like a hummingbird's.

"Light... you still owe me an explanation." This time, L was going to get an answer. There was no turning back.

Light's heartbeat speed up as L rested his head on his chest. Would he really accept him, even if he was Kira? He blushed as he registered L's question. "Er, I... Um..." Light paused before answering.

"First things first, I did not write that foreword." Light hesitated before continuing. "I don't know what came over me...But...I do have feelings for you..."

L glanced into Light's eyes. Light was telling the truth, maybe the only truth he would ever tell. His pupils were dilated, meaning that Light was enjoying what he saw. What an amateur. L smirked and tossed the doujinshi aside. He got up on all fours, and kissed the brunette's forehead.

"I was wondering when you would admit it. Silly Light-kun, I'm your friend, you can tell me anything...you're so cute."

Dumbfounded, Light said, "But...You suspect that I'm Kira!" Light's eyes widened as he stared at L.

"Yes, I do."

'I fell in love with a criminal...' L thought.

"Love knows no bounds."

Light stared at L, in shock, blushing. "You believe in that?" Light asked.

L simply answered by dropping down to his level, and whispered in his ear, "I love you."

Light shivered as he heard the raven haired detective whisper those words. 'I love you…' The words rang in his ears.

"Do you truly? This isn't just a cruel test to prove that I'm Kira, is it?" Light looked at L with fear visible in his eyes. He didn't know if he could face it if it was just a trick. Even if L was supposed to be his enemy, he had inevitably fallen in love with the genius.

L crawled up on his hands to look Light directly.

After their eyes met, he replied, "Why do I need to prove something I already know?"

"If I was Kira, then you would convict me...Arrest me with proof," Light responded. "...To put an end to the Kira case."

"I've thought about that. If you are willing to change, then so will I. Please, Light-kun..."

Light pulled L closer and embraced him. "I love you, L," Light whispered into L's ear. He leaned in to kiss him, more fiercely than before, though not too harsh. He didn't want to hurt L. His hands moved towards his back and under his shirt, revealing L's pale skin. Nothing seemed to matter anymore as they both kissed each other, detective and criminal. It was even more scandalous than Romeo and Juliet.

L felt Light tug at his shirt, attempting to take it off, and stopped. Light groaned when he felt L freeze beneath him, but he took the opportunity to remove the long white shirt that the detective always seemed to wear.

"If you want me to stop..." Light started. L complied with Light, but gave him a knowing stare.

"Light, I do not believe this is the best place to be... kissing. Should we not relocate?"

Light sighed, but got up along with L. "I agree," he said. Taking L's hand, Light led the two to a bedroom, specifically Misa Amane's bedroom.

L followed Light into Misa's room, and girly it was. There were silk sheets and lace everything, the furniture was the best money could buy. L shut the door and pounced Misa's bed. It was soft, and the clean sheets smelled of some tropical flower no one knew the name to. Before, L would have been quietly thrilled to be in Misa's room, now, he was thrilled for a different reason.

Light leisurely walked over to L and crawled on the bed on top of him.

"L," he breathed, cradling the detective's face gently. Light thoroughly enjoyed seeing L showing some expression.

"You're adorable," Light said, smiling as he kissed L on his lips innocently. After a moment he withdrew and looked straight into L's eyes.

"If you don't want this, please stop me now."

L seemed to give a slight nod and nestled into Light. Secretly, he was unbuttoning his shirt too, since it didn't seem fair that L be the only one naked. Not that they were. At least, not yet.

As L tried to take off Light's buttoned shirt, he struggled with the shoulders. Almost slipping, he accidentally gripped Light in order to steady himself. Blushing at their new position, L couldn't help but feel Light's excitement.

A pink stain adorned Light's cheeks as L slipped, accidentally applying pressure to his crotch. Light couldn't help but moan at the contact. He stopped to admire L's thin figure before he shrugged off his shirt and pressed his body closer to L's. Tangling his fingers in L's raven locks, Light kissed L again, briefly. He trailed kisses down to his jaw, and then moved to suck on L's earlobe.

Despite common belief, Light did not know what to do, but was relying purely on instinct. He was never a social one, much less a person who enjoyed the time spent with one's girlfriend. He never did find a girl that he actually liked, so having homosexual impulses did not necessarily surprise him. Light enjoyed the company of others among the same intellectual status as he, and L was a genius, after all.

L was not a vocal person. Instead of moaning and groaning, he whimpered and gave little indication of his pleasure. However, his breathing became shallow, and his eyes became half-lidded. He did all he could to cover his eyes, and stay as calm as possible, despite the situation. One can't give up old habits so easily.

Light brought his hands to L's chest and his fingertips trailed along the skin as he trailed kisses down L's neck. One hand made its way to L's nipples and Light flicked it playfully. Light brought his lips down upon the other and wrapped his tongue around it, coating it in saliva.

As L started breathing harder, his libido went through the roof. Panting, he stopped Light from going on further with his nipples. One of his hands was on Light's head, while the other one was at his mouth, he was biting his thumb as usual. At least, that's what L thought he was doing. In L's neurotic state of pleasure, in actuality, he was sucking on his finger, unaware of what he was doing.

Light stopped when he felt L's hand on his head and looked up. Chuckling, Light reached up and put his hand on L's.

"L, don't suck on your finger. I'll stop," he said, tugging slightly on L's hand.

L opened his eyes. He panted as Light removed his hand from his mouth.

"Okay...keep going. I'm fine." L blushed a very cherry color.

Light smiled and pecked L's lips. Meanwhile, he hooked a finger under the waistband of L's pants and swiftly pulled them down to his ankles, along with L's boxers. He stared hungrily at L's body beneath him. L was beautiful and there was no turning back now.
Light felt his own erection twitch in anticipation beneath the fabric of his slacks. His own libido was begging to be released from its confinement, but frankly, Light was only focused on L.

L could feel his blood rushing. His heart was pounding in his chest, and he felt very dazed; yet, he enjoyed the feeling. In a rare spurt of logic (in these kinds of situations), L managed to spread his legs.

Light smiled at L's sprawled, panting figure beneath him. L was gorgeous, and Light finally moved to take off his pants and free his erection, fumbling with the button. Light groaned in frustration. L heard Light groan and lifted himself up to see why. Smirking, in a non-uke like fashion, L took over and unbuttoned Light's pants.

"Really, Light-kun, there isn't a need to rush these things." L kissed Light on the cheek very softly, before dragging him back down on the bed.

Light nodded. "Thank you, L. I guess it was just driving me insane since you're so quiet. We can't have that, can we?" Light's eyes glinted with mischief as he trailed his hands down L's body. Without warning, Light brought his lips down on L's cock and licked the tip. At first, Light nearly gagged, but he did his best to ignore his gag reflex. L arched his back and covered his face again, restraining the urge to moan and indicate just how amazing this felt. He wasn't about to lose.

Light hummed, sending vibrations coursing down L's cock. Light sucked and licked the organ as if he was L, and IT was a lollipop. He tentatively added some friction by gently scraping his teeth along L's length.

L, despite covering his face, eventually gave up and dropped his arms to his side, gripping the sheets. He rocked his hips, and the phrase "bump and grind" became apparent.

Light smirked internally as L finally reacted in a more obvious manner. It was nice to know that L actually was feeling something. After noting L's response and tasting pre-cum, Light back away and stopped his ministrations, grabbing the base of L's cock to prevent his climax. L suddenly realized that Light had stopped, and looked up, eyes filled with lust and want.

L tried to voice his panic, but instead, all that came out was either a groan or a whimper, or something in between the two. Either way, his eyes said what his mouth couldn't.

'I want you.'

"I know this raises my Kira percentages, but I want to hear you. Beg for me, L." Light stared directed back at L. Surprised, L looked over at Light.

"Why...do...you want me to beg?" L asked, curious as to why anyone would want to hear something as outrageous as that.

"You're too quiet. I want to know that you want this...I mean, I know you do, but I just want to hear your lovely voice."

L thought about Light's request for a while, and then inwardly grinned at himself, underneath the 152 layers of his shell, though, so no normal person could recognize it. Almost sleepily, L tilted his head and moaned in mock ecstasy. When L finished with his imitation, he said, "That's what I want you to do to me. That's also how I want to make you feel."

Light remained silent for a moment. "You know, when you actually allow yourself to express emotion, you act a lot more...Different—for the lack of word. I never thought of you like this."

L gazed into Light's eyes for what seemed to be an eternity before he finally spoke. "Most of the time, I'm required to be logical. There's hardly a need for me to be emotional."

L got up and dragged Light down, pinning him to the bed—again. During the two seconds this action happened, Light, being so enticed, lost grip on L's manhood and flopped onto the bed with L on him. L managed to grasp and open section of Light's neck, and licked it seductively before he bit the sensitive skin, coloring Light's fair skin a light vermilion.

Light gasped for breath as L suddenly changed the pace. He let out a moan when L bit on his neck. His manhood was throbbing in need, becoming painful from the lack of attention. Turns out, Light was much more vocal than L ever would be. L straddled Light and cupped his erection. He began to sensually stroke it through the fabric of Light's boxers. He kissed down Light's neck, leaving hickeys as a reminder to anyone that Light was his. When L reached Light's collar bone, he got an unexpected reaction.

The brunette inhaled sharply, throwing his head back and moaning in pleasure. Without realizing what he was doing, Light had grasped L's shoulders harshly, fingernails digging into the skin. He needed more.

L smirked at Light's moan, but winced as he felt a stinging sensation on his back. He could feel himself get harder, just hearing something so delicious. Going farther, L started playing Light's nipple, licking around it, and sucking. Getting bored, he stopped playing, and kissed Light, all the while tugging his boxers down.

Light panted, after they had broken the kiss, trying to steady his breathing, and looked at L. His grip loosened and he looked at L with lust clouded eyes. "I want you, L," he breathed, watching L slide off his boxers. Light shuddered in anticipation.

L went near Light's ear, and whispered. "I'm afraid this will have to wait."

Light's head jerked up to look at L. He growled. "What?"

L inched off the bed, not wanting to leave. Standing up, he put on his boxers and hurried to Misa's bathroom. L opened a few drawers, before finding what he needed in the medicine cabinet. Vaseline. 'This will do.' L entered the plush bedroom again and set the container on the edge of the bed.

Light blushed as he saw what L was holding when he returned. It was nice to know that L didn't want to hurt him. As L climbed back on the bed, Light pulled him closer and pulled off L's boxers, again, and threw off to the side.

L unscrewed the jar gingerly and coated his fingers with the petroleum jelly. After he was done, L used his other hand to haul Light up on his knees, and kissed him perversely. Meanwhile, L's slick hand snaked down near Light's opening and snuck in. L inserted his index finger slowly, not wanting to cause any more pain than necessary.

Light squirmed at the sudden intrusion. The feeling was so foreign. He slowly relaxed his body so that he could minimize the pain. Though L was doing his best to prepare him, Light knew that it would still hurt before fading into pleasure. Light looked at L with lust clouded eyes, revealing his need and kissed L back with passion, their tongues battling for dominance. L fought back hard. Okay, hard was the wrong word to use. While the battle with tongue and teeth continued, L inserted a second finger, receiving a grunt from Light. He began a scissoring motion, and broke the kiss with the brunette. Again.

Light pulled L back into a kiss, tongue prodding between L's lips for entrance. L obliged and gave Light access as he began angling his fingers for the spot that would make Light feel best. After a few tries, Light pulled away from the kiss abruptly and arched his back, moaning loudly, indicating that L had found it. Noting the general location, L slowly added a third finger, causing Light to groan as he felt a stab of pain. L moved his fingers in a steady motion, toward Light's erogenous zone. He kept a careful rhythm, in order to avoid hurting Light. By now, the bed and the room was a total mess. The once nice clean sheets were now not so nice and clean. The bedroom had a pungent odor of sex and sweat.

Light moaned a second time, this time louder than the first. L removed his fingers, and laid him back down on the bed. Light held back a whimper at the lost of contact. Lying back on the bed, Light's face flushed brightly as he spread his legs for L.

L went down on Light, and entered devastatingly slow. Just a little bit of the way in, he heard Light groan a little. L glanced down at the younger man, dreading that he had hurt him. Light's eyes were closed shut.

"Light..?" L said.

"Just...Give me a moment, L," Light replied. After what seemed like a few dreadfully long minutes, Light opened his eyes and responded. "Move." L gave a small smile and pecked Light on the lips before moving. At first, he tried just entering all the way in, and then slowly started moving in and out.

Light hissed at first, but soon adjusted. L was bigger than he thought he'd be.

L tried to hold in a groan; the heat surrounding him was heaven. Why hadn't he done this earlier? He continued to slide in and out of Light, and soon he had elicited small moans and whimpers. He thrust in at different angles in the general area of Light's prostate. He smirked weakly when he felt Light arch back and moan loudly, hands clutching the sheets.

"Ah...do that again..." he groaned, wanting more of that intense feeling that brought him so much pleasure. L didn't disappoint, as he continued to thrust into his prostate with abnormal precision again and again.

Light wondered if it was possible to for him to ejaculate without ever touching his libido. The sweet sounds that L was inevitably making were turning him on even more, if that was possible, and L was just making him feel so good.

Light couldn't think of anything anymore. No calculations were made, and nothing mattered except for the feeling of L filling him. Then he gasped sharply when he felt a hand wrap around his straining cock and pump in alternating times to thrusts.

"Mmm...ahh...L...I'm close," he breathed out, lost in waves of ecstasy.

For once, L just stopped thinking, following his instincts. "Light...Light..." L wasn't even aware of what he was saying anymore. All he knew was that let his instincts take control. He was just focused on making Light feel good. L felt his climax coming on too. He thrust into Light a few more times before Light screamed as he climaxed, ribbons of milky white liquid spraying across L. As he felt Light's walls tightening, he came with a low groan of Light's name.

Light screamed out L's name, or at least the single letter that L went by, riding out his climax. He felt L's semen inside of him before they both collapsed. After a few minutes of heavy breathing, L moved and pulled out of Light, exhausted.

Light pulled the raven haired detective back down and wrapped his arms around him. He gave L a soft kiss.

"I love you, L."

"And I love you too, Kira."

Light sighed. Of course L wouldn't just give it up. Not that he expected him to. "For you, I'll do anything. I'll give it all up, just to be with you."

L gave Light a small smile, relieved.

"Don't worry. It'll just be a secret between the two of us, Light."

L rested his head on Light's chest, listening to his heartbeat and his breathing. Right before either of them fell asleep, Light's eyes shot open. "L."

"What is it, Light?"

"We're in Misa's room."

"I suppose it's too late to do anything now."




End Notes

The story was written by me, Navi, and two other authors :).
Andrea: Awwww the end is so cuuuute! I'm such a sucker for fluff. X)

Navi: Writing yaoi is a lot harder than it looks. Thank you, Alyssa and Andrea :D

Alyssa: Haha, I hope you were at least somewhat entertained. I love fluff as well. x] Navi tried to make it humorous as well as sweet (and chickened out on the lemon). Feel free to leave a review!

Andrea: In other words, REVIEW!

Fanfiction version: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6725797

[personal profile]naivette

A New Day Chapter 1, a katekyo hitman reborn! fanfic


Disclaimer: Obviously KHR is not owned by me.

Warnings: The story will definitely contain slash and fem!slash implications. Beware!

A New Day


/Chapter One/

Tsuna woke up normally, brushed his teeth normally, and got ready for school normally, as usual. His life could be described as nothing but a string of everyday events with no fantastic occurrences or Vongola ANYWHERE.

What a nice thought.

Tsuna woke up from his nice dream, to the foot of Reborn wedged in his face.

"Dame-tsuna! What kind of mafia boss doesn't get up in time to get ready for school!" Reborn gave a few more disciplinary kicks before walking off to partake in Maman's wonderful breakfast. Tsuna winced at the pain and dragged his ass out of bed. By the time good-for-nothing-Tsuna had gotten ready for school and appeared at the kitchen table, all of Maman's breakfast was eaten by those leechers.

Tsuna frowned at his predicament when Maman graciously handed an extra large bento filled with all the things he loved. "So you don't get hungry!" Maman assured him as she encouraged her son out the door. "Have a nice day!"

"I'll try!" Tsuna responded pathetically. Reborn sighed as he finished his coffee.

"What is it Reborn?" Bianchi asked, giving him his extra-long-lovely-morning-hug.

"Tsuna just isn't as confident as he should be, even though he has proven himself to be capable when he tries." Reborn glared at Bianchi to get her to release before heading out after Tsuna. Bianchi, forlorn from that exchange, cried towards Maman. "All he ever talks about is his precious student! I wish I had as big a place in his heart!"

Patting Bianchi's shoulder reassuringly, Maman's motherly senses were telling her that today would be an extra special day, and she decided to cook a feast for dinner tonight.

Meanwhile, Tsuna was soon accosted by Gokudera and Yamamoto, lively as usual. "You baseball-bastard! Can't you think of anything but sports? Of course you wouldn't admit your feelings to someone without making sure THEY liked you first!" Gokudera shot an embarrassed look at Tsuna before continuing. "Anyways, what kind of idiot doesn't know how to confess their feelings? Who is this unlucky girl?"

Yamamoto gave a small smile and stared out into space, not bothering to answer the question. Gokudera managed to stay in a pissed off mood the rest of the walk to school, but made sure to apologize to Tsuna for the baseball-bastard's idiocy.

"Really Gokudera-kun, you're a little too rough on Yamamoto-kun sometimes. I mean, it's not like you hate him, right?" Tsuna wondered why Gokudera always became so fierce when it came to Yamamoto. Gokudera sputtered at he question, refusing to show any leniency towards Yamamoto. The trio passed through the school gates and made it to class on time, despite Ryohei and his insistence that Tsuna join the boxing club.

Tsuna sat down in his seat and sneaked a glance at Kyoko. She looked especially stunnng today in her school uniform and pink hair ribbon. Hair ribbon? That was new. Well no matter, it looked especially beautiful on her, only enhancing her natural cuteness. Tsuna stared at Kyoko for a good five minutes before he realized that class had already started, and scrambled to get his attention back to their homeroom teacher.

Wait. Was their homeroom teacher always a blue haired man with a hairstyle that looked like a pineapple and hetero-chromatic eyes?

"Alright class, I've been told by Principal Hibari to announce an upcoming cultural festival and the celebration of.." Just as quickly as Tsuna had started paying attention, his motivation to listen to the morning announcements had been lost. Tsuna rested his chin on his hand, waiting for lunch to arrive so he could finally eat. Images of Kyoko in a wedding dress and him finally being able to beat Gokudera at chess wafted through his mind during all the morning classes.

All of the sudden, Gokudera started waving his hand in front of Tsuna's face "Juudaime, are you alright? You haven't responded to anything I've said!" Tsuna blinked his eyes as he glanced up at the classroom clock.

"Er.. what were you saying again, Gokudera-kun?"

Gokudera frowned, and gave a look of honest concern as he dutifully repeated what he had just said. "I was asking if you wanted to eat on the rooftop today, since today is such a nice day! Yamamoto went to get our lunches and said he would meet up with us later." Tsuna pondered the possibility of eating lunch with Kyoko, but shot down the possibility and replied, "Sounds good to me. I have a bento today so I hope Yamamoto isn't buying me lunch. Thanks for worrying about me Gokudera-kun, you're always such a good friend!"

Gokudera turned red at the compliment and beamed at Tsuna. "Of course Juudaime! You're the most amazing man I know. You're definitely going to be the tenth Vongola boss and that means I have to make sure to take care of you as your right hand man!"

Tsuna and Gokudera exited the classroom and made their way up the stairs. As they climbed, Tsuna wondered why an awkward silence had settled itself between the two, but chose to ignore it.


/Chapter Two/

As the two approached the rooftop, they happened upon an extraordinary scene. Dino was leaning on the railing with an almost somber expression on his face.

"Dino-san!" Tsuna exclaimed. Gokudera raised his eyebrows at Dino's unusual sadness. "Dino-san, what are you doing here?" Tsuna half expected Dino's men to suddenly appear, to make sure their boss was alright. Dino gave Tsuna a sad smile.

"Er.. I'm not sure how to explain this to you Tsuna... but.. I... I lost a bet." Dino said, embarrassed. Gokudera and Tsuna looked at each other in confusion.

"Dino-san, what does that have to do with Juudaime?" Dino avoided Tsuna's eyes as he explained.

"Well you see, a couple nights ago I was drinking with my men when Reborn walked into the bar. Of course I made sure to offer him a drink.. or few. I also had some myself." Dino coughed at the statement "Anyways, we ended up making a bet that I'd give you to Reborn if I lost at a game of poker. And... er... well I lost so here I am now."

Tsuna sweatdropped at Dino's explanation while Gokudera paled. "So you see, I'm here to give you to Reborn, sorry about that my adorable little brother. I swear Reborn will be an excellent teacher though! Are you ready to become an adult?" Dino grinned.

"Dino-san, what in the world are you talking about?" Yamamoto said, walking towards the group with lunch in hand.

"Baseball-bas...Yamamoto! You should have said something if you were already here." Gokudera fumed. Yamamoto laughed as usual and handed Tsuna and Gokudera their lunches. Tsuna passed his lunch onto Dino because Dino's stomach gave a convenient growl expressing hunger. The four sat down on the roof and started to dig into their lunches.

Gokudera, still pale, asked Tsuna a little shakily, "Uh.. Juudaime, do you have a moment? I'd like to talk to you in private." Tsuna nodded in agreement and the two walked over to the other side of the rooftop, out of earshot of Yamamoto and Dino. Dino was having an animated conversation about soccer with Yamamoto, insisting that baseball was a boring sport and that Yamamoto should put his nice legs to use on a soccer field.

"What is it Gokudera-kun?" Tsuna said innocently, still munching on some rice.

"Um... er.." Gokudera's heart started racing. Oh the irony of that morning's conversation. He knew that he probably had no chance with such an amazing person like Juudaime, but he had to try. He couldn't give up all his hopes and dreams just because that bucking-horse or bucking-cow or bucking-pig Dino chose to lose a bet with Reborn. "Juudai.. er..I mean Tsuna, I wanted to say that.." Why couldn't his words come out when it mattered the most! Why couldn't he say such a simple sentence? Gokudera started blushing, glancing at Dino and Yamamoto briefly to make sure they were still there and not eavesdropping.

"Tsuna... ever since I learned what kind of great man you are, I've always loved you. You're so very thoughtful and kind and brave, and you've always done so much for me. I can only hope that one day I'll be the right hand man that you deserve. I really like you.. and so... will you go out with me?"

Tsuna was sure time had stopped, the apocalypse had happened, or he was completely losing his sanity. Did he just hear his best friend Gokudera confess to HIM? His best friend Gokudera CONFESSED TO HIM? He swung that way! WHEN? HOW? WHY HIM!

"EHHH?" Was all Tsuna could say in response to the unbelievable confession. Beyond Tsuna, Yamamoto and Dino suddenly stopped their conversation at Tsuna's scream of surprise. Gokudera panicked at the development and immediately started apologizing. "I'm so sorry Juudaime, it was totally out of line andI'.."

"Wait.. wait! Gokudera-kun, please slow down." Tsuna said loudly. Dino and Yamamoto, obviously interested in the conversation, stopped conversing about baseball vs. soccer.

Gokudera started to tear up against his manly instincts, and decided that it was best to run far away for the time being so that he wouldn't have to cry in front of his beloved Juudaime.

"I'm sorry Juudaime, please forgive me for my actions!" Gokudera shouted as he bolted for the rooftop door, making sure not to let his voice break or his tears show.

Tsuna, Yamamoto, and Dino stood stunned, letting the information of what occurred sink in. Yamamoto got up and ran after Gokudera, leaving his lunch behind. Dino stood up and walked over to Tsuna, smiling at Yamamoto's retreating back.

"Poor guy, he must have been devastated to learn that Reborn was going to be your 'teacher'." Dino said sympathetically. Tsuna gave his sempai a 'Did you know about all of this?' look before sighing and walking over to the railing, looking out at the school grounds. He could hear several shouts and Yamamoto's cheerful "I'm sorry!" after what sounded to be knocked over books, students, and teachers.

Tsuna would definitely have to have a proper talk with Gokudera as soon as he found him.


/Chapter Three/

Dino and Tsuna stayed on the rooftop until the end of lunch, when Tsuna had to leave for classes. Tsuna bid Dino goodbye and Dino wished Tsuna 'good luck' with his 'problem' with Gokudera. Dino's men appeared in a helicopter and Dino left in an undoubtedly cool fashion. Tsuna reached his classroom after the late bell had rung, and entered the classroom apprehensively.

"Glad you decided to join us Sawada." Mukuro, his homeroom teacher said. Tsuna searched around the classroom for his classmates, but not a single student was present except for himself. There was, however, Principal Hibari dressed in a suit and leaning on the desk Mukuro was sitting at.

"Looks like our little Vongola herbivore wasn't paying attention during the morning announcements." Hibari glared at Tsuna sadistically. Hibari's glare had a way of scaring the crap out of Tsuna and somehow making him even more curious. Tsuna shrunk under the attention and backed up a little.

"Now now Kyouya, do calm down. Sawada-kun, the rest of the school is in the assembly room for a presentation by CEDEF, please head down there now." Mukuro said firmly. Hibari huffed at Mukuro's interruption but said nothing. Tsuna cautiously dropped his bag near his desk, afraid that somehow Principal Hibari would find fault in what he was doing and suddenly decide to detain him for punishment. However, far from being the prince of sadism he usually was, Hibari Kyouya seemed almost mellow around Mukuro-sensei. As Tsuna left the classroom, he heard Mukuro say "Kufufufu, don't pout Kyouya, I know he interrupted our fun. No matter, he's gone now. Though, you're still really cute when you…" Tsuna closed the door as fast as physics would let him.

Disturbing images of raced through Tsuna's mind as he briskly walked down the hallway. He couldn't remember a time when everyone had been so forward and sexual. He couldn't even remember if he ever even saw anyone kiss. Wait a second…Tsuna never HAD seen two people kiss, not even Bianchi and one of her many admirers. He reflected on this as he walked down two flights of stairs and made his way towards the Assembly Room. He opened the door, walked inside, and scanned the audience for Gokudera and Yamamoto. Unable to find them, Tsuna sat down in an empty seat in the back row and started listening.

The presenter was woman dressed in black, probably no older than twenty-five and had blue hair. The face seemed vaguely familiar, but this didn't make sense as Tsuna knew he didn't know anyone like that.

"Thank you for listening to my speech everyone. I'd now like to turn it over to Sawada Iemitsu for a presentation on kidnapping and hostage situations." He nearly choked when he heard that his dad was presenting. What was he doing here without even saying hello to his son and wife!



/Chapter Four/

Meanwhile, at the Sawada household, Maman was just about to leave the house to go shopping for some groceries.

"Reborn-kun, are you alright looking after Bianchi, Ipin, Fuuta, and Lambo-kun by yourself?" Maman asked. Reborn gave her his most innocent and trustworthy smile as he replied, "Of course Maman! You shouldn't worry about silly little children; I'll take care of it."

"Hmn, alright then, if you're sure you can handle it. Thank you so much Reborn-kun!" Maman headed out the door with bags for groceries.

"Why was I included in that list?" Bianchi said as she stood by Reborn. "Reborn! My love for you is renewed, I shall do anything you say to make you happy~"

Reborn considered this offer and thought up a good plan in order to 'handle' things like he said he would. "Bianchi, go take a hike. I want you to take pictures of fifty different species of bugs."

"Of course, Reborn, my love~!" Bianchi rushed out of the house, without a camera, to take fifty pictures of bugs while taking a hike. Reborn smirked as he laid down on the couch, about to take a nap.

"Reborn, that wasn't very nice!" Fuuta said in his childish, prepubescent voice. He looked at Reborn disapprovingly as he contacted the ranking planet.

"Fuuta to Ranking Planet, Fuuta to Ranking Planet."

"Fuuta! It's Agent 300. What data do you need this time?"

"I need data on the meanest people in all of the mafia."

"Roger, sending that to you right away!"

Reborn looked on with mild amusement as Fuuta finished his ranking and wrote his list down immediately. He soon came out of the trance and his eyes brightened once more.

"See Reborn! You're… second on the ranking for the meanest in the mafia." Fuuta looked at the list confused. His ranking results have never been wrong, and it wasn't raining outside so the results couldn't have been screwed up. The rankings didn't make any sense at all!

"Oh? Do tell Fuuta, who ranked first?" Reborn smiled smugly at the list.

"Um.. according to the ranking… me." Fuuta replied.

Sounds of tumbling filled the household suddenly; Fuuta jumped at the sound.

"No Ipin! You lost, the chocolate is mine!" "Lambo, give me back my chocolate, I won it you cheater!" Lambo and Ipin fought continuously until their fight had mysteriously stopped being about chocolate, but purely about winning since the chocolate had long vanished into Fuuta's mouth.

"Feels good to be mean" Fuuta said as he hummed to a Beatles tune.

"I agree" Reborn said as he continued to sleep. Fuuta smiled at Reborn and watched Lambo and Ipin to make sure they didn't hurt themselves too much. As usual, Lambo was running around with Ipin trying to catch him, killing intent in her eyes. Lambo pulled out the TYL cannon and tried to shoot it at her, but missed and ended up falling into the barrel of the cannon.

"Gotta… stay… calm.." Lambo chanted his mantra as he tried to avoid a panic attack. "Serves you right!" Ipin declared, as she stopped chasing and walked over to the cannon to help Lambo out. The scene was actually really cute, Ipin giving up her pride to help Lambo get his head unstuck out of the TYL cannon. Fuuta rolled his eyes and came over to help.

"Here Ipin-chan, I'll help. Pull the cannon forwards while I pull Lambo-kun out" Fuuta tugged on Lambo's legs while Ipin pulled on the barrel of the cannon as forward as Lambo's head would allow.

"Ow! Ow! That hurts!" Lambo cried. Reborn woke up again to observe this predicament. Anything that made Lambo cry that much was worth watching. A new idea hatched in Reborn's mind, causing him to smirk. He jumped down from the sofa and ran towards the trigger of the cannon.

"Oi Fuuta, I know you said that I ranked second on meanest mafia members. Make that first." Reborn pulled the trigger on the cannon, causing the grenade inside to rocket out and slam Lambo, Ipin, and Fuuta into the wall. The smoke cleared, and revealed a calm Lambo, a confused Ipin, and a very sexy Fuuta, all ten years later.

"My oh my. Looks like my baby self caused quite a mess again." Lambo remarked.

"I… I was delivering ramen to Kawahira-san when I ended up here again! Reborn-san, could you direct me to his house? Where am I?" Ipin said as she looked around.

"Haha, so this is what happens when you get shot with the TYL cannon?" Fuuta also said, while trying to button up his shirt. Reborn raised his eyebrows at the scene.

"Fuuta, why are you half naked?" Reborn also observed Lambo. He was also in a state of undress, blushing furiously as he got up and apologized to Ipin for presenting himself in such a shameful way to a lady. Fuuta's eyes were glossed over in desire and Lambo was failing to even meet his eyes.

"Oh." Reborn thought aloud. This would be interesting.


/Chapter Five/

The assembly at Namimori lasted until the end of the school day, and left all the students wondering why in the world Principal Hibari had agreed to presentations about hostage situations, criminology, and self-defense.

Everyone was soon dismissed; Tsuna decided to linger so he could find his dad. Students were filing out in droves, eager for their afterschool plans. Finally, the auditorium was empty.

"Dad!" Tsuna called out. He ran up to the stage just as the presenters were about to leave. Sawada Iemitsu turned around and greeted his son heartily. Iemitsu hopped off the stage and hugged Tsuna.

"Hey Tsuna, how are you?" the confident man beamed at his son. Tsuna felt extremely happy, but he was also extremely worried that his dad was back.

"Dad, what are you doing here?" Tsuna asked worriedly. Iemitsu's happy composure dimmed a bit at the question, but he evaded it skillfully.

"So Tsuna, I've got a vacation for a while, so we can go home together today! Isn't that great?" Tsuna reluctantly agreed to the statement. While he wasn't necessarily unhappy that his dad had decided to show up again, it was quite obvious that something was going on with the mafia today.

"Listen son, I know you're nervous about today's ceremony, but every mafioso has to chose his mentor wisely and I am definitely glad that you got Reborn instead of someone outside the family…" Iemitsu continued to ramble about things Tsuna had no clue about when something registered in his brain. Reborn?

Come to think of it, Sawada Tsunayoshi had not seen Reborn at ALL today. Where was his devil of a tutor?

Meanwhile, at the Sawada household, Reborn was just finishing up an interesting conversation with TYL Fuuta when the time limit of the device expired. Ipin, Lambo, and Fuuta returned to their present selves. The experience had apparently made Reborn all that much wiser., as Reborn conveniently forgot what today's date was. Today was, in fact, the coming-of-age ceremony for all the mafia boys to turn into full fledged men.

Reborn glanced at the clock in the livingroom. It was already 4h30, where was Tsuna? Normally he'd be at home by now. Tsuna's mentor was disgruntled by this fact. "I can't leave him alone for even a day! Who knows how much progress he'd lose?"

Speaking of the pupil, said student in question was currently on his way home. Iemitsu had split up with his son, saying he had some shopping to do before he went home. Tsuna passed by all the regular shops, and Mr. Kawahira even bid him a very good day. The kind gesture confused Tsuna, had he known this man before? He couldn't remember, but decided that it wasn't important. Just as he was about to reach his home, he spotted Kyoko taking a walk with Haru on the other side of the street.

'Kyoko-chan!' Tsuna instantly became flustered. Maybe today would be the day he would finally tell her his feelings. As Tsuna approached the two, he saw something particularly odd. Had Haru and Kyoko always held hands when they hung out with eachother?

"Wait.. this means.." Before Tsuna could finish his sentence, Reborn appeared, feet first on Tsuna's face.

"Dame-Tsuna, before you finish your sentence, the answer is yes! Now don't ruin their happiness by intruding, you're late enough already as it is." Reborn was dressed in a fancier suit than usual, and even took the care to wear a nice watch. He dragged his useless-pupil by the collar and violently shoved him towards the door of his house. Tsuna grabbed onto the door, but stood there for a moment in thought. 'I guess I don't want to ruin Kyoko-chan's happiness. No wonder she seemed so much more beautiful today. Well at least Haru isn't after me anymore!'

Tsuna tentatively opened the door, and was greeted with "SURPRISE" and confetti.

"Wait.. what!" Pretty much everyone that Tsuna knew and cared about was present at the party. The Cavallone family (including Dino), Basil, Lal Mirch (how?), Colonello (he didn't care about him!), Gokudera, Yamamoto, (who both looked happy, to Tsuna's relief), Lambo, Ipin, Fuuta, Bianchi (to Gokudera's horror), and finally his father and mother. They all greeted him cheerfully, and wished him happy birthday.


/Chapter Six/

Tsuna had a joyful celebration with his family; for once in his life, he felt that something had gone right. Feeling pretty good of himself, he walked up to Reborn to see if he could sort out the business between him and Dino.

"Reborn, can I talk to you for a minute?" Tsuna said. He wasn't sure if the hitman/arcobaleno/home tutor would humor his resolve and respond. Surprisingly, Reborn politely excused himself from Romario and turned to Tsuna.

"What do you want, Dame-Birthday Boy?" Tsuna just stood there, frozen for a moment. What would he say to him? He might just be killed for asking about Dino's losing bet, just in case it was some sort of sadistic joke. Reborn observed Tsuna's (albeit obvious) nervousness and waited impatiently. He already knew what the younger boy had approached him about, but he chose not to lead the conversation seeing as Tsuna was a 'big boy' now.

After a short pause that felt like centuries for Tsuna, he finally sputtered his question. "Reborn... about your bet with Dino, what was he talking about? What does it mean when he said I was 'given over' to you?"

Reborn smirked, so his student had finally grown to the point where he could mildly challenge his home tutor's ferocious actions. He gave an ambiguous answer and disappeared among the other guests in his trademark fashion, leaving Tsuna none the wiser. Tsuna sighed, remarking that of course Reborn wouldn't give him a straight answer. Oh how much he would look back on this statement in the future and be filled with amusement and horror simultaneously.

Elsewhere, Reborn talked to Iemitsu, announcing that it was finally time to do what everyone had gathered here for. Iemitsu cheerfully agreed, and grabbed a mic that was handed to him. Lal Mirch and Colonello managed to corral everyone around the kitchen table, and finally, Iemitsu had everyone's attention.

"First of all, I'd like to thank all the guests for attending my son's party, and I hope you had a great time!" A few cheers were heard from the back of the crowd. "As anyone from the mafia families know, when a candidate for boss comes of age, he undergoes a certain ritual." Somewhere in the crowd, a sullen Gokudera Hayato paled at this announcement while Yamamoto Takeshi tried to soothe his friend's distressed form.

"I'd like everyone to wish Tsuna one last congratulations and good luck, so that starting tomorrow, he'll be the man we all knew he'd be!" Some of the cynical 'humphs' were stamped out by a very protective Bianchi, proving that the girl had a heart for people other than Reborn. The group gave one last collective "Congrats!" and started to filter out of the Sawada household. Tsuna stood at the stairs, wondering what exactly this 'ritual' would be. Once most of the guests had left, Dino shook hands with Iemitsu, hugged Nana, and regarded Reborn with embarassment.

"Well I guess I'm leaving this up to you Reborn." Dino said. He gave one last nod towards Tsuna before heading out the door. Even Bianchi left with Lambo, Ipin, and Fuuta; but most unusual of all, Iemitsu and Nana left too.

"Mom? Dad? Where are you going?" Tsuna asked. It made absolutely no sense why his own family would leave the house. What exactly was wrong with the mafioso today? And what was with this odd 'ritual' that everyone kept referring to? Tsuna's parents only gave him encouraging replies as they left the house, leaving Reborn and Tsuna alone. Reborn made no move to leave the house, and went upstairs instead. With no prior warning as to what would happen, Tsuna followed. The pair reached Tsuna's room and Reborn entered as casually as he always had, while Tsuna's uneasiness left a knot in his stomach. Something was seriously wrong.

Reborn sat down on the bed while Tsuna took a seat at his table. Tsuna knew that he shouldn't be so nervous in his own house, but he couldn't help it. As useless as he was, he was still able to read the atmosphere in situations like these; they only spelled out one thing: awkward.

All of the sudden, there was an explosion in the room, and standing in front of Tsuna was the one and only, adult Reborn! He gawked at his tutor's adult self, not expecting such a drastic thing. Reborn barely looked like himself! While he was wearing his regular suit and tie, something was off. At first Tsuna couldn't pin it.

Reborn loosened his tie and smirked at Tsuna. It took a while, but it finally hit Tsunayoshi Sawada. His virginity was going to be taken.

"NOOO REBORN, what are you going to DO to me!" he panicked, and tried to get away. His home-tutor just chuckled, and advanced towards him.


A/N: Woot, finally finished it! It's quite silly and stupid, I know, but I hope you enjoyed reading it nonetheless.

Here Lies [One Piece]

Oct. 4, 2022 12:31 PM
[personal profile]naivette

Here Lies


A Poe-esque nightmare inspired by Thriller Bark

Here Lies

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at http://archiveofourown.org/works/527428.


Here Lies 

It was a peculiar island, the one I happened upon. This island exuded a rotting smell – unmistakeable in it's nuances – it could only be the smell of flesh. Of who or what however, I did not know. The creaky and sluggish wind pushed the ship along towards this desolate place, it was unthinkable that anyone could inhabit it. The color of the sky had all but drained out of the air, life itself seemed to be in suspension. The sails died down, there was not a single breeze. The only word to describe this place would be stagnation.

With the ship anchored, I walked onto the rocky beach, searching for a sign – preferably of human habitation – or any living being. A sharp cawing caught my attention, and drew it towards a perched, black bird on a branch so rotted one could not fathom how it could bear the weight, even of such a light creature. It seemed to beckon to me, and for a millisecond, my breath became sparse. Were it the size of a normal raven, I would not have been so taken. However, this creature was the size of a small Saint Bernard!

“Hello” a rasping breath said. At first I turned around to check for people, but again, the bird repeated it's statement. “Hello!”

Carefully, I inched closer to the gigantic thing. “Hello Mr. Raven.” I expected a curt reply, in the same manner that he had greeted me with. Peculiarly though, he flew off. That beast managed flight! I decided it would be to my benefit to follow him, and as I hurried on his tail, I marked his direction. In the distance, looming behind the canopy of the long dead trees, was a magnificent castle like none ever constructed. Were it in a state of decay, it would have fitted in with the rest of the environment; alas, it seemed to be constructed to mirror the state of it's surroundings. Long, gothic architecture was encircled by an advanced design not seen in most modern cities. As I approached, the strong, unmistakeable scent only grew stronger and heavier. It grew so much stronger and heavier that as I cleared the tree line, the air was thick enough to choke me. Beyond the tree line, I discovered the source of the terrible air. Before me was a sprawling cemetery, with some one hundred grave markers. The thought that people had lived on this wretched island astounded me. It was completely isolated. The raven perched itself on a tall grave marker and repeated “Hello!” in the same curt manner. It flew off again, up towards the high battlements. In the distance, I saw a faint silhouette of a portly man pushing a wheel barrow. At once, I hurried towards his location.

“Excuse me sir!” I breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe this man could explain the odd occurrences. He spotted my figure and seemed unamused but not quite hostile enough to turn me away.

“You! Boy, what's it you've got in that case!” He motioned to my hands. I glanced down; what case was he talking about? Sure enough, in my hands was the doctor's bag I was sure I had left in the ship's cabin, next to the door stopping tomes of medical books. I began to reply, but when I glanced back up to his face, his expression struck me as odd. His voice clearly had anger and annoyance, but not a muscle of his face reflected that. Stitches wrapped around his countenance, and not a single inch of his face was unmarred, most was even bruised.

“Sir.. I've been sailing for a month and I'm fearfully low on supplies. I beg of you, please allow me to restock here! I'll gladly pay for the supplies...” His gaze drifted towards the ship visible behind me. I spotted what may have been a small smirk.

“Yes dear boy, of course I would allow a fellow doctor such a simple courtesy. Right this way.” I followed again, sparing a moment to look for the exceedingly large bird – one would have thought that I might have noted such a large animal flying away – yet I hadn't.

We trekked past the cemetery into the dilapidated yard of the castle, past a large nest into a sweeping arch way. In the center of the archway, a door stood with a lone torch lit. The strange man rapped on the door with a heavyset bronze bat detail.

“Excuse me sir, but I remember you saying that you were a doctor?” The man huffed before uttering his reply “You might know me as Dr. Hogback”.

THE DOCTOR HOGBACK. Once again I was at a loss for words. This was the man who had found the cure to many diseases thought impossible! The man who saved countless lives. The man who performed miraculous surgeries, the world's dear ally! What was he doing on such a desolate island as this?

The clanking sound of the dead bolts could be heard as someone attempted to open the door. At what seemed to be the last lock, the door swung open slowly. A striking young woman with short golden hair, shapely hips, and a stitched body greeted us.

“Cindry dear!” the doctor exclaimed. His mood made a complete one-eighty, from gruff and hostile to pleasant and adoring. I entered the room along with Hogback to find a high vaulted, sparsely decorated chamber. The colors of the banners were grey and a delicate musk was wafting through the room. Ms. Cindry led the way into the elegant dining room and seated us at the table.

The doctor continued to accost the young lady, but she remained mute and reticent. When imploring her for the choice in dinner, she walked away abruptly. I took the chance to observe the furniture. Unlike the entrance hall, the dining room had more furnishings. Furs and rugs adorned the walls and while paintings were propped up regally on the ground. She returned a short while later with a pan of dark, fried something. She set a piece on the table in front of the doctor and I, and retired to the inner recesses of the castle. I stared at it with barely veiled disgust while Hogback exasperated.

“My Cindry does this all the time, you'll have to forgive me. She is still learning how to cook.” He proceeded to eat as if a dog would, without any plates or utensils to speak of. I inspected the offending matter closer, and discovered that it was not fried food, but rather coal. Dumbfounded, I made the motions of eating while simultaneously disposing of small chunks underneath the dining table. The doctor finished his “meal” before me, and rose from the table.

“I believe you may need to retire here for the night, dear boy. Please use any of the rooms on the second floor, but do not enter the third floor.” Not unlike his companion, he also retreated into the dark corridors. A shiver ran up my spine – with all the advances in his practice, what gross affliction made it so that even the genius doctor could not stitch himself up properly?

As a proper man, I disposed of the coal in the fireplace before making my way back into the entrance hall. I climbed the wooden staircase and spotted a vestige of the Doctor's coat on the third floor. Believing it to be a test of my will power, I dismissed it and entered the first room I could find, promptly going to bed.

A high pitched scream shocked me out of sleep; struggling to get my bearings I grabbed my doctor's bag while I rushed out of my room. I hurried towards the source of the noise, upstairs. Once I reached the third floor, I could hear a low moaning from a door near the end of the hallway. Making my way there, I nearly entered when I heard the rasping Dr. Hogback speak,

“Victoria dear, please do keep your voice down. We have a guest in the house. One more electrocution, and we should have your body running good as new. I'm going to have to dig up more bodies soon in order to replace your heart, maybe then you will be more willing to listen to my orders...”

Silence filled the air, and I felt a cold sensation creeping up my extremities.

“BOY” a thundering sound filled my heart. The light from the room filtered out into the hallway as the man stomped out, “What did I tell you! I told you to STAY OUT.”

I struggled for purchase as I crawled back, I hadn't even realized I had lost the use of my legs. He walked towards me deliberately, and as I glanced down at my feet, I found that the carpet rug had wrapped around my ankles and had been pulling me towards him. With a great heave, a whacked the carpet with my bag and scrambled up on my feet, not thinking to even glance back at the bizarre thing. If I had paid more attention, I would have noticed that it was not only the carpet rug becoming animated, but the picture frames and the rugs and every single furnishing inside the insidious castle. They all became elongated and alive, as if being fueled by the very fear running through my faint heart and veins. Run as I might, the staircase itself repositioned away from the door. With a great leap, I jumped the remaining twenty feet and threw open the door. I ran towards my ship, the way I came from. All around me, I could see the bodies of the dead rising up, making grabs. Only a little ways away, Dr. Hogback strolled out into the yard and stood there, watching.

The raven flew at me, causing me to trip. I struggled to even open my eyes, the dirt itself felt as if it were doused in alcohol. It burned. As I looked up at the gravestone, it read,

Here lies Doctor Hogback.


[personal profile]naivette

Patsuan's Birthday

Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Gintama
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Sakata Gintoki/Shimura Shinpachi
Characters: Sakata Gintoki, Shimura Shinpachi, Yamazaki Sagaru
Additional Tags: Birthday, Fluff
In which Shinpachi has a vexing birthday. GinShin fluff.

Today was August 12th, and as Shinpachi woke up in his room, it occurred to him that today was his birthday. Oh god no, I hope sis doesn't try to make breakfast. He clambered out of bed, and peered down the hall. No sight of Tae Shimura yet. Shinpachi tip-toed down the hallway into the kitchen, praying to every god of food and kitchen deity that he would not have to eat the offending dark matter today. Upon reaching the kitchen, he discovered it was quiet. “That's odd...” the surprised glasses boy murmured to nobody. Shinpachi gave a sigh and smiled. Otae was probably just sleeping. She must have overworked herself again. With that, he rolled up his sleeves and got to work making breakfast.

When he got to work that morning, Gin-san and Kagura were bickering as usual.

“OI Kagura! What the hell is wrong with you. When I tell you to go buy toilet paper, I MEAN more than one roll!”

“Shut up you stupid old man! What would you know about a lady's sensibilities! It's embarrassing to do your stupid shopping!”

On and on they fought. Shinpachi could already feel the headache coming in. “YOU IDIOTS WOULD YOU SHUT UP!!” he yelled. They instantly got quiet.

“Oh Patsuan! When did you get here? Good timing! Listen, I need you to go..”

“LISTEN to people when they are TALKING to you, you stupid natural-perm! Kagura, go back to the store and buy more toilet paper. Also, here's the shopping list for today. Just give it to old-man Takeshi down by the dango store and he'll fill up the basket with all of our groceries.” With one last glare directed at Gintoki, Kagura took the list and left with Sadaharu. This left the extremely annoyed glasses man alone with an extremely in trouble Gin-san. Gintoki braced himself for the oncoming verbal onslaught, but Shinpachi just passed by him and started to put on his apron. With a huff, he began cleaning up the main room. Gin glanced back at Patsuan, but he didn't seem to budge in his anger today. With a shrug, he walked towards the desk and started talking.

“I got a call today from one of those contractors who needed an extra hand. I'll be back some time in the afternoon, so don't bother making lunch for me. If I don't come back by evening, don't bother waiting up, just lock the doors and leave the key in it's usual place. Bye Patsuan~!” Gin left with a small wave of his hand.

Shinpachi heard the shutters close, and started frowning. He had hoped that at least his own boyfriend would remember his birthday. Maybe it was too much even to expect that. His frown deepened as he dusted angrily.

Just outside the door, Gintoki apologized inwardly to Shinpachi as he rushed down the steps and ran off towards the Shimura household. When he finally got there, he found Otae, Kagura, Otose, Catherine and Tama decorating the house with streamers and balloons.

“Ara! Gin-san, you're late!” Otae scolded.

“Believe me, I couldn't have gotten here any faster.” Gin admonished.

“Well I hope you weren't doing anything to make my little brother cry...” Shimura Tae went into demon mode. Gintoki, scared for his life, assured the evil girl. With a forced smile, she accepted and started barking out orders.

A hour or two passed before Shinpachi grew restless. He had already finished cleaning the house, and Kagura hadn't come back with the groceries yet. Shinpachi was sure that she had probably forgotten all about her chores and had gone off to play somewhere. With a sigh, locked the house and started walking towards Takeshi's grocery store. I guess if you want something done, you have to do it yourself! While walking down the street, he spotted Yamazaki going the opposite direction.

“Yamazaki-san!” he called out. Said person noticed and started walking towards him.

“Hello Shinpachi-kun! What's up?” Shinpachi smiled. Finally, a normal person to talk to.

“I was just on my way to get groceries.” He noticed the bandages around the Shinsengumi spy's hands. “Yamazaki-san, your hands! How did you get hurt?”

Yamazaki blushed a little bit at that remark. “Uh.. it's nothing.. um hey, it's your birthday today right? Happy Birthday! How about I treat you to some dango? But wait, you might not be free....” left off quietly. Shinpachi laughed a little at his friend's nervousness. At least someone had remembered. That made him happy.

“Sure why not, that sounds like a good idea! There's a place that serves some really good dango right where I'm heading.”

The afternoon had passed by amiably, and Shinpachi had actually had a fun time. He didn't remember ever being able to enjoy food comfortably, without having to fight for it. Yamazaki was a surprisingly good conversationalist. When Shinpachi finally came back to the Yorozuya, he found that Kagura was back, lounging in the living room watching T.V.

“Kagura! Did you go off to play with your friends again during chores..” Shinpachi gritted his teeth. He didn't want to be angry on his own birthday, so calmed down and put the groceries in the refridgerator. Kagura kept munching on her sukonbu.

“Shinpachi, do ya think that Gin-chan will be back in time for dinner?” she asked. He wondered about the answer.

“Hmnn, probably not, that bastard is probably off drinking or playing pachinko or something. Hey Kagura, since he won't be back, let's go have dinner at my house! Sis is probably hungry too.”

Kagura smirked. The plan had gone perfectly! Shinpachi would be in for a surprise...

Back at the Shimura household, the decorations were done, and the cake was ready (bought from a bakery store of course!). Somehow, Sacchan and Hattori had gotten roped into taking care of preparing the feast while the Shinsengumi (sans Yamazaki) were forced to take care of wrapping the presents. In the end, because Kondo was inept with wrapping, and Okita was rigging all the presents with deadly weapons that would trigger upon opening, it was all left to Hijikata to wrap the damn things.

“Bastards” he muttered. Upon orders from Otae, nobody was to arrest Katsura or Elizabeth because they were guests at the party and had been generous enough to provide lots of Bargain Dash as bribes presents for Shin-chan. Otose and Catherine were setting up drinks while Tama supervised. Miraculously, nothing had gone wrong. All the preparations had gone off without a hitch, and Yamazaki was arriving with some more booze to stock the party. Tae was sitting in the front when she heard a large thud outside the wall.

“Ow! Kagura-chan, what was that for?” Oh no, that was the signal!

“Everyone! Hide! Shin-chan is here!” Everyone heeded the signal, and gathered into the main room, closing the doors to the room and shutting off the lights.

Shinpachi approached the door to the dojo, and thought it odd that it would be closed on such a hot day on this. He opened the door warily.

“SURPRISE” The lights turned on and everyone jumped out. In shock, Shinpachi staggered back, only to hit something warm behind him. He turned back to find Gintoki. “Happy Birthday Patsuan!” Shinpachi smiled warmly.

The party involved a lot of drinking, eating, and playing Shogun, but Shinpachi wouldn't have had it any other way. During the middle, even Tsukuyo visited with Seita and Hinowa to wish him a Happy Birthday.

Shinpachi was nearly drunk when Gintoki came over and sat down next to him.

“Hey Gin-san~” Shinpachi drawled. Gin chuckled as he draped an arm over his shoulder.

“What is it?”

“I... I'm sorry. I thought you had forgotten my birthday and...” Gin turned Shinpachi's face towards him and immediately kissed him. Sacchan went ballistic in the background, but that was okay, he would always belong to Shinpachi anyways.

Gin pulled away and grinned. “How did you like my present?”

Patsuan blushed, but then smiled.

End Notes

Wrote this for Shin-boy's birthday :D. There needs to be more GinShin fluff :) Thank you for reading!

[personal profile]naivette

And Then There Were Four


Robin and Nami discuss their favorite ships, and muse about fun scenarios that they've thought about.
And Then There Were Four
Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at http://archiveofourown.org/works/613983.


The Absolute Beginning

Robin/Nami and Luffy/Zoro/Usopp/Sanji (Seme on the outside, ukes on the insides, switching and sekes likely)

/Chapter 1/ The Absolute Beginning

There weren't many things that Robin didn't know around the ship. Most of the others didn't know that her secret pastime ever since she had joined the crew was to spy on everyone's daily routine, mentally making note of the behaviors, moods, and actions of the other Strawhats. In the beginning it was really only out of habit. When she joined, there was no guarantee that she would always be nakama with them, but after the events in Skypiea and Enies Lobby, it was no longer for such a suspicious reason.

In fact, the reason was actually quite embarrassing. Robin had grown accustomed to spying on her fellow nakama because she was actually quite the fangirl. In her spare time, she had formed many wild and fantastic scenarios, ranging from fluff to hardcore in order to alleviate the boredom in between adventures.

She usually never shared her musings with anyone, as she knew how terribly weird it would be for the people involved. However, Nami was different.

It had been two days after they left Water Seven, and the sky was absolutely clear and gorgeous. Robin was lounged in the aquarium, pretending to read a book when Nami had snuck up next to her.


"!.. Oh my, Nami-san, you surprised me." Robin smiled at Nami, and then looked down at the page she had been pretending to read. She bookmarked it for future reference and set it down next to her.

"So, Nami-san, what is it that you wanted?" Nami narrowed her eyes at Robin and gave her a 'I know what you're up to!' look before settling down into the beautiful couch that ran along the edge of the lounge/aquarium room.

"You know, Robin, I know exactly what you do, and I want in on it!" Nami scooted in even closer, and flashed Robin an extremely greedy smile, possibly to try and get Robin to "spill the beans".

"Ara, I have no idea what you're talking about~" Robin nearly said in a sing-song, mock innocent voice. Nami pouted at the idea of having to introduce the topic first, but submitted in the end.

"Fine then, I'll say it!" Nami pouted some before continuing, "I know that you spy on us pretty much every, and I also know that you're quite the shipper." This time, her pout changed into a winning smile.

"As expected of our very perceptive navigator." Robin giggled. Nami let out a sigh of relief, which piqued Robin's interest. "My my, very relieved are we?"

"Robin, that was so mean! What if I had been wrong?" Nami whined. "Well anyways, I just wanted to say that I'm a shipper too!"

And thus began the shipping games between Nami and Robin.




The First Scenario: Sharpshooter and the Lovecook
/Chapter 2/ The First Scenario: Sharpshooter and the Lovecook

Usopp didn't know what was wrong with him. When he was in his hometown, Syrup Village, he never had any special feelings towards anyone. He had first thought that maybe love was something you felt only when you grew up, or that his feelings of happiness with Kaya was love. This all changed when he met Sanji.

The first time they had met, the only thing he could remember thinking was: Wow, this guy is hot. Sanji wasn't only extremely attractive, he also had a smile that could light up the room and a charming personality. Usopp secretly gave him the nickname Prince Charming, it seemed to fit perfectly. However, he was out of luck. Sanji was extremely perverted towards the female gender, and that landed him right in the middle of heterosexuality. He was as straight as the cuts on his filet mignon.

This didn't serve to ease any of Usopp's feelings though. In fact, it probably made things even more frustrating. Being the coward he was, there was no way he would ever be able to confess his feelings. However, one day, Sanji surprised Usopp by...

Robin listened tentatively to Nami detail her thoughts on how Usopp and Sanji would make an interesting couple.

"Don't you agree Robin? Even though Sanji-kun is generally rude to the guys, he always treats Usopp slightly more nicely! When Usopp left the crew... Sanji-kun couldn't bring himself to ignore him. I think it's adorable. " Robin nodded in agreement, but then added, "Usopp has more chemistry with Luffy though. They're always together and they're very close. Luffy even sleeps in Usopp's cot sometimes."

Nami wondered about the pairing. Would Usopp really get along better with Luffy romantically than Sanji? She couldn't argue that he wouldn't be hurt if he was with Sanji and Luffy was definitely the most broken up about his resignation from the crew, but she felt that Sanji might be able to show affection better than Luffy.

"Would Usopp be the seme if he were with Luffy?" Nami asked.

"Probably not, our Captain takes orders from no one" Robin mused. "Though I had never imagined Sanji-kun with Usopp, I have to say, I'm starting to support them now!

Robin giggled and Nami smiled widely. "Right! They would make a cute couple. Just imagine Sanji trying to kiss Usopp!" Nami started to laugh so loudly that she nearly fell off the bench. Robin also gave quite a laugh at the amusing thought. After they had calmed down, Robin glanced at the clock on the wall before them.

"Ara, it's time for lunch." She stood up and dusted off her trousers. Nami followed and the two of them went to the galley together. As they were entering, Nami realized that Usopp and Sanji were in the galley discussing something. Whatever it was, the two of them looked very relaxed, as if this were a regular occurrence. Usopp was seated at the table, helping Sanji shell some peas. When Sanji noticed the girls, his eyes went wide.

"Nami-san, Robin-chwan, I deepest apologies! I was a bit delayed in making lunch, it will probably be another 20 minutes before I'm done." Sanji shot a look at Usopp, who flustered a little bit under his glare.

Robin and Nami smirked at each other, before Nami said, "It's quite alright Sanji-kun, we'll just wait here." Sanji responded with an enthusiastic "HAIII" before returning to his cooking. When the girls sat down, Usopp couldn't help but note that they were whispering about something excitedly.

[personal profile]naivette

A Night to Remember [NSFW]

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan
Relationship: Jean Kirschstein/Connie Springer
Character: Jean Kirschstein, Connie Springer, Armin Arlert, Eren Jaeger
Additional Tags: Dubious Morality, Dubious Consent, Oral Sex
Language: English
Published: 2013-07-19
Completed: 2013-07-20
Chapters: 2/2
Words: 2020

Chapter 1
Jean walked into the barracks late from doing laps. He had innocently put his foot out to trip Yeager when he walked past, maybe spill his drink or something. Unfortunately, Keith Shadis saw him just as Eren simply stepped over his foot. That hadn't stopped him from getting a punishment though. Who the hell gets punished for “disrupting morale”?! When he entered the room, he noticed an unusual number of people crowding around Connie's bed. What the heck?

“Connie, you aren't joking are you...” Reiner said warily.

Connie blushed and nodded. He said, “Guys... I'm.. I'm serious!” Armin supplied a supporting smile and patted Connie's shoulder. He then proceeded to glare at the rest of the group surrounding the bed.

“I don't think you should judge here. It doesn't really even matter who Connie likes.”

The rest of the boys traded surprised glances at both Armin and Connie, and gave up their line of questioning. After all, it was just curiosity, right? Jean approached the group, thoroughly confused.

“Oi, what are you guys even talking about!” He demanded. Connie's face grew pale as he stammered, “..I.. I told the guys that I was interested in.. uh..” he paused for a second to try to put it delicately, “in boys as well as girls.”

Jean just stood there with a stupid look of shock on his face. Ten minutes passed before Eren had enough, and punched Jean in the face to wake up him. The rest of the boys had already dispersed, getting ready for bed. Jean grunted at the punch, but he just got into bed and fell asleep. He didn't need to get into trouble again for “disrupting morale”.


The next day, Jean felt uneasy. He woke up in the morning with his usual morning wood, but he just couldn't will it away this time. Images of Mikasa filled his head and every time he tried to think of something disgusting (like Eren), he would just get harder. Unwilling to think about the implications, he just went about his daily routine, trying to cover up as much possible. The lucky thing about 3DMG is that it was near impossible to have a boner while wearing it, at least physically. Statistically speaking, there just wasn't enough room for the average sized guy. Jean liked to think that he was above average in this field.

The first bit of training after breakfast was martial arts. This time, Jean was paired with Connie. They were to practice defending against ordinary citizens using the most minimal amount of force. For Jean, this was simply blocking Connie's attacks before maneuvering behind him to force him into the ground. Connie whined while he was being pinned by Jean's knee.

“Jean, what the hell are you doing! Get off of me!” Connie was clearly in no mood to put up with Jean's incessant teasing. However, Jean's wheels were turning in a different direction. He let go of Connie before helping him up, flashing him a winning grin. This only creeped Connie out further.

“Hey uh, I'm sorry about yesterday. You know I was only surprised right? I got nothing against gay people.” Jean said.

Connie rolled his eyes. “First of all, I'm bicurious. Second, apology accepted.” He then lunged forward at Jean with another punch. Jean reacted immediately by redirecting his force and throwing him backwards, albeit more gently. Connie managed to stay on his feet this time. The supervising instructor nodded with approval from a distance, then moved on to another pair.

Jean continued with his “sweet” smile at Connie. “Actually, I know exactly how you feel. I wouldn't be averse to helping you “explore” your feelings ya know.” Connie's eyes lit up with surprise. He never imagined that Jean would be so accepting, let alone go so far as to help him! He smiled sheepishly at Jean before replying.

“I think that'd be great!”


Jean couldn't believe his luck. Connie had approached him at lunch and requested that he meet him in the storage shed at midnight. The girls had been suspicious of Jean's intentions, assuming he had been planning something mean in order to embarrass Connie. However, the boys could only blush and keep quiet.

“Fucking Jean!” Eren muttered. Armin sighed as he explained to Mikasa and Sasha what Connie had informed them of the earlier night. Mikasa's expression stayed neutral while Sasha started to giggle.

“I so knew it! He totally has a crush on Jean.” Sasha said. Eren just continued to eat, silently wondering if Jean was up to no good again. Honestly, it was a shame. Connie was a decent soldier and a good friend, it wouldn't be right if Connie decided to date Jean. There were plenty of better looking and more awesome people in the trainee squad (like Armin). There was nothing good about Jean at all.

Armin didn't look perturbed by the information at all as he glanced at Eren.


Midnight came and Jean felt just as uneasy as he had this morning. Sure, fooling around with Connie might be great. It might even be fun. Jean was pretty sure he wasn't the least bit gay, but he knew that when the opportunity presented itself, he had to take it. But there was still a nagging feeling in the back of his mind, that he was about to do something he couldn't come back from.

He heard Connie rustling in his bed, getting ready to go. After he left, Jean waited a few minutes, debating the pros and cons of going through with this. He could get caught. Connie and he might even be expelled from the army. But it would feel amazing, especially after being so frustrated all day. He could just explain to Connie afterward that it was just something guys did to help each other out. No strings attached. Right.

He got out of bed as quietly as he could, and headed to the storage shed.

Chapter 2
Connie waited in the twilight of the storage shed. Jean wasn't even there yet, but the anticipation was killing him. A warmth pooled in his stomach, and he was blushing like a madman. He counted himself lucky that it was dark, nobody could see how flustered he got. Especially around Jean.

He had known for a while now that he felt this way about the taller boy, but he never expected to be able to act on it. The longer he waited, the more he didn't want to do this. Jean didn't deserve this, he had no idea what he was getting himself into. Well... neither did Connie to be honest. He had heard rumors of what guys did, but he didn't have any “experience”. Again, he panicked. What if he made a fool of himself! That would be SO embarrass-

Suddenly, the door creaked as Jean entered the storage shed. Jean entered calmly, smiling at Connie. He had steeled himself for this on the walk over. All he had to do was close his eyes and pretend it was Mikasa. He strolled over to Connie and cupped his face, wiggling his eyebrows idiotically.

“Hope you weren't waiting long?” Jean asked, instantly diffusing the tension. Connie erupted in a fit of giggles. This might be okay.

He replied “No” coyly, then reached up and tentatively kissed Jean. Jean didn't have enough time to close his eyes, so when he kissed back, all he saw was Connie himself. Panic overtook Jean. What the hell was he doing?

This thought lasted briefly, before Connie let go gasping for air. He panted harshly, red rising to his cheeks again, eyes glassed over. Jean looked down. I did that to him? Connie went back in for another kiss, this time more searingly passionate then before. Connie ran his hands over Jean's chest, trying desperately to unbutton his shirt. Jean started to moan, and ripped it off. A few of the buttons came loose, he'd have to find those later but right now there were more pressing matters.

Connie stood back for a few seconds to admire the view. It nearly made him breathless. He had only ever stolen glances at Jean shirtless for a few seconds in the morning right before their shower; it was never enough. He longed to see it up close and in person. Now that he had his wish, he drank it in. He trailed light, fluttering kisses down Jean's chest, and went down on his knees.

Jean could only react to the hunger in Connie's eyes. He had never seen him so lustful, so helplessly desperate for skin. With a significance Jean wouldn't fully realize until later, it warmed something in his heart. However, right now he chose to close his eyes, thoughts straying to Mikasa. Would she be this gentle? Or would she be more rough and aggressive, choosing to ride him until...

Connie tugged his pants and boxers down all in one go. He stopped. The cool night air roused Jean's burgeoning erection. Dumbfounded, Connie just sat there staring at it making Jean feel self-conscious.

“Connie!” he tried to get his attention. “Stop staring at it and DO something about it!” Jean's arousal was fully erect now.

“But what would I even do.. oh god.” Connie put his hands in his face, fully embarrassed. He couldn't believe he was losing his nerve right now, in front of Jean. He wouldn't be surprised if the other boy just left right there. Jean just sighed.

“I don't know! Treat it like you would yours! You're the one who likes dick.” Jean just blurted out. Connie looked at him accusingly.

“Look, this isn't easy! Just tell me if I'm doing it right okay?” He took Jean's erection in his hand and gave it a teasingly light tug. As if it were even possible, his erection got harder.

“Yes, that's fine! That!” Jean panted. His hands scrambled for purchase on the wall behind him. Connie continued to jerk him off, concluding that Jean's penis was about the same as any other penis, including Connie's.

Just as Jean was really getting in to it, bucking his hips and all, Connie slowed his hand and opened his mouth. He licked from the head all the way to the base, earning another groan. Connie's own erection strained at his pants, and he palmed himself through them. He imagined Jean's hands all over him, stroking at his erection and even further down. Connie moaned and engulfed Jean.

Jean reached for Connie's head to steady himself, and in the midst of his fantasy, reached for soft, black hair. However, he got Connie's rough head instead. Jean stroked Connie's nape before he thrust his hips forward.

Connie moaned around Jean and started to bob his head in time with Jean's thrusts. Jean felt it coming and tried to warn him.

“Stop, Connie st-ahhh” Jean grunted and thrust one last time. He went weak at the knees and sunk down to the floor.

When Jean regained his senses, he realized that he had come in Connie's mouth.

“Shit I'm so sorry man!” Jean apologized profusely. He grabbed his shirt and began to wipe at Connie's mouth. Connie just sputtered and leaned into Jean. After a while he caught his breath and smiled.

“That was amazing.” Connie said, confusing Jean even further. Jean looked down to see that there was a wet spot forming in Connie's pants.

He grabbed Connie's ass and pulled him into a hug, forcing him to straddle Jean's legs. “You were amazing!” Jean exclaimed. At this, Connie's face colored. He reached down and crashed their lips together, giving Jean a taste of what Connie had just experienced. Jean tried to return the kiss, but Connie pulled away.

“Actually I don't just like guys Jean. I like you.” Connie said. He became flustered at his own words and hid his face in Jean's shoulder. Jean just laughed and pulled him back into a kiss. Jean wasn't gay, but neither was Connie. What did he call it? Bisexual. Yeah, Jean could imagine himself like that. Especially together with the guy hiding his face right now.

[personal profile]naivette

Sappho [nsfw]

Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: F/F
Fandom: Avatar: Legend of Korra
Relationship: Korra/Asami Sato
Character: Korra (Avatar), Asami Sato, Mako (Avatar)
Additional Tags: First Time
Language: English
Published: 2014-02-15
Words: 1832

In which Asami and Korra become friends, then lovers.

Korra stormed out of the Republic City Police Department. Loud thumps could be heard following her tracks; the people around her avoided her, fearing for the sort of reactionary anger their Avatar might release. When she exited the doors of the building, she started to run. She could barely remember the path she took. Her vision was blurred by the "rain". However, she ended up in front of the Sato household. Before she even knocked, Asami opened the door.
"H.. how did you know," her voice broke as she tried to maintain her composure "I was here?"
Asami smiled, but her eyes showed pity for her. She ushered her inside and handed her a handkerchief. "I could hear you coming a mile away."
If you would have asked Asami months ago whether she would be comforting the Avatar from a breakup with Mako, she probably would have shrugged and responded "Who knows?". She still had some lingering resentment about the swiftness with which Mako moved on, but what she didn't know was that she would likewise move on. Fortunately her rival wouldn't be Korra this time. Unfortunately her rival was Mako. Maybe it was the way that she was so headstrong about everything; perhaps it was the way that when she smiled, Asami's heart jumped three levels and somehow she felt special. If the only person Korra paid attention to was her, that would be perfectly alright with her.
Asami fixed them some tea and cakes. This was probably going to take a while. She didn't want to admit it, but secretly she felt happy that Korra had come to her for help. Bolin was a nice person, but he wasn't too experienced with the subtleties of dealing with people's emotions. Asami walked into her living room with a tray and set it down on the coffee table. Korra was perched on the couch, her tears gone. She clutched the handkerchief, wringing it futilely. Her breath hitched as Asami approached.
"I thought you might want something warm." She handed her a cup. Korra reached out her hand before pulling back.
"Er.. you didn't have to do this for me." She wiped her eyes again. Asami set the cup back on the tray and sat down next to her. Korra inched away ever so slightly. Seeing her so distraught, Asami could not help but curse Mako.
They sat next to each other in silence until the sun fell to the earth, chased by a faint and weak moon. The shadows stretched until the butler surreptitiously switched the lights on, casting the room in an eerily yellow gloom. The tea let out it's last breath before going into a cold and frigid sleep. Asami was just about to get up and stretch when Korra began.
"I'm the one to blame." her voice was even and steady. Asami reached out and pulled her into warmth, into comfort.
"You're not" Asami gripped her harder.
If you would have asked Korra weeks ago whether Asami meant something more than a friend to her, she would have laughed because how could she? She was already dating Mako. She couldn't deny, however, that she secretly wondered what would it would be like to get to know Asami on her own terms, rather than through the lens of Mako's old stories about the dates they would go on. Korra found herself yearning, not for replacing Asami but rather to see what dating her would be like. When Asami pulled her into an embrace, a small part of her enjoyed how easily she could read people and say exactly the right things. Korra felt neither pitied nor patronized. She just felt loved.
Korra came up to Asami one afternoon in her office, full of excitement.
"Hey Asami! How about we go out for dinner today? My treat!" Asami's heart leaped (should probably get that condition checked out by a doctor), but she wrangled her beaming smile into a more reasonable and less creepy one. A smile that she hoped said "Sure I would love to" instead of "Oh god help me this is the best thing that has ever fucking happened to me in my LIFE".
"Yes, that would be neat!" Who even says that! Korra let out a little laugh and replied, "Great, I'll pick you up at 7:30. See you then!" Like a wind, she left as soon as she came.
At 5:30, Asami Sato began her tedious preparations to make sure that she would be ready for tonight. She planned her outfit, took a bath, washed her hair, dried her hair, picked out her make up, changed her outfit, curled her hair, put on her makeup, changed her outfit again, and finally dressed. When she saw herself in the full length hall mirror, she seriously debated whether or not her clothes were too attractive (or not attractive enough?). What did Korra even like anyways?
The doorbell chimed, announcing that all date preparations were now over. She took a deep breath before striding to the doorway. She could do this.
Korra crossed and uncrossed her legs as she waited. Was she overdressed for this? She wore a simple blue dress with the fancy jewel at the top, but it was was a little too tight for her liking. Bolin had told her that she had to go like this when he caught her walking to Asami's in her regular clothing. Her hair was let down in a more loose style. Asami opened the door and Korra could do nothing but let her eyes widen as she gawked momentarily.
When Asami opened the door, she was expecting to see Korra in her regular attire. What she hadn't expected was to see Korra in a breathtaking gown, her blue eyes reflecting the beauty of the moonlight glittering upon the open seas. Asami was practically paralyzed as she stared unceremoniously.
Korra blushed at Asami's reaction. She waited a beat before waving her hands in front of her face.
"Hello? Earth to Asami? Are we going to go out for dinner or what?" She snarked. Red colored her cheeks as she started down the walkway. Asami laughed. She locked the door and followed behind.
"Sorry about that, it's just that I had thought we were going to be going some place more... casual?" Korra rolled her eyes.
"Me too! Apparently Bolin had other ideas though. I was on my way here when he literally ambushed me." Asami made a mental note to buy Bolin those expensive shoes he had been wanting. You did good today Bolin.
Dinner went along famously despite the minor mishaps ("Korra, why would you order soup and not expect it to be hot?!" "Gee thanks for the support, I wasn't paying attention!"). It was well after Tenzin's recommended curfew for good little Avatars when they returned back to Asami's place. Korra stood outside apprehensively while Asami unlocked the door. She turned around.
"Well, would you like to come in?" Asami could not believe she had lost her wit to the point of using cliches.
"Why yes I would, milady." Korra did an exaggerated bow, causing Asami to giggle, before entering the house. They discussed the outcome of Asami's flying machines as they made their way upstairs. Korra walked confidently until she realized where she was going. She glanced at Asami, who was preoccupied with the discussion until she noticed her changed expression.
Time stopped. Asami saw her hand reach up towards Korra's face. Time duly restarted. Korra leaned in and they crashed their lips together, on the stairway nearly halfway to Asami's room. They were so close! Asami was surprised at first, but responded in earnest. They locked lips until they could breathe no more, their lungs giving out before their passion. Panting heavily, Asami said, "I think this situation requires more bedroom and less hallway scenery, don't you think?" Korra let out a breathless laugh. How does anyone even say that much? She intertwined her hands with Asami's as they hurried up the stairs. Her room was only a couple doors down.
Asami dragged Korra into her room, moving with a frenzy that was as if this was all a dream she didn't want to wake up from. She forced Korra up against the door, using her leverage to explore her body. She let her hands roam while kissing her, feeling her steady heart beat slowly. Teasingly, Asami stroked her hip, causing a shiver to go up Korra's spine. She moaned at the touch.
Korra was thrilled. She had never felt such attraction for someone, such desperation. Everything Asami touched became sensual. Every motion became erotic. Korra wanted to do the same for Asami too. She let her hands wander her body, feeling the curves of her waist and back. She let her hands wander until they fell upon Asami's gorgeous butt. Korra squeezed ever so slightly, causing Asami to mewl. Asami pushed back.
"What was that for!" Asami huffed as she stepped away.
Korra shrugged. "My favorite part, sorry."
She rolled her eyes at this. Asami let Korra direct her towards the bed, sitting back as they both got on. Asami made the motions to remove Korra's dress. "You know, this was one of my favorites on you. Please wear this forever."
It was Korra's turn to roll her eyes. "I think you'd rather have me naked instead."
"That too." Asami grinned.
Asami definitely preferred Korra naked. They hadn't bothered to turn on the lights while entering the room in their tryst, but she could see Korra's beautiful body from the moonlight streaming in through the windows. Korra stroked Asami's face tenderly. She helped Asami out of her shirt, then proceeded to kiss down her neck. She nibbled at Asami's collarbone, leaving a small red mark. Korra's hands fondled her breasts and Asami relaxed under her touch, threading her fingers through Korra's dark hair. She let out a small mewl when Korra played with her nipples with her mouth.
Asami's hands weren't idle either. Her free hand wandered the planes of Korra's back, tracing lazy unknown patterns. Korra shivered with her touch and with that, Asami smiled. She must have found a ticklish spot. Korra moved her hands further south to Asami's clit, stroking generously. Asami gasped, surprised by the sudden touch. Slowly, with a constant rhythm, Korra rubbed and teased. Asami could feel the pleasure build up inside her.
Not one to let her hands go idle, Asami reached in for a kiss. She let her hands wander down to Korra's crotch, teasing her wet heat with her fingers. They touched each other with fervor, and stopped their kiss periodically for air. Asami's breath hitched as she came and a warm pleasured feeling spread throughout her body. She relaxed under Korra, while rocked her hips into Asami's dextrous hands. A few moments later, Korra also came. Panting, they both lay next to each other.
Korra looked at Asami and couldn't help but to grin.
End Notes
A/N: This took an insanely long amount of time to write mostly because of my poor writing skills (would you believe this is my first femslash?). I hope I didn't do the pairing a disservice.

Please drop by the archive and comment to let the author know if you enjoyed their work!

[personal profile]naivette


Sempiternal Basorexia

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: 弱虫ペダル | Yowamushi Pedal
Relationship: Aoyagi Hajime/Teshima Junta
Character: Aoyagi Hajime, Teshima Junta, Naruko Shoukichi, Makishima Yuusuke, Tadokoro Jin
Additional Tags: YowaPeda Kink Meme
Language: English
Published: 2014-03-21
Chapters: 2/2
Words: 2120

Basorexia: an overwhelming desire to kiss. Teshima longs to kiss Aoyagi, and makes the mistake of writing it down.
Prompt: I just need more T2 in my life okay--. Give me fluff and awkwardness. First kiss, first date, first time doing the frickle frackle, anything goes!
Warnings: No trigger warnings, just fluff and cute boys. Also, the writing sucks. They have headcanon nicknames “Jun” and “Hajime” that they call each other when nobody else is around. This is because lovers in Japan generally don't use each others' last names in private unless they're mad! It's a bit too informal even as the good friends that they are. Also I know this is supposed to be anon on kink meme but idgaf.

Chapter 1

In between the constant small gifts given to him on a daily basis and the sweet words of affection his teammate and boyfriend muttered when nobody was around, there was one thing that Teshima Junta wanted more than anything else. He dared not tell anybody. Especially not his lover, beloved senpai, nor any of the other third-years. This was strictly for his knowledge only.

He wished that Aoyagi would kiss him. Not the kind of kisses that they gave each other before leaving for their own homes after a cycling date. Not even the casual kiss that he gave often gave Aoyagi when they were watching movies together and the plot was epically boring. He wanted Aoyagi to kiss him hard, to show him stars and pleasure and every other stupid shoujo cliché that people often experienced with a really good kiss. He hated to admit it, but it tormented him on a daily basis.
As a result, in true Teshima fashion, he came up with convoluted plots in order to make this happen. Teshima knew that writing down his thoughts about Aoyagi would be risky business, but he couldn't organize them any other way. He was too cautious to post them anywhere online. He used a discrete composition book he had gotten from overseas and labeled it simply “#1”. He wrote on the second page:

Entry #1

The person I'd like to to talk about in this book will be referred to as “my number one” or just “one” in short. I love him so dearly. Some days I want to do stupid things and kiss him in front of the whole school. One is so much better than that! His words do so many things to me. My heart flutters every time he calls me Jun.


P.S. He looked really cute today, wearing the necklace I bought him for Christmas! (*°∀°)=3


P.S.S Still working on that miraculous plan to kiss him. Maybe he'd be enticed with chocolate? I bought some Hershey kisses the other day.

Teshima stopped writing. He blushed furiously. Even though he knew that this rambling on the page would be the best way to focus and get these incessant thoughts out of his head, he was still uncertain how much he should disclose to this journal. What if someone found it?
Despite his worries, he still wrote nearly every day.

He had written thirty-five entries into the journal, and had been in the middle of the thirty-sixth one when he realized that he had taken up the whole book. Teshima groaned.
“Ugh what a pain! Why are there so few pages in this book!” He shoved it into his school bag while looking for the extra notebook he kept there. “Aha! Here it is!” he exclaimed. He numbered this book #2 and began to write from where he left off.
The next day, he set down his stuff and sat in the usual chair. Aoyagi approached looking worried.
“Aoyagi? What's the matter?” Teshima asked. Aoyagi's eyebrows furrowed a little bit.
“I'm sorry to ask you this,” he dropped his voice to a whisper “but I forgot to do last night's math worksheet. Do you think I could borrow yours, Jun?” Teshima's face colored a little at the nickname.
“O-oh of course! Here I'll get it right now.” He sorted through his bag to find his math notes when Naruko came running through the door.
“Perm-senpai! There's a big problem with one of the bikes, and Ossan is asking you to help him fix it!” He shouted from the entrance way.
“What, Tadokoro-senpai? Tell him I'm coming right away!” He started to run before turning back to his boyfriend. “Aoyagi, you can find the worksheet with my math notes. I'll be right back, so tell sensei that something came up with the club!” With that, he left.
Aoyagi smiled at Teshima's retreating back. He would always be the one to help others, even if he hated to admit it. He turned his attentions back toward Teshima's bag. Now where was that worksheet? He passed the English, literature, and science books before finding a curiously rounded black and white book. What was this? Aoyagi opened up to a random page to see Teshima's scrawled writing.

Entry #25
God I am so stupid! Today was Hajime's birthday and I didn't have anything prepared! ヽ (*´Д ` *) ノ We ended up going out to dinner together anyways, but it was totally lame on my part. After failing to give him chocolate on Valentine's Day, I can hardly be considered a good boyfriend OTL.. The people in the restaurant were staring at us, but he didn't notice (which I am glad of). He lights up so much when he smiles. It's a wonder he chose me.

P.S. Mission: Get Hajime To Kiss Me still on standby until further notice.

Aoyagi reddened as he looked around to see if Teshima had made it back. Sighing in relief, he transferred the book to his own bag before looking for the math worksheet. He was curious about what sort of things Teshima wrote, but now was not the time to indulge in such pursuits. He had homework to copy!

Chapter 2

Chapter Notes
Aoyagi rushed home after practice. Teshima hadn't said anything about the composition book, but Aoyagi wanted a chance to read it before he noticed its disappearance. He took off his shoes in a hurry and rushed up the stairs to his bedroom.
The room was furnished with a simple study desk, a maple-wood bed, and scattered road racing posters on the walls. He dropped the book bag on the desk and sat down on the chair with a crash, his heart thumping furiously. It would definitely be inappropriate to read through Teshima's private thoughts, but he so badly wanted to know. Curiosity overcoming him, Aoyagi grabbed the composition book from his bag and started to read.
It took an hour and a half to decode Teshima's scrawl, but every minute was worth it. When Aoyagi reached the end of the book, a grin was plastered on his face, and his heart was floating on pink clouds. He was half glad that Teshima had bothered to write down what he was feeling on a day to day basis, and half jealous that Jun had trusted a book with his worries rather than him.
Why didn't he just ask me? Aoyagi wondered, but then his face reddened. Maybe he knew exactly why. How would he have done if he were in the same position? There would be no way for him to bring up the topic about wanting to be kissed “so passionately that my head spins and I feel like fainting” (courtesy of Entry #31).
Aoyagi had work to do. He opened up his laptop to research. Time to implement a counterattack to “Mission: Get Hajime to Kiss Me”. He would title his plan, “Mission: Kiss Jun the Way He Wants To Be Kissed”. As serious as Aoyagi's façade was, he was chuckling a little as he looked up kissing on the internet. Some these ideas were a little stupid, but he was willing to try some of them if it would make Teshima happy.

It was three days until Teshima noticed that his precious notebook was gone. Teshima had been writing in his new book (#2) when he realized that he wanted to hide the first one. He got up from the seated position on his bed and reached into his backpack, feeling for the smooth rounded edges of the composition book. Where was it? He couldn't feel the smaller book, so he grabbed his bag and dumped the contents onto his bed. Try as he might, it was nowhere to be seen.
“Holy shit!” This was bad. Who could have taken it? What if they actually read what was inside? What if they knew who wrote it, and who it was about? He groaned in despair. This could not be happening!!
The next day, he walked into the clubroom in low spirits. He knew that he had it the day he had come in to help Tadokoro-senpai fix one of the old training bicycles. He must have dropped it somewhere here. Worst of all, somebody had to have picked it up, or else he would have found it. He ran through the list of everyone he knew. Who had acted awkwardly around him after that day? Teshima tried to reason it out, but unfortunately he couldn't have known that the person who had picked up the book was none other than Aoyagi. As good as Teshima was at reading him, Aoyagi was one step better at concealing his thoughts.
Which was a very excellent skill to have considering that what he was planning would be considered perverted in some circles. Aoyagi walked into the clubroom five minutes after Teshima, contemplating his plot.
'Jun knows that someone took his book. I hope he doesn't get too mad when he finds out it was me.'
“Hey Jun, what's up? You don't look so well.” Aoyagi felt slightly guilty, but he was more excited about what he was about to do. He glanced left and right, making sure that nobody else had gotten there before them.
Teshima turned around and smiled. “Nah, I'm fine Hajime. It's nothing important.” There was no way he could let Aoyagi know that he had lost his stupid composition book. He hoped that someone had mistaken it for burnable trash and incinerated it.
“I don't believe you.” Aoyagi focused his gaze at Teshima's lips, and walked forward ever so slightly.
' What the heck is with this atmosphere?' Teshima thought. He backed up a step and felt the back of his legs hit the bench. Out of surprise, he lost balance, waving his arms desperately. Aoyagi rushed forward to support him, and grabbed his waist with one arm. This left them in an unstable position, with Aoyagi over Teshima, the both of them leaning over the bench.
“Hajime! What are you-”
“Let me kiss you.” Aoyagi said.
“What!?” Teshima flushed. What was even happening!?
Aoyagi reached up with his other hand and held Teshima's face lightly. “I want to kiss you”. He moved in, letting his lips linger over Teshima's. After a second's hesitation, Teshima opened up, and rested his arms around Aoyagi's neck. They both straightened out, no longer leaning at an awkward angle. Aoyagi kissed Teshima gently, pulling him close. He deepened the kiss with his tongue, eager to taste his boyfriend.
Teshima's heart was beating at an inhuman pace and he embraced Aoyagi even closer. His breath quickened, and so did Aoyagi's pace. His lips became sensitive, and every time Aoyagi brushed past them brought a spark of pleasure up his spine, and a warmth to pool in his stomach. He moaned and pulled away, breathing heavily. Holding Aoyagi at an arm's length, he blushed and looked away.
“Hajime... we can't do this here!” He whispered. Aoyagi smiled.
“That's okay, we'll do it again later” Aoyagi reached in for another quick kiss, and walked away to get ready for club.
Outside, Makishima and Tadokoro were giving each other hesitant looks. It's not as if the club room was soundproof, so they had heard Teshima's moan. They walked inside cautiously to find a blushing Teshima and a smug looking Aoyagi. Tadokoro started to laugh and Makishima couldn't help but smirk. It was about time, and he had always had his suspicions about the two 'close' friends. Disregarding the two senpais that were present, Aoyagi finished changing into his racing gear and walked out calmly.
Teshima rushed to put on his jersey and walked out stiffly, avoiding the weird looks of Makishima and Tadokoro senpai. He caught up to Aoyagi who was taking his bike off the bike rack.
“Hajime! W..what was that about?” His heart fluttered. Aoyagi gave him another beaming smile, before looking down shyly.
“I'm sorry Jun. I saw the notebook that you wrote...”, Teshima's breath stopped briefly, “..and I read through it. All of it.”
It was Teshima's worst nightmare come true. He covered his face in hands and he could feel his face heating up even more. His heart was beating erratically and he turned around, refusing to see Aoyagi's face.
Aoyagi was stunned by this action, and pulled on Teshima's hand, pulling his hands away from his face.
“Jun. Jun, I'm so sorry, please forgive me! I was so flattered, I really wanted to do something for you too.”
Teshima looked into Aoyagi's eyes and nodded, still red and still embarrassed.
“Hajime...” Teshima started, “I hope you burn that notebook!”
Aoyagi chuckled. “No way Jun-chan. I'm thinking of getting it framed!”
Chapter End Notes
Forgive my writing \(//∇//)\. I saw the kink meme and thought that I absolutely had to write a fic for this adorable T2 prompt.


Oakley [Yowapeda][FukuKin]

Oct. 10, 2022 11:23 AM
[personal profile]naivette


Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: 弱虫ペダル | Yowamushi Pedal
Relationship: Kinjou Shingo/Fukutomi Juichi
Character: Kinjou Shingo, Fukutomi Juichi, Arakita Yasutomo
Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Idiot Captains Shipping Prompts
Published: 2014-04-13
Words: 1329

Fukutomi did not want to admit that he had a problem. At first he had thought that maybe the projector in his college classroom had been broken when the text on the screen was fuzzy. Then it was the road signs as he was cycling. Before he knew it, he could only read them standing still, squinting his eyes as he tried to discern the letters.

It was only when one of his classmates asked him timidly why he seemed so angry recently that he realized how often he had been squinting.

“Oh Fukutomi-kun, that's probably because you need glasses.” nameless classmate said. He groaned and rubbed his eyes. How had he not noticed such weakness in himself? He thanked his classmate politely and wondered how he would ride with clumsy glasses on his face.

It had been two weeks since Fukutomi made his optometrist appointment, and he had been unduly nervous. He walked in quickly, signed in, and sat down with a loud thud. The receptionist flinched at the sound, but covered her sympathetic grin. She knew that people got scared of the dentist, but the optometrist? She chuckled as she answered another phone call. Twenty minutes later, his name got called. He stood up hesitantly and walked through the door to the inner office.

Dr. Matsumoto had been kind. After explaining how he just couldn't wear glasses during his road racing, the middle aged man had recommended buying two pairs of glasses, one for racing and the other for regular use. He even recommended an eyeglasses shop that was renowned for their high quality prescription riding specs.

Walking out of the doctor's office, he stared down at the address on the prescription pad. Where had he seen that street name? A gentle ringing sound interrupted his reverie.

“Hello, Fuku-chan?” Oh it was Arakita.

“Hey Yasutomo. What's up?”

“Fuku I'm bored! We should go see that new Captain America movie.” Of course it was something like that. Honestly, he was glad that Arakita still invited him out to places. He was often holed up in his dorm or the library, studying diligently. Fukutomi needed a break. And of course, his decision to meet up with Arakita had nothing to do with the fact that Kinjou often tagged along.

“Sure. Where?”

“Oh the theatre is by J-street. They even sell special-edition Bepsi there!” Fukutomi chuckled. Some things would never change.

“Sure.” he looked down at the piece of paper in his hand, before stuffing it in his pocket. I had something to do there anyways.

Two hours later, Fukutomi was waiting by the theatre complex. He had purchased their tickets for them since they were almost selling out. Arakita was running up at a good pace, fifteen minutes late.

“Sorry Fuku! I missed the bus so I had to catch the next one.” He sighed a little, but handed him his ticket. Arakita grinned.

“I'm sure you would have preferred it if it was Kinjou was here too huh?” Arakita said. Fukutomi turned around, trying to hide the blush he was sporting.

“We're going to be late!”

They stayed for the credits, as any good Marvel movie fan would. Arakita, Bepsi in hand, was gesturing wildly about one of the fight scenes he enjoyed.

“Yasutomo, do you want to come with me to the glasses shop while I get my eyeglasses?” Fukutomi said nonchalantly.

Arakita choked on his drink. “F-Fuku-chan?! You need glasses?” He coughed, grimacing at the burn of Bepsi down his throat. “Since when?!”

Fukutomi smiled at Arakita then stood up, exiting the aisle. “Since today. I'm going to have to get racing glasses too, since it'd be a pain in the ass to wear regular glasses while road racing.”

'Doesn't Shingo-chan wear his regular glasses when road racing?' Arakita thought as he got up from his seat too, following Fukutomi out of the theatre. He smirked.

“Of course I'll go with you Fuku-chan!”


Kinjou was in the middle of taking notes for an English class when he heard the frenzied vibrating of his cell phone. He picked up his phone, eyes still on his book. He glanced briefly. What was so important that Arakita felt he should text him instead of calling him?

[Shingo-chan, Fuku-chan is getting glasses at the store by J-street!! come quickly o(≧∇≦o) ]

He snorted; Arakita used surprisingly cute emoticons for such an uncouth person. The notes could wait. He stood up and stretched languidly. One didn't get to see Fukutomi Juichi pick out glasses everyday.


Arakita searched for Kinjou as inconspicuously as possible through the glass windows of the store. Fukutomi, on the other hand, was looking down at the selection of glasses with disgruntlement. They all looked the same to him. What exactly would look good on him? 'What would Kinjou like?' Fukutomi thought offhandedly.

“Yasutomo...” Fukutomi said desperately. He turned to find that his friend was looking for something suspiciously.

“Oh Fuku-chan! Have you decided which glasses you would like?” Arakita spoke. Fukutomi's brows furrowed even further. The poor store clerk was glancing between his manager and Fukutomi, who looked extremely troubled.

“Um, sir, how about this one?” he gestured toward a black pair of rectangular glasses with a red trim. “The Oakley Servo pair would fit your face quite well.”

Fukutomi said nothing.

“Fuku-chan, why don't you try them on?” Arakita offered gleefully. Shingo-chan would get here any moment now; he had just texted him that the store had been in sight. Arakita couldn't wait to see Fukutomi's shocked expression when his beloved crush had walked in through the door.

Hesitantly, Fukutomi picked up the pair of glasses and put it on his face. The clerk adjusted the wire while sending grateful looks to Arakita.

When Kinjou walked into the J-street Specialty Eyeglasses Emporium, he hadn't expected to see Fukutomi already wearing his glasses. Arakita's smile grew wide as Kinjou approached Fukutomi.

“Fukutomi, those glasses really suit you.” Kinjou said with a simper. Fukutomi turned around immediately, his eyes wide and his heart racing.

“Kinjou! I.. this.. um.” Fukutomi blushed at his inability to articulate any words. In the background, Arakita was laughing, tears coming out of his eyes.

The store clerk was absolutely lost at what was happening. “Sir, would you like to purchase this pair?”

“Yes!” Fukutomi replied, unable to meet Kinjou's eyes. The store clerk praised this customer's friends. Whomever they were, they were true saints!

“Fuku-chan, what about your cycling glasses?” Arakita spoke breathlessly after a round of guffawing.

“Oh, the store received a new frame just this month.” Kinjou said. “I really recommend them. The Agon frames got good reviews online.”

Fukutomi nodded earnestly. Kinjou walked up next to him and pointed them out in the display case.

“Arakita, what do you think?” Kinjou asked. Arakita posed in a thinking posture, fake-deliberating over the style.

“Hmnn, I dunno Shingo-chan. Aren't they a little too dynamic for someone like Fuku-chan?” Hopefully Kinjou would take the bait, Arakita mused.

Kinjou raised his eyebrows. “I think they would look really good on Fukutomi.” Arakita fist-pumped internally. Kinjou had gotten the message, and Arakita was definitely going straight to hell.

Beside them, Fukutomi had turned into a red tomato. The store clerk, who had been ringing up the regular prescription glasses at the moment, caught the conversation between the three young men and the blond customer's severely reddened expression. With a great epiphany, he acted again.

“Sir, would you like to purchase this pair of cycling glasses too?”

Fukutomi nodded as he was unable to speak right now. He covered his face in his hands, utterly reduced to a pile of mush. Kinjou laughed, gently patting him on his back.

“You were probably worried that you would look weird in glasses right? It's fine, they look great on you.”

Arakita watched the two, unable to contain his amusement. Shingo-chan was killing Fuku-chan and he didn't even realize it.

He hoped that Fuku-chan would confess his feelings soon.

Apple Pie [Yowapeda][FukuKin]

Oct. 12, 2022 9:36 PM
[personal profile]naivette

Apple Pie

Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: 弱虫ペダル | Yowamushi Pedal
Relationship: Fukutomi Juichi/Kinjou Shingo
Character: Fukutomi Juichi, Arakita Yasutomo, Kinjou Shingo, Mrs. Kinjou
Additional Tags: Fluff
Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Idiot Captains Shipping Prompts
Published: 2014-04-30
Words: 1482

As a sequel to Oakley, Arakita doesn't feel like keeping a secret and tells Kinjou what's up. Kinjou proceeds to do extremely, embarassingly nice things for Fukutomi because that's just the kind of swell guy he is.


From the prompt on tumblr.
This prompt is from suiwalker: FukuKin prompt: Kinjou realizes Fukutomi likes apple pie. He decides to learn to do it yourself.
Kinjou was lounging around on his bed, book forgotten in his hand. He was thinking about how Fukutomi had looked in glasses the other day. It was an unusual, but endearing moment for him. Kinjou had never seen Fukutomi look that nervous before. 'A little too nervous if you ask me' he thought. Interest piqued, he went to go look for Arakita in order to get the to the bottom of this mystery.
Kinjou went to their usual table in the library. Although many of the students in their university preferred to use their own dorms to study, Arakita liked to use the library because the background noise helped him work. Sure enough, Arakita sat there serenely, writing an essay for a literature class. Kinjou hated to disrupt him when he was getting work done, so he sat down quietly across from Arakita and pulled out the book he had been trying to read in his dorm room.
An hour passed before Arakita noticed Kinjou. He stretched his writing hand and his arm, yawning loudly.
“Hey Shingo-chan, what is it?” Arakita said enthusiastically. Kinjou closed his book and placed it thoughtfully on the table.
“Wasn't Fukutomi acting weird last week at Eyeglasses Emporium?”
It took Arakita a second to process what Kinjou was talking about before he could respond. “Took you long enough!”
Kinjou raised his eyebrows. “What are you talking about? I'm asking you if there was anything bothering him!”
“Oh my god!” Arakita cursed, laughing out loud. What did he do in his past life to be surrounded by idiots! “Shingo-chan, you're the one bothering him!”
Kinjou's face was a sight to behold. First his eyes widened dramatically, his countenance showing how his mind was clearly trying to process the information. His mind was going through every single encounter and discussion he had had with Fukutomi, trying to figure out what he had missed. After a couple seconds, Kinjou uttered an “OH!” in complete epiphany. He flushed slightly.
Arakita shook his head in dissappointment. “Seriously Shingo. Fuku-chan would never approach you about this because he's too scared. So you're the only one who can address this.”
Kinjou's face brightened, from a shy smile to an eager grin. “If I remember correctly, didn't you tell me a long time ago that Fukutomi's favorite food was apple pie? Do you think he would appreciate it if I made some for him?”
Arakita smirked back. “Appreciate it? He'd probably die and go to heaven!”

Kinjou and Arakita were standing in Mrs. Kinjou's kitchen, with an array of baking supplies laid out on the counter.
“Shingo, are you sure you don't need my help?” Mrs. Kinjou said to her son from the doorway;
Arakita sent her a reassuring smile. “Shingo-chan will be fine! Food tastes good when it's an act of love.”
“WHAT!” Mrs. Kinjou sent a suspicious look towards Shingo “Is this about that Fukutomi boy?”
Arakita snickered as Kinjou grabbed his shoulders and started to shake him. “I told you not to mention that to my mother!”
“Oh Shin-chan, you should have told me!” Mrs. Kinjou rushed to her son and pulled him into a hug. “My son is in love for the first time, what an occasion!”
Kinjou hugged his mother, hiding his smile. At the same time, he flipped Arakita the bird behind his mother's back. 'I'll get you back for this someday Yasutomo!'

Arakita stared at the rolls of steam coming off of the pie. It stood there proudly, golden brown with a lattice crust and delicate looking caramel apple underneath.
“Dude, I didn't know you could cook!” Arakita exclaimed. Kinjou looked intently at the pie.
“Technically it's called baking. I've done it since I was a kid, my mother taught me.” Arakita's stomach growled. Kinjou glanced up to see his friend eyeing the pie with lust. “Yasutomo, we could always make another one for Fukutomi, why don't we taste test this one?” Kinjou laid out the plates and carefully cut the pie into six even pieces, doling them out on plates with ease. He topped it off with whipped cream and handed Arakita a fork.
Arakita's mouth was practically watering as the smell of the sweet apples wafted towards him. It took all his willpower to stop from scarfing down the whole slice.
“Shingo-chan, this is really good!” He forked more into his mouth. Kinjou smiled and ate a bit himself. He hoped Fukutomi would think so as well.

Kinjou stood outside Fukutomi's door, pacing to and fro. With Arakita's help, he had made another pie (and learned the directions to Fukutomi's apartment). His mother was eager to intervene, and had pulled out clothes for him to wear even though he insisted that it was not a big deal and that a pullover and shorts were fine. However, he was currently straightening out his shirt and blazer before knocking on the door.
Fukutomi was watching a magic show on the television when he heard two hard, reverberating knocks at the door. Snapping him out of his reverie, he threw off the blanket he had wrapped around him and got up to open the door.
“Kinjou?!” Fukutomi blurted out.
“Ah.. Fukutomi I'm-”
The door had been slammed shut just as quickly as it had been opened. In his panic, Fukutomi had forgotten completely about locking the door and just pushed the door closed. Not missing this detail, Kinjou shoved against the door.
“Fukutomi, stop being a baby and just let me in!” Kinjou said fervently. Fukutomi let his force on the door waver.
“Kinjou stop! I'll let you in, just let me get dressed!”
“Oh uh.. alright...” Kinjou backed away from the door, leaning against the railing opposite the entryway. It was a full moon tonight, so the brilliant white light shined softly upon the city, illuminating the night beautifully. Faintly, he could hear rustling behind the door, and the sound of various furniture being rearranged.
After a long two minutes, Fukutomi opened the door slowly. Kinjou's eyebrows raised as he walked through the doorway.
“I'm sorry, I guess I should have called first. Here, this is for you.” He handed him the apple pie, and slipped off his shoes.
For the first time since the eyeglasses incident, he had been able to see Fukutomi. Yet all he could do was avert his eyes as his face heated up. Even though he was a man that never gave up, Kinjou had trouble broaching the subject.
“I made you apple pie, I thought we could eat it together.” Kinjou said. He sat down at the small square table in the middle of the room, and took the time to look around the room. Surprisingly, the room was incredibly neat and tidy aside from the books and papers scattered by the bed.
Fukutomi grabbed the plates and forks from the kitchen. “Kinjou, do you want anything to drink?”
“I'm sorry, I don't drink.”
“Huh?” Fukutomi set the table and opened up the box. “I wasn't talking about alcohol.”
It was Kinjou's turn to be embarrassed. He watched intently as Fukutomi set out a cup of coffee and a piece of pie for the each of them. He stole glances at Fukutomi; how was he going to breach the subject with him? Their eyes met accidentally and Fukutomi looked away quickly.
“Kinjou, why are you here?” He sat down on the other side of table, and dug into his pie. “Oh wow, this is really good!”
Fukutomi's stoic expression hardly ever broke, and one of the times it did was when he was partaking in food. He let his appreciation for the taste show on his face openly, and Kinjou was heartened by it greatly. He smiled affectionately. Maybe this wouldn't be so hard.
Kinjou folded his hands on the table before speaking. “I need to tell you something.”
Fukutomi leaned forward, resting his chin on the palm of his hand.
“I was wondering... if you would go out with me?”
A moment of silence passed.
“WHAT?!” Fukutomi dropped his fork. Kinjou started to panic.
“Of course, you don't have to answer me right away, you can tell me-”
“I would love to!” Fukutomi reached across the table and clasped Kinjou's hands in his own. “I would be happy to...” He touched his forehead to their hands. “I'm sorry, you have no idea how long I've wanted to ask you first. But I could never do it.”
Kinjou smiled widely. “ Fukutomi, isn't that what I'm here for?” he brought their hands closer to him and kissed Fukutomi's hand lightly.
Fukutomi's face turned completely red, and he pulled his hands away with speed. “You should probably call me Juichi. You know, because we're dating.”
“Alright then Juichi. What do you want to do now?” Kinjou said.
Fukutomi looked up. “Well there's a magic show on television. You should stay over to watch it.”

[personal profile]naivette

Stubbies by Bʌ́di

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Haikyuu!!
Relationship: Sugawara Koushi/Tanaka Ryuunosuke, Sawamura Daichi/Tanaka Ryuunosuke
Character: Tanaka Ryuunosuke, Tanaka Saeko, Sugawara Koushi, Sawamura Daichi, Nishinoya Yuu, Azumane Asahi, Karasuno Volleyball Club
Additional Tags: Modeling, Shorts (Clothing), Tattoos
Published: 2014-07-17
Words: 1173

What's an adolescent to do when he needs money for the new, hot and upcoming video game? Tanaka decides to take on a modeling job for some extra cash!

Tanaka was walking around town, picking up groceries and necessities that his devilish sister had commanded him to get. It had been ridiculously hot for November, sweat was streaming off his face. Why couldn't Saeko-nee just get the dumb groceries herself? She has a car! He was walking past the electronics store on the way to the bakery when he saw it. A deluxe Nintendo 3DS engraved and packaged with the newest Pokemon Alpha game.
“Holy shit!” he nearly dropped the bags he was holding as he peered through the store window. He had been waiting for this game for months, and it was finally in stores! He had to have it. Now. He jogged the rest of the way home, grin plastered to his face.
To his horror, he had forgotten all about the strawberry cake he was supposed to get.
“Ryuu you idiot!” Saeko slapped him upside the head. “How are we supposed to celebrate mom's birthday without any cake?”
Nursing his head wound, he muttered a clipped “Sorry” as he exited the kitchen. Sighing, Saeko dragged him back into the kitchen.
“Oh no you don't! I'll go get the cake, you can go ahead and chop up the vegetables and start the stew without me. I'll be back in a half hour!”
His mind wandered off as he got the chopping board and the knife ready. Tanaka sang a little song to the rhythm of the chopping, listing off every pokemon he knew from first generation onwards.
By the time he had finished listing off the fifth generation pokemon, Saeko had come back with a sparkling princess cake, ready to be adored and loved by its recipient.
“Oi Ryuu!” Saeko called out loudly, even though there was only one wall separating the main entry way and the kitchen. He stepped out slowly, fearing retribution for his earlier mistake. “You saw the new DS and pokemon game in the store right? Are you getting Alpha or Beta?”
Tanaka let out a huge sigh of relief, glad that his sister was just as much of a fanatic as he was. “Alpha probably.”
Saeko sneered at this. “Do you even have enough money leftover from your birthday?” She set the cake gingerly in the fridge.
He went back and stirred the stew. How much money did he have anyways? After all the food he bought from the convenience store, he wasn't sure anymore...
“For your information, you have exactly $15.06”
“Nee-san, that can't be right!”
She affirmed solemnly, saying a small buddhist prayer. “I'm sorry Ryuu, but with your finances, I hardly think you even have enough money to buy Jump for the rest of the year, let alone a new game!”
Tanaka's shoulders sagged as despair creeped into his heart. He could kiss all his new shiny pokemon goodbye!
“Luckily, your reliable nee-san has you covered!” She grabbed his shoulders excitedly. “I got you a part time job!”
“Wait, really? That's really awesome Saeko! What is it?” Tanaka asked.
Saeko choked a little, wondering what to tell him. The truth can probably wait till later, I think! I'm so sorry Ryuu, I'll buy you a ton of steamed buns later~
“Well uh... one of my close friends who happens to work as a photographer had their model cancel on them, and they needed someone with a 'crazy' image right away. It's only for a couple of days, and you'll be fine!” Saeko said, patting Ryuunosuke's back assuredly. “Upside is, you'll definitely have enough money to buy the DS and more!”

She wasn't lying, that much Tanaka could say when all of it was done and through. He had successfully bought the game and the limited edition DS so he couldn't say that he was an unhappy man. He just hoped that nobody within fifteen feet of him had ever discovered that magazine shoot. They had mercifully left out his real name, but he wished he had a bag over his head instead.
Neither God nor Buddha were on Tanaka's side months later, however. The first years were cleaning up the club room when a magazine fell out of the back of a shelf. Hinata eagerly picked it up, only to find that a certain page had been bookmarked. In all of Hinata's infinite sunshine attitude, he flipped to the bookmarked page.
“OH MY GOD!? TANAKA-SENPAI???” He yelled at the top of his lungs, which carried all the way into the gymnasium.
Sugawara's instincts kicked in as he ran into the club room, followed by Daichi, Tanaka, Nishinoya, Azumane, and many of the other second years still on campus.
“Hinata, what the heck happened-”
Hinata and Kageyama's faces were red, and Tsukishima was laughing out loud soundly. Yamaguchi, bless his soul, in an effort to hold back his laughter had two hands over his mouth with his shoulders shaking vehemently.
Tanaka tried to walk away as fast as possible when he saw the magazine, but Daichi grabbed his arm before he could get away. Sugawara glanced at him apologetically.
“Shouyou, what's up with the racket!?” Nishinoya said, stomping over and grabbing the magazine out of his hands.
It was definitely a sight to behold. Tanaka Ryuunosuke, at the tender age of sixteen was splayed out in front of a red couch, casually making bedroom eyes at the camera while an unknown off-screen man tilted his head upwards. He had a beautifully photoshopped dragon tattoo curling over the contours of his chest and navel and extremely tight short shorts displaying his manhood. At the very bottom of the photo, an elegant white “Stubbies” logo adorned the bottom of the page.
Nishinoya fell to his knees, clutching the magazine in his hands. “R-Ryuu, I n-never knew you were a super model!”
The third years approached Nishinoya carefully. Tsukishima and Yamaguchi had finished laughing and were jeering at Tanaka's “nice body”. A fierce blush spread across cheeks as he tried to dislodge himself from Daichi's grip.
“Daichi-san! C'mon, I don't need to be here for this! I j-just remembered I had an errand to run back home-”
Sugawara whispered a nearly inaudible “I'm sorry” as he walked out of the room, dragging all the first years with him. Azumane and Nishinoya left quietly afterwards, though Noya could be heard saying “Wow Ryuu is so photogenic!” outside. It was just Daichi and Tanaka in the club room now, like a nightmare come true.
Daichi's face was completely neutral when he picked up the magazine, but a faint smile broke out after studying the picture.
“Oi Tanaka.”
“Yes, Daichi-san?!” he said in a slightly unmanly high pitched voice.

After a good fifteen minutes of interrogation, Daichi concluded that Tanaka had neither gotten himself into any trouble, nor broken any of the school rules. Just as they left the room, Daichi offered one final piece of advice with the same inexplicable smile.
“Hey Tanaka, shorts and tattoos might be a good investment for you, you should look into that.” leaving a thoroughly red kouhai in his wake.

End Notes

A few notes, this fic was inspired by the HQ 69mins prompt "Shorts".
Stubbies used to be famous for durable booty shorts for men (no joke, it was a trend!). Also Bʌ́di (also known as BADI) is a gay mens' magazine in Japan (as far as Wikipedia tells me LOL).
I tried not to ship, but I am weak shipping trash. Enjoy the hints of SugaTana and DaiTana

[personal profile]naivette

Tadomaki Christmas

Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: 弱虫ペダル | Yowamushi Pedal
Relationship: Makishima Yuusuke/Tadokoro Jin
Character: Tadokoro Jin, Makishima Yuusuke
Additional Tags: Christmas, ywpdss2k14, Yowamushi Pedal Secret Santa 2014
Language: English
Published: 2014-12-26
Words: 1276


an old yowapeda secret santa tadomaki fluff fic.


To: prince-ichi.tumblr.com
Message: Hey Prince-Ichi! Dude I am so pumped that I got to write for your Christmas present :). I hope you like it!
From: naivchan.tumblr.com

I never posted this secret santa gift, but I wanted to archive it in case something happened to tumblr haha.
Makishima looked out the window in his appartment, at the drab gray sky of England as Christmas approached. He felt like cycling, but the gently falling snow tempted him to curl up under the covers and read a gravure magazine. He sighed, letting his thoughts wander carelessly. He thought about his friends back home; although he had made many close acquaintances in England, he couldn’t yet call them his friend. He stretched leisurely, and sat down on his tiny beat up purple loveseat. Although it wasn’t long enough for him to take a nap on and he often ended up in awkward positions, he still fell asleep there the most.
Just as he was about to be carted off into the land of dreams, he heard the gentle ringing of his cell phone. Internally cursing, he clambered off the couch to reach the coffee table that was suddenly too far away for his benefit. If it was Toudou, he was going to give him an earful!
However, the caller ID had a picture of Winnie the Pooh! Makishima quickly hit the ‘answer call’ button on his smartphone.
“Yo! Makishima, how’s England?” Tadokoro said with his trademark booming voice. Makishima pulled the phone away from his ear slightly.
“Er.. England is fine…” Makishima replied.
Makishima was surprised that Tadokoro had called him; it had been nearly half a year since he had talked to anyone from Sohoku.
Makishima put Tadokoro on speaker, and folded his arms behind his head. He listened to Tadokorocchi talk about the bakery, the new Team Sohoku, a recent Sengoku-era video game that he had bought with his own money. He didn’t know why, but listening to Tadokoro speak made him feel at ease.
“… yes?” he answered hesitantly, hoping that he hadn’t seemed inattentive.
“D’ya think you’ll be in Japan for Christmas?”
Makishima smiled. “I don’t know Tadokorocchi, do you miss me?”
“You bastard!” Makishima could hear the blush in his voice, and started laughing.
“I’ll be there for a month, my brother wanted to take a break from his work here.”
“Oh, that’s good.” Tadokoro said.
They stayed quiet for a minute, lost in their thoughts.
“Tadokorocchi, do you want to meet up for Christmas?”
“Sure! I can give you your present then.”
Makishima rolled his eyes. “I’ll get you one too, what do you want from England?”

Makishima arrived at his house with his brother December 23rd. With an extra day to spare, he rode his bike through their home town, glad to finally be back where he was most comfortable. He missed all the perks of being home, especially the perk of having his home invaded regularly by that big dumb bear friend of his.
Not that he would admit that he secretly enjoyed every moment that Tadokoro crashed at his place, and ate all his food.
As he was riding by the Kanzaki Bike Shop, Miki called out to him.
“Makishima-san! Merry Christmas!”
Startled, he sped by and then braked hastily, turning his bike around. He pedaled toward the shop again, and greeted Miki’s upbeat and smiling face.
“Uh, hello Kanzaki-san.” He answered, looking away. Miki’s smile grew even wider.
“Makishima-san, how was your trip to England? Did you like riding there? How were the other competitors?” As usual, her love for biking showed. Makishima answered her questions succinctly.
“How about Tadokoro-san, did you get to see him yet?” she said slyly. Makishima smiled slightly.
“I made plans with him in two days, I’ll see him then.”
“Oh my! Christmas Day plans? How romantic!” she said.
Makishima turned to her, eyes wide in disbelief. “Romantic?”
“Oops!” Miki covered her mouth, though her smirk showed through. “Well it was nice meeting you! Sorry I have to go back into the shop to help, I just got back from running an errand.” She retreated quickly.
Makishima stood there for two minutes, deep in thought, and then rode back to his home. The thought occurred to him that if Tadokorocchi was doing what he thought he would, then Makishima Yuusuke had some major preparations to make. Such as changing his Christmas present.
Although the two of them had made a promise to meet up on Christmas, when they met at Sohoku that morning, neither could decide on where to go. They ended up at the family restaurant that they frequented during their highschool days.
They sat in their favorite booth; far back towards the corner next to the window. It had a nice view of the garden, and was secluded enough that a bunch of highschool boys could make a reasonable amount of noise and not disturb the other patrons.
Although it was lunch time, they ordered milkshakes and nothing else. The two had been clutching their presents in hand, waiting for the right moment.
“Hey, maybe we should just give each other the presents now!” Tadokoro said. Makishima looked at him and nodded, and they quickly exchanged boxes.
Tadokoro’s neat wrapping skills were apparent. It was taped perfectly, and the box had an elegant snowflake design, with pictures of red and green tree ornaments overlaid. He had clearly spent a lot of time figuring out what Makishima would like; and Makishima would have to agree that it suited his taste. He was thinking of the best way to unwrap it without ripping the paper.
On the other hand, Makishima’s present was in a plain black box, with a white bow on top. It was severely tame despite his usual design sense, which could be attributed to his hastily put together present. He was unsure whether he had done the right thing, swapping out Tadokoro’s present at the last minute. He waited anxiously, tapping his foot.
Tadokoro rubbed his knuckles as he looked down at the box set in front of him, then looked and Makishima.
“I think you should open yours first.”
“-sho!” He affirmed. He gently lifted the scotch tape, and unfolded the triangles at the side. It was a white cardboard box underneath. Makishima lifted the lid slowly, watching Tadokoro’s increasingly reddening expression.
Inside was an assortment of decorated sweets with a green blob stuffed in the corner of the box. Makishima grabbed it, and spread it out in his hands. It was a green and red striped scarf, that looked like it was probably hand made.
“Did you make this?” Makishima pressed it to his face, feeling its softness. Tadokoro’s face colored.
“I did, I learned how to crochet out of boredom and I thought a scarf would be a good present cause-”
“It’s nice, thank you.” he interrupted.
Now came the real torture. Tadokoro wrung his hands and went for it.
“Makishima, if it doesn’t bother you that we’re both guys,” he took a deep breath, “would you go out with me?”
The other man just sat there silently as their waitress approached with the ordered drinks. She set them down quickly and rushed off to another table.
“Tadokorocchi, why don’t you open your present first?”
Tadokoro furrowed his brow, but complied. He opened the box.
“I don’t understand, you got me a plant with a berry?”
Makishima looked away and stood up quickly, blushing. He switched sides of the booth, sitting right next to his friend.
Without making eye contact, he said,“Well, in England they say that lovers who kiss under mistletoe are guaranteed happiness for a whole year.”
Makishima reached for Tadokoro’s face and kissed him gently.
After they broke apart, both looked about as red as a tomato. Makishima wrapped the scarf around his neck happily, and Tadokoro laughed.
“That’s the most confusing yes I’ve ever heard!”
“Shut up Tadokorocchi.”

[personal profile]naivette

Don't Die Until I Kill You

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu | Legend of the Galactic Heroes
Relationship: Fritz Josef Bittenfeld/Paul von Oberstein
Character: Fritz Josef Bittenfeld, Paul von Oberstein, Ernest Mecklinger
Additional Tags: Light BDSM
Language: English
Published: 2014-08-31
Updated: 2017-07-24
Chapters: 2/?
Words: 3424


Despite Fritz hating his guts, he didn't like the idea of him dying either. An AU fic in which Bittenfeld becomes friends with the most hated man in the empire, and they have sex.

This is an AU fic with some major changes in latter half of LOGH in order to accommodate the characters. It follows canon up until Reuenthal's “second betrayal” which never happens because he apologizes to the Kaiser after the serious talk with Mittermeyer. After an internal investigation by Kesler, Heydrich Lang is still executed for plotting against the Kaiser. The Republic of Iserlohn still has a final battle with the Empire, with Julian negotiating for a constitution after their loss. It takes place before Reinhard's death.


Mecklinger looked disapprovingly at Bittenfeld, drinking his tea in silence.
“It was mostly your fault.”
“Ernest you have got to be kidding me! That bastard insulted the Kaiser!” If there was anything that Mecklinger knew about Oberstein, he knew that as despicable a man he could be, his actions always followed a rigid code of internal ethics. He supposed that in his own way, the man was as much a work of art as Kaiser Lohengramm himself.
“Don't misunderstand me, I'm not going to say Oberstein was right. But you assaulted him. Now the Kaiser wants you to reconcile, and it's your job to apologize!” He furrowed his brows. “ If you're too prideful to simply apologize, it's all over for you.”
Bittenfeld's anger, ever burning, was just about doused. He didn't want to lose his place in the Neue Reich just because of some internal scuffle, he would much rather face death on the battlefield thank you very much. He cringed at the thought of bowing his head to that sinister, always plotting fox. It was probably the most shameful thing he'd have to do in his whole life, even more than facing the Kaiser after Fahrenheit's death.
Mecklinger knew that Bittenfeld was probably going through some idiotic exaggerations of the task he had to complete, so he caught his friend's attention with some well placed coughing.
“You're turning this into more of an issue than it has to be, honestly. Stop being such a baby and go apologize to our revered Chief Minister of Military Affairs.” He gave him a wry grin.
“You little shit, I'll get you back for this later, you just watch!” Bittenfeld poured himself a drink and downed it in one go. Without even saying goodbye, he stormed out of the High Admiral's lounge, leaving behind a highly amused Mecklinger.

On the stairs to the Minister of Military Affair's office, Bittenfeld ran into Anton Ferner. Unfortunately for Ferner, he was skillfully conducting a delicate balancing act of carrying both case files for a ridiculously large amount of cases, and a cup of coffee. The force from the collision scattered the files all over the staircase, but the cup was barely saved with Bittenfeld's fast reflexes.
Ferner turned around to glare at the person who had caused such a mess, but quickly regained his composure.
“High Admiral Bittenfeld, thank you for saving the Chief Minister's coffee.” He said without much joy. Bittenfeld handed him the cup, then stooped down to gather up the papers.
“Admiral please! I can handle that-”
“I like to clean up my own messes whenever I can, it's alright.” Bittenfeld said. He straightened up the mess as best he could. “Why don't you hand these over to me? I have to visit Oberstein anyways.”
Reluctantly, Ferner handed Bittenfeld the coffee back. “Thank you Admiral Bittenfeld! If you'll excuse me...” he hurried down the stairs, his mind already on the next task that needed to be completed.
Bittenfeld sighed at the irony of the situation. Not only did he have to apologize to the man he perhaps hated most in this universe, but now he was doing subordinate work for him. He knocked on the Chief Minster's office and entered without waiting for a reply.
“Ferner, I asked for my coffee twenty minutes ago, where have you been.” Oberstein didn't even bother to look up from his screen.
“Give the poor guy a break, I'm surprised he's lasted this long with all your slave-driving!.” At the unexpected voice, Oberstein raised his head. Although he wasn't prone to showing much emotion, his eyes widened.
“What can I do for you, High Admiral?” Bittenfeld closed the door and rapidly crossed the vast distance to his desk. Paul von Oberstein failed to flinch, despite the precedent set by Bittenfeld.
Bittenfeld set down the coffee and papers gently, raising his hands up in mock surrender.
“I came here on other business, but I accidentally ran into the poor Rear Admiral.” After a pause, he added “The coffee's not poisoned, I just brought whatever Ferner made.”
Oberstein took the cup in his hands, taking a sip gratefully. Bittenfeld cleared his throat and positioned himself farther away from the front of the desk.
“The business that I'm here on is-” Bittenfeld paused and looked at the drapes before continuing. “I, High Admiral Fritz Josef Bittenfeld, would like to issue a formal apology to the Chief Minister of Military Affairs for thoughtlessly assaulting him when I should have merely voiced my disdain for his foreign policy.”
Oberstein assumed that it was probably Mecklinger's doing that Bittenfeld was apologizing at all. How else would someone so crass use human words of regret and sincerity when the word 'retreat' wasn't even in their vocabulary to begin with?
He calmly leveled as amicable a look as he could at the orange-haired man.
“I appreciate the thought, High Admiral. If that'll be all, I have work to return to.”

Without any other work to occupy him, Bittenfeld returned to his quarters. Although they were modest in comparison to His Majesty's palace, they suited him just fine. Without a family, the condominium was merely too empty and big to maintain without the help of the servants. He shed his uniform in the parlor of his house, and collapsed on the couch. A cheerful Labrador puppy jumped into Bittenfeld's arms, licking his face affectionately.
“Hey Frigga, down!” Bittenfeld struggled to get the hyperactive puppy to stay still so he could pet her. Frigga nuzzled his chest before bounding off the couch and leaving the room. Bittenfeld laughed at the sudden change, and laid down to take a nap. His eyes closed and sleep came to him easily; this past week had been harsh on his sleeping schedule with all the commotion over the recent terrorist attacks on Phezzan.
A low whining and scratching sound woke Bittenfeld. He yawned and opened his eyes slowly, the late afternoon sun was bright and warm in livingroom. He stretched languidly, then straightened up his shirt and slacks before investigating the sound.
Frigga was pawing at the door, leash in mouth. He had slept through her afternoon walk. Bittenfeld scratched Frigga behind the ears, just where she liked it, in apology before tying the leash to her collar. After putting on some shoes, he called for the butler.
Contrary to the image of an old, humble man serving as a butler, a man younger than Bittenfeld appeared in the walkway.
“Could you have dinner ready for me in about an hour? I'll be gone to take Frigga for a walk at the dog park.”
Sebastian nodded, and opened the door for his master. “Will that be all Mr. Bittenfeld? Do you have any preferences for dinner?”
Frigga bolted past the door, tugging at the end of the leash. She yearned for the fresh air and new things to smell outside, not paying attention to her owner's dinner plans at all. Bittenfeld was dragged outside by the small fur ball of energy, already inching towards the yard gate.
“Surprise me! Thanks again for your hard work, see you in an hour!” He waved enthusiastically, already jogging to keep up with Frigga who was making a bee line for the dog park.
A slight flush came to Sebastian's face. Although he hadn't worked as a butler for long, he was sure that the easy affection and friendliness that his master displayed was uncommon, especially towards his own servants. He treated them more like family, really. He supposed he was lucky that he worked for a master like Mr. Bittenfeld.
Bittenfeld had planned on going to the Hydrangea Dog Park closest to his house (it was only four minutes away), but Frigga pulled west instead of east. Going towards the sunset, he acquiesced, figuring it would be nice to take a longer walk today anyways. They could even visit the big dog park!
He didn't often choose to go to the Magnolia park because it was twenty minutes away, but it was worth it every once in a while. It was three times as big, had an elaborate fake pond with a river system, and even a doggie playground. It was pretty well maintained, and usually quite busy during the weekends. However, seeing as it was a weekday, he could make a pretty good bet that it wouldn't be so hectic today.
Bittenfeld was starting to get a little winded because they had been “jogging” (mostly just Frigga tugging on the leash and him fast-walking to keep up) the whole way there. He opened the gate to the dog park and let go of the leash.
As he thought, there weren't so many people today. Most of the dogs there were lazing around in the warm sun as their owners talked. Frigga rushed around, jumping and barking in circles. Bittenfeld picked up a small stick, waving it in front of her. She wagged her tail in anticipation.
“Frigga, be a good girl and … CATCH!” He threw it as far as he could, and the stick sailed through the air unceremoniously, landing right next to an old Dalmatian. The excitable puppy rushed forward, running at the location full force. She managed to get the stick, but also collided into the poor spotted dog.
“Shit!” Bittenfeld uttered as he ran towards the Dalmatian. He grabbed Frigga and kneeled, offering his hand for the dog to lick. The old dog sniffed hesitantly, before licking his hand gingerly. Bittenfeld petted him softly, looking around for the owner to apologize.
“I've just been getting into trouble lately, I could probably teach an apologizing class!” he said out loud to nobody in particular. Frigga wiggled around in his arms before she freed herself and approached the old Dalmatian.
“I hardly think so, the act of apologizing means that one needs to have the feeling of remorse, High Admiral.”
A cold shiver ran up Bittenfeld's spine. He stood up promptly and turned around, somehow still expecting to see the Chief Minister of Military Affairs in all his military regalia. However, Paul von Oberstein was standing there in slacks and a dress shirt with a bag of treats and a red ball in hand.
“What are you doing here!?” Bittenfeld said, more astonished than anything else. He didn't really have the capacity to get angry for having to meet Oberstein a second time today, especially under such unusual circumstances.
The other man gave a quiet snort. “I would think it was obvious considering the objects that I am holding, but I guess I overestimated you.” He sat down on a bench, and the Dalmatian sauntered over to Oberstein's side, wagging its tail affectionately. Oberstein petted the dog with a confidence that only the owner could have. He even gave him a treat!
Bittenfeld face-palmed, and sat down at the other side of the bench. “I didn't think you were capable of human emotions! I guess only dogs can understand dogs.”
Oberstein's annoyance flared minutely. In retaliation, he held out a treat towards Frigga. The Labrador puppy jumped into Oberstein's arms happily, putting its paws up on the stoic man's chest and licking his face in earnest.
“Ah! Frigga you traitor!” Bittenfeld said. His exasperation lightened Oberstein's mood.
“I guess you must be lower than a dog, High Admiral, if you cannot even understand the basic wants and needs of a canine.”
Bittenfeld folded his arms and turned his face away, hiding his red face. His brows furrowed. “Whatever! Frigga is just a saintly and kind dog. I'm sure she's just trying to bestow some affection on your starved-for-love self! Be thankful that she's even-” When he moved to face Oberstein again, he was gone. The Dalmatian was once again taking a nap, but Oberstein had gone off to entertain the lively young puppy. She was currently running around with a red ball in her mouth.
Now that Bittenfeld thought about it, he had never seen Oberstein look so “joyful” (if that word could be used to describe him). Although he wasn't yet smiling, the features of his face relaxed, and he seemed less cold calculating robot and more human. It occurred to him that if Oberstein actually smiled like a regular person, he might actually be tolerable. Bittenfeld reached down to pet Oberstein's dog. Just like his owner, the dog was quite reserved; however, he leaned into the red-headed stranger's touch happily, panting and wagging his tail.
“Hey Oberstein! What's his name?” Bittenfeld said, pointing towards the sweet, old dog in question.
Oberstein wondered in silence for a few seconds before answering, “It's Faust.”
Bittenfeld looked down quizzically at the dog. “Faust huh? Your owner has an interesting naming sense. The original Faust was taken down to hell by demons because of his greed for knowledge about heaven and earth...” He slid across into the middle of the bench to get better access to Faust. Bittenfeld petted Faust with both of his hands in a display of embarrassing affection. Frigga, noticing her owner's attention towards the “other” dog, ran up to Bittenfeld, barking and jumping up for attention. Sighing, Oberstein came back to the bench.
“Your dog learned some terrible habits from you.” he said nonplussed.
Bittenfeld laughed. “Hardly! Here, watch this...” he got up and started to issue commands. Sit. Stand. Roll-over. High-five. Paw. Hush. Frigga consistently did the commands perfectly, ceasing all barking and whining with the last one. Bittenfeld looked over at Oberstein triumphantly before sitting down.
“See? My dog is excellently behaved. Frigga, come here!” he said. The Labrador puppy leaped up from the ground into Bittenfeld's lap, resting after an exciting playtime and walk. He grinned at her, extremely proud of his dear little Frigga. Oberstein could say what he wanted about him, but he wouldn't stand for someone insulting such a good companion!
Much to his surprise, Oberstein talked. “Did you train her yourself?”
“Indeed I did, though I got the help of a friend who worked at the shelter where I adopted her.” The conversation flowed freely between the hot-blooded High Admiral and the stoic Chief Minister of Military Affairs. Although they couldn't see eye to eye on issues of war and politics, their love for their dogs was something uncontroversial and common between the two of them.
After that incident, Bittenfeld would often go out of his way to visit Magnolia Dog Park, sometimes running into Oberstein and sometimes not. However, when they did meet each other, they often talked about inane topics such as the weather, or the Kaiser's torture upon the High Admirals by making them go to ballets and operas with him. Bittenfeld couldn't say that he was friends with Oberstein, but perhaps he understood a little bit more of the man than before. He could understand his hatred towards the Goldenbaum Empire, and his sense of duty to the stability of the Neue Reich.
At the same time, Oberstein saw more of Bittenfeld's personality beyond the fight-hungry, ever straightforward High Admiral. He began to see Fritz Josef Bittenfeld, a man who had risen through the ranks with hard work, who acknowledged his own mistakes and shortcomings and understood that although it wasn't the smartest thing to do, his own pride as a warrior in the battlefield was something very dear not only to him, but the Bittenfeld family.


Chapter Notes
Bittenfeld bit his lip, waiting in the late, cool afternoon. It had been about 3 months since he had made his visits to the dog park a regular occurrence, and he was currently waiting for a certain individual. After the continued mauling of his lips, he felt a sharp, burning sensation permeate and he tasted a hint of iron.
“Ow!” He keeled over, pressing a few fingers to his mouth. Soft footsteps approached the bench, along with the panting of a content dog. He pulled away his hand, discovering blood at the fingertips.
A disconcerted sigh alerted him to the newcomer. A very familiar newcomer that was clad in warm overcoat and grey scarf.
“Good afternoon, Bittenfeld.” Oberstein said. He grabbed a handkerchief from his pocket and held it out to his friend.
Bittenfeld stared at the white cloth, with it’s delicate embroidery of the owner’s name. He shook his head.
“There’s no way I’m getting blood on that thing!”
Oberstein sat down, and then pushed the cloth into Bittenfeld’s face, wiping the blood off of his visage.
“Handkerchiefs were made to be spoiled, regardless of what color they start out as.”
Bittenfeld rolled his eyes, but let him do as he pleased. After a few moments in silence, Oberstein spoke again. “Where is Frigga?”
The red haired man shrugged his shoulders. “Frigga somehow caught a doggy cold, so she’s resting at home.”
Oberstein posed the obvious question. “What are you doing at the dog park without a dog?”
“Hey! I came to invite you to dinner at my house.”
“What a sudden invitation.”
“Well I would have called ahead but we never actually shared phone numbers!”
A few minutes passed in amiable silence before Bittenfeld grew restless. “So are you gonna-”
“I accept your invitation.”
Bittenfeld exclaimed “Great!” loudly, and hopped to his feet. “We should get going now then, cause dinner is probably already waiting for us.” His stomach grumbled and he licked his lips before realizing that he shouldn’t have. Bittenfeld winced at the sharp stinging sensation, immediately regretting his habit of biting his lip whenever he was thinking about something.
Faust pawed at Bittenfeld, sensing that his owner’s friend was in some sort of vague distress. Oberstein stood up elegantly and walked past him.
“I assume you’re not too poor to own chapstick.”
Bittenfeld’s face grew red. “Shut up! It just makes it worse.” He followed behind.
“I’m curious, why?” Oberstein said. Faust walked contently in front of his owner while Bittenfeld caught up to his side.
“Well if you really want to know, it’s because my lips aren’t chapped. I was biting them out of habit. So flavored chapstick would only make the habit worse.”
They walked side by side in the cool, autumn afternoon. The sidewalk was barely wide enough for the two of them, so they often drifted into each other’s personal space.
Mecklinger had decided to go out for a jog and some fresh air this afternoon because today’s desk work had been exceedingly stressful. Phezzan was a much greener planet than Odin was, so he decided to take advantage of it’s natural beauty. Just as he turned around the corner, he noticed a familiar red-headed male on the opposite side of the street. Mecklinger nearly called out to his friend before he noticed who he was with. What was Bittenfeld doing with Oberstein? Most importantly, what was Bittenfeld doing talking to Oberstein in such a companionable way? It was well understood among all the top ranking officers that Oberstein was an isolated, friendless man. He made no efforts to be friendly with other people, nor seemed to enjoy the company of others.
Yet here was that isolated man not only taking an amiable walk, but doing so with one of the most rambunctious admirals in the empire. Mecklinger could hardly believe his eyes. He stopped jogging, pretended to be tired, and then crossed the street behind them discreetly. If there was anything about Ernest Mecklinger, it was the fact that he wouldn’t miss such a great opportunity to see a rare sight. They turned the corner near Bittenfeld’s home, so Mecklinger waited behind the corner in order to over hear their conversation. Thankfully, Bittenfeld was talking loudly as usual so he had no trouble.
“I’m not lying, this idiot put the wrong number on the supply order and we got TEN times the amount of ammunition we were supposed to receive!” Bittenfeld laughed openly, and even Oberstein’s shoulders shook a little.
“I’m surprised that one of our officers cannot even count. The Empire will be troubled if left in the hands of such people.” Oberstein said with a tinge of humor. Bittenfeld’s laughter grew even more apparent. Mecklinger peeked around the corner, and saw that there were even tears in his eyes from what seemed to be an extremely funny joke between the two.
Most shockingly of all, on September 3rd, 800 U.C., High Admiral witnessed a historic event. On that day, he saw the Chief Minister of Military Affairs, a man infamous for being stoic, smile earnestly.
Mecklinger’s jaw dropped and he stood there awestruck while his friend escorted Oberstein inside his home.
Chapter End Notes
I've had this chapter forever but decided to post it now because there's no point in keeping it to myself!
[personal profile]naivette

Why not Both?

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu | Legend of the Galactic Heroes
Relationship: Walter von Schenkopp/Yang Wenli
Character: Walter von Schenkopp, Yang Wenli, Olivier Poplin
Additional Tags: bottom Schenkopp, top Yang, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics
Published: 2018-12-27
Words: 1273

Date night for the two senior officers in Iserlohn. Schenkopf may have been keeping a bit of a secret from Yang.

This was for the LOGH Secret Santa 2018! @galacticsantas
Schönkopf took a breath as he stared in the mirror. Here he was, captain of the Rosen Ritter and worried about as something silly as this. Julian had picked out his clothes, certain that Yang would like the look. There were reservations made. He was having dinner with his boyfriend! What was there to even worry about.
Except one small thing. One small, very important thing that he had never bothered to tell anybody, because it was none of their god damn business. Walter von Schönkopf was a very proud bisexual alpha, and had bed many beautiful women (and some men) before.
Except, he wasn’t just an alpha. He was also an omega. He was born with two genders, but his omega side never featured prominently, given how powerful his alpha hormones were. It was some kind of amazing genetic coincidence. None of his lovers had ever noticed.
Well, none of his lovers were ever Miracle Yang Wen-li. It also helped that he just didn’t have a very noticeable change in scent during his heats.
His heat just had to land on today of all days. He had been looking forward to this night for weeks. Their atmosphere was changing just a little recently, and Schönkopf was worried that their subordinates would notice. He couldn’t stop staring at him during meetings, undressing him with his eyes. He so badly wanted to kiss him, to stroke him all over and make him whimper.
Yang had made eye contact for just a split second, and his knowing smirk made Schönkopf shiver during the meeting. It was as if the other alpha was saying I know exactly what you want.
Despite his misgivings, their dinner date went well. It was just like Yang to order a nightcap after dessert. It kept them warm against the artificially cool night air being cycled in the Iserlohn recreation district.
On their walk home, hand in hand, Yang rested his head on Schönkopf’s shoulder and sighed. The taller man caressed his boyfriend’s hand and chuckled.
“Well this is certainly out of the ordinary!”
A light redness, still present from their drink, dusted Yang’s cheeks.
“Captain you’re being ridiculous. I’ll have you know that I’m always this affectionate.”
Schönkopf stopped walking and turned to kiss Yang lightly on the forehead. Yang reached up and angled his head down, capturing his lips in a deep kiss. A few hot seconds passed before he let go, gasping slightly.
“I guess I should have known you’d be one step ahead of me” Schönkopf said with a grin. Yang smiled back at him.
A clear wolf whistle sounded from across the street.
Poplin was walking towards the rec area for who knows what, and witnessed the sweet moment between his commanding officers. “Get a room you two! I don’t need you scarring the eyes of some poor recruit!”
Yang rolled his eyes and grabbed Schönkopf’s hand, walking back home faster. Schönkopf very sneakily (not really) flipped Poplin the bird, which he returned with gusto.
They made their way back briskly, the walk not taking more than 5 minutes tops. Presumably being Admiral had its perks!
Barely waiting for Yang’s door to close behind him, Schönkopf attacked his boyfriend vociferously. He pinned the shorter man up against the door by his hips, kissing and nibbling on his neck. Yang embraced him back, running his hands through his beautiful brown hair.
Schönkopf found his way back to Yang’s lips as Yang began unbuttoning his shirt. Schönkopf began to undress him the same when Yang stopped his hands.
“Let’s just get to bed first Walter, it’s too cold for this in the living room.” Schönkopf shook his head and followed Yang into his bedroom. Luckily Julian hadn’t been home to catch his guardian gallivanting around.
When they got into the room, Yang grabbed Schönkopf’s shoulders and gently pushed him down into the bed. Schönkopf acquiesced; this position was exceedingly good for what he had in mind (a very lascivious Yang riding him on top). However, Yang began undressing himself, giving Schönkopf a particularly wry look.
“Do you know that you smell ridiculously irresistible right now?” Yang said in a calm manner as he undid his belt. Schönkopf looked up at him in surprise, unable to hide his expression.
Yang sat on the side of the bed and stroked his hands through Schönkopf’s hair. It was practically his favorite way to idle the time. “You’re part omega right?”
Schönkopf hummed a yes, his worries and anxiety being released. He doesn’t even remember why he was so apprehensive about the fact. Of course, Yang wouldn’t mind. He placed his hand over Yang’s.
“I just can’t hide anything from you Admiral.” His smile was bittersweet. “I’m currently on my heat right now. As much as I wanted to bed you tonight, I think I really just want you to fuck me into this mattress right now”.
Yang laughed as he finished undressing him. “Captain, I think that can be arranged.”
At that, Schönkopf felt a rush of heat and anticipation. Yang started pulling at his pants more insistently, leaving Schönkopf bare. He climbed back up towards his face, nipping at his neck as he took a deep breath of his boyfriend’s scent. It’s not surprising that nobody would notice it, given that his other exuded Alpha charm at all times. Even now, only a faint sweet scent was apparent even this close. Schönkopf blushed slightly and turned away as Yang scented him, turning him on even more.
“This might actually be the first time anyone actually noticed.” He remarked. Yang reached down to his boyfriend’s hot dick and began stroking.
“Then it’s my pleasure to be your first.” He reached down to finger his lover’s ass, and noted how wet he had become.
Yang licked his lips as he gently stretched his him, first with one finger, then with two. After 2 minutes of keening, Schönkopf moaned openly, “Yang!”. He got the message.
Yang slipped his pants down, and reached over his lover to the bedside dresser, grabbing lube and condoms to prep himself. After he finished, he scooted down between Schönkopf’s leg’s, lining himself up at his lover’s entrance.
“Let me know if I should-“
Schönkopf’s legs encircled Yang as he reached down to guide Yang’s cock in. He crossed his ankles and thrust Yang closer. Almost instantaneously, Yang seated himself inside, groaning from Schönkopf’s tight hole.
“Oh my god Walter!” Yang moaned out.
“Heh. Sorry about that love” Schönkopf said, not unaffected by Yang’s cock. He began to acclimate to the stretch after a minute or so, and undulated his hips restlessly. Yang pushed back, meeting him in turn.
Their thrusts began shallow, but began to get faster and deeper. The rising heat made the Rosen Ritter keen with each thrust, hitting him right where it felt best.
Yang noticed his mark, and began thrusting in earnest. He grabbed Schönkopf’s hips and timed his thrusts with his lovers.
Schönkopf grabbed his lover’s shirt and dragged Yang down to meet him in an open-mouthed kiss, using his tongue enthusiastically. Yang retaliated by reaching down to his cock and stroking in time with their thrusts.
The added stimulation became too much for Schönkopf, and he shuddered as he came. Yang grinned into their kiss, but came soon thereafter due to the delicious undulations inside his lover.
They let go of each other briefly to clean up, and then Yang collapsed on the bed next to his boyfriend.
Schönkopf turned towards him. Yang’s eyes crinkled as he stroked his face.
They met in the middle for one last kiss before falling asleep.

[personal profile]naivette

Sweater Curse

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: 血界戦線 | Kekkai Sensen | Blood Blockade Battlefront
Relationship: Klaus von Reinherz/Leonardo Watch
Character: Leonardo Watch, Klaus von Reinherz, K.K. (Kekkai Sensen)
Additional Tags: Christmas Presents, Sweaters, Knitting
Published: 2020-10-14
Completed: 2021-03-11
Chapters: 4/4
Words: 4748


Leo wants to get Klaus a present for Christmas, but he’s not sure what to get him (and he’s woefully low on funds). Plus, would getting your (super hot) boss (that you may have a crush on) a present be coming on too strong? He’s not sure what to do, until K.K. gives him a great idea >:)

I found out about the ''sweater curse" trope and I thought it'd be really cute to do a kuraleo ship fic. Can't believe so many of my fics concern Christmas even though I don't even celebrate lol.

Inception of a Bad Idea

It was the end of the day, and Leo didn’t have his part time job scheduled today either. Everyone else but Klaus and Gilbert were out on assignment. He was sitting on the couch in the Libra office, scrolling intently on his phone. His brows furrowed as he looked at the prices on some of the items.
K.K. walked in, boisterous as always. “Klausie~ I finished staking out the target!” She walked over to Klaus’s desk and continued to give him a report on their next threat to Hellsalem’s Lot. Klaus nodded politely and took notes while she gave her report.
“Thanks K.K., that’s probably all for today” Klaus said.
K.K. smiled. “No problem!”
She finally noticed Leo slumped on the couch, doing his best to become part of the background.
“Leo~ what’s up sweetie!” K.K. called. He didn’t answer. K.K. pouted and walked up, pinching his cheeks.
“Just what is so interesting on your phone that you couldn’t even say hi!”
The pain brought Leo to his senses, with a very unamused K.K. stretching his cheeks. “Ow, ow, ow! K.K., I’m sorry! I’m just shopping for Christmas presents!”
She let go of him and gave an exasperated smile, then sat down next to him on the couch.
“And who would those presents be for hmnn? Any good news with you know who lately that I should know about?” she winked. Klaus turned to hear their conversation better while pretending to finish paperwork.
Leo blushed and put down his phone. “I’m just deciding what to get Michella! Actually, I think I’d really appreciate it if I could get your input on some ideas. Let’s chat while we head out!” Leo got up abruptly and grabbed K.K.’s arm. “Bye Klaus, see you tomorrow!”
Leo speed walked out of the Libra office, K.K. in tow, as fast as humanly possible given his short (in proportion) legs. Once they got to the elevator and the doors closed, Leo relaxed considerably. K.K. started giggling at him.
“I can’t believe you didn’t tell him yet! The whole team literally left you two in the office alone the whole day!”
Leo facepalmed, unable to face her. “I tried so hard, but I nearly had a heart attack anytime I tried to say anything! Leave me alone!” He groaned at his failure.
K.K. patted him on the head. “Don’t stress so much, it’ll be fine! Anyways, the office Christmas party will be a good time to try your luck.”
Leo sighed. “About that, I actually was looking at presents for Michella, and I realized I’m not going to have much left over for the party. How are we doing presents again this year?”
K.K. beamed at him and gave him the OK symbol. “Don’t worry your little head about that, we’re doing Secret Santa this time. And I already talked to Gilbert about it, he agreed to rig it so that you would get Klaus’s name.”
“Well that’d be great, except I don’t have any ideas or money for awesome presents. Ughhhh what am I gonna doooo.”
Leo and K.K. stood in silence briefly until the elevator stopped. Walking out together, K.K. pondered the question.
“We~ll since you’re so strapped for cash, I have an old knitting set with some yarn, do you want give that a try? Plus, it’d be so cute for you to give Klaus something handmade!”
Leo opened his eyes in surprise, glowing just a bit brighter. “That’s it! That’s a great idea, thank you so much K.K.!”
“Leave it to me! I’ll sneak it to you along with some pattern books tomorrow.”
And thus, Leo embarked on the journey of trying to knit Klaus a present.

An Attempt was Made

Leo sat in his apartment the next day after work, browsing through the pattern books that KK had given him. There were a few books that were meant specifically for babies (understandable, given KK’s fawning over her children) but one book was marked with pink sticky note saying “This one is perfect!”. It was a book of patterns for “the boyfriend”, and KK had scrawled some hastily drawn hearts (on small sticky notes of course) next to a few items in the table of contents.
Leo smiled at her thoughtfulness. He was definitely going to make her something in return for the help.
He looked at the items that she’d marked down, but honestly some of them looked kind of… dorky. Like something a grandma would make for their adult grandson. Or a wife for a husband when they were already fifty years old. And that was definitely not the kind of sentiment Leo was trying to get across right now. (Maybe…. Someday….)
He sighed and put the book down, and then sorted through the other items in the paper bag that KK had handed him. There was an assortment of colorful yarn, most of them in pastel colors. He tried imagining Klaus wearing any of the colors as a hat, scarf, or mittens, and started cackling at the image. Klaus in pink mittens while he’s trying to take down a blood breed. Or a lavender infinity scarf while discussing something with a client. Or a mint green hat while coming in to work.
All of it seemed silly, but he had no doubt in his mind that if he earnestly made Klaus those presents, he would wear them no matter how bad they looked. Leo wanted to do his best to make something really nice that complimented Klaus.
He dug through all the different yarn skeins until he came upon a big skein of maroon. He instantly knew that it had to be this color. Klaus wore a lot of red so this would match perfectly!
He grabbed the pattern books again. He started flipping through the pages quickly, looking for a nice design. He happened upon a design for a sweater in the same book that KK hadn’t marked. It actually looked like something Klaus might wear, so Leo decided he was going to try it! He envisioned Klaus wearing it, and blushed a little.
A few days later, Leo came in to work that day feeling peppier than usual. He felt motivated with his plan, and he was busy researching how to knit in the downtime between the crises that usually happened on a daily basis. He had brought some needles and a different color of yarn (a beautiful green/blue mix) in order to practice the stitches and make what was called a “swatch”.
It was earlier in the morning, and it seemed Klaus was busy that day on assignment. Steven was engrossed in his office work. Chain was nowhere to be found (as usual). Zed was in the backroom sleeping in his tank. Zapp was probably hungover. And Leo didn’t know where K.K. was, though he wished he did.
He plugged in his earbuds into his phone, with a video called “How to start knitting” pulled up. Timidly, he grabbed the needles and skein out of his backpack, making sure nobody was around to make fun of him.
Leo played the video, following the instructions and the beginning “swatch” as best he could. His hands slipped and dropped the yarn multiple times, but eventually he began to get a feel for the rhythm, zoning out while casting on stitches. He then continued onto the second row, feeling confident at how well it was going, as well as how easy it was. An hour passed, with Leo quietly knitting while listening to music.
At this point, he had completely forgotten how secretive he was supposed to be. Steven sighed at his remaining work and decided that it was just the perfect time for a coffee break. Gilbert was out too, so Steven made a pot and poured himself and Leo a cup. He was nothing if not a considerate boss… some of the time at least.
Steven grabbed both cups and made his way towards the couches in the center of the room. He saw Leo sitting on the couch, hands moving slowly but steadily, building up inches on his project with a smile on his face. “Hey kiddo, what’re you up to?”
Leo noticed Steven approaching out of the corner of his eye, and took out one of his earbuds. “I’m practicing knitting! You know, for the Secret Santa!” He grinned back at his boss.
“Oh? For who?” Steven slyly asked. He placed the cup in front of Leo on the table, and Leo carefully put away his work before picking it up.
“You know I can’t tell you that haha.” He sipped at the coffee. Not as delicious as Gilbert’s, but still a decent strong brew. Perfect for the impromptu all-nighter that they sometimes had to pull for Libra work.
“Well, you can’t say I didn’t try to figure out who got me! I’m scared if it’s K.K. though” Steven said, imagining the worst possible present the sniper could get him. Leo smiled fondly.
“I don’t think K.K. would give you a bad present though, she’s really nice! She even gave me the idea and supplies for my present.”
Steven raised his brow at that. “Leo, that’s because K.K. practically thinks of you as her own child. That woman would kill me where I stand without a second thought if she thought she had a passable reason for it.”
Leo struggled to hold down his snort while he was drinking his coffee, failing spectacularly and spilling a little on his jacket. He reached into his backpack for some stray napkins.
“Anyways, I got Klaus for my secret santa giftee and-“
“Wait, that’s not possible! I got-“ Leo realized his mistake and shut up, but it was too late.
“Bingo!” Steven smirked like the cat that ate the canary. “Hmnn…I see, you got Klaus huh? Must have been K.K. and Gilbert’s doing.” The older man left the conversation at that, having finished his coffee, and returned back to his work.
Leo could see a knowing smile on Steven’s face, but couldn’t figure out what the expression meant. After finishing his break, Leo went back to working on his swatch, only to be interrupted by Zapp barging into the office like he woke up on the wrong side of the bed.
“Hey pube-head! You’re coming with me, we got shit that needs doing.”

The Final Result

Chapter Notes
Leo stared at the work in his hands with worry. He had initially planned on making a sweater, and had even gone to the trouble of getting Klaus’s measurements from Gilbert secretly after explaining the situation to him.
There were only a couple days left till Christmas though, and he had messed up a few times and needed to undo and redo project at least twice. So far, he only had about 6 inches of the bottom of the sweater done, and hadn’t even started on the sleeves. Leo thought back on the past month; there just wasn’t enough time between Libra and his part-time job, especially when he couldn’t use the downtime at the office because Klaus was there.
It was clear to Leo that it was too late to try and finish it with the time he had left. He thought about scrapping the idea all-together and using what little money he had left to try and buy Klaus a present, but once he deducted Michella’s allowance, and his food and living costs, he only had about twenty dollars.
But he didn’t want to go that route. He really wanted this present to be special, and to maybe try confessing his feelings at the party. Even if he went Christmas shopping now, Leo didn’t have any good ideas about what he could get Klaus that would be special and within budget.
Also, what did you get a man that was so rich he had a private butler?
He groaned, rolling over in bed with the knitting supplies strewn about. The pattern book fell out of the supply bag, right next to Leo’s head.
Leo grabbed the book with one hand, and leafed through again, looking for ideas. Maybe he could turn it into something else?
Leo stayed up late right before the day of the party, putting the finishing touches on his present. He wrapped it carefully with a goofy wrapping paper design that had cartoon reindeer and tiny santas all over it. He then sharpied on “To Klaus” on the little card attached to a red ribbon with the nicest handwriting he could muster, before setting it aside with his suit and passing out for the night.
Christmas day had arrived, and Libra’s hard work securing the city had paid off. There was little chance of a catastrophe big enough to interrupt the party happening, Steven made sure of that. Leo wasn’t needed at the office today, so he spent the rest of the day in a mild panic, going over what he would say to Klaus over and over again.
About an hour before the party started, Leo was mostly dressed and ready, but he was seriously debating just not showing up when he heard a firm knock at the door. Leo used his all-seeing-eyes and saw Zed, standing there patiently in custom formal wear, holding a discreet gold paper bag with tissue. He quickly opened the door.
“Zed? What are you doing here?” Leo asked. Zed gave a small smile before entering Leo’s tiny apartment.
“K.K told me to come get you for some reason. She didn’t say why, but I figured we could share the taxi to the party hall.”
Leo groaned but closed the door behind his friend. Zed walked in, and calmly sat on Leo’s only sitting area in his apartment, his bed. He motioned for Leo to come join him. Leo knew that Zed wasn’t stupid, and that the rest of the office had an idea of what his problem was. He sat next to his friend and buried his head in his hands. Zed patted him on the back.
“Today is going to be an important day for you right?”
Leo nodded.
“I don’t know how it’ll turn out, but as Huma say, ‘Sometimes you just have to man up and go for it’” Zed said with humor.
Leo smiled a little at that. “That’s something you definitely heard from Zapp!”
“Right, and sometimes that idiot has a point.” Zed sighed. Leo looked up at Zed and saw his face soften as he kept speaking. “Between the two of us, I thought I was going to be the one to make the first move. But that idiot knows just how to mess up my plans. He told me while we were walking to lunch one day, like he was talking about the weather! No preamble, no indication of any feelings beforehand, just the most ridiculous confession in Huma existence.”
Leo grinned. “That does sound like Zapp. What did he say?”
“He said, and I quote,” Zed put on his best Zapp impression. “Hey Zed, wanna date? I’ve got a movie and wine at my place, let’s hang out tonight.”
Leo laughed. “That’s literally the worst thing I’ve ever heard. But I guess it’s tame for him”
“Yeah, I know. But it was fun.” Zed readjusted his tie. “And I got my revenge later anyways.” Zed checked the time and then stood up. “Leo-kun, we really must get moving if we don’t want to be late. I know telling you not to worry won’t mean much, but it’ll be fine. The rest of Libra will have your back if you feel like drinking to forget later.”
Leo brightened at Zed’s words. “That’s right, the drinks are free tonight!”
Zed rolled his eyes and gathered both his and Leo’s presents. Leo stood up and put on his jacket, finally fully dressed and ready to tackle the ordeal ahead of him. They locked up his apartment and headed downstairs.
Chapter End Notes
I totally missed the holidays as the deadline for this fic, but I'm still hoping to finish it lol.

An Earnest Confession

Chapter Notes
Leo and Zed arrived at the party just a little earlier than everyone else, which worked out to their advantage. A few of the other Klaus family butlers were there, along with other trusted catering staff, helping set up the venue for the influx of guests.
They both dropped off their presents at the table designated for the Secret Santa, before wandering about the hall. It was decorated tastefully with gold and red decorations, and with flourishes of green holly and colorful wreaths on the walls. Gilbert and K.K. honestly did a great job this year, Leo thought. Zed and Leo sat down at one of the open tables, waiting for the others to finally arrive.
Patrick and Neyka arrived just a little while afterwards, chattering about a new technology for the weapons. They had clearly just come from work, dressed to the nines but carrying bags containing their regular clothes. Leo waved them both over, and the two joined them at their table after depositing their own presents.
“Hey Leo! How are the weapons I gave you? Did you get a chance to use them on the way here? There was a mugging a couple blocks down.” said Patrick.
Leo shook his head vigorously. “Not at all!! I took a taxi with Zed today. Plus, I’m glad I didn’t need to use them!”
A huge belly laugh burst out from Patrick, with Neyka grinning behind him. “Oh that K.K., messing with our plans. Oh well, I’m sure it’ll be fine.”
Leo’s eyebrows furrowed at that last sentence, but he chose to just ignore it and let the conversation move on. Neyka started chatting with Zed about book reviews for a book she had just read.
Not long after the two had arrived, a large influx of Libra members started arriving at the party. Chain arrived (but nobody had seen her walk in or drop off her present) and just appeared, sitting at the same table as Leo and Zed. She was wearing a cute red dress with heels, and already had a bottle of wine and a glass in her hands.
K.K. arrived with her husband, talking to other members along the way, and taking compliments for her party planning. The last members to arrive were Klaus and Gilbert, Steven, and Zapp in that order.
Leo heard Klaus’ unmistakable voice talking to another Libra member further away, but he felt his heart start to race. Instead of turning and saying hello, he wormed his way into a conversation with Chain and Zed in order to appear busy.
The drink bar and buffet table opened up, and with it, a large line formed for the booze. Zapp went straight to the drink bar, grabbed his drink, then plopped down in the open seat next to Zed. He was wearing an all-white tuxedo that matched Zed’s own, which was in black. Leo waved at him as he sat down, beaming at their fashion coordination. It was almost certainly Zed’s idea, but it was nice to see that Zapp had played along.
“What the heck fishface, you left for the party without me!” Zapp drank a swig of champagne. Zed rolled his eyes.
“I already told you that I was picking up Leo-kun for his safety. This is what you get for not listening.” Zed snarked back.
Zapp pouted and looked over at Leo. He gave him a once-over. “Yo Leo, nice tux! I’m surprised your broke ass could afford it!” He said, cackling. Chain stepped on Zapp’s foot with as much casual force she could muster. “That hurt you bitch!”
Everyone enjoyed themselves with the food and booze selection, and after a good hour and a half, K.K. appeared next to the dance floor, with a microphone in hand.
“Alright everyone, gather around! We’re going to be handing out everyone’s presents! Let’s all open them at the same time~” She announced in a sing-song voice. Everyone cheered and clapped.
The staff helped hand out presents to everyone, and soon everyone had one in hand, including K.K; She picked up the microphone again.
“You guys better have gotten me something good this year okay! Let’s open them on 3~, 2~, 1~, GO!”
As is Libra yearly tradition, every member ripped open their presents with aggressive flair. Notably, Chain reached into her fairly large gift-wrapped present and pulled out the present in question, which was wrapped in several more layers of gift wrap. She grinned and performed the trick several more times, leaving a matryoshka procession of empty wrapped packages.
Leo was a little surprised at first, but then began tearing into his. Inside, he found an x-station elite controller, a voucher for the console, and a copy of Hard Dive 4 to replace the one he had lost. Leo’s jaw dropped, and he started glancing around, wondering who would drop so much money on a present, and who would even know this was the game he had wanted to play most?
He noticed everyone also admiring and/or showing their disgust at the presents they had received. In the meanwhile, K.K. announced “Go ahead and look for your secret santas!” over the commotion. Zed was holding a DVD copy of “The Little Mermaid”, and immediately went to smack Zapp.
“Hey hey hey it wasn’t me!” Zapp exclaimed.
“I really don’t believe you” Zed said, sighing but inspecting the summary on the back.
Leo looked at all the Libra members, trying to guess who would give him such an extravagant gift. It probably wasn’t Steven or K.K., since they didn’t know about his love for the game series. It couldn’t be Zapp, because it was actually a thoughtful gift. He didn’t think Zed or Chain would spend so much on a Christmas present. He thought it could be Klaus or Gilbert, so he chanced a look at Klaus’ reaction to Leo’s gift.
Klaus was standing next to the gift table, with his gift in hand. It was clear that it was hand-knit, with a few looser areas that Leo had really tried to pull together. Leo had made Klaus an infinity scarf out of the failed sweater with small gauge maroon yarn, and did his best to keep the ribbed pattern even though it was unusually horizontal rather than vertical.
Klaus had on a soft smile as he admired the handiwork, and Leo’s face ignited into red. He didn’t think he could deal with that right now, so he walked over to Gilbert instead.
“Mr. Gilbert, were you my secret santa?”
Gilbert gave a small knowing smile for before shaking his head. “It’s not me, of course you know that Mr. Leonardo?”
Their conversation was interrupted by Chain who was enthusiastically waving a jewelry box. “Thank you for the earrings Gilbert!”
“You’re quite welcome Ms. Chain”.
Chain pumped her arm in a victory pose. “I figured it out first!”
Leo giggled at Chain’s buzzed behavior, and turned around to search for Klaus.
He found him chatting with Steven, and approached their group.
“Klaus, you’re definitely not the one who got me this right?” Steven was frowning, holding a tie with a very cute dark green Christmas design with tiny reindeer.
“No, it wasn’t me” Klaus said, with beginnings of a laugh that he was clearly trying to tamp down. Steven grumbled as Leo joined them.
“Young man, it wasn’t you either right?”
“Nope.” Leo grinned. Whoever it was had excellent taste though, he was looking forward to Steven wearing that particular tie.
Steven gave the both of them a very pointed look, before shoving them towards a less populated alcove in the hall. He then walked off, cursing that it was probably K.K.
Klaus had a sheepish look on his face, clutching his scarf. Leo tried really hard not to run away.
“Leonardo, I don’t think we’ve had much of a chance to talk recently, have we?”
Leo nodded.
“You’re my secret santa right?”
Leo nodded even harder, about as red as a tomato.
“Um… and you’re the one who got me the game right? How did you know?”
“I saw it in the official report about your lost items in your previous apartment. I hope that wasn’t too forward of me to presume you didn’t replace those yet…” said Klaus.
Leo shook his head.
A short silence fell over them until Leo slapped the both of his cheeks with his hand.
“Klaus, I’m so sorry about my present! I really meant to knit you a sweater but it took a lot longer than I thought! Your present is super amazing, I love it!!” Leo said really quickly. “I promise I’ll make it up to you!”
Klaus shook his head. “I don’t know what you’re apologizing for, it’s quite wonderful! I’m really happy to receive this.” He put it on, on top of his probably expensive suit. Leonardo was worried about the size, but it draped over Klaus’ neck perfectly, keeping him warm.
Klaus had on a goofy smile, like he was incapable of turning it off right now. Leonardo couldn’t help but feel proud of his creation, and a comfortable warm feeling spread through his chest. All of the sudden, he didn’t know what he was so scared about. This was the man he loved. There was nothing to be worried about.
Even if Klaus didn’t like him back.
“Mr. Klaus, I actually have something I’ve been meaning to ask you. Could you lean down a bit so I could tell you quietly?”
Klaus, instead of leaning over, got down on one knee. Leo blushed even harder before going to whisper in his ear.
“I’ve been meaning to tell you this for a while, but… I really admire you. I can’t say when it started exactly… but I think have feelings for you. More than as a boss or a friend. Would you consider going out with me?”
Leo backed up, putting distance between them again. “I’ll give you time to think about, you don’t have to answer me right away!” He said in his normal voice. He turned around to try and escape again, but he only made it 5 feet before Klaus stood up and grabbed his arm.
“Leonardo, wait!”
There’s no way Leo would be able to muscle his way out of Klaus’ grip, but he knew that if he really tried, Klaus would let go. He felt his heart drop, but he turned around anyways. He put on a brave smile, but it didn’t reach his eyes.
Leo was used to seeing kindness in Klaus’ eyes, but he didn’t think he had ever seen this other expression in addition to it. He could almost see Klaus’ pupils dilate, filled with desire.
“I don’t think I’ll need any time to think about my answer. I feel the same way too. I have, for a long time.”
Leo is almost certain his brain just shut off; he couldn’t believe what Klaus just said. But his body acted on its own, reaching for the other man’s lapels and dragging him down for a kiss. Klaus relaxed and responded in kind.
In the background, lots of people started noticing the two lovebirds and cheered. Patrick whistled.
K.K. walked up to Steven with a smug look on her face. “I believe I’ve won; I’ll be taking that extra two weeks of paid vacation starting tomorrow.”
Steven sighed.
On the other side of the room, Zapp started cursing. “Dammit Leo!! You couldn’t have waited one week! My 100%-foolproof plan would have worked you idiot!”
Klaus and Leo finished their kiss only to notice the commotion and attention of everyone around them. The bigger man had the decency to look a little embarrassed, but Leo was downright confused.
“You guys were betting on us??!” Leo shouted.
Zed, K.K., Chain, Steven, and Patrick all broke eye contact suspiciously.
Zapp approached the two and messed up Leo’s hair, putting him in a headlock. “Yeah, because you two are super annoying when you’re beating around the bush!!”
Chain intervened with a dropkick against Zapp, standing on top of his head. Leo almost fell back along with Zapp due to the force of the kick, but Klaus quickly scooped him up before his tuxedo got ruined.
“Yeah, as if you and Zed weren’t 10x as annoying due to your stupid tsundere personality!”
Leo burst into laughter, certain that everything was going to be just fine.
Chapter End Notes
Thank you for reading! I love this show and this pairing, so I wanted to write something cute for it. Hopefully you got some joy of this too :)
A little bit of Zed/Zapp snuck in too, but sorry/not sorry ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

[personal profile]naivette

Hungry Hungry Vampire

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: 吸血鬼すぐ死ぬ | Kyuuketsuki Sugu Shinu | The Vampire Dies in No Time (Manga), 吸血鬼すぐ死ぬ | Kyuuketsuki Sugu Shinu | The Vampire Dies in No Time (Anime)
Relationship: Ronald/Draluc (The Vampire Dies in No Time), Ronaldo/Draluc
Character: Ronald (The Vampire Dies in no Time), Draluc (The Vampire DIes in no Time), John the armadillo, Original Character, Ronaldo (The Vampire Dies in No Time)
Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Consensual Blood Drinking, Blood Drinking, Childhood Friends, Mutual Pining, Needles, Anal Sex
Language: English
Published: 2021-11-01
Completed: 2022-04-18
Chapters: 13/13
Words: 16405

Ever since he started having feelings for Ronaldo, Draluc quit drinking the supplemental blood packs that he was used to. It felt cold and wrong, drinking some stranger's blood in front of someone you were interested in.
And so, he hungered. He wanted. He craved Ronaldo's blood.
Drinking your friend’s blood from a cup was as sacred an act as sharing a promise. Drinking from someone directly was best reserved for those you intended to court.
Draluc’s family assumes that Ronald is his donor (and that they’re dating), but once they learn that it’s not the case, they quickly procure another handsome young man as a suitable donor.


Draluc woke up slowly in his coffin, and lazily reached for his phone. He checked the time, and realized that it was evening the next day. Figuring it was safe to open his coffin, he popped open the door and sat up from his bed.
What a mistake that was. A strong, sharp sense of malaise settled in his stomach, and he quickly felt the rising need to vomit. He cupped his hand over his mouth, getting up much more carefully, stepping out of his coffin bed. Stabilizing himself against the couch, he made his way to the bathroom.
It was no surprise that he had ended up this way. Last night, after finishing up a job with Ronaldo, they both had made their way to the Hunter’s Guild to relax and hang out with friends (Draluc felt confident that he could call the other hunters his friends too by now. He had spent more time hanging out with them than even Ronaldo had). Ronaldo had felt particularly tired from a combination of manuscript deadlines and a deluge of lesser vampire hunts that had ended up on his desk. After a brief 30 minutes, he went home before Draluc, muttering about how he needed his sleep. Ronaldo had taken John with him, so Draluc felt comfortable staying alone to drink.
This was his first mistake.
He was feeling a little more faint than usual. Although he barely received any blood in the last 5 years, the last time the lack of blood had been a huge problem was when he was a child. Superior adult vampires hardly needed to drink blood regularly to survive, it was merely a preference. As a child, drinking blood was an act of need. Young vampires need blood in order to grow up healthy, and he wasn’t ever particularly that healthy or robust to begin with. So as a child, he often received donations from a friendly human donor.
But adult vampires, the situation was different. Although most dhampirs could receive sustenance on human food, and occasionally craved blood, Superior adult vampires treated drinking blood as an act of trust, friendship, and love.
Drinking your friend’s blood from a cup was as sacred an act as sharing a promise. Drinking from someone directly was best reserved for those you intended to court.
Hence, his problem. The last time he drank any human blood was probably last year, before his castle exploded. After he met Ronaldo, he didn’t want to rely on blood packets from strangers he had never met. And somehow, drinking from them in front of him felt wrong.
So he hadn’t. And now he was feeling faint, and a little woozy, No Big Deal. But the other hunters had wanted to play beer pong. So he joined them.
This was his second mistake.
They substituted beer for milk, for Draluc. And despite his great talent at video games, playing a game in real life required real dexterity from his physical form just didn’t have. Trying to aim the ball on top of feeling dizzy just wasn’t happening, so he was 5 cups down before Satetsu stopped him. Shot, his opponent, also looked slightly worried.
“Draluc-san, are you alright?” Satetsu asked him kindly. Draluc glanced at him confused, but quickly understood. The humans thought he was drunk off of the milk. Well he’d tell them, he was perfectly fine!
“Maybe I’m just exhausted from keeping up with that damn gorilla all day.” Draluc answered back. He sighed, cleaning up the cups on his side of the table. “Sorry master, can you put this on Ronaldo-kun’s tab?”
The bartender nodded. Draluc deposited the cups on the bar’s counter before heading out. Draluc waved goodbye to Shot, Batter, and Satetsu, who waved back before turning back to the group to start the setup for their next game.
Draluc debated walking back to their office apartment, but he wasn’t feeling well enough for the 20 minute walk. He hailed a cab.
This was his third, and final mistake.
To be fair, he didn’t know that getting into a car would do this to him. He normally never had car sickness, not even as a child (though cars didn’t exactly exist when he was a child). However, the combination of 5 cups of milk and dizziness made for a nauseating car ride. By the time he got home, it took all of his willpower to climb the stairs and make his way into his and Ronaldo’s shared office/apartment space. He opened the door into the living room to see John curled up in his coffin, sleeping.
Draluc climbed into his coffin, shut the door, and passed out, hoping to feel better tomorrow.
And that’s how he found himself in the bathroom, retching into the toilet. Draluc could hear a tearful “nuuu” outside the bathroom door, along with the front door opening and closing. Ronaldo had probably returned from whatever errand he had been on. He had already spilled most of the contents from last night, so there was nothing left in his stomach to empty. Draluc was probably going to have to stay away from milk for a while.
He washed out his mouth, and then brushed his teeth. While brushing his teeth, he heard a hard knock at the door.
“Hey! Idiot! Are you alright in there?!” Ronaldo said loudly.
Draluc finished his task before opening the door.
“I’m fine. I just drank too much at the guild.” the vampire said, hoping it would end the matter there. John jumped into his arms, and he picked him up, petting him comfortingly.
Ronaldo took a good look at his vampire friend, studying his condition. Draluc looked more sickly than usual, with bags under his eyes and pale cheeks, far more pale than usual. Furthermore, he had a bit of a grimace, betraying how unwell he was feeling.
“Can vampires even get a hangover from drinking too much milk?” Ronaldo asked. Draluc snorted.
“No. But I got carsick from the cab yesterday.” He said back.
Any other time, Ronaldo would have laughed straight in his face at such a ridiculous reason to feel sick. But something didn’t add up; it had been a whole day since Draluc took the cab, that couldn’t have been the reason he was feeling so sick right now.
However, rather than press him for the reason, Ronaldo let it go. Whatever the issue was, Draluc didn’t want to talk about it right now.
“By the way, wasn’t your family’s party today? I picked up my suit from the cleaners. Do you still want to go?” Ronaldo asked. Draluc froze up; he had forgotten all about it. If he showed up in his current condition, his dad would for sure figure out what was happening and make a big fuss out of it.
But calling out sick was out of the question; he wouldn’t be surprised if his father showed up in person the next day, hounding him about his health and bringing a basket of goodies and get-well gifts. Not that Draluc wouldn’t have appreciated the gifts and attention, but having his Dad figure out that he had been abstaining from blood due to his stupid crush on Ronaldo was probably the most mortifying thing that he could think of.
“Yeah, I’ll get ready. It’d be more annoying if I missed it.” Draluc responded.
Ronaldo quirked his eyebrows. He wasn’t sure why Draluc was so determined to go, but he guessed they could just make an appearance. Unlike before, the whole family was aware that he was a hunter, so there wouldn’t be any more stupid games trying to hide his real identity. If Draluc still wasn’t feeling well, his family would probably be the best people to ask about recommending a vampire doctor.
And even if Draluc resisted, he would give him a quick chop and then drag his stupid ass to get professional help.
He was clearly feeling ill, why would that idiot try to hide it so much?

Panic! At the Party

Chapter Notes
While Draluc took a shower and got ready in the bathroom, Ronaldo started getting dressed in their living room area.
“John, has he been that sick since he woke up?”
John nodded sadly with a quiet “Nuu…”
Ronaldo frowned, getting dressed the rest of the way. He was wearing a red dress shirt and tie, with black slacks. Draluc’s family tended to have formal parties, so Ronaldo was debating putting on the suit jacket right now. However, Ronaldo decided against wearing it right now, pacing back and forth in their living area instead.
Ever since Draus had shown up unexpectedly at their office apartment, Ronaldo had his contact number just in case the man’s “darling boy” ended up in real trouble. The hunter had the elder vampire’s contact open, ready to call or text him. On one hand, Draluc hadn’t made a big deal about his “hangover”, but the man often had a habit of downplaying stuff when he thought it would only create (annoying) problems. But Draluc truly looked and sounded sick. If even Ronaldo could notice, surely his family would notice too right? And if they didn’t think it was a big deal, maybe it was some vampire illness that he has no business knowing about.
Ronaldo’s mind kept going in circles. Before he could make the decision to contact Draus, Draluc exited the bathroom at that moment, fully dressed and ready to go.
“Let’s go Gorilla! We can’t be late!” Draluc shouted through the door. Ronaldo, broken out of his disaster spiral, huffed at his stupid idiot friend. He picked up his jacket and John, and exited the living room.
“I’ve BEEN ready, dumbass. You’re the one who’s making us late”
The trio arrived at the party thirty minutes late. By the time they arrived, the party appeared to be in full swing, buzzing with vampire activity. Ronaldo felt a tiny impulse to reach for his gun given the sheer amount of vampires, but fortunately he had left it at home. It clearly would have been rude for the hunter to show up with his hunting tools. Plus, as Draluc had said before, his family were amiable vampires who got along with humans.
That did nothing to ease his PTSD from the last family party Ronaldo had the pleasure of attending though. Luckily, it seemed like the main pain-in-the-ass, Draluc’s grandfather, was too busy to attend this party.
Sighing, Ronaldo readied himself for a night of mild pleasantries and correcting others that he was never a pole dancer.
Ronaldo walked over to the appetizers while Draluc was approached by his cousins.
“Draluc it’s been so long!” one of his older male cousins, Luca, said as he hugged him gently. Draluc returned the hug warmly. He saw Ronaldo walk away from the corner of his eye, but guessed it was to give the vampire some time to catch up with his family without the awkwardness of talking about family drama in front of an outsider.
“So how’s your boyfriend doing? I’m surprised he came with you after that disaster the first time!” Luca laughed. “He looked good in that bunny suit though.” He waved at Ronaldo.
Ronaldo saw Draluc’s cousin wave at him while snacking on the hors d'oeuvres, and waved back with an awkward smile.
Draluc would have probably done a spit take if he had picked up a drink, but instead he just froze, unable to speak. After a couple seconds passed, he cupped his hand and let out a hushed “He’s not my boyfriend!”
Luca looked at him with disbelief. “It’s okay, you don’t have to hide it from me. You haven’t ordered your blood supplements in a while right? I can see it on your face. You must be in-between blood meals right?”
Draluc face-palmed. There’s no way this party wasn’t going to be a disaster. He had to leave right now if he was going to escape without his loving, overbearing father causing a scene about his health.
“We’re not dating, I just forgot to drink recently.”
Luca scoffed, giving his younger cousin a shit-eating grin. “You haven’t told him yet? You guys have been living together for a year! Isn’t your coffin in the same room as him?”
Draluc couldn’t take it anymore, and covered his face with both hands, red blossoming on his grey face. He was glad Ronaldo had walked away, too absorbed in the great appetizers provided by the chefs hired for the party. Did his whole damn family already know about his stupid crush on that ridiculous hunter!?
Draus saw commotion near the entrance to the party hall, and made his way towards it. No doubt, his darling son was late, and was being surrounded by their family for greetings.
Draus approached his son, wading through the crowd. He was currently conversing with Luca. “Draluc, I’m glad you could make it!” Draus went to embrace his son in a tight-but-gentle bear hug.
Instantly, he felt that something was off. Draluc felt much cooler than he normally was, and he could see the slight pallor on his cheeks and lips.
Draus grabbed his son by the shoulders, giving him a hard look.
“Son, have you been eating recently?”
Draluc was waiting for this. He had come up with the excuse in the shower, and to be fair, it wasn’t even that untrue.
“Geez, you’re overreacting! I went drinking yesterday and drank too much. I had a hangover when I woke up this evening.”
Draus narrowed his eyes, searching for the boy’s friend. “Where’s Pole-kun?”
Before Draluc could deflect, Draus spotted Ronaldo not too far away, sitting at a chair near the wall, next to Gorgona. She appeared to be describing something vivid to him, moving her hands wildly.
Draus marched over to Ronaldo, Draluc in tow.
“Father, wait! It’s not what you think!” Draluc pleaded, following behind.
They reached Ronaldo in no time, the hunter noticing Draus’ tense approach. Ronaldo figured the old man had probably come to bitch about Draluc’s condition, but honestly that stupid idiot deserved to get chewed out for not taking care of himself. He had questions anyway.
“Ronaldo-kun, glad to see you joined us here! Care to explain why you haven’t donated to Draluc recently?”
Ronaldo stared blankly at Draus, getting up from his chair. “Donate? What are you talking about?”
Draus blanched, turning around to face his son. “Pole-kun wasn’t your donor? When was the last time you had a meal? You asked me to stop sending supplements from your donor, so I thought….”
“I....” Draluc didn’t know what to say. There was nothing he could say in this situation that wouldn’t immediately reveal his no-doubt-unwanted feelings, and he would rather die than reveal them this way. Instead, he disintegrated into a pile of sand.
“Draaaaluc! My poor baby! Don’t worry, Papa will take care of it!”
Ronaldo stood there, flabbergasted at their exchange. He knew Draluc died easily, but he didn’t understand what their conversation was even about. However, it seemed like Draus had noticed that his son wasn’t feeling well.
The hunter sighed. Whatever it was, at least it was being taken care of by someone who knew what the hell was going on.
Chapter End Notes
I just made up a name for Draluc's cousin, hope that's alright lol.

The Long-awaited Explanation

After regenerating, Draluc spent the rest of the party dodging questions from the other family members, and especially dodging having to explain himself to Ronaldo. Every time the hunter came up to him, Draluc invented a reason to run away.
Rather than spend the whole party chasing after him, Ronaldo decided he’d catch him on the way home. They had to take a taxi home anyways, so obviously they’d be sharing one. (Draluc would never waste money annoying Ronaldo when he could easily put that towards his next game)
The party was starting to wind down, and many of the guests had already made preparations to leave. Ronaldo made eye contact with the annoying vampire, an angry expression on his face. He nodded towards the door, signalling that it was time to go.
Draluc sighed, squeezing John comfortingly. John let out a soft “nuu” and patted his chest. Before the vampire made his way over to the hunter, his dad approached him one more time, with a small wine bag in his hands.
“Take this, it’s bloodwine. This should hold you over until your next donor shows up.” Draus said.
Draluc grimaced, but took the bottle gratefully. Bloodwine would definitely lessen his symptoms, but it was no substitute for the real, fresh thing.
“Father, you really didn’t have to do that so quick-”
“Don’t be a fool Draluc. The whole family can tell you’re love-sick and haven’t been feeding. Until you get this sorted out with Ronaldo-kun, we’ve asked one of your old donors to come donate again.” Draus let out a knowing smile. “I was the same way with your mother, so you can’t fool me!”
Draluc pouted, not wanting to hear this nonsense. How his family figured out so quickly when he hadn’t told anybody was beyond him! He gave his father a quick hug before running after Ronaldo.
Ronaldo and Draluc had stayed completely silent the entire time they were waiting for their taxi. The two of them climbed into the vehicle with none of the arguing normally characteristic of them. Draluc dreaded the upcoming interrogation that was surely about to start.
Ronaldo noticed that his partner was acting cagey about something, and decided to start with a more friendly tone.
“So, what was that all about? Back there with your father? He said something about donating, but I know he wasn’t talking about money.”
“Well...it requires an explanation of vampire society, so it’s quite a long explanation…” Draluc said.
Ronaldo crossed his arms, looking at the other man intently.
“Alright, fine! I’ll explain it to you so your puny gorilla brain-”
Ronaldo punched Draluc on the arm, causing the man to sand again.
“OWW! Was that really necessary!?”
“JUST START TALKING!” Ronaldo shouted. The taxi driver flinched, but kept facing forward. Today was not going to be the day he interrupted a scary man in a suit.
“Fine! Fine! Just calm down! Anyways, my father was talking about blood donations.
As you might know, lesser vampires need blood to survive. However, that’s not true of superior vampires. At least, not the adult ones. When superior vampires reach adulthood, they pretty much only drink blood for leisure, like humans with wine. But young, pure-bred superior vampires still need blood, I mean they’re still growing children!”
Draluc paused, sighing a bit before continuing.
“And since I’m so frail, I’ve needed to drink blood regularly ever since I was young to keep up with all the regenerating I do. We can’t just go around hunting humans since we’re civilized, so superior vampire families usually pay a human family to donate exclusively.”
Ronaldo frowned at the idea. “So you guys treat humans like cattle?”
“Perish the thought.” Draluc countered. “They’re trusted allies who help raise our young. One of my childhood friends was a donor. My donor actually.”
Ronaldo sat there, deep in thought.
After a moment, he spoke carefully.
“So… why did your family think I was donating blood to you?”
Draluc grinned. “Why Ronaldo, aren’t we just best friends?”
Ronaldo tamped down the urge to punch him again. He faced away from his friend, glancing out the window. They were almost home.
Something about this whole situation just didn’t make sense. If Draluc’s family already had donors, why would they expect his hunter friend to donate?
And if Draluc had needed blood so badly, why hadn’t he asked him? If he had other “donors”, then why hasn’t he been drinking in the first place?
Ronaldo glanced back at Draluc. He wanted to ask, but Draluc looked tired. Really tired. These questions were probably best saved for another time.

Childhood Friends

Chapter Notes
A couple days passed, but Draluc never brought up the subject again. Ronaldo sat at his desk with his laptop open, apparently writing the next section of his manuscript. Sneaking glances at the other man sitting on the couch, he could see him humming along to the battle tune of a game the vampire was currently playing on his Vintendo Switch.
Ronaldo would have been annoyed, but this was the healthiest he’d seen Draluc in the past week. He no longer looked as gaunt, though the man was always ridiculously skinny. The bloodwine that Draus had given him seemed to have done the trick, the vampire was insufferable as usual.
There was a knock at the door. It was still late afternoon, too early for the vampires to be roaming outside and causing problems. The curtains were drawn in the main office where they were sitting.
“Go get the door.” Ronaldo said, as he pretended to type another word.
“I’m in the middle of a level! I can’t save.” Draluc spat back.
Ronaldo tsked at the man, and went to open the door with his best customer service face.
He opened the door to reveal a man at least a few inches taller than Ronaldo, which was surprising considering that the hunter was already taller than the average. He looked up and saw a face that wouldn’t be misplaced on a cologne or fancy menswear ad.
The man wore an alarmingly nervous but polite smile. Ronaldo remembered that this was probably a job, and remembered his manners.
“Hello, can I help you?”
“Hi, this is Ronaldo’s Vampire Hunter Agency, correct?” the mystery man spoke, with a pleasingly deep voice.
Ronaldo nodded. Damn, this guy is probably some sort of famous foreign actor right? What the hell is he doing here?
“Is Draluc here?”
Ronaldo’s brain fizzled out, all processes stopped working. “Uh…what?”
“Draluc, your vampire partner, is he here?” The other man repeated again, politely.
Ronaldo’s brain couldn’t find any words to say to the man, but he opened the door wider, letting him in.
The mystery visitor took the cue, and walked in. Draluc heard different footsteps walk in, and saved his game quickly. It was probably another person with a request, so he would at least pretend to help. Setting down the game console, he finally looked up to see a buff man taller than Ronaldo, probably close to his 30s, walk into the room. He had curly brown hair and hazel eyes that looked oddly familiar.
A second passed, before Draluc exclaimed, “Mihai?! What are you doing here?”
Ronaldo heard an unfamiliar accent slip out of Draluc, one that he had never heard before. Normally, the man spoke perfectly standard Japanese. But it seemed like he had instantly switched back to his mother tongue after a quick exclamation.
Mihai smiled, speaking more confidently in his native language.
Ronaldo felt annoyed at being left out of the conversation, but closed the door and went to sit back at his desk. Whatever the case, this visitor was clearly just a friend of Draluc’s and not an actual customer. John waddled in from the other room, clearly curious at the commotion, before he spotted the visitor in question.
John quickly ran up to the visitor, circling around him and “Nu”ing excitedly. Mihai picked him up joyously, cuddling the cute creature.
[John! Sweet precious John! I’ve missed you so much buddy!]
“Nu nu nu!” John responded.
Mihai with John - Kur0wa@twitter
image credit - Kur0wa @ twitter

[Mihai, really, what are you actually doing here?] Draluc asked.
[I heard about your condition from Draus, so I came here as quickly as I could! Geez Draluc, why haven’t you been feeding?] Mihai glanced around the room, noting his surroundings, before studying Draluc’s partner sitting at the desk. He smirked.
[Trouble in paradise?] he said, pointing to the hunter. Ronaldo didn’t know what the two were saying, but he definitely noticed this stupidly handsome bastard pointing at him and smirking.
[Can you not! Do that! Maybe!] Draluc screamed, covering his face. Why did everyone already know about this already?!
Ronaldo glared at the intruder, annoyed and curious about what was going on. Mihai took pity on the poor man and started speaking in Japanese.
“Sorry, I haven’t introduced myself yet! My name is Mihai, I am a friend of Draluc’s.” The man said in charmingly accented Japanese.
“Oh…Okay? Nice to meet you.” Ronaldo managed to blurt out, manners having rebooted and started running on autopilot.
“I’m here to be Draluc’s donor!”
“WHAT!” screeched Draluc.
The vampire’s face, against all laws of physics, turned bright red. Ronaldo didn’t even know that Draluc had enough blood in his body to blush.
In the span of 5 minutes that the mystery intruder was here, Ronaldo had already seen two things that he’d never seen Draluc do before. And somehow, he felt an unexplainable annoyance at the cause being this new guy’s sudden entrance into their lives.
After Draluc had managed to calm down, he scurried off to the kitchen to make their guest tea. Mihai sat down on the couch, petting a comfortable John in his lap.
Ronaldo closed the laptop with a thump, leveling an unimpressed glare at the guy. “I heard about the donor thing from Draluc.”
“Yes?” Mihai said.
“How does that all work? Did you get a blood draw before coming here?” Ronaldo asked.
“Normally, yes, I would just send some blood packets after getting them drawn for donation. They can be refrigerated and saved for quite a while.” Mihai returned a mischievous look. “But since he’s not feeling so well, I decided to come here in the flesh so that he can take it raw!”
Ronaldo tightened his fist, trying to hold in his surprise at what he just heard.
Mihai saw the other man frown deeply, unaware at just how displeased he looked. He decided to tease the issue further. It’s not like he was lying anyways. He put on an innocent facade before continuing.
“Yes, Draluc needs to drink from someone directly. Draus contacted me since we’re childhood friends, and I just so happened to be in the area.”
Ronaldo crossed his arms, frowning further. “How could you be childhood friends? He’s more than 200 years old, and you’re human.”
Mihai grinned.
“I met him when I was 17! My family has been donors to his family for generations, and one of my relatives is married to a distant cousin of his. I saw him at the wedding, and we had a fun time dancing and just hit it off”
Ronaldo’s face blanched.
“At the very least, he’s my childhood friend. I think I started donating to him not long after that actually.”
Mihai observed that Ronaldo was clutching the side of his jacket sleeve, effectively pouting. He had never met someone whose buttons were so easy to press, he could see why Draluc was so intrigued by this hunter.
Draluc walked in humming, carrying a tray of tea and cookies. He set down the tray elegantly, before handing Mihai a cup.
“Two sugars and a splash of milk, just how you like it, right?” Draluc asked. Mihai beamed and took the cup graciously.
Draluc then brought over a cup to Ronaldo.
“Gorilla-kun, why do you look so constipated?”
Ronaldo was about to have a stroke.
Chapter End Notes
OH MY GOD LOOK AT THAT AMAZING FANART!!! Kur0 from the vampdies discord made it for me during a server-wide secret santa, and I'm literally in awe of how perfect it is. Thank you so much ;_;
Go follow them on twitter! https://twitter.com/Kur0wa


Chapter Notes
Ronaldo was really trying to keep it together. He really was. The hunter thought that maybe this initial visit by Draluc’s stupid and annoying friend wouldn’t last long, and he could get back to working on his precious manuscript.
To the hunter’s chagrin, the other man had declared that it was rude to do the blood donation with Ronaldo present, and suggested that they “do it” in his hotel room later, when it was properly dark outside. Ronaldo almost threw his tea cup at the man for the insinuation, but Draluc liked these cups. So instead, he cleaned up the tea and snacks, taking Mihai’s cup before he was done and depositing the dirty dishes in the sink.
Ronaldo started washing the dishes angrily, but gently, blasting through the teawares as well some plates and cups from breakfast that had been left. Normally Draluc would do them, but he needed an outlet right now.
Draluc walked into the living area and heard the commotion from the kitchen. He could hear the clanking of dishes being rapidly cleaned and placed on the drying rack. Ronaldo was in one of his rare stressed-out moods, and tended to do the chores sometimes to take his mind off things. The vampire had witnessed this behavior before, but usually it was when there was a manuscript deadline looming. But Ronaldo still had a month before his next deadline, so Draluc was at a loss for the cause. He watched his roommate’s behavior, puzzled.
Mihai followed Draluc’s gaze to the hunter, and smiled.
[I wonder what’s got him all worked up?] He said.
[No idea] Draluc replied.
The vampire brought out a tv and a console from the closet, and started setting it up. John helped, handing Draluc the cables. Mihai browsed through Draluc’s game collection; it would still be some time before Draluc could safely venture outside, so they both had the same idea to pass the time with some couch co-op gaming.
John rummaged through one of their storage bins, and brought out four controllers. Draluc smiled at his familiar, and then faced his roommate.
“Ronaldo-kun, wanna play Vario Kart with us?” Draluc said casually.
Mihai waved behind him. “The more the merrier! We could play in teams of two to make it more fun.”
Ronaldo finished the dishes and then turned around. The other two men were sitting on the living room couch, with the TV propped up on a makeshift table. When Ronaldo and Draluc shared the couch with John, normally John sat in the middle with the other two on either side. However this time, Draluc was sitting in the middle with Mihai on one side and John on the other.
Ronaldo wasn’t one to entertain guests in his home, and understandably, none of his furniture was meant for the purpose either. The couch wasn’t big enough for 3 adult men, and he wasn’t about to make John move from his comfortable position in order to try and squeeze 3 people together.
The hunter scoffed, “I still have work to do, go ahead without me” and walked out of their living area, back to his desk to mope at his laptop.
John “nuu”-ed softly, disappointed at not being able to play together.
Draluc petted the armadillo on the head and scratched his belly. “Don’t mind that grumpy gorilla, we’ll play again later!”
With that, the three of them started their Vario Kart tournament while Ronaldo contemplated his life choices.
Why didn’t I get a bigger couch…
NO! The issue is that stupid handsome-faced bastard making himself at home in MY HOUSE! Who the hell does he think he is!?
A couple hours passed uneventfully. In their tournament, Mihai ended up dead last against Draluc and John, which was the expected outcome anyways. Going up against Draluc in a gaming competition was like challenging a famous olympic swimmer to a casual swim. Even if they were going easy on him, he was still handily in last place, even against the NPC competitors.
Mihai sighed. “What’s the fun in playing if I’m not even a good opponent?” He set down the controller.
Draluc laughed. “Oh don’t be a sore loser. You were never going to be a match anyways. And I totally went easy on you this time.”
Mihai glared at his friend with a you definitely didn’t go easy on me look before checking the time.
“It’s probably late enough for us to go, we should get you fed at least a little bit tonight.”
Draluc glanced at the door leading into the main office area, where Ronaldo was sitting, and sighed.
“Yeah, let’s go.”
Draluc got up to tidy the controllers, but remembered how upset John looked about Ronaldo not playing.
“John? Do you think you think you could try asking Ronaldo to play games with you once Mihai and I leave? He’s probably not making much progress on that manuscript anyways, and he needs the break.”
John looked up at his master and nodded, pointing at himself as if to say “Leave it to me!”

Draluc went to don his cape (hanging over the sofa) and grabbed his phone and keys. He probably wouldn’t need much more than that, considering this wouldn’t take very long. He nodded to MIhai, and then made his way out to the office space.
Mihai followed behind, debating what to say next to the poor hunter; another quip about the feeding was sure to cause more chaos.
When he stepped through the doorway, he found that Draluc had already beat him to it.
“Oi, Ronaldo!” Draluc said.
“Tch, what is it?” Ronaldo replied, typing furiously. He had been browsing the internet, procrastinating on his work by reading articles recommended to him about sappy marriage proposals until he heard the other men shuffle around, getting ready to leave. He had quickly opened a blank document and paged-down a few times, hoping that Draluc wouldn’t notice the absolute nothing on the page.
Ronaldo finally stopped typing and looked up at his partner.
“I’m going to go…” The severity of what he was about to say finally dawned on Draluc, considering he had kept his hunger a secret for so long. But he continued anyway. “I’m going to go…feed with Mihai, I’ll be back after a bit.”
Prideful as he was, there were some things he was having a hard time keeping concealed recently, like his feelings for Ronaldo. Openly admitting what was usually a private matter for vampires was making him more embarrassed by the second, so he turned around quickly and walked out through the main door before Ronaldo could see the growing flush on his face.
Mihai flashed a knowing smile at Ronaldo. “Don’t worry, I’ll have him back soon.”
Ronaldo was left, staring at the door as it closed behind the gaunt vampire and his model-like childhood friend.
Ronaldo sighed, before slamming his head on the desk in front of him, narrowly missing his laptop. John heard the loud thump, and ran out to find Ronaldo in distress.
John jumped onto the desk. “Nu! Nununu Nu!”
“Oh, John, sorry for scaring you.” Ronaldo started rubbing his forehead to ease the pain from his frustration.
“Nu nu nu…” John spoke comfortingly. The armadillo climbed into Ronaldo’s arms, and then patted the side of his head.
“I know buddy, I don’t know why either.” Ronaldo petted the armadillo back. “I just feel so stupid, there’s something about Mihai that just ticks me off!
“Nu.” John said. Internally John was thinking Maybe you need to think about why that is!
“But you and me, we both saw how Draluc was a week ago. He needs this. There’s no real reason to argue against it.”
John crossed his arms. “Nu nu nu!”
“But why does it have to be from a guy like that!
John sent Ronaldo the best withering stare he could muster, before jumping out of his arms. The hunter nearly teared up, before seeing John run into the next room and come back with a controller.
“Nununu Nu!”
“You want to play games with me?” Ronaldo asked
John nodded. The hunter sniffled a bit, wiping away dust from his eyes. Clearly he wasn’t crying because he thought John might have started to hate him.
“Alright, you pick the game!”

Chapter End Notes
I just wanted to say, thank you thank you thank you SO MUCH if you've left a comment or kudos! I feel kind of overwhelmed responding to comments bc I don't know what to say, but I just want to let you know that I've probably read them at least 5 times. In fact, I come back to them every time I write for this story, it gives me that much hope and motivation that I've gotta continue!
I've outlined the rest of the story, but Ronaldo really dragged this chapter into a different direction and turned it into something way different from what I've planned lol. Hopefully you've enjoyed it so far! Next chapter will be Draluc and Mihai at the hotel room :3c

First Drink

Chapter Notes
Sorry for the long wait! From now on, I'm switching from Ronald to Ronaldo. I've had to autocorrect everything to Ronald, and it's making writing difficult when I keep thinking about Ronald McDonald lol. I'll go back and change it in earlier chapters.
Also, if you haven't seen Kur0's amazing fanart of Mihai on Chapter 4, go back and take a look!
CW: Needles (used for phlebotomy)
Draluc and Mihai made their way into the cold Shin Yokohama air, walking brusquely. Mihai had picked a hotel not too far from where Draluc lived, so that it would make their feeding sessions easier.
As lively as their conversation had been in the apartment, the walk had been comfortably silent, the two of them simply enjoying the view of the city and its lively residents. They arrived at the hotel, and walked through its grand entrance. The receptionist at the front smiled and bowed politely. When she raised her head to actually identify the guests, she couldn’t hide her shock.
As an avid fan of the Ronaldo War Chronicles, she recognized this particular vampire easily!
“He’s with me” Mihai said, taking out a keycard to show that he had already checked in at the hotel.
The receptionist nodded, composing herself, and motioned towards the elevators. “Please enjoy your stay, sirs.”
Draluc and Mihai walked into the elevator. Meanwhile, she sneakily took out her phone, and started rapidly typing on Twitter.
When they got into the elevator, Mihai pressed the button for the top floor.
[A luxury suite?] Draluc questioned.
Mihai shrugged. [Your dad insisted! And I’m not the one paying so why not, y’know?]
When they arrived at their floor, they walked down a gleaming hallway, and stopped at a set of ornate double doors. The taller man swiped his keycard for the room, and opened the double doors to reveal a lavish living room, with hallways leading off into other additional rooms.
[I guess your family assumed I would be staying here for quite a while.] Mihai said with a wink.
Draluc rolled his eyes. The vampire walked into the room and plopped himself on the comfiest looking double-seat sofa.
[Let me get equipment, I’ll be right back!] the human said, before scurrying off to the master bedroom somewhere down the hallway. Mihai returned with a red phlebotomy box, a sharps container, and a pack of latex gloves, and alcohol wipes.
Draluc observed as the other man laid the phlebotomy equipment out on the coffee table, and then smiled. “I thought you were going to let me feed from you directly?” He chided in Japanese.
Mihai returned a devious smile. “I’d be happy to let you do so, but I think I’m not the one you want to be sinking your fangs into?”
Draluc had the slightest dusting of blood in his cheeks, before frowning. “I don’t think that’s happening anytime soon.”
Mihai sighed, taking off the suit jacket and dress shirt that he had on, leaving only a white, clean tank top. He put on a clean pair of latex gloves, then tore open a small square alcohol wipe, using it on the inside of his left arm, right above his elbow at a nice thick vein. He then reached for a butterfly needle, relaxing his arm before inserting the needle methodically. He held the needle in place with his right hand, nodding to Draluc. Fresh, red blood bubbled into the long thin tube.
Draluc, experienced in the procedure, grabbed the small plastic vials in the box, and attached them to the valve on the other end of the long tube attached to the needle. When one vial finished, he disconnected it and replaced it with another. The first 2 vials filled up quickly, blood spurting into the rounded end of the tube.
The third vial filled up at a moderate pace, rushing in smoothly like a waterfall.
The blood filled the fourth vial much slower. Mihai opened up his left fist in order to let the blood in his arm drain a little faster. Blood trickled in gently.
“How many should we do?” Draluc asked.
“I think 5 vials should be good for today.”
Draluc nodded, connecting the last vial.
Once the last vial was full, Draluc disconnected it and placed it next to the other full tubes. Mihai removed the needle from his arm and deposited it into a conspicuous red container meant for sharps. He then quickly grabbed gauze and held it firmly against his wound.
Draluc sat there, still, staring down at one of the tubes in his hand. If it was anyone else in that room, they might have thought that the vampire was being pensive, deep in thought. But Mihai knew better. Even though he wasn’t as old as Draluc, he had known him for a good portion of his own life, and had gotten used to deciphering his microexpressions when he was hiding anything that was troubling him.
Draluc had a wistful sadness in his eyes, unable to hide his longing.
Mihai couldn’t bear seeing his friend in such a sorry state. “Is there a reason why you haven’t told him?”
Draluc sighed once more, screwing open the cap to the tube, and taking a small sip. The warmth of the blood filled him with tenderness. He felt like he was going to dust at this rate if he drank it as fast as his hunger compelled him to, so he held back. He took the tiniest sips possible.
“Do you know how Ronaldo and I met?”
Mihai nodded.
“Then you know how that boorish, stupid fool would never entertain the possibility. He’s too painfully straight, and the reason we’re both currently living together was a mere whim of mine.” Draluc said. “It’s not like he particularly asked me to stay.”
“On top of all those reasons, I don’t want to ruin what we currently have.” the vampire said, with a wistful smile. “Grandfather reminded me once, to take care of my human friends. That includes you too, of course. But you can imagine how unbearably awkward it would be, if I told him that I had feelings for him and he didn’t return them!”
“I would never recover from the embarrassment! I’d definitely want to leave the city, if not the country! Goodbye Japan, Welcome Home Draluc!”
The brown haired man struggled to keep his expression straight, a laugh breaking through his serious face. [You didn’t consider what would happen if he did like you back?]
[Of course I did! And I found that highly unlikely! That breast-obsessed gorilla? Interested in me? I would like to know what exactly it is that everyone is smoking, that they’re so convinced he likes me!] Draluc exclaimed.
Mihai couldn’t keep it in any longer, his laugh growing into a deep, belly shaking guffaw.
Draluc pouted, sipping his blood vial in between glares at his friend.
After a good few minutes of continuous laughter, Mihai finally gathered himself, stomach muscles aching from the workout they just got.
[I am one hundred percent certain that he likes you, and I’ve only known him for a couple hours.] the human said, taping down the gauze to his arm. [In fact, I can prove it. I’ll bet you my limited edition signed copy of Dragon Quest 11.]
Draluc’s eyes widened. Mihai loved that game, it was his favorite. He had played that game at least 3 different times, each playthrough at least 100 hours long. [You’re joking.]
[I’m not.] Mihai smirked. [Your poor boyfriend will have his neck ravaged by the time I’m done]
[What’s in it for you?] the vampire asked. Draluc didn’t really want his friend’s prized possession, but he now understood how serious he was being.
[I want the special edition DQ Vintendo Switch, when I inevitably win. They’re hard to find, but I’m sure you could acquire one with your publishing connections.]
Draluc facepalmed, but held his right hand out. Mihai reciprocated the handshake.
Chapter End Notes
My DQ agenda is showing, and that's okay. Go play DQ11S!


Although he had originally intended to stay a short while before going back to the apartment, Draluc couldn’t drink the blood vials as fast as he wanted. Everytime he tried to gulp down a mouthful, the warmth of it would heat up his entire body to the extent that he felt like he was melting into sand.
Mihai initially looked energetic after the blood draw, happy to help out a friend that he hadn’t met up with in years. But slowly, the combined fatigue of losing blood and jet lag washed over him, making it harder for him to keep his eyes open.
“Sorry Draluc, I don’t think I can last any longer.” He stood up, stretching his arms above his head. “Let’s talk more tomorrow…”
He shuffled through his wallet and took out a hotel key card. “Feel free to drop by anytime.”
With that last gesture, he gave the vampire a tired “goodnight” before heading off to bed.
Draluc debated whether he should just take the vials with him and go back to the apartment, but the thought of having to drink in front of Ronaldo kept him planted firmly in his seat. He would finish his meal and take the rest with him. Absolutely nothing wrong with that.
Bored with nothing better to do, the vampire took out his cellphone and opened up Twitter. He really wished he had brought his QSQ, but settled for reading some funny memes and catching up on the news.
He was shocked to find that “Dora-chan” was trending in the local area, and clicked on the tag to find that a picture of him and Mihai walking into the elevator at the hotel was circulating, reposted hundreds of times with all sorts of comments:
‘Oh my god, who’s that cute guy with him?! Is that his boyfriend?’
‘LOL, cucked Ronaldo’
‘Did Ronaldo break up with Dora-chan? I’m REALLY about to go over there and teach him a lesson’
‘I was really rooting for RonaDora as my OTP ;_; ‘
Draluc locked the phone and threw it on the couch. If he had a slim 0.01% chance of confessing to Ronaldo and having it work out before, he had an absolutely ZERO chance right now. Also, did all of Shin Yokohama already assume that he and Ronaldo were a couple?! That was absolutely preposterous! They never did anything couple-like at all!
But he did happen to make Ronaldo a heart bento as a joke, he could see why people got the wrong idea. And the time when he gave him chocolates (just obligatory ones!) on Valentine’s day. And sometimes they even went grocery shopping together (without John) and talked about what to make for dinner the whole way.
One time, that idiot even dragged him to an early premier midnight showing of a movie in a series he had never watched. But Ronaldo was excited about it, so he obliged him, because John was too busy that day.
Yup, nothing couple-like at all!
It had been several hours of playing video games. John and Ronaldo had ordered pizza as a treat (since Draluc wasn’t there to scold them). The armadillo had easily beat the hunter at Vario
Kart several times, and now they were playing a much more low-key puzzle game about snipping pieces of paper.
Just as they had finished a level, Ronaldo’s phone rang. He glanced at the caller ID and blanched, scrambling to pick it up immediately.
“F-f-Fukuma-san! What do I owe the pleasure of your late call?”
Ronaldo heard Fukuma sigh at the other end.
“Ronaldo-kun, I’m not in the business of prying in private affairs, but there appears to be quite the scandal brewing on Twitter. I just got the call from one of my interns and thought I should pass along that information.”
Fukuma yawned, making sure to keep the phone away from him when he did. “I’m not sure what course of action, if any, that we’ll need to take, but we can discuss that at a later date. Goodnight for now.” He hung up quickly.

Ronaldo was utterly confused. Why would Fukuma contact him about some social media nonsense? The elite editor was a busy person, and had no time for drivel.

Curious, Ronaldo took out his phone and logged into his secret Ronaldo Chronicles fan account. He didn’t use it often, but he liked responding to comments from a fan perspective, without people knowing that it was him.
Once he logged in, he could see that his timeline was inundated with comments from fans in the area, freaking out about Draluc. He scrolled through the many subtweets and comments, searching for the initial cause of the outcry.
I bet that idiot is just being a public nuisance, I’m sure it’s nothing serious-
There it was. A slightly wonky picture, blurry at the sides due to how quickly it had been taken. It was posted by some anonymous account, with the comment: ‘This is the cutest Dora-chan I’ve ever seen!’
The picture itself was completely innocuous, showing Draluc walking into the elevator with Mihai being a gentleman and holding the door open. But the picture had caught Draluc right as he was looking straight at the handsome bastard.
And his expression was… his expression was kind and joyful, completely open. Nothing like the smug smiles or smirks that he would often throw around when had a funny prank in mind. Not at all like the mischievous grin he would wear when he was bullshitting while talking to a client or friend.
And it was absolutely different from the sad smiles that he saw appear on the vampire, when he caught him out of the corner of his eye…
Draluc had underestimated Ronaldo’s kinetic vision, and the hunter was often looking at him secretly for various reasons, mostly as an anti-celery attack measure while he was cooking. But although that was the original reason, he mostly looked for fun now. He could see Draluc’s excellent knife skills, and often thought about cooking himself once in a while.
It was less than two years since he had met him, but Ronaldo had really thought that he had come to know the vampire quite well. He had never really thought to put a name to the feelings himself, but he could tell that Draluc had become someone important to him in that time.
Someone he wanted to take along to the movies now and then. Someone who he wanted to learn to cook for. Someone he wanted to protect from the other idiotic lesser and greater vampires that often ended up causing his death.
And yes, someone he wanted to punch when he was hogging the QS5 when Ronaldo wanted to use Netflips to watch a new release.
Hot tears started to well up, stinging his eyes. John, who was already looking at Ronaldo when he had taken the phone call, had rushed to his side, anxiously tugging on his shirt.
What if Drac was always waiting for Mihai? Did he miss him so much that it hurt that much when they were apart?
The tears fell freely, rolling down his cheeks. Ronaldo embraced John, crying openly.
“..John…. I’m an idiot! I’m a huge idiot! I can’t believe it took me this long to realize..”
He took another sorrowful look at his phone. “And it’s too late now.”


Chapter Notes
I'm so so sorry this chapter took so damn long lol. I promise the next chapter is going to be more lighthearted and fun and come way sooner! I estimate there's about 4 chapters left in the story.
After having just a minor, tiny breakdown from seeing the drama on Twitter, Draluc convinced himself to finish his meal and then go back home.
He took the two remaining blood vials with him, and then headed out the hotel door.
It was early in the morning; too late for any of the night life to be open, and too early for the regular daytime buzz to start.
Draluc strolled through the quiet streets, thinking about his next move. Nobody else was walking around, and an eerie fog had settled, giving the city an abandoned look.
I’m sure Ronaldo will just brush this off as the fans being too excitable. It has nothing to do with him anyways.
Draluc imagined the hunter’s reaction, and chuckled. Now that he wasn’t starving and had a moment to relax, he realized there was nothing to be worried about at all.
Ronaldo had probably just huffed at how Draluc was getting all the attention for simply existing in town, and rolled his eyes about how wrong people were about the relationship between the two.
Everything would be just fine, he just had to brush it off in a similar fashion until they both forgot about this.
Smiling at the thought, he arrived in front of their main office door.
He took a deep breath, and then opened the door slowly. Nobody was in the office area, so he walked into the living room.
He found Ronaldo curled up on the couch, cuddling John. Draluc couldn’t help feeling fondness well up inside him, and went to get a blanket for the two. They had clearly stayed up most of the night playing games and eating junk food, leaving a mess of pizza crumbs everywhere.
He would chastise them for that later.
He retrieved a blanket from the closet, and approached the couch. Draluc gently laid the blanket over the two, and tucked John in. Once he got closer, he noticed the tear tracks on Ronaldo’s face.
Draluc brushed Ronaldo’s bangs out of the way to get a better look. The hunter had a prevalent scowl even in his sleep, and didn’t seem to be getting much rest.
Don’t tell me that little “scandal” upset him that much?
The vampire sighed. Normally he wouldn’t have minded rubbing his popularity in the hunter’s face, but nothing about this situation was normal. Now was not the time to add gasoline to the fire and try to address the issue.
He glanced at the window. John had remembered to draw the curtains when he went to bed, but he could tell the sun was just barely rising.
Draluc decided to get a headstart on making breakfast, something a little more lavish than he would make. He walked into the kitchen, and started quietly prepping ingredients.
Ronaldo, scowling in his sleep, heard the familiar sounds of the kitchen and relaxed, drifting off further into his dreams…
Ronaldo woke up with a start, and checked his phone immediately. It was late in the morning, almost noon, and he still hadn’t received any messages from Draluc. He noticed that John had gotten up before him, and rose from the couch, peering over the back.
The coffin was securely closed, as it usually was during the day. Draluc had come back.
Ronaldo sighed, relieved that the vampire had come home. He had been half-worried that maybe the Draluc would have realized his long lost love for his childhood friend, and had already made the decision to move out, packing his bags during the night.
He wouldn’t have the chance to talk to the idiot until it was evening, but Ronaldo knew that he was getting absolutely nothing done today anyways.
He got up from the couch fully, and spotted food on the dining table. Normally Draluc made something quick and nutritious for both him and John, insisting that they keep a normal meal schedule.

But today was different, as everything had been in the past 2 days. On the table was an elegant full course meal, complete with scrambled eggs, a flatbread pastry dish with veggies in it, sliced bread, and an assortment of spreads. He had even set out some cut fruit in a cup.

As far as Ronaldo knew, Draluc only went to this level of effort when there was something he really wanted, or when he was in a really good mood.
His heart sank. There was no explanation other than the obvious one. He didn’t want to hear it, but Draluc would probably announce his intention to leave soon enough. He sat down at the table and grabbed the cutlery. Ronaldo carefully cut into the pastry and took a bite.
A wonderful assortment of flavors burst into his mouth, mixed in ways he wasn’t familiar with. It was probably a dish from Draluc’s home country. Whatever it was, he could feel the blissful nostalgia in each bite.
If Ronaldo had any tears left to cry, the waterworks might have started up again. But the well was empty and dry. But his heart rose just a bit, resolved.
If he really, truly loved Draluc, then he had to let him go. He couldn’t stand in the way of his happiness.
Draluc awoke in the evening, slightly exhausted from staying up late making breakfast. He grabbed his phone from underneath his pillow to check for messages.
Mihai: [Hey! While I’m here, let’s go do some sightseeing! Which places should we visit?]
Underneath Mihai’s message, a deluge of links to the official Yokohama tourism site were posted. The man was definitely scheming, but the vampire didn’t know what his friend’s plan was, especially after all of that buzz yesterday. Being seen together in public again would be sure to cause further misunderstandings and mayhem online for the Ronasen fans and Ronaldo.
But perhaps it didn’t factor at all into his plans, Mihai probably just wanted to really go tour the area after coming such a long way out.
Draluc smiled, and texted him back. He would play this cool, and it seemed like a fun distraction. Surely Ronaldo wouldn’t begrudge him a couple days off from work (he wasn’t even a hunter anyways) when his childhood friend was in town.
After finishing the texts, he lifted the lid off the coffin and climbed out.
John was sitting on the couch, reading a book. After hearing his master wake, he excitedly climbed the couch, and “nuu”-ed good evening.
“John, how was it last night?”
“Nu-nu-nu” John replied, shaking his head with his arms crossed.

“That bad!? He was super upset about MIhai?” Draluc frowned. He glanced briefly at the table.

It was pristine as usual, the dishes washed and put away. The hunter had definitely eaten his morning meal.
“At least he ate breakfast. That’s somewhat of a good sign?” How was he supposed to tell him about his plans for the next couple days if the hunter was in such a bad mood? He was definitely going to be dusted at least a few times by Ronaldo’s hands today.
Draluc went to the bath to get washed and dressed in his regular attire, and then paced around the apartment. The hunter wasn’t anywhere to be found, so he was probably out on assignment.
After getting bored of simply waiting, Draluc took out his QSQ and sat on one of the couches in the office area. John followed and was cuddled up to him on the couch, reading his book.
Sure enough, not even 15 minutes had passed when Ronaldo had returned.
“I’m home!” Ronaldo said out of sheer habit, not really expecting a response.
“W-Welcome back” Draluc responded, struggling to keep a normal, casual expression on his face. Seeing Ronaldo in the flesh thoroughly brought back the embarrassment from the twitter posts last night, so he decided to smile through the awkwardness.
Ronaldo took one look at Draluc, and could see that the vampire looked considerably healthier and happier since the last time he had seen him. He nodded at his companion before making his way to his desk to get started on some official reports to the Guild.
He was definitely being ignored. Ronaldo didn’t even talk about his day, or complain about whatever small time extermination he was sent to do. Normally the man was full of grievances that he needed to air towards Draluc, but he didn’t say a single thing. He didn’t even mention the breakfast that Draluc had worked so hard at making in the morning.
Even if the hunter had a gorilla brain, he usually managed a “Thanks” or some comment about how good the food was (it was always amazing, and Draluc was sure he had outdone himself this morning).
He pouted, but like John had said, Ronaldo was not in a good mood today at all.
He approached Ronaldo’s desk quietly.
The hunter braced himself. He gathered his courage before looking Draluc in the eye, using sheer willpower not to fall apart at the seams.
“John and I are going to be busy for the next couple nights. Mihai asked me to take him sightseeing around Yokohama.”
It wasn’t the worst case scenario he was imagining, but still, Ronaldo’s voice wavered. “Al~right, have fun!.....”
Draluc kept staring at him to see his reaction, but Ronaldo broke eye-contact. “There isn’t any urgent work that needs you, don’t worry about it.”
Sighing, Draluc walked back to the couch and picked up his QSQ before making his way into the living area.
“That’s good then! I’ll make sure to get you some souvenirs.”

Vampire Vacation

Chapter Notes
Ronaldo assumed that Draluc would be out completely for the next couple days while they were out sightseeing (going on dates). But instead, the vampire seemed to come back home during the early mornings, often right before the sun rose.
He didn’t see the vampire much during those days, but he could feel his presence. Every morning, Draluc cooked up Ronaldo’s favorites, and portioned them out into meals so the hunter wouldn’t go hungry.
The first day Draluc did it, Ronaldo assumed that Draluc had packed “lunch” for their trip to Yokohama Sea Paradise, and had simply made enough for Ronaldo to eat too.
But the food was too messy for a picnic, and it was Ronaldo’s favorite flavor of fried chicken hot wings. He scarfed them down quickly for dinner, wishing he could let Draluc know in person how good it tasted.
One day, soon, maybe, he wouldn’t be able to tell him.
The second day, Draluc woke up a little later than usual, shuffling into the bathroom. Ronaldo heard the shower and tub running. But more than forty five minutes had passed, and he still didn’t hear him come out of the bathroom.
Worried, he knocked on the door.
“Oi, Drac! Are you alright in there?” he said. He heard shuffling and the clinking of some items on the bathroom counter, before the door opened.
Steam filtered out of the room, as Draluc opened the door. The man was always well dressed, but even Ronaldo could tell that the suit he was wearing was particularly nice and fancy, with a nice subtle print and an adorable bowtie. His hair had been styled into its usual style, but it looked like not even a typhoon would break the kitty-eared look he always wore.
The hunter could smell a light, musky fragrance wafting off of the vampire.
Ronaldo froze in place, unable to take his eyes off the man. Without the cape that he normally wore, the lines of the suit drew him in, leading him to scan the vampire down and back up. Draluc’s normally small waist was accentuated even further, and Ronaldo wondered if he could fit his hands around him. Unmistakably, his face grew warm at the thought.
The two of them stood on opposite sides of the doorway, neither moving a muscle.
After a few seconds passed, Draluc folded his arms and leaned against the molding. Ronaldo’s face was bright red, and his eyes hadn’t made their way back up to his face.
“I don’t look that weird, do I? We’re going to a very high-class establishment.” said Draluc.
“W-wha…” Ronaldo sputtered. “N-no!” He turned around quickly.
“You were taking so long in the bathroom, I thought you might have passed out or gotten sick again…”
“Hmnnn….?” Draluc hummed. Ronaldo wore his heart on sleeve, so it was easy for Draluc to read him and understand what was going on in his head. But he didn’t dare draw conclusions from what he had just witnessed. He knew he looked great in suits when he wasn’t hiding behind his cloak. That didn’t necessarily mean anything about any deeper emotions.
“Well young man, thank you for the concern.” Still, that didn’t stop giddy feelings from bubbling up, knowing he had this effect on the other man. Even if it was only temporary.
A knock was heard at the main office door, and was answered by John, donned in a bowtie that matched Draluc’s. Mihai greeted the armadillo, and then picked him up, cooing at his cute outfit.
The man was dressed in a rather modestly boring, but appropriate, black suit and tie. Seeing neither Ronaldo nor Draluc in the main office, he walked into their living area.
“Draluc! We’re going to miss our reservation if we don’t leave now.”
“Sure, I just need to grab my wallet.” Draluc responded. After finding it in his coffin, he took one last look at Ronaldo; the man was hiding his face from the vampire’s eyes.
The hunter had walked away with the pretense of making himself some coffee. The tips of his ears were bright red, giving away the blushed expression that he was doing a bad job of trying to play off.
Draluc almost laughed out loud, but barely kept it under control.
Smirking, he said, “I left you some dinner in the fridge, make sure to heat it up in the oven before you eat it!”
Then, the two well dressed men and a well dressed armadillo left the apartment, on their way to a fancy restaurant in the same district as a Noh theater they had tickets to attend.
At the restaurant, once they had settled into their seats, Draluc studied Mihai.
[Oi, do you have some kind of magic powers that I don’t know about? Like, something that turns what you say into reality?]
Mihai attempted to keep a straight face, but started laughing instead.
[I’m definitely human, so no. The only magic power I have is seeing the obvious. I’ll be expecting my new system to be in pristine condition, just so you know.]
[Yeah, yeah. I’ll start checking around at the game stores].
At home, Ronaldo couldn’t keep himself from scrolling through Twitter. Even though he knew what Draluc’s actual plans were, he felt an impulse to check online to see if anyone else had witnessed the man in his finery. Sure enough, there were plenty of comments.
‘Oh my god, Dora-chan is on a date!’
There were a few discreet pictures taken of them entering the restaurant.
‘Do you think they’ll announce the breakup soon?’
‘I just really want this all to be a lie T-T. My otp can’t break up like this!’
I wish this wasn’t reality either , Ronaldo thought to himself. Were they really so close that almost everybody in Shin Yokohama already assumed they were committed? How had he never noticed?
Although Ronaldo asked himself these questions, he knew the answer. He had taken his partner, and all the things he had done for him, for granted. If he had even thought a little deeper about his inclinations, deep down he had wished that their lives would have continued like this, unchanging.
There were plenty of human customs designed to indicate that you wanted someone to stay by your side forever, now weren’t there?
Ronaldo struck that thought from his mind. Too late now, clearly. He kept scrolling.
‘D/ora-chan’s ass looks *chefs kiss* in those pants.’
Ronaldo was inclined to agree, but he threw his phone in frustration anyways.
The third day of their excursions, Draluc was dressed in a kimono, as if going to a festival.
“Where are you guys going today?” Ronaldo asked.
“Mihai wants to see the Sankeien Gardens, and thought it would be fun to dress up in traditional Japanese attire.” He answered, adjusting the cloth belt. “We’re going to a sea-side bathhouse afterwards.”
“I see, sounds fun.” Ronaldo answered, deflated.
Draluc paused for a moment to collect his thoughts. He took a quick intake of breath, before asking quickly:
“Would you like to come with us? If you don’t have any requests today.”
Ronaldo’s eyes widened. Why was he asking him to come along? Wouldn’t it be awkward to include a third person on their date? He really wanted to just say yes, even if just to ruin the quality time that the handsome bastard was getting with Draluc.
Pushing down the burning desire in his heart to say yes, Ronaldo averted his eyes.
“Unfortunately, I have business at the guild so I can’t.”
Draluc sighed, and nodded. “Of course, it’s too short notice. I hope you’ll look after John while I’m out.”
With words unsaid, Draluc left their apartment once more.
John, busy playing with his DJ set, turned to look at the hunter. When Ronaldo met his gaze, the armadillo shook his head in disapproval.
Chapter End Notes
All the places briefly mentioned in this chapter are real tourist sites I found on the official Yokohama tourism website!

Guild Gossip

Chapter Notes
Happy Valentine's Day! It's a late present from me, hope you enjoy~
It was a beautiful, clear evening, with a full moon. There was a light breeze, but luckily the kimono Draluc was wearing was heavy enough to make up for the lack of cloak. Mihai and Draluc had leisurely strolled around the gardens for approximately an hour, stopping every so often to take pictures. Although he couldn’t see it, Draluc could feel the presence of someone , lurking in the shadows.
Draluc really hoped that it was paparazzi and not Nudenium. As much as he was showing Mihai the sights of Yokohama, that was one sight he would rather avoid, thank you very much.
[You know, I was thinking about what you said earlier. About how I might have a chance with that stupid hunter.] Draluc spoke, clutching the side of his sleeve. [I tried inviting him today on our trip]
Mihai clapped his hands. [That’s wonderful! What did he say?]
[He said no, because of hunter work.] Draluc sighed.
Mihai smiled. [Oh really? That’s still a good sign though, right? That means he still wanted to come.]
[You’re definitely thinking too positively.] Draluc retorted. He crossed his arms. [He has been acting differently though, ever since we’ve been hanging out.]
Mihai grinned. [Oh, has he? I’m sure he’ll surprise you yet.]
Ronaldo wasn’t lying about having work at the guild. The guild master had asked him to compile some incident reports for the VRC (as a favor from Yomotsuzaka), and had given Ronaldo the task. Although it was a pain in the ass, Ronaldo really was the quickest and most efficient writer among the bunch.
After giving John a warning not to open the door for any strangers, Ronaldo found himself in front of the Hunter’s Guild. It looked like it was packed tonight.
He entered the bar, and was met with a rousing greeting from most of the hunters.
Ronaldo waved, and handed off his reports, before sitting at one of the tables with Satetsu and Sheena.
Koyuki dropped off a pint of beer for the man, same as what the others had ordered.
“I didn’t order this?”
“Father says it’s on the house!” she replied cheerfully. Ronaldo raised his glass to the Master as thanks, before taking a sip.
“Draluc-san isn’t with you today?” Satetsu asked earnestly.
Ronaldo took a bigger gulp than he originally intended, before setting the tankard down. “He’s out sightseeing with a friend.” He sighed.
“Oh my god, don’t tell me he’s with that good looking man in all the photos that are being spread around on twitter right now!” Sheena exclaimed. “Honey, what are you doing here?!”
Satetsu looked between Sheena and Ronaldo in confusion. “Who?”
Sheena took out her phone quickly, and pulled up the original photo of Draluc at the hotel. “I assumed it was some kind of mistake, like CGI or something…”
“Whoa, this guy looks like an actor!”
Ronaldo took an even bigger sip of his beer. There was only half left now.
“He’s apparently his childhood friend! They’ve been getting along suuu-per well these past couple’a days” Ronaldo hiccuped. “That guy is apparently a blood donor for Draluc.”
“Oh my….” said Sheena.
The group lapsed into silence.
“...But…isn’t Draluc-san your…uh…partner?” Satetsu asked carefully. He had a kind look in his eyes that pierced straight through Ronaldo’s stupid idiot past self.
Ronaldo finished the rest of the glass and then slammed his head on the table. The other two could hear a faint, muffled “Yes, but no!” and “I’m lower than a hornworm!”
Puzzled, Satetsu patted Ronaldo’s back comfortingly. Sheena, however, had quite the serious look on her face.
Hearing the commotion, the other hunters also approached the same table.
“I thought Ronaldo was making Dra-chan his wife, yes?” Ta-chan asked. Some of the other hunters also nodded.
Tearfully, Ronaldo lifted his head to actually look at the other hunters. “He’s a man though?”
Vamone facepalmed. He didn’t teach his disciple to be so dense.
“Dear, are you sure that Mr. Childhood Friend is Draluc-chan’s blood donor?” Sheena asked seriously.
Ronaldo nodded.
“Well then, this is only from what I’ve learned doing my own research into vampire culture, but it’s pretty common that designated blood donors are a vampire’s best friend or lover.”
“Yeah, so wouldn’t that make Ronaldo a donor?” Satetsu answered.
“Yup. You haven’t been fighting with Dra-chan for some stupid reason have you? When was the last time you fed him?” Sheena said.
Ronaldo stared at the hunters around him with a blank look.
“What are you guys talking about? He doesn’t usually drink blood from other people, though he’s been sick recently…”
“Wha-!” Sheena looked aghast. “Don’t tell me you haven’t fed him since the day he moved in with you?!!!!” she screamed.
The other hunters looked just as horrified to learn the implications of what they had just heard.
“You sadist! You’ve been starving him this entire time! Poor Draluc-chan!”
“He’s never asked me though!!” Ronaldo yelled back.
Shot shook his head. “Did you forget that you’re a hunter? There’s no way he could have asked outright without knowing if you were okay with it.”
A horrific flood of emotions started welling up in Ronaldo’s chest, threatening to burst out. “But now he doesn’t need me anymore!”
“Are you okay with that other man taking him away from you?” Sheena argues back. “Draluc-chan won’t be making you dinner in the future if you let that homewrecker steal your man! Grow some balls and get your boyfriend back right now!”
The other hunters started to echo Sheena, drunk off their ass.
“You can do it, Ronaldo-san!” Medoki cheered.
Ronaldo scanned the room, and even Vamone was giving him the thumbs up. The hunter’s eyes lit up, full of hope.
“Thank you, everyone!” He said quickly, as he then dashed out the main doors.
The other hunters went back to their original seats, discussing how dense Ronaldo was.
“Sheena-san, how did you know so much about vampires and blood drinking culture?” Satetsu asked.
Sheena pulled up a website on her phone, and showed it to Satetsu. It was the official “Human-Vampire Care and Feeding Association” website. On it, were several tabs of information targeted towards newly turned vampire humans and animals as well as their caretakers. Sheena then navigated to the “About Us” page, and pointed out one of the founders.
“This is the same man that was pictured in the paparazzi photos. Since I have a lot of vampire lovelies, I reached out to the founder through email months ago, asking for advice about taking care of them. We’ve been corresponding back and forth, so he even asked to meet up at a bar a couple weeks ago. I got a lot of great advice about making and storing blood vials!”
Satetsu looked at his friend, stunned. “Does that mean you knew what was happening the whole time?”
“Oh darling, call it a maiden's intuition~!”

Hunter and Prey, Part 1

Chapter Notes
Draluc and Mihai were relaxing in their shared room at the onsen, enjoying a dinner full of different seafood varieties. They had just finished their bath at the communal hot springs, and were wearing much lighter yukata. After walking around all evening in the heavy kimonos, Draluc was thankful for the break.
A small chime played on Mihai’s phone, and he picked up quickly. Reading the text, his face morphed from mild amusement to surprise. He then started laughing heartily as he texted back a reply.
[Draluc, I think I better get going soon.] Mihai said.
The vampire raised his eyebrow. [Why?]
[Well your boyfriend is coming, so I think I’d best make myself scarce.]
“Huh?!” Suddenly, Draluc felt panic rising in his chest, and felt like he would very much like to run away too. He stood up quickly, walking around the table they were sitting at.
He grabbed Mihai’s arm. “You’re just going to leave me here! Alone with that angry gorilla hunter who is definitely going to kill me?!”
“I thought that happened a lot, anyways?” Mihai replied. He stood up and started gathering things to pack up. Once he was finished, he began changing out of the yukata and into street clothes.
Draluc sighed as he turned around. “That’s not the point! Why did he suddenly change his mind anyway?”
[Hell if I know. I want to hear all about it tomorrow though! Don’t forget to call me.]
With a wink and a thumbs-up, Mihai left the room in a flash.
“Bastard…” Draluc muttered under his breath. He grabbed his cellphone, and then left the hotel room to head down to the lobby. If that idiot hunter was caught making a scene with the hotel staff, it would reflect severely on his public image. And Draluc didn’t know what his state of mind was, so it was just better for him to wait where he could see him, rather than cause problems for the poor receptionist.
Not more than twenty minutes had passed before he got a call from Ronaldo. Draluc answered, but it turned out to be unnecessary, as he spotted the bright red outfit of the man in question at the entrance to the lobby. He was panting heavily; clearly, he had run here as fast as possible. The vampire’s heart fluttered at the thought, his head full of clouds.
Draluc hung up the phone, and waved instead. Ronaldo spotted him after a few seconds of searching, and walked towards him robotically.
As soon as he got within five feet, the hunter began to speak, slightly out of breath. “I..I actually-”
“Not here.” Draluc said curtly, as he turned around. “Follow me.”
Quietly, the hunter followed behind, as Draluc tried to keep his undead heart from having another heart attack and sanding right there and then. If he was going to die an undignified death, it was at least going to be in the comfort of their room where they could actually relax without prying eyes.
He used his phone to unlock the door, and the two of them walked into the room together.
Draluc motioned towards the window, where there were two reclining seats angled towards each other with a small low table in the middle.
Ronaldo nodded and walked over, sitting up ramrod straight. Draluc picked up a sake glass from the dinner table (he needed the drink) and then sat, reclined properly. He crossed his legs and then took a sip, eyeing the hunter with curiosity.
From the outside, Draluc looked perfectly nonchalant, maybe even a little annoyed at his plans being interrupted.
Ronaldo glanced around the room.
“Where’s your friend?” He asked.
Draluc took another sip. “He left as soon as he heard that you were coming, I don’t know who told him though.”
Ronaldo nodded again, lost and unable to conjure up the words he had rushed over here to say.
C’mon, you’re Ronaldo the Great! Talking about some stupid feelings is the least of your worries. You just have to say them!
After a long pause with Drac staring at him, he took a deep breath.
Voice wavering, Ronaldo began to speak. “I.. I just wanted to say…”
“I wanted to say that I’m sorry!” Ronaldo said, waterworks beginning. Huge, ghibli-raindrop tears poured out of the man, staining his face.
Stunned, Draluc sat up, leaning forward. “Wha-.... why are you apologizing?”
The floodgates opened, both in Ronaldo’s tear ducts, and his heart.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m SO sorry that I never noticed, you were getting sicker and hungrier and I never even offered, even though we lived in the same apartment-
I’ve never even said thank you for everything, you must think I’m so ungrateful. You always did the majority of the chores even though I tried to help here and there. A-and It must have been annoying living with such a, such a useless asshole.
And I know it’s too late now, especially since you have Mihai now, but I wanted to tell you before you leave, that even though I never realized it before, that I love you. And I’m sorry that I’m an idiot and that it took so long for me to realize.” Ronaldo sobbed.
While Ronaldo was crying profusely, Draluc moved to sit on the coffee table in front of him.
“I know you might want to forget about me after everything I’ve done wrong, but I hope that I can still call you sometimes for recipes or to just chat maybe? I know that’s kind of weird to ask someone who’s moving out to live with their-”
Draluc cupped his hand over Ronaldo’s mouth, and gripped the hunter’s wrist as firmly as possible.

“Ronaldo-kun! Stop, stop talking!”

The hunter sat, speechless. Draluc moved his hands, cupping Ronaldo’s face now. He angled him so that they would be facing each other, eye to eye.
“What you just said, did you mean it?”
“About me calling you?” Ronaldo said earnestly.
Draluc gently wiped away his tears with his sleeve. “No, I meant the part before.”
“I…uh…yeah. I… love you. Maybe I’ve always loved you.”
A happy blush spread across Draluc’s face, as he started to smirk. “Idiot.”
The vampire leaned forward and kissed the tear tracks on the hunter’s face, and then he planted a light kiss on his lips.
“Wh…I..” Ronaldo.exe rebooted again.
“Me too, idiot.”
After Ronaldo calmed down, and the hotel staff had come to clear away the dishes and utensils discreetly, they both laid in bed under the sheets. It was the early hours of the morning,
Ronaldo had taken off his hat, gloves, belt, and hunter’s overcoat. He was lying in Draluc’s embrace, arms encircling the other man’s thin waist easily. Meanwhile, Draluc had been gently cording through the hunter’s hair.
Ronaldo could hear the inhumanly slow heart beat in Draluc’s chest.
“Hey Drac?”
“Yeah?” Draluc responded sleepily.
“How come you never asked?” Ronaldo asked quietly. “Even if you didn’t like me, you could have asked as a friend right? To donate blood. Or drank someone else’s when you were that hungry”
Ronaldo could hear Draluc’s heart rate speed up a bit. He hugged him even tighter.
“Well…” Draluc paused. This was too embarrassing to talk about, but he figured he owed Ronaldo a response given their current situation.
“You have to promise me you won’t get mad.”
Ronaldo nodded.
Draluc shuffled down a bit, and leaned in close to Ronaldo’s ear.
“The amount of times I’ve thought of pushing you down and biting directly into your plump little neck has occurred to me more times than I can count.” Draluc whispered. He then bent down slightly and licked Ronaldo’s carotid before planting another kiss.
“Even if I had asked, I couldn’t keep it friendly. And I didn’t want anyone else’s, just yours.”
Ronaldo shivered. He had never imagined that before, but now he severely wanted it. He pulled Draluc into a searing kiss, sticking his tongue in to lick at his fangs gingerly. A small cut developed on Ronaldo’s tongue, and Draluc suckled greedily. The vampire dared not to waste a single small drop of his lover's blood.
When Ronaldo pulled away, he leveled a heated look at the vampire. Even in the dark, Draluc could easily see how wide Ronaldo’s pupils had dilated.
“Then do it, bastard.” He quickly shucked off his turtleneck inside the sheets, throwing it somewhere else. “I’m all yours.”
Chapter End Notes
(*ノ▽ノ) Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Next chapter will probably cause the rating to go up.

Hunter and Prey, Part 2

Chapter Summary
It is the sexy-times chapter, beware! Just skip to the next chapter if that's not your thing.
Chapter Notes
Kind of a late birthday present to myself, finishing this chapter lol. Hope you like it!
Draluc gazed into Ronaldo’s eyes, looking for any sign of hesitation. “Ohoho, mesmerized by my charm already, Ronaldo-kun? How do you know you aren’t under my vampire thrall?”
Ronaldo got up from bed, giving the vampire a nonplussed look and a show of his toned upper body. After a second, he grabbed the yukata Draluc was wearing and tore it off his shoulders.
“Wha-! You brute! You totally ruined the mood-”
Ronaldo smirked. “Are you sure that you didn’t get swept off your feet by the irresistibly charming world famous hunter?” he quipped back.
Both of them stayed silent for a beat, before bursting into laughter.
“If you put that in your book, I’ll definitely find a way to embarass you in the news.” Draluc replied
“Yeah, even I cringed when I said that.” Ronaldo returned.
The vampire pulled the other man down for another gentle kiss. With both of their tops off, he could feel the burning heat radiating off of Ronaldo even more, as well as the strong -thump thump- of his excited heart. This close, it felt like Ronaldo’s rhythm was forcing Draluc’s to speed up to match his own.
After another leisurely kiss, Ronaldo separated and flipped them around, so that the vampire could straddle him. He gave him one last look of reassurance. He was ready.
Draluc licked his lips, before baring his fangs. He leaned forward, suckling a little further down than where he had kissed prior. He bit with little pressure at the junction between the neck and the shoulder, giving Ronaldo one last time to refuse. After no response other than a deep breath, he sunk his fangs into his lover, for the very first time.
Ronaldo would be lying if he wasn’t somewhat apprehensive about the ordeal, despite knowing that Draluc wouldn’t dare hurt him. The very first lesson taught to hunters was to resist the temptations of vampires, as they would do anything to lure their prey into a false sense of safety. He clenched his fists at his sides, before consciously opening up his hands, and grabbing Draluc’s back instead.
Curiously, instead of blood flowing out, it felt like something was being pushed in. Along with the physical pain of the fangs, a deep, burning sting developed in his neck at the site of the bite, and Ronaldo winced at the pain. It wasn’t unbearable, so he bit his lip, trying to calm his body down. The hunter wondered how other humans had been able to let vampires drink from them directly if it hurt this much…
Just as he had finished his thought, the stinging, burning sensation disappeared, being replaced with pleasant warmth. Ronaldo’s mind felt woozy all of the sudden, like he couldn’t keep his thoughts in order. His heart felt like it was about to pump out of his chest.
Draluc finished inserting the fangs, and let go of Ronaldo’s shoulder, licking the small traces of blood off his lips. He looked back up at Ronaldo, and saw the other man completely zoned out, pupils dilated.
Draluc grabbed Ronaldo’s face again, his cool hands grounding the hunter.
“Listen, you’re going to be okay, alright? You’re just having a strong reaction to the vampire venom since this is your first time. It probably hurt a lot at first, but it won’t hurt anymore”
Draluc stroked Ronaldo’s hair, before angling the hunter’s neck the other way. The blood was initially coming out at a trickle, but the venom had taken effect, and it was coming out just a little faster. The vampire licked the bite wound, suckling at the area like he would a hickey.
As the flow rate increased, he began to sip, and then drink, from Ronaldo. The strong iron tang of young blood filled Draluc, strengthening him. There was nothing quite like drinking from the source, Ronaldo filling Draluc’s belly with an unmistakable heat of a living, breathing human.
Meanwhile, the venom had finished spreading inside Ronaldo, relaxing him completely. He had heard what Draluc said (barely), and was slowly regaining control of his mind and body. He couldn’t do much more than grip Draluc closer to him, but that didn’t seem to bother the vampire anyways.
Every suckle, nip, and lapping of Draluc’s tongue against his neck felt like it went straight to his cock. Embarrassingly, he could only grind his clothed dick against the other man. Thankfully, Draluc returned the motion, grinding his hips against the hunter, as much as the limited space between them would allow.
Clearly, not taking off his pants before starting was a mistake. His member had grown erect quickly, straining at his pants and underwear. The more Draluc suckled, the harder his cock tried to break out. Given the strength of modern pants, this was turning into another painful sensation.
“Dra-Drac, p-please. Please. Please.” he panted, incoherent. “I can't,” He moaned.
The vampire snorted, “I can’t believe you’re making me do all the work here”. He leaned back and started undoing Ronaldo’s belt. The two of them briefly got up, simultaneously shoving both the pants and underwear off of the poor man.
Ronaldo jr. stood up proudly at full mast.
Realizing that Draluc’s yukata was fairly loose, Ronaldo reached underneath where it was open in front. Instead of helping Draluc out of his briefs like any reasonable person, he ripped the middle section open, essentially creating crotchless panties.
Feeling euphoric after drinking fresh blood, Draluc couldn’t find the will to care about how Ronaldo’s stupid gorilla strength had ruined his clothes.
Draluc leaned forward again, placing his lips towards the open wound on Ronaldo’s neck, licking hungrily. A little bit had regretfully dripped down from Ronaldo’s shoulder onto the sheets beneath them, but most of the blood had flown from the wound, down past the center valley between his pectorals, and pooled neatly in a little dip right above his abs. Draluc’s long tongue excitedly followed the trail, lapping up the red liquid, leaving nothing behind. In addition, he reached down to the hunters now accessible dick, lazily and lightly spreading the precome dribbling from the tip. That particular meal would have to wait for another night.
While the vampire was entertaining his chest, Ronaldo had other intentions. The rest of his body may have been relaxed, but Ronaldo jr. was raring to go. He would have worked on his cock to completion himself, but something told him that Draluc was only happy to round the bases with him tonight.
Ronaldo licked his fingers thoroughly, getting them as wet as possible. He then reached for Draluc’s slight ass, teasing and fingering the vampire’s taint and perineum. When Ronaldo brushed past his hole, Draluc moaned, enjoying the blissful feeling. Ronaldo continued to tease his ass, speeding up his circling motions.
As good as this felt, they both knew that if they wanted to go any further, they needed better lubrication. Loath to remove himself from such pleasure, Draluc ground down on Ronaldo’s fingers, letting the sweet sensation overtake him.
In a rush, Ronaldo flipped them over, so that he now dwarfed the vampire beneath him. The blood had mostly dried by this point, barely a drop had been seeping from the bite wound.
“Please tell me you have lube on you” the hunter said desperately.
Draluc smirked. “You animal, you expect to ravish me on the first day?”
Ronaldo frowned, and shuffled closer, his dick lined up with Draluc’s. He slowly began thrusting his hips. Pre-come from the two of them created a slick, delicious friction. Every powerful thrust was bringing them both closer to climax, raising the level of heat and pleasure exponentially.
“I’m fine finishing this way.” Ronaldo groaned.
After another thrust, Draluc finally broke. “Wait, wait! I have a small bottle in my bag.”
Sighing fondly, Ronaldo got up and searched Draluc’s tote. Just like the vampire said, there was a small pouch nestled among his day clothes, containing a small bottle of lube and a discreet medium sized vibrator. He grabbed the bottle and returned to the bed.

“Were you.. Y’know, planning on using this tonight?” The hunter’s sad puppy eyes were out in full force.

Draluc grabbed the bottle, spreading his legs, and then pouring some on his fingers. He slowly worked them into his ass, scissoring them in full view of the other man.

“The overnight stay was just for me, I wanted to take advantage of the private time.” Draluc replied.
Ronaldo hummed in assent, grateful for the other’s forward thinking. He leaned over Draluc’s prone body once again, his eager face in full view. They kissed slowly, while Draluc continued preparing himself for Ronaldo’s fairly impressive sized dick (Obviously nothing the experienced vampire couldn’t handle without ample time and prep, of course).
A few minutes later, Ronaldo finished their kiss, sitting back up. “Can I help?” he asked.
Draluc quirked his eyebrow, but then nodded, somewhat reluctantly. He was just about done with his preparation anyways. The vampire carefully removed his fingers, moaning a little at their removal.
Ronaldo poured too much lube on his fingers, and then immediately rubbed them at Draluc’s entrance. Initially, he slowly inserted his index finger, feeling around the other’s ass gently. The cold lube surprised Draluc, but it quickly warmed up in Ronaldo’s warm-blooded hands.
Ronaldo’s fingers were thicker and hotter than Draluc’s, so when he inserted a second, and then third finger and began scissoring them, it became almost too much for the vampire. Each small pump caused the vampire to pant, moaning in between. Just on his fingers, Draluc was already ready to come.
“Ro♡naa” Draluc whined, his body shaking. “No more~ I’m ready”
The hunter was as hard as he had ever been, so he was glad to hear it. He used the remaining lube on his fingers along with the pre-come to slick up his dick, and lined himself up with Draluc’s entrance.
With one more look of understanding exchanged between them, Ronaldo grabbed Draluc’s hips, and pushed in.
Even though Draluc was prepared, he still wasn’t mentally ready for how big Ronaldo really ended up being. When the other man entered, it felt like he was stretching every part of Draluc, molding him into a shape that would remember his cock. And the heat. Even with all their exertion, there was still a temperature difference between the living and the undead. The heat radiating off of Ronaldo from the inside felt like he was being slowly driven crazy in a fever pitch.
After waiting a minute or two, Draluc was finally able to get adjusted to Ronaldo’s size. He nudged him with his foot, and the other man got the hint, starting to thrust gently. They both started to pant heavily.
Draluc’s ass slowly became more relaxed and willing to accept Ronaldo’s size in its entirety. Noticing the lack of resistance, Ronaldo started thrusting deeper, aiming to rub deep and towards the top of the Draluc’s entrance.
The vampire started moaning loudly with every thrust, indicating that he was already close to climax. He started thrusting against Ronaldo himself, matching his timing to make the cock hit deeper than he had really reached before with his toys. Ronaldo felt like he could come just from hearing Draluc, but held on, attempting to make the other come first.
Less than a minute later, he felt the other man clench tightly, a hitch interrupting his moans. His hips raised up from the bed as a rush of pleasurable heat overtook him, and waves of orgasm washed over him as he came, spilling semen against his thin body. Those same undulations in his stomach massaged Ronaldo’s cock, causing him to cum inside the other man. Ronaldo thrust into Draluc one last time, actively coating the other man’s insides.
Ronaldo wanted to collapse on top of Draluc right then and there, but he knew better than to crush, and inevitably kill the other man, as durable as he was right now with fresh blood in him. He laid next to him, angling the other into a spooning position and wrapping his arms around Draluc’s waist. Draluc was already sleepy, so he allowed himself to snuggle against the man and resigned himself to cleaning up in the morning, when he realized that Ronaldo hadn’t removed himself from his hole.
“Hey, idiot, we can’t go to bed if you’re still inside.” He tried to turn around to face Ronaldo. He couldn’t because of Ronaldo’s iron grip holding him in place.
Ronaldo licked and kissed at the gap between the vampire’s shoulder and neck, before reaching down to play with Draluc’s spent dick. “Who said I was done?” he thrust lazily once more.
Draluc could feel Ronaldo’s soft cock hardening once more, and realized that they probably wouldn’t get any sleep tonight.


Chapter Notes
It was an hour before checkout time, and the two men had maybe gotten a few hours of sleep due to their nighttime activities. Draluc had awoken to his alarm, and realized that they had very little time before they needed to check out and get back home to avoid the morning sun. He shook the other man awake.
Ronaldo opened his eyes at the gentle prodding, but reached out for Draluc, dragging him back into his embrace.

Draluc rolled his eyes. “I feed you too well, you don’t need that much stamina”

“Shut up you hedonist psycho, I wasn’t the one screaming for more after the 4th time.” the hunter said with very little disapproval in his voice and a smirk on his face. He couldn’t stop smiling.
Draluc pushed Ronaldo away, and stretched his back like a cat, before realizing the state they had fallen asleep in. Feeling the certain substance trickle out, he rushed to the bathroom. Ronaldo followed so that the two of them could get cleaned up.
A couple days after the incident, Ronaldo and Draluc had discussed their relationship with Fukuma, and had planned an official press release alongside Ronaldo’s next novel, so that they could put an end to any rumors.
That didn’t stop them from being a shy couple in public, but everyone who knew the two personally breathed a sigh of relief. Ronaldo and Draluc had always been stupidly obivous, and not having to tiptoe around the issue was totally worth it.
About two weeks after Mihai left Japan, he received a fairly large package from Autumn Shoten with a Thank You note from Draluc. He unwrapped it, and sure enough, it was the Limited Edition Vintendo Switch that he had been dying to get his hands on!
He laughed, holding it in his hands carefully. [Babe, you have to come see this!]
Another vampire, who looked about 40 years old in human years, walked into the room holding a half-empty cup of coffee. He had slicked back white hair and glasses with thick, dark librarian frames. He was wearing a golden ring on his left hand.
Underneath his shirt, Mihai was wearing a golden ring on a necklace, too.
Chapter End Notes
AND THAT'S A WRAP!! I apologize for the long wait, and hope that this series was worth it for you guys to read! Thank you so much for all the lovely comments.

[personal profile]naivette


Work Text:

Marches woke up with a start, sweating profusely under the covers. It had happened again. Even though it had been a long time since both he and Oreldo had decided to trust Corporal Oland’s loyalty to the Pumpkin Scissors unit, Marches had the same nightmare this week about the classified tank incident in the Weapons department.  

Well, maybe nightmare was the wrong word. Marches remembered clearly how terrified he had been, seeing the tank coming right for him. Oland had scooped him up, firefighter style, and held on to him while he fought the tank at the expense of his own body. Oland’s eyes had been ruthless, single-mindedly focused on disposing of the threat. 

His clear bloodlust had been burned into Marches’ brain. Of course he had been having nightmares. At least, that’s what he had been telling himself. 

Yet, why was it that that incident couldn’t leave his mind? More than the tank or the mortal danger that Oland had posed, his “nightmares” had focused heavily on the feeling of being hoisted. Carried. Pinned, unable to move, under Oland’s grip. Right on the edge of danger, yet safe in Oland’s arms. 

No. Definitely not. He refused to explore that point any further. He felt like he was losing his mind. Poor innocent Randel would probably cry if he knew that Marches was having those kinds of thoughts about him. This definitely didn’t mean anything. 

He sighed, turning over in his bed. He just needed to go back to sleep. 

It was probably only his curiosity getting the best of him. Marches knew he was small, but he never thought he was so light as to be easily carried by another human being. Right, he was just in awe of Oland’s strength. Not the fact that he maybe liked the feeling a little bit. 

After coming to a conclusion that satisfied him, he fell asleep again, this time peacefully. 


The next morning, Marches arrived at the Section 3 office at his usual time. Captain Hunks and Stecchin were already there, at their usual desks. Breathing a sigh of relief, he went to go make them all a pot of coffee. 

Stecchin noticed Marches, and gave him a bright “Good morning!” 

“Morning” Marches replied.

Stecchin looked at him, confused about his current demeanor. The poor Warrant Officer looked like he hadn’t slept much last night, and something was clearly on his mind. She glanced at Hunks, who met her gaze. He nodded. Go cheer him up , was what she chose to interpret it as. 

“Marches-san! I can make the coffee, it’s fine!” She said as she approached the young officer. 

Marches smiled. “It’s okay Stecchin, I should get coffee duty at least some of the time.” 

They chatted amicably about the amount of paperwork that had piled up in the unit, and about a cute cat that Stecchin had spotted not far from the building. As they spoke, Marches seemed to relax. 

They both finally sat down at their respective desks, ready to start work, when Lt. Malvin entered the office, followed by Oland and Oreldo. 

“Hey man, morning!” Oreldo said, sitting in his usual seat. Marches stiffened again; rather than greeting him as usual, Marches replied with a simple “Hey”. 

Oreldo looked at his friend suspiciously, then glanced at the Captain. Hunks shrugged. I have no idea what’s wrong with him

Oland looked on, politely worried, but he kept it to himself. 

“Look alive people! We have another assignment for today!” Alice said. Oreldo groaned. 


The rest of the day went by quickly; it always did when they were out in the field, distributing supplies or doing inspections of the city. Surprisingly, nothing extraordinary happened today, and everything went smoothly as planned. 

Marches was driving them back, while staying uncharacteristically quiet. He felt like he had been jumpy around Corporal Oland, and he earnestly felt guilty for that. There was even a moment where Oland had reached past him for a box, and he startled immediately, backing away in surprise. 

Like this, it felt like Marches was back at square one. He knew that in his heart, he didn’t distrust or even dislike his coworker. But his actions made it seem that way, and explaining to the rest of the team what was on his mind was just not an option right now. 

What was he supposed to tell them? I had a dream last night, and maybe I liked the thought of being manhandled by another man? Ugh. When he woke up this morning, he already came to the correct conclusion, but didn’t want to admit it to himself, instead moping about, making trouble for the others. He would apologize to Oland later. 

Outwardly, Marches scowled at himself. Even Alice had noticed that Marches was acting weird, and decided to put an end to this nonsense. 

“Marches! What is going on with you today!” She said boldly. 

Oreldo blanched; he knew that when Marches got into one of his moods, it was better to just leave it alone. The guy eventually found himself a way out of the maze in his mind. 

Marches, stunned out of his stupor, turned to look at the Lieutenant briefly. “Sorry Lt., I didn’t get a lot of sleep last night; I was thinking about something that kept me up.” 

“Like what?” Alice asked. 

Marches blushed. “I…I don’t think I want to talk about it. It’s not related to work anyways.” 

“Hmph.” Alice crossed her arms. Annoyed as she was, she didn’t really want to press him any further. 

However, Marches reaction piqued Oreldo’s interest. He could practically smell the secret that his friend was hiding, and he would get it out of him the way only a best friend could. 


Oreldo managed to successfully bully Marches into coming drinking with him, and Marches greatly regretted it. He knew he was about to be grilled for information, so he kept telling himself that he just needed to keep this one thing a secret from the other man. And to stop drinking before he puked again.

“Geez, why are you so insistent that I come drinking with you!” Marches said, feigning ignorance. 

Oreldo chuckled. “What, and go bar hopping by myself? That’s just too boring. You need to relax anyway.”

“I don’t consider drinking excessive amounts of alcohol to be relaxing” Marches countered, but he still followed Oreldo. 

The two of them entered a bar they frequented, however, it was completely packed with all the seats taken save for two stools next to the counter. 

“Damn it’s busy tonight.” Oreldo said. Marches sighed.

They took their seats at the counter, and ordered beers to start. They drank, and chatted happily. Oreldo wouldn’t shut up about whatever new girl he met the other night, and Marches nodded, used to the types of stories that Oreldo told. A couple beers in, Marches felt that signature dizziness that came with being buzzed, and accidentally leaned back. 

The bar stools didn’t have a back, so Marches promptly fell backwards, unable to grab hold of the counter. Oreldo didn’t notice Marches falling until it was too late, but fortunately, the bar was packed. Another customer seated at a table behind them managed to see Marches, and got up quickly, catching him before he hit the floor. Currently, the officer was leaning against this stranger's chest, while the man supported his back in a sort of standing princess carry. 

Marches was dazed, but realized what had happened. He immediately scrambled out of the other man’s arms, thoroughly mortified. “I’m sorry about that!” He said, before he even saw the other man’s face. His face had grown beet red as he stared at the floor. Oreldo watched, in slight shock as to what had just happened.

The other man laughed. “Haha don’t worry about it sonny! I didn’t know they let damsels become officers in the army too!” The man's other friends also chuckled, and went back to their conversation. 

Marches went back to his seat, and sighed again. Oreldo scowled, and leaned in close. “Hey, want me to go punch him for you?” He whispered. 

Marches gave Oreldo a resigned smile, and shook his head. “Nah, just forget about it.” 

Oreldo didn’t miss the fact that Marches’ face was still flushed, more than the usual amount when he got buzzed or drunk. He raised his eyebrow, but decided that they could talk later, when they weren’t surrounded by drunkards in a busy bar. 


Not long after, both Oreldo and Marches decided that they had enough fun, and that it was time to go home. They paid for their drinks, and started the short walk home in the cool night air. The light breeze felt like it would do a good job sobering them up before they got back to the barracks.  

“Hey man, what’s really been going on with you?” Oreldo asked pointedly. 

Surprised, Marches missed seeing a rather large pebble on the road and stepped awkwardly, tripping forward. This time, Oreldo was close enough to catch him, supporting him by the waist. 

“Really, why are you tripping all over yourself like this? Clearly there’s something bothering you.” said Oreldo in a huff. Before he could let go like normal, Marches pushed him away forcefully. 


“Shut up! I don’t know why everyone needs to know about something that’s only my business!” Marches said, panting. He couldn’t believe that he had to be caught twice today, just like in his cursed dreams. Being reminded of his nighttime thoughts, he blushed again. “Just leave me alone! I’m sure I’ll get over this eventually!” He said, clutching his body, as if to reassure himself. 

He wanted to run away. He didn’t want to have this conversation, especially not with Oreldo. Not with his best friend. He turned around, ready to sprint, but Oreldo caught his arm before could even take another step. 

Marches glanced back, seeing Oreldo looking supremely pissed. “What the hell do you think you’re doing? You’re so distracted right now that you would put all of us in danger during a real mission! And you won’t even ask for help!” 

Marches couldn’t meet Oreldo’s eyes, but he calmed down, no longer looking so flighty. He even had the sense to look a little ashamed about his childish behavior. 

“I…” he trailed off. There was no way he was getting out of this without spilling the beans, he just hoped that Oreldo wouldn’t walk away disgusted afterwards. “If I told you… I dunno if you’d want to be friends anymore.” 

Oreldo let go of Marches arm, and crossed his own. “C’mon man, it can’t be that bad.”

The shorter man sighed. “Well… I’ve been having these weird dreams lately.. And I think I might not be as straight as I thought I was?” 

Oreldo stood there with a neutral expression on his face. “Just because of a couple of dreams?”

Marches nodded. “I thought they were nightmares at first honestly. I..uh.. Don’t really wanna get into the details.” 

Oreldo frowned. “If they’re nightmares, then why would you think…” 

Marches covered his face. “Ugh fine I’ll tell you. But promise not to laugh.”

Oreldo knew he wouldn’t be able to keep the promise. “Yeah, go ahead.”

Without removing his hands, Marches started talking. “Remember how I almost got run over by that one tank in the weapons department?”


“Well, remember how Oland had to save me by carrying me? A lot of my dreams have featured…. That sort of thing… recently.” Marches felt so defeated, he squatted on the sidewalk. 

Oreldo started to chuckle, before laughing in earnest. Marches faced him in anger. “You promised you wouldn’t laugh!” 

“S-so what you’re telling me is.. That Corporal Randel Oland turned you gay? Ahahaha” 

Marches grabbed Oreldo’s collar and shook him. “Shut up! I still like women!” 

Oreldo attempted to wipe the tears of laughter away, meeting his friend’s gaze. “And you were moping about your new found attraction to men?” Oreldo said, trying to keep the giggles under control now. 

Marches let go, and stormed off. Oreldo followed behind. As Oreldo got closer, Marches attempted to walk faster and put more distance between them. 

“Marches! Wait!” Oreldo said. Marches stopped, but didn’t look back at him. His shoulders were hunched, and he was clasping one arm over his other elbow. 

Oreldo walked until he was in front of Marches, and could clearly see his face. The other man’s expression was twisted with despair and hurt. 

Oreldo felt bad about his reaction, but he didn’t know if he could say anything to make the other man feel better. Instead, he smothered Marches in a bear hug. 


“Look, I’m sorry. I don’t really care who you like, we’ll still be friends.” Oreldo patted his back while maintaining a firm grip.

Marches tried to push away, but couldn’t this time, due the weird position of his arms. He relaxed the tension in his arms, and briefly returned the hug. 

After a moment, Oreldo let go of the hug. He then proceeded to ruffle Marches’ hair. “All this means is that you’re doubly a virgin now!” 

Marches, eyes glassy and face flushed, cracked a smile. He really wanted to call the other man out for being an asshole, but he could only look at him and reply, “Thanks Oreldo.” 

Briefly, Oreldo felt his heart squeeze just a little, leaving a pang in his chest. 

[personal profile]naivette


Snowstorm Embrace

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Pumpkin Scissors
Relationship: Oreldo/Marches
Character: Oreldo (Pumpkin Scissors), Martis (Pumpkin Scissors), Machs (Pumpkin Scissors), Marchs (Pumpkin Scissors), Marches (Pumpkin Scissors), Alice L. Malvin, Randel Oland
Additional Tags: Spooning, Sharing a Bed, Hypothermia, Mild Hurt/Comfort, It counts as sharing the bed even if they're on the floor okay!
Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Signs of Love (Oreldo/Marches)
Published: 2022-05-26
Words: 1498


Set during the Essan episode.

Marches' condition is getting worse. With no way to build a stronger fire, desperate times call for desperate measures. The team decides there's only one thing they can do, to keep Marches warm.



After Oland’s mistake of asking the Lieutenant to “sleep together, huddled like sheep” receiving adequate punishment, they had all agreed that although it would be embarrassing, someone had to do just that for Marches. They didn’t have enough fuel to make the fire any hotter, and his condition was worsening by the hour. 

Begrudgingly (not really), Oreldo agreed to the task. Ideally, they all could have huddled together, but the blankets just weren’t big enough to make that feasible and keep Marches warm and comfortable at the same time. 

The Lieutenant and Oland laid down on the cabin floor with a respectable distance between them, and fell asleep quickly. 

Seriously, these guys are two peas in a pod!  Oreldo had to laugh. All it took was a life threatening situation to get those two unromantic knuckleheads to sleep together, and they couldn’t even bring themselves to take advantage of the situation to snuggle a little bit. What a waste. 

Oreldo glanced back at Marches, who was fitfully asleep next to the fire they had made. He climbed in under the sheets next to the other man, and scooted himself closer. They both still had on their coats, since the cabin was already deathly cold. 

Oreldo wrapped his arms around Marches, letting one arm act as a pillow while the other grabbed his middle, pulling him as close as possible. It was a little awkward since Marches was still lying on his back, but this was the best Oreldo could do given the other’s injuries. 

And so, Oreldo waited. He could feel the siren call of sleep, dragging him down, but he had a job to do. A few minutes passed, with Oreldo fighting his need to sleep the whole way.

Marches was still shivering, and breathing quickly. This was a bad sign, he was wasting too much energy shivering, and losing heat and moisture through his breaths. The longer this went on, the weaker he would become. 

There was only one solution. They had learned about fighting hypothermia during their basic training, but Oreldo never imagined that he would need to use that information after he joined Section 3. It was awfully cold, but he started stripping off his top coat, shirt, undershirt, and thermals while under the blankets, keeping them nearby. 

“Sorry Marches, this is for your own good. You can nag me later about how perverted I am” Oreldo whispered. 

It was a little difficult to do the same for Marches, but Oreldo managed to strip the other man while keeping the covers tight around them. Now, with both of their top halves exposed, Oreldo initiated their embrace again. This time, he grabbed Marches’ midsection, spooning the other man. With his bare chest covering the other man’s back, he would lose less heat, and Oreldo could warm his companion up. 

Marches continued to shiver, and Oreldo could feel the other man’s heartbeat desperately fluttering like a hummingbird struggling to stay in the air. A gnawing, sick feeling began to fill his thoughts. What if Marches only got worse? They were far from the town of Essan, let alone being able to call for help from their home base. The bandits wouldn’t care that there was one less soldier to eliminate. 

If he died here, Lieutenant Malvin might even force them to leave his body here, and continue on with the mission. Or worse, they would attempt to carry Marches’ body with them, and possibly fail the mission and get themselves all killed. Four stupid intelligence officers outwitted by a bunch of mountain bandits in a blizzard, leading to the many sick people of Essan dying too. 

No, he couldn’t let that happen. Oreldo gripped Marches tighter. He began stripping off his pants, and then quickly shoved Marches’ pants off too, unceremoniously kicking them elsewhere. Oreldo carefully hugged Marches, making sure to cover as much of him as possible without aggravating his injuries. He also began running his hands gently over the man’s front, attempting to find any cold spots and warm them up too.

Oreldo was never a religious man, but he began to pray. Please, please, don’t let this be the way he dies. He deserved so much better. He deserved to have found a lover at the very least. I’m begging you, please, save him. Please, let this work. Please, please, please…

He continued to pray desperately, until he fell asleep. Unbeknownst to Oreldo, his efforts had succeeded. Marches had stopped shivering, and relaxed into the other man’s embrace. His breathing had slowed to a normal rate. 


The first person to wake up in their group was Alice. She climbed out of their blanket, careful not to wake Oland. 

She surveyed the area outside the cabin briefly through the windows, and then crawled over to Marches to check on his condition. 

Both Marches and Oreldo were still asleep. Puzzlingly, they were tangled together, a little less like sheep and more like how she sometimes found Elis and her husband, tangled together on the couch after staying up into the late hours conversing about some topic. 

Alice took off one of her gloves, and pressed her bare hand to Marches’ forehead. She couldn’t feel anything abnormally warm, a good sign. Whatever Oreldo had done, it had worked. 

They still had another hour, so she returned back to the other side of the room, where Oland was sleeping, and began packing their things and preparing for their departure. 


In the depths of his sleep, Marches could hear light footsteps approaching. The figure stood above him, and then briefly placed their hand on his forehead. Marches stirred from his warm cocoon, gaining awareness of the real world. He wasn’t in his bed at the barracks, they were out on a mission to Essan to deliver some goods. 

He had gotten injured, and the rest of the team had carried him to the cabin that they were now in. The last thing Marches remembered was that he had passed out while it was freezing. Had they started a fire? 

He assumed that had to be the case, since he was decidedly not freezing to death. But then, why did it feel like he was wrapped in its warmth? 

Slowly waking up, Marches shifted his body and attempted to stretch his legs unsuccessfully.. Eyes still closed, he finally woke up completely and understood the situation that he was in. 

The warmth he was wrapped in was Oreldo. The body behind him was only a little bigger, and flat. So it couldn’t have been the Lieutenant, or Oland. 

Oreldo was spooning him from behind, making full contact with any open skin he could cover. And, healthy young man that he was, Oreldo jr. was also making contact, delightfully upright and saluting. 

Marches would have scrambled out of the sheets if he could manage it without waking the other man, but Oreldo’s grip was steadfast, and unmovable. He knew that the other man hadn’t just snuggled him for no reason. It was a last ditch effort at combating hypothermia, something they all had learned during basic training. 

But yet, that didn’t make the situation any less embarrassing. And it didn’t make the fact that he was now slightly enjoying being in Oreldo’s arms any less true. 

Although they would have to get up soon, and Marches was already awake, he decided not to stir, and continue being “asleep”. Oreldo would let go eventually, and then they could both forget that this happened or laugh about it as a funny story.  

A few minutes later, Oreldo groaned, finally awake. His left arm, used by Marches as a pillow, was feeling numb and tingly. Slowly, he started carefully untangling them, extricating himself. Oreldo felt Marches forehead with his right hand; pleased that Marches seemed better (and very much alive), he swiftly dressed both himself and the shorter man under the sheets.

He got them both dressed in record time, clearly experienced from his nighttime endeavors. Marches wanted to wait for the right time to “wake up”. Oreldo was still lying right next to him. Just before he could open his eyes, the blonde hovered over Marches, face drawing closer. 

“Thank you, god” he murmured, kissing Marches' neck, directly behind his ear. His lips lingered briefly, but he pulled away not long after. 

Oreldo got up, and made his way over to Alice and Randel, ready to discuss their plans for leaving the cabin. 

How….how was he supposed to react to that! Marches blushed bright red. That was the most sincere he had ever seen the other man. Hearing his voice right next to his ear, whispering, made a fuzzy tingle spread throughout Marches’ chest. Although he knew that Oreldo was callous, sleeping around with any pretty girl who would have him, he began to understand the appeal. 

How was anybody supposed to resist someone so charming?! Marches wasn’t sure if he would be able to forget, or even laugh about this later. 

End Notes

The way I fangirled so hard at this episode. It had such good content for both RandAlice and OreMar. Even though it was technically filler, the anime producers are galaxy brained at making things adorable! (The baby episode was amazing too).

I have Pumpkin Scissors brainworms right now, and I will not be stopped. I still have two ideas left, and the next one is about a Soulmate AU. Thank you for reading!