Disclaimer: Obviously KHR is not owned by me.

Warnings: The story will definitely contain slash and fem!slash implications. Beware!

A New Day


/Chapter One/

Tsuna woke up normally, brushed his teeth normally, and got ready for school normally, as usual. His life could be described as nothing but a string of everyday events with no fantastic occurrences or Vongola ANYWHERE.

What a nice thought.

Tsuna woke up from his nice dream, to the foot of Reborn wedged in his face.

"Dame-tsuna! What kind of mafia boss doesn't get up in time to get ready for school!" Reborn gave a few more disciplinary kicks before walking off to partake in Maman's wonderful breakfast. Tsuna winced at the pain and dragged his ass out of bed. By the time good-for-nothing-Tsuna had gotten ready for school and appeared at the kitchen table, all of Maman's breakfast was eaten by those leechers.

Tsuna frowned at his predicament when Maman graciously handed an extra large bento filled with all the things he loved. "So you don't get hungry!" Maman assured him as she encouraged her son out the door. "Have a nice day!"

"I'll try!" Tsuna responded pathetically. Reborn sighed as he finished his coffee.

"What is it Reborn?" Bianchi asked, giving him his extra-long-lovely-morning-hug.

"Tsuna just isn't as confident as he should be, even though he has proven himself to be capable when he tries." Reborn glared at Bianchi to get her to release before heading out after Tsuna. Bianchi, forlorn from that exchange, cried towards Maman. "All he ever talks about is his precious student! I wish I had as big a place in his heart!"

Patting Bianchi's shoulder reassuringly, Maman's motherly senses were telling her that today would be an extra special day, and she decided to cook a feast for dinner tonight.

Meanwhile, Tsuna was soon accosted by Gokudera and Yamamoto, lively as usual. "You baseball-bastard! Can't you think of anything but sports? Of course you wouldn't admit your feelings to someone without making sure THEY liked you first!" Gokudera shot an embarrassed look at Tsuna before continuing. "Anyways, what kind of idiot doesn't know how to confess their feelings? Who is this unlucky girl?"

Yamamoto gave a small smile and stared out into space, not bothering to answer the question. Gokudera managed to stay in a pissed off mood the rest of the walk to school, but made sure to apologize to Tsuna for the baseball-bastard's idiocy.

"Really Gokudera-kun, you're a little too rough on Yamamoto-kun sometimes. I mean, it's not like you hate him, right?" Tsuna wondered why Gokudera always became so fierce when it came to Yamamoto. Gokudera sputtered at he question, refusing to show any leniency towards Yamamoto. The trio passed through the school gates and made it to class on time, despite Ryohei and his insistence that Tsuna join the boxing club.

Tsuna sat down in his seat and sneaked a glance at Kyoko. She looked especially stunnng today in her school uniform and pink hair ribbon. Hair ribbon? That was new. Well no matter, it looked especially beautiful on her, only enhancing her natural cuteness. Tsuna stared at Kyoko for a good five minutes before he realized that class had already started, and scrambled to get his attention back to their homeroom teacher.

Wait. Was their homeroom teacher always a blue haired man with a hairstyle that looked like a pineapple and hetero-chromatic eyes?

"Alright class, I've been told by Principal Hibari to announce an upcoming cultural festival and the celebration of.." Just as quickly as Tsuna had started paying attention, his motivation to listen to the morning announcements had been lost. Tsuna rested his chin on his hand, waiting for lunch to arrive so he could finally eat. Images of Kyoko in a wedding dress and him finally being able to beat Gokudera at chess wafted through his mind during all the morning classes.

All of the sudden, Gokudera started waving his hand in front of Tsuna's face "Juudaime, are you alright? You haven't responded to anything I've said!" Tsuna blinked his eyes as he glanced up at the classroom clock.

"Er.. what were you saying again, Gokudera-kun?"

Gokudera frowned, and gave a look of honest concern as he dutifully repeated what he had just said. "I was asking if you wanted to eat on the rooftop today, since today is such a nice day! Yamamoto went to get our lunches and said he would meet up with us later." Tsuna pondered the possibility of eating lunch with Kyoko, but shot down the possibility and replied, "Sounds good to me. I have a bento today so I hope Yamamoto isn't buying me lunch. Thanks for worrying about me Gokudera-kun, you're always such a good friend!"

Gokudera turned red at the compliment and beamed at Tsuna. "Of course Juudaime! You're the most amazing man I know. You're definitely going to be the tenth Vongola boss and that means I have to make sure to take care of you as your right hand man!"

Tsuna and Gokudera exited the classroom and made their way up the stairs. As they climbed, Tsuna wondered why an awkward silence had settled itself between the two, but chose to ignore it.