KoboFileServer: Another Method of Wirelessly Transferring Epubs to Kobo
Oct. 19, 2024 2:45 PM
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The easiest accepted method of wirelessly transferring epubs to Kobo is to use a website called https://send.djazz.se/ . All you have to do is open the website in the browser on your eReader, and on the device you're sending the file from. You can upload your epub, and then it converts the file for you and offers you a download on your Kobo or Kindle. This is by far the most user friendly method.
The problem with Send Djazz is it's run by a single individual, on a personal home server. Most people either don't have the technical skills, or don't want to go through the hassle of hosting their own private version of the Send2Ereader software that Send Djazz is hosting. So when they have to shut down their server for weather, power, or internet disruptions, the website is taken offline. You simply have to wait until they bring the website back up online.
What if there was a way to not only transfer epubs wirelessly, but convert them to kepub using the kobo itself? While searching for a solution, I found this mod, the KoboFileServer. You can enable this mod, and use your device browser to upload an epub. The device will then convert it to kepub, and save it!
It's not perfect, since you still need to be connected to AN internet connection, but the nice thing about it is that it isn't reliant on some 3rd party service. You can turn it off and on as necessary. Once I got it working, it worked flawlessly every single time.
If you'd like to try installing this mod, here are the steps I took to get it working on my Kobo Libra Colour:
You can follow the instructions on the linked website, but I've also copied them below.
- Connect your Kobo eReader to your computer over USB. It will show up similar to a USB drive.
- Download KoboRoot.tgz (release notes) onto your computer, and then transfer into KOBOeReader/.kobo on your Kobo device. You may need to show hidden files to see the folder.
- Safely eject your eReader and wait for it to reboot. It will install NickelMenu as an update. DO NOT REBOOT DURING THIS PROCESS.
- Ensure there is a new menu item in the top-left main menu entitled NickelMenu (it will appear in the bottom-right on firmware 4.23.15505+).
- Connect you Kobo eReader to your computer again and create a new file (of any type) named "config" (no extension) under KOBOeReader/.adds/nm/, and
follow the instructions inKOBOeReader/.adds/nm/docto configure NickelMenu. - We will cover the config in a different section, but NickelMenu makes it possible to add all kinds of cool customizations to your Kobo. Other than NickelSeries it's my favorite mod.
Step 2: Install FBInk
- Download the FBink install file from here. This file was modified (by me!) to work with Kobos up to the current gen, which includes Kobo Libra Colour. Rename the file to "KoboRoot.tgz".
- Similar to Nickel Menu, transfer the KoboRoot.tgz file from this download to the KOBOeReader/.kobo folder, and then eject. The ereader will install this as an update.
- You won't see any changes, but your FBink install is done!
Step 3: Install KoboFileServer
Ironically the easiest part of this whole process.
- Download the latest release of KoboFileServer from here. You should download the one titled "Release_v0.7.0.zip" or whatever is newer.
- Unzip the file.
- Put the KoboFileServer folder in KOBOeReader/.adds folder of device.
- Create a new "kobofileserver" folder under the root of the device (under KOBOeReader not in any subfolders).
- Modify NickelMenu config file (see next section).
Step 4: Configure Nickelmenu
- You need to copy and paste the following command text into the "config" file you created earlier, located under KOBOeReader/.adds/nm/config. Afterwards, you can save, and eject your ereader.
menu_item :main :Force Wi-Fi On (toggle) :nickel_setting :toggle:force_wifi
menu_item :main :IP Address :cmd_output :500:/sbin/ifconfig | /usr/bin/awk '/inet addr/{print substr($2,6)}'
menu_item :main :Import Books :nickel_misc :rescan_books_full
menu_item :main :KoboFileServer (toggle) :cmd_output :500:quiet :/usr/bin/pkill -f "^/mnt/onboard/.adds/KoboFileServer/kobofileserver"
chain_failure :cmd_spawn :quiet :exec /mnt/onboard/.adds/KoboFileServer/kobofileserver.sh
chain_failure :dbg_toast :Error starting KoboFileServer
chain_success :dbg_toast :Stopped KoboFileServer
Copying and pasting the commands above will show the follow commands in NickelMenu
- Force Wifi On (Toggle)
- IP Address
- Import Books
- KoboFileServer (Toggle)
Here are the steps to activate and use KoboFileSever
- In NickelMenu, press "Force Wifi On (Toggle)". This will force your wifi to stay on.
- Press "KoboFileServer (Toggle)". This will display a QR code on the screen.
- Use your phone to scan the QR code, it will bring you to an IP address in the browser.
- Upload your epub file.
- Turn off KoboFileServer and the Force Wifi toggles.
- Press "Import Books".
- Your Kobo will scan for new books on the device. It will import the book you just uploaded.
- Success! Your book will show up on your kobo.
What if there's no QRcode displayed?
- This means that the FBink install doesn't contain the code needed for your specific device. There's a way to update it (which I'll detail below). You don't absolutely need the QR code. You can simply display the IP address necessary through the IP Address command in Nickelmenu, and type that into your device.
How to update FBInk?
- Create a github account and login.
- Go to https://github.com/NiLuJe/FBInk/actions/workflows/build.yaml
- Select the latest build.
- Download the FBink file attached to the latest build under Artifacts (at the bottom).
- Keep unzipping the FBink.zip file until there aren't any zipped folders anymore (you need 7zip to unzip all the different types).
- Copy the FBink file.
- Download the latest FBink release from here: https://github.com/NiLuJe/FBInk/releases
- Keep unzipping the .tar.xz file until it's just a folder that says "KoboRoot"
- Navigate to KoboRoot\usr\bin
- Replace the old FBink file with the new FBink file you downloaded.
- Zip everything back up from the \usr folder, first in the .tar format, then in the gzip format. This should lead to a file that says KoboRoot.tar.gz.
- Rename "KoboRoot.tar.gz" to "KoboRoot.tgz".
- Install onto your Kobo under KOBOeReader/.kobo
- This should lead to FBink working, and a QR code displaying on your screen.